Geraldo Says He Has Even More ‘Embarrassing’ Footage of Trump

geraldotrumpGeraldo Rivera is one of the most reliable Trump-boosters on Fox News; quick to defend him, quicker to praise, quickest to use Trump-fandom to advance himself. But today he reversed that angle on self-promotion with a new claim: that he has potentially embarrassing footage of Donald Trump laying around that he and his brother are just going through.

From The Hill:

Rivera said had started going over past interviews with Trump.
“I have interviewed Donald Trump many times and been with him may times and I have tapes,” Rivera said on Fox News’ The Five Sunday, Politico reported. “My brother and I have been starting to go through the tapes now and there are statements that, in the context of the current climate, would be embarrassing.”

Rivera didn’t say what was in the tapes or whether he plans to release them.

He did say that he had never heard Trump use the word “p—y,” as he did in the 2005 “Access Hollywood” footage that surfaced Friday, and had never seen him come onto women on the program.

Alright then. If anyone should know about embarrassing video, it’s Geraldo Rivera.

Between the employees from The Apprentice, the Geraldo film, and Dr. Ben Carson’s oddly anticipatory promise of worse to come, it seems a safe bet to say that we’re all going to have more and weirder video to watch in the next week or so. Because yay election year!

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