Fox News National Poll Shows Ted Cruz Has Destroyed Trump’s Lead

Ted-Cruz-AP-4-640x480Fox News has tweeted the latest result from their national polling on Saturday and it shows Ted Cruz has narrowed Trump’s previous huge lead from 18% to just 3%!

At The Right Scoop, Soopermexican points out the results in the same poll just a month ago.

That is a huge, huge result and an enormous gain for Cruz. And there’s more news. It finds that by a margin of 48 to 35 percent, Cruz leads Trump among “very” conservative voters. A 13% lead among base conservatives. Trump still leads among white evangelicals, but only by 5%.

Both Cruz and Kasich have doubled their support in the last month. As RedState has suggested many times, as the field narrows, Trump picks up little new support while his remaining opposition gains enormously.

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