Homosexuals Love Trump: Perverted Gay Pro-Trump Art Exhibit Revealed at Republican National Convention

gays_for_trumpWe can’t even show you the pictures. Why do almost all gay events celebrate porn and nudity – even in front of children? This is conservative?! G-d help us.

Lucian Wintrich, a gay Trump supporter and photographer, unveiled his “Twinks4Trump” photo series at the Republican National Convention in July. The photographs feature “twinks” — a term in the gay community for young looking men with little body hair — in a variety of poses, all wearing Donald Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” hats.

His next art project, #DaddyWillSaveUs, goes up Saturday, and it’s already been met with massive backlash.



  • Trust me ! I’ve been Gay for 50 years and this guy is so far from a Normal Conservative it’s HYSTERICAL
    Look up Pedophelia and the Democratic Party and get an eye and earful . Thus isn’t even in the same Stratosphere of perversion .
    They support bills to protect Pedophelia hidden in budget bills . They are the most disgusting of people in Politics today . This guy is a photographer , not a Congressman . Wake up people . It’s right under your LEFT WING nose !

  • And another thing . The Liberal Rump Swabs would have been on this story like flies on the fictitious shit that they love so much .

  • And another thing . The Liberal Rump Swabs would have been on this story like flies on the fictitious crap that they love so much .

  • Gay people are far from the Republican party as the two poles of the earth. However if you look at who makes all the sexual headlines of “sex assault, rape, pedophilia, and such” you will find far more republicans and religious leaders then democrats. I promise you this is true.

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