HORRIBLE: Illegal released by Obama TWICE murders underage girl and UNBORN CHILD

Remember when we reported over the years that Obama was releasing criminal illegals back into the country?

Well here’s one he released twice and now a woman and her unborn child are dead:

CNS NEWS – A 35-year-old illegal alien, twice released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the Obama administration, reportedly shot a 15-year-old girl, killing her and their unborn child with whom she was 9 months pregnant, the Houston Chronicle reported on March 9.

ICE initially arrested Armando Garcia-Ramires of Mexico in January of 2011 through the Criminal Alien Program of San Antonio, but released him a month later, ICE spokeswoman Nina Pruneda said. In April 2016, ICE arrested him again and then again released him the following month.

Shortly after his second release, he impregnated the victim, 15-year-old Jennifer Delgado, before allegedly murdering her and their unborn child 9 months later. He shot her multiple times in the head and, as My San Antonio reports, shot himself in the mouth in an apparent suicide attempt.

This, among other things, is Obama’s legacy. He tried to tell the American people he was deporting criminal illegals, but this is proof that he was also releasing them.


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