Chaim , you should read the book that came out in May 2023 titled
“Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership” by
Charles Jacobs & Avi Goldwasser
Countless Supporters of Israel feel that it’s truly Sick & Evil how the Whole World unjustly hates the Jews and Israel. And Obsessively focus on Jews and Israel, while Ignoring the many Nations that have truly horrible human rights violations
We feel that all Individual Anti-Semites , Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Losers in
Human History, Past , Present and Future deserve to Suffer in Hell, the
Lake of Fire for all Eternity when they ultimately pass away, for the Psychlogical harm and distress they caused the Jewish people. Even if they never did anything illegal or violent, even if they only think Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel thoughts , that by itself is a Horrible Sin that should cause God to Condemn them to Suffer for all Eternity when they pass away.
Anti-Semitism is Satanic. It would make God look weak if he were to Not punish the Anti-Semites and Jew Haters , Anti-Israel Losers when they pass away
Replacement Theology is False, the Jews are Still God’s Chosen people, where is the Justice, Divine Justice for the Jewish people and Israel,
Where is the Justice ?
Again, Where is the Justice
Where ? Where ? Where ? Since sadly many
Anti-Semite Criminals escape Justice in their Pathetic Earthly Lives , all the more Reason why when they ultimately pass away that they should Face
God’s Wrath to the uttermost, they should Suffer Forever in Hell & The Lake of Fire .
It would make God look weak and Soft on Sin , if these
Worthless Loser Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers weren’t sentenced to Eternal Damnation when they ultimately pass away
Again where is the Justice
Where Goddammit ,
The Whole World has always been united against Jews and Israel, it’s so disgusting and Evil how Everyone always Hates the Jews and Israel
We need to Ask
Where is the Justice ? , the Jews ,
The Jewish people have been the Most Hated, Persecuted and suffered more
Throughout Human History than
All other Groups of people in the World Combined, COMBINED , In the Old Testament
Zechariah 2:8 says about the Jewish people
“For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye”
Where is the Justice,
The Divine Justice and God’s Wrath upon the Anti-Semites and Jew-Haters ? When will God Punish Them ? When ? When?
We feel that each and every single untold Billions of Individual male and female Anti-Semite
Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Losers in
Human History, Past , Present and Future deserve to Suffer in Hell, the
Lake of Fire for all Eternity when they ultimately pass away, for the Psychlogical harm and distress they caused the Jewish people. Even if they never did anything illegal or violent, even if they only think Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel thoughts , that by itself is a Horrible Sin that should cause God to Condemn them to Suffer for all Eternity when they pass away. When they ultimately pass away and stand before God, their precious “Free Speech” won’t save them from God’s Wrath, they can Cry “Free Speech” all they want but the Jokes on them because it won’t save them from God’s Wrath and Divine Justice
They will Suffer in Hell & the Lake of Fire Forever along with Satan the Devil and the
Precious “Palestinians” they Selfishly Exploited and as Pawns to get at
Israel and the Jews , their Endless Suffering in Hell and the
Lake of Fire will bring
Glory to God and Peace & Comfort to their Jewish & Israeli Victims
Correction, accidentally left out the word “Used”
It should read :
“They will Suffer in Hell & the Lake of Fire Forever along with Satan the Devil and the
Precious “Palestinians” they Selfishly Exploited and USED as Pawns to get at
Israel and the Jews”
All the psychological
Harm done to People who are Jewish or part Jewish,
Jews are perhaps the Only Racial , Ethnic group in the World that has to hide their Ethnicity
Where is the Justice ? Where ?
Where ? It would make God look weak and soft on sin , if he didn’t make every single male and female individual anti-semite, Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Bigot in
Human History, Past, Present and Future Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and The
Lake of Fire when they Ultimately pass away , with weeping & gnashing of teeth , anyone else want to actually Witness their Suffering in Hell and The
Lake of Fire when these bigots Ultimately Pass Away, anyone else want to Literally Witness God’s Divine Judgement & Wrath upon the Haters , anyone else want the pleasure and sweet satisfaction of viewing the Suffering God Makes These Bigots Endure for All Eternity
Show of Hands , how many people want God to Allow us to Literally Witness the
Eternal Conscious Torment that the Bigots will Suffer in Hell &
The Lake of Fire when they Ultimately pass away
It would make a Mockery of God’s attributes of Holiness, Justice & Wrath if he didn’t make each and every single Individual male and female
Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Loser Bigot , Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment for All Eternity in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for their Bigotry
and Hate , it would be a Mockery of God’s Very Name
It would be adding insult to injury , Insult to Injury if
God didn’t condemn the Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel, Anti-Zionist , Anti-Semite Bigots to Suffer
Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for All Eternity when they ultimately pass away and grant us the Pleasure and Sweet Satisfaction of Literally Watching and Witnessing their Suffering and Misery they brought upon themselves
It would also be a
Mockery of the Bible itself of Scripture itself
if God didn’t make each and every single Individual male and female
Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Loser Bigot , Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment for All Eternity in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for their Bigotry
and Hate , a Mockery of
God’s Word
There is No Partiality or Favoritism with God. Yet don’t confuse Favoritism with Faithfulness, the Faithfulness of God to Israel and the Jewish people
Plus when all the Vile
Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bigots in Human History are Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire for All Eternity , when these Nasty Bigots pass away, may God himself directly inform them that they are indeed being sentenced to Eternal Damnation Because of their Hatred of the Jewish people and Israel ,
Thus, when these Heartless Insensitive Worthless Loser Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel , Anti-Semite , Anti-Zionist Bigots are Crying and Suffering in Hell &
The Lake of Fire for All Eternity, they will understand Why they are Suffering Forever , it is Precisely Because of their Jew-Hatred and Anti-Israel Bigotry that caused their Eternal Damnation and For the sake of argument.
In their Eternal Conscious Torment, even if they were to Sincerely Repent and have Remorse for their Evil, Wickedness, Hatred & Actions Against the Jewish people and Israel, it will be too late for them, it won’t save them !
Thus, When the Vile Worthless Loser Jew-Haters,
Anti-Semites & Anti-Israel Bigots Pass Away , May they Face God’s Divine Wrath, Judgment and Punishment, there is No
Statute of Limitations on God’s Punishment of the Evil & Wicked has an article headlined
“Don’t dismiss Rabbi Meir Kahane as racist (Letter)”
Published: June 10, 2021
Anyone Read It ?
Also, Jew-Hater & Anti-Semite Children & Teenagers throughout Human History who have committed horrible Crimes Against the Jewish people, when those Bigot Children and Teenagers passed away, they will Also Have Faced God’s Divine Wrath, Punishment and Justice to the Uttermost in Hell &
The Lake of Fire . God will Not go easy on them just because they were Children or Teenagers when they committed those crimes
Even more so now after the Hamas Attack of October 7th, 2023 , God Allowing us to Witness the Eternal Conscious Torment of the male and female Jew-Haters,
Anti-Semite, Anti-Israel Bigots in Hell and the Lake of Fire , when the Bigots ultimately pass away,
It gives us more reason to rejoice in their Sufferings & Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and the Lake of Fire, those Bigots when they are Suffering Eternal Damnation will deeply regret supporting the
Precious “Palestinians” the poor poor “Palestinians”
And the Hateful Bigots who even After October 7th, 2023 Publicly or Online say
Hateful Inappropriate Things about Jews and Israel and Cowardly hide behind “Free Speech” when these Bigots ultimately pass away and are Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment and Damnation, then when they are Suffering in Hell & The Lake of Fire they will wish that they had kept their big mouths shut , their
precious “Free Speech” & 1st Amendment won’t save them from God’s Wrath and Divine Justice, it will be so Beautiful for God to Allow us decent Gentiles & Jews to Witness the Sufferings and the Eternal Conscious Torment of these Wicked Heartless Evil Bigots , a Triumphant Victory of Good over Evil , the Hatemongers and Bigots getting the Eternal Conscious Torment that they deserve, that they brought upon themselves, they reap what they sow
All the Psychological Harm and Self-Hate that the Haters cause
Jews and people who are Half-Jewish have Feelings Also Goddammit ,
When will God End all
Anti-Semitism & Jew-Hatred, Anti-Israel Hatred once and for all
Forever ? Will God allow this
Hatred to Continue Forever ?
For all Eternity ? Why would God allow the Hatred to Continue Forever ? Why ? Why ?
We pray that all the Worthless Loser Anti-Semites, Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers in all of Human History, Past, Present and Future, when they ultimately pass away, that they Suffer God’s Wrath
That they Suffer God’s Divine Wrath for All Eternity, that they Suffer Forever, they can’t cry
“Free Speech” when they stand before God, it won’t save their sorry asses , their
“Free Speech” won’t save them from Hell
All groups of people in Human History have suffered, but Jews have always suffered more than all other groups of people combined
Jews have always unjustly suffered and been hated more than all other groups of people combined, thousands of years BC , Before Christ in pagan times
Jews were always hated the Most
Do the Vile Anti-Semites ,
Jew-Haters , Anti-Israel Losers ever stop to think and realize that many Jews and
people who are part Jewish don’t like being Jewish either, are the Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Losers realize that many Jews are
Self-hating Jews and that
Jewish Self-Hatred is very common
Do the Stupid Selfish Heartless Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers and Worthless Anti-Semites ever Stop to Think and Realize that many Jews don’t like being Jewish either and don’t like looking Jewish, or being told that they look Jewish.
Are the Bigots and Haters aware of how common Jewish Self-Hatred is.. why can’t the Loser Bigots
Get a Life .
Why would God just passively allow the Anti-Semitism &
Jew-Hatred to continue forever ? Why ? Why ? Why ?
It would make God look weak and Soft on Sin to allow the Hatred to Continue Forever
For the sake of Argument, if Humanity survives for Another Million Years or
10 Million Years or even a Billion Years,
Will Everyone still Hate the Jews ? Will
Anti-Semitism and
Jew-Hatred continue for all Eternity ? For Endless Duration
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
Will the Hatred ever End , or will it continue forever ? Will Jews always be Hated by the entire World , for all Eternity ?
If Jewish humans ever traveled to other planets in our Galaxy and Encountered Extraterrestrial Life Forms, would they also Hate Jews ? Would they be Anti-Semites also ?
Where is the Justice for the Jewish people and the State of Israel ? Where is God’s Justice ? When will the countless injustices in
Human History against the Jewish people and the State of Israel be Corrected ? The Wrongs be Righted,
Jewish people have Feelings Also , they didn’t choose to be Jewish , many Jews and part Jewish people don’t like being Jewish either
When will all the Countless Wrongs be Corrected, the
Wrongs be Righted
The Countless Injustices of
4,000 years of Jewish History be Corrected and Righted ,
When Goddammit
Anyone read the 2021 book titled
“People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present”
by Dara Horn , about how Everyone unjustly hates the Jews and the State of Israel
About the first name
Alexandria , as in
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC from “The Squad” of Ugly Stupid Losers
A Fact from History , According to the Wikipedia article about Anti-Semitism , it says
“The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced to the 3rd century BCE to Alexandria,[72]” referring to the City of Alexandria, Egypt
The same name
Alexandria, the A in AOC , and the name of the city in
Ancient Egypt, Alexandria where Jew-Hatred was first traced to in the 3rd Century BC
Make sure to Vote Out The Squad next Election day
Many people have said
AOC stands for
Anti-Semite On Call , and that her fake ass
Crocodile Tears over
Israel’s Iron Dome defense system was one of the most disgusting Sickening Hypocritical Displays of Jew-Hatred in Human History , she has no Brain or Heart.
We can’t give up on getting her and the other Ugly Loser Squad Members Voted Out Next Election Day , those 4 are basically the younger dumber uglier Communist Version of
The Golden Girls , only they are Nobody’s Friend
The same Dumb name
Alexandria , whether It’s a City in
Ancient 3rd Century BC Egypt where Jew-Hatred began or
a brain dead 21st Century
Leftist Clown “Politician” in The United States Congress,
Everyone Still Unjustly Hates the Jews , and Israel. Israel does So
Much to Benefit Mankind , the World Needs Israel .
The Wikipedia article on
Anti-Semitism also says
“The ancient Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria describes an attack on Jews in Alexandria in 38 CE in which thousands of Jews died.[129][130] The violence in Alexandria may have been caused by the Jews being portrayed as misanthropes.[131]”
Since everyone hates the Jews as
Always, anyone ever wonder if
Animals such as Cats, Dogs, Birds, etc are also capable of hating Jews or being Racist against any other group of people,
Or how about Artificial Intelligence , AI
We hear alot about how Computers and AI is always becoming more advanced, will
Artificial Intelligence ultimately
Evolve to where it becomes fully sentient, self-aware , and will this new AI , Artificial Intelligence also become a Vile Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel bigot ,
Will this Artificial Intelligence be used by the Bigots against Jews & Israel
Now let’s ask, how about in a Literal quadrillion years , with a q , with a Q , with a Q
Will Everyone still unjustly hate the Jews and Israel in a Literal
quadrillion years ?
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
Or how about in
a Quintillion years will the Hatred of Jews & Israel End , or perhaps a
Sextillion Years or
Septillion Years or
Octillion Years or
Nonillion Years or
Decillion Years or
Undecillion Years or
Imagine God allows those Loser Haters in Hell & The Lake of Fire to actually Witness us view their
Eternal Conscious Torment and us Laughing at their Suffering and Praising God !!
As Described Before, That would be so Freaking
Cool for God to Literally Allow us to Watch the Vile Anti-semites, Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Bigots Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire and for God to Allow those Loser Bigots Suffering Eternal Damnation to Actually see us Good Gentiles and Good Jews actually Laughing and Rejoicing as they Suffer
God’s Wrath, us Laughing directly at them as they suffer God’s Wrath !!
Not only that God should and definitely Must Make Every Single Individual Jew-Hater, Anti-Semite & Anti-Israel Bigot in Human History Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and The Lake of Fire Apologize to us Jews , God should Force them to Apologize to us and literally beg us for
But we Will Never Forgive and Never Forget , their Guilt is Eternal
Again it would be so Freaking Cool, so Freakin Cool, Awesome,
Beautiful & Epic
So Freakin Cool , Beautiful, Awesome & Epic , EPIC
for God to Literally Allow us to Watch the Vile Anti-semites, Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Bigots Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire and for God to Allow those Loser Bigots Suffering Eternal Damnation to Actually see us Good Gentiles and Good Jews actually Laughing and Rejoicing as they Suffer
God’s Wrath, us Laughing directly at them as they suffer God’s Wrath !! 😆😂
After October 7th, 2023
Does anyone else want God to Allow us to Watch the Hateful
Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Bigots, the Heartless, Insensitive, Wicked Bigots
Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment, Eternal Damnation in Hell and The Lake of Fire when they ultimately Pass Away
Also when the Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites, Anti-Israel Bigots are Suffering in Hell &
The Lake of Fire for their
Sinful Hate & Wickedness, May God Force them to Say
“Kahane Was Right” and
“Long Live Israel”
Once Again we say that when Various Hateful Bigots say
Public Hateful & Online Comments against Jews and/or Israel and even if it doesn’t lead to Discrimination or hate crimes against Jews or their property
Because it Causes deep offense, hurts the feelings of Jews and makes Jews very angry . That when those certain Bigots say Hateful Things against Jews and/or Israel that even if it doesn’t lead to Discrimination, Hate Crimes against Jews and/or their Property, it should and Must still cause God to send the Hateful Bigots to Eternal Conscious Torment, with weeping & gnashing of teeth Eternal Damnation in Hell and the Lake of Fire when they ultimately pass away. They Must be Held Fully Accountable For the Intense Psychological Harm, Pain and Anger they caused Jews
That when these Hateful Nasty Bigots ultimately pass away, they Must Suffer Forever , that they Absolutely Must Suffer Forever when they ultimately pass away
That their “Free Speech” means Nothing to God and won’t save them from Eternal Damnation
Where is the Justice ?
Where Goddamit ?
Where is the Justice ?
God’s Divine Wrath, Punishment and Judgment upon the Jew-Haters , Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Bigots and Hatemongers
When will all the Countless Wrongs be Corrected, the
Wrongs be Righted
The Countless Injustices of
4,000 years of Jewish History be Corrected and Righted ,
I have not checked in here for some time because I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂
I have been browsing on-line greater than 3 hours these days, yet I never discovered any fascinating article like yours. It is pretty price sufficient for me. Personally, if all website owners and bloggers made excellent content material as you did, the net will likely be much more useful than ever before.
Chaim: do you think this video will help you get your Aliyah?
Chaim , you should read the book that came out in May 2023 titled
“Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership” by
Charles Jacobs & Avi Goldwasser
Countless Supporters of Israel feel that it’s truly Sick & Evil how the Whole World unjustly hates the Jews and Israel. And Obsessively focus on Jews and Israel, while Ignoring the many Nations that have truly horrible human rights violations
We feel that all Individual Anti-Semites , Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Losers in
Human History, Past , Present and Future deserve to Suffer in Hell, the
Lake of Fire for all Eternity when they ultimately pass away, for the Psychlogical harm and distress they caused the Jewish people. Even if they never did anything illegal or violent, even if they only think Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel thoughts , that by itself is a Horrible Sin that should cause God to Condemn them to Suffer for all Eternity when they pass away.
Anti-Semitism is Satanic. It would make God look weak if he were to Not punish the Anti-Semites and Jew Haters , Anti-Israel Losers when they pass away
Replacement Theology is False, the Jews are Still God’s Chosen people, where is the Justice, Divine Justice for the Jewish people and Israel,
Where is the Justice ?
Where is the Justice ? Where ?
Again, Where is the Justice
Where ? Where ? Where ? Since sadly many
Anti-Semite Criminals escape Justice in their Pathetic Earthly Lives , all the more Reason why when they ultimately pass away that they should Face
God’s Wrath to the uttermost, they should Suffer Forever in Hell & The Lake of Fire .
It would make God look weak and Soft on Sin , if these
Worthless Loser Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers weren’t sentenced to Eternal Damnation when they ultimately pass away
Again where is the Justice
Where Goddammit ,
The Whole World has always been united against Jews and Israel, it’s so disgusting and Evil how Everyone always Hates the Jews and Israel
Where is God’s Justice for his Jewish people and
His Nation Israel ?
God Hates Anti-Semitism.
See the Bible verse
Genesis 12:3
We need to Ask
Where is the Justice ? , the Jews ,
The Jewish people have been the Most Hated, Persecuted and suffered more
Throughout Human History than
All other Groups of people in the World Combined, COMBINED , In the Old Testament
Zechariah 2:8 says about the Jewish people
“For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye”
Where is the Justice,
The Divine Justice and God’s Wrath upon the Anti-Semites and Jew-Haters ? When will God Punish Them ? When ? When?
We feel that each and every single untold Billions of Individual male and female Anti-Semite
Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Losers in
Human History, Past , Present and Future deserve to Suffer in Hell, the
Lake of Fire for all Eternity when they ultimately pass away, for the Psychlogical harm and distress they caused the Jewish people. Even if they never did anything illegal or violent, even if they only think Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel thoughts , that by itself is a Horrible Sin that should cause God to Condemn them to Suffer for all Eternity when they pass away. When they ultimately pass away and stand before God, their precious “Free Speech” won’t save them from God’s Wrath, they can Cry “Free Speech” all they want but the Jokes on them because it won’t save them from God’s Wrath and Divine Justice
They will Suffer in Hell & the Lake of Fire Forever along with Satan the Devil and the
Precious “Palestinians” they Selfishly Exploited and as Pawns to get at
Israel and the Jews , their Endless Suffering in Hell and the
Lake of Fire will bring
Glory to God and Peace & Comfort to their Jewish & Israeli Victims
Correction, accidentally left out the word “Used”
It should read :
“They will Suffer in Hell & the Lake of Fire Forever along with Satan the Devil and the
Precious “Palestinians” they Selfishly Exploited and USED as Pawns to get at
Israel and the Jews”
All the psychological
Harm done to People who are Jewish or part Jewish,
Jews are perhaps the Only Racial , Ethnic group in the World that has to hide their Ethnicity
Do any other Racial or Ethnic Groups have to hide what they are ? Nope, only Jews do
Where is the Justice ? Where ?
Where ? It would make God look weak and soft on sin , if he didn’t make every single male and female individual anti-semite, Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Bigot in
Human History, Past, Present and Future Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and The
Lake of Fire when they Ultimately pass away , with weeping & gnashing of teeth , anyone else want to actually Witness their Suffering in Hell and The
Lake of Fire when these bigots Ultimately Pass Away, anyone else want to Literally Witness God’s Divine Judgement & Wrath upon the Haters , anyone else want the pleasure and sweet satisfaction of viewing the Suffering God Makes These Bigots Endure for All Eternity
Show of Hands , how many people want God to Allow us to Literally Witness the
Eternal Conscious Torment that the Bigots will Suffer in Hell &
The Lake of Fire when they Ultimately pass away
It would make a Mockery of God’s attributes of Holiness, Justice & Wrath if he didn’t make each and every single Individual male and female
Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Loser Bigot , Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment for All Eternity in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for their Bigotry
and Hate , it would be a Mockery of God’s Very Name
It would be adding insult to injury , Insult to Injury if
God didn’t condemn the Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel, Anti-Zionist , Anti-Semite Bigots to Suffer
Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for All Eternity when they ultimately pass away and grant us the Pleasure and Sweet Satisfaction of Literally Watching and Witnessing their Suffering and Misery they brought upon themselves
It would also be a
Mockery of the Bible itself of Scripture itself
if God didn’t make each and every single Individual male and female
Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater and Anti-Israel Loser Bigot , Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment for All Eternity in Hell & The
Lake of Fire for their Bigotry
and Hate , a Mockery of
God’s Word
It’s about God’s name and the Faithfulness of God
There is No Partiality or Favoritism with God. Yet don’t confuse Favoritism with Faithfulness, the Faithfulness of God to Israel and the Jewish people
Plus when all the Vile
Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bigots in Human History are Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire for All Eternity , when these Nasty Bigots pass away, may God himself directly inform them that they are indeed being sentenced to Eternal Damnation Because of their Hatred of the Jewish people and Israel ,
Thus, when these Heartless Insensitive Worthless Loser Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel , Anti-Semite , Anti-Zionist Bigots are Crying and Suffering in Hell &
The Lake of Fire for All Eternity, they will understand Why they are Suffering Forever , it is Precisely Because of their Jew-Hatred and Anti-Israel Bigotry that caused their Eternal Damnation and For the sake of argument.
In their Eternal Conscious Torment, even if they were to Sincerely Repent and have Remorse for their Evil, Wickedness, Hatred & Actions Against the Jewish people and Israel, it will be too late for them, it won’t save them !
Thus, When the Vile Worthless Loser Jew-Haters,
Anti-Semites & Anti-Israel Bigots Pass Away , May they Face God’s Divine Wrath, Judgment and Punishment, there is No
Statute of Limitations on God’s Punishment of the Evil & Wicked has an article headlined
“Don’t dismiss Rabbi Meir Kahane as racist (Letter)”
Published: June 10, 2021
Anyone Read It ?
Also, Jew-Hater & Anti-Semite Children & Teenagers throughout Human History who have committed horrible Crimes Against the Jewish people, when those Bigot Children and Teenagers passed away, they will Also Have Faced God’s Divine Wrath, Punishment and Justice to the Uttermost in Hell &
The Lake of Fire . God will Not go easy on them just because they were Children or Teenagers when they committed those crimes
Even more so now after the Hamas Attack of October 7th, 2023 , God Allowing us to Witness the Eternal Conscious Torment of the male and female Jew-Haters,
Anti-Semite, Anti-Israel Bigots in Hell and the Lake of Fire , when the Bigots ultimately pass away,
It gives us more reason to rejoice in their Sufferings & Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and the Lake of Fire, those Bigots when they are Suffering Eternal Damnation will deeply regret supporting the
Precious “Palestinians” the poor poor “Palestinians”
And the Hateful Bigots who even After October 7th, 2023 Publicly or Online say
Hateful Inappropriate Things about Jews and Israel and Cowardly hide behind “Free Speech” when these Bigots ultimately pass away and are Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment and Damnation, then when they are Suffering in Hell & The Lake of Fire they will wish that they had kept their big mouths shut , their
precious “Free Speech” & 1st Amendment won’t save them from God’s Wrath and Divine Justice, it will be so Beautiful for God to Allow us decent Gentiles & Jews to Witness the Sufferings and the Eternal Conscious Torment of these Wicked Heartless Evil Bigots , a Triumphant Victory of Good over Evil , the Hatemongers and Bigots getting the Eternal Conscious Torment that they deserve, that they brought upon themselves, they reap what they sow
All the Psychological Harm and Self-Hate that the Haters cause
Jews and people who are Half-Jewish have Feelings Also Goddammit ,
When will God End all
Anti-Semitism & Jew-Hatred, Anti-Israel Hatred once and for all
Forever ? Will God allow this
Hatred to Continue Forever ?
For all Eternity ? Why would God allow the Hatred to Continue Forever ? Why ? Why ?
We pray that all the Worthless Loser Anti-Semites, Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers in all of Human History, Past, Present and Future, when they ultimately pass away, that they Suffer God’s Wrath
That they Suffer God’s Divine Wrath for All Eternity, that they Suffer Forever, they can’t cry
“Free Speech” when they stand before God, it won’t save their sorry asses , their
“Free Speech” won’t save them from Hell
All groups of people in Human History have suffered, but Jews have always suffered more than all other groups of people combined
Jews have always unjustly suffered and been hated more than all other groups of people combined, thousands of years BC , Before Christ in pagan times
Jews were always hated the Most
Do the Vile Anti-Semites ,
Jew-Haters , Anti-Israel Losers ever stop to think and realize that many Jews and
people who are part Jewish don’t like being Jewish either, are the Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Losers realize that many Jews are
Self-hating Jews and that
Jewish Self-Hatred is very common
Do the Stupid Selfish Heartless Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Losers and Worthless Anti-Semites ever Stop to Think and Realize that many Jews don’t like being Jewish either and don’t like looking Jewish, or being told that they look Jewish.
Are the Bigots and Haters aware of how common Jewish Self-Hatred is.. why can’t the Loser Bigots
Get a Life .
Why would God just passively allow the Anti-Semitism &
Jew-Hatred to continue forever ? Why ? Why ? Why ?
It would make God look weak and Soft on Sin to allow the Hatred to Continue Forever
For the sake of Argument, if Humanity survives for Another Million Years or
10 Million Years or even a Billion Years,
Will Everyone still Hate the Jews ? Will
Anti-Semitism and
Jew-Hatred continue for all Eternity ? For Endless Duration
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
Will the Hatred ever End , or will it continue forever ? Will Jews always be Hated by the entire World , for all Eternity ?
If Jewish humans ever traveled to other planets in our Galaxy and Encountered Extraterrestrial Life Forms, would they also Hate Jews ? Would they be Anti-Semites also ?
Or how about a
Literal Trillion Years,
With a T , will everyone still hate the Jews & Israel in a Trillion Years
Where is the Justice for the Jewish people and the State of Israel ? Where is God’s Justice ? When will the countless injustices in
Human History against the Jewish people and the State of Israel be Corrected ? The Wrongs be Righted,
Jewish people have Feelings Also , they didn’t choose to be Jewish , many Jews and part Jewish people don’t like being Jewish either
When will all the Countless Wrongs be Corrected, the
Wrongs be Righted
The Countless Injustices of
4,000 years of Jewish History be Corrected and Righted ,
When Goddammit
Anyone read the 2021 book titled
“People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present”
by Dara Horn , about how Everyone unjustly hates the Jews and the State of Israel
About the first name
Alexandria , as in
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC from “The Squad” of Ugly Stupid Losers
A Fact from History , According to the Wikipedia article about Anti-Semitism , it says
“The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced to the 3rd century BCE to Alexandria,[72]” referring to the City of Alexandria, Egypt
The same name
Alexandria, the A in AOC , and the name of the city in
Ancient Egypt, Alexandria where Jew-Hatred was first traced to in the 3rd Century BC
Make sure to Vote Out The Squad next Election day
Seriously what good have the
4 ugly females in
“The Squad” ever done for America, or for anyone ?
AOC is running for POTUS the next vacancy she has with Bernie Sanders on the ticket in the VP slot and they will win
Some have said that in
2024 ,
Ron DeSantis or
Donald Trump would be
Elected President
Notice with
Bernie Sanders, his
initials spell BS
Some people have said
AOC is a Real POS and
Many people have said
AOC stands for
Anti-Semite On Call , and that her fake ass
Crocodile Tears over
Israel’s Iron Dome defense system was one of the most disgusting Sickening Hypocritical Displays of Jew-Hatred in Human History , she has no Brain or Heart.
We can’t give up on getting her and the other Ugly Loser Squad Members Voted Out Next Election Day , those 4 are basically the younger dumber uglier Communist Version of
The Golden Girls , only they are Nobody’s Friend
Some people on
Social Media called AOC
a “communist princess”
The same Dumb name
Alexandria , whether It’s a City in
Ancient 3rd Century BC Egypt where Jew-Hatred began or
a brain dead 21st Century
Leftist Clown “Politician” in The United States Congress,
Everyone Still Unjustly Hates the Jews , and Israel. Israel does So
Much to Benefit Mankind , the World Needs Israel .
The Wikipedia article on
Anti-Semitism also says
“The ancient Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria describes an attack on Jews in Alexandria in 38 CE in which thousands of Jews died.[129][130] The violence in Alexandria may have been caused by the Jews being portrayed as misanthropes.[131]” has an article headlined
“The Egyptian Beginning of Anti-Semitism’s Long History” by
Prof. Pieter van der Horst, October 10, 2007
Since everyone hates the Jews as
Always, anyone ever wonder if
Animals such as Cats, Dogs, Birds, etc are also capable of hating Jews or being Racist against any other group of people,
Or how about Artificial Intelligence , AI
We hear alot about how Computers and AI is always becoming more advanced, will
Artificial Intelligence ultimately
Evolve to where it becomes fully sentient, self-aware , and will this new AI , Artificial Intelligence also become a Vile Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel bigot ,
Will this Artificial Intelligence be used by the Bigots against Jews & Israel
We need to ask ourselves , if Animals such as Cats, Dogs, Birds, etc could talk, would they Also be spewing Hate Against Jews and
Israel ?
Would They ?
They would say wud wud meow meow Yimach shmam vezichram
Let’s be Serious , we All Know that if Animals could talk they would be spewing Hate Against Jews and Israel
has an article headlined
“Holocaust survivor publishes PhD dissertation on ‘serendipity’ of Balfour”
2 November 2021 , this article is about a book by
Paul Goldstein
The book by Paul Goldstein is titled
“The Serendipitous Evolution of the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917”
Now let’s ask, how about in a Literal quadrillion years , with a q , with a Q , with a Q
Will Everyone still unjustly hate the Jews and Israel in a Literal
quadrillion years ?
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
When will the Hatred End ?
Or how about in
a Quintillion years will the Hatred of Jews & Israel End , or perhaps a
Sextillion Years or
Septillion Years or
Octillion Years or
Nonillion Years or
Decillion Years or
Undecillion Years or
Who Else wants to see the Bigots Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment for All Eternity ? Let’s Take a Vote
Imagine God allows those Loser Haters in Hell & The Lake of Fire to actually Witness us view their
Eternal Conscious Torment and us Laughing at their Suffering and Praising God !!
As Described Before, That would be so Freaking
Cool for God to Literally Allow us to Watch the Vile Anti-semites, Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Bigots Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire and for God to Allow those Loser Bigots Suffering Eternal Damnation to Actually see us Good Gentiles and Good Jews actually Laughing and Rejoicing as they Suffer
God’s Wrath, us Laughing directly at them as they suffer God’s Wrath !!
Not only that God should and definitely Must Make Every Single Individual Jew-Hater, Anti-Semite & Anti-Israel Bigot in Human History Suffering Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell and The Lake of Fire Apologize to us Jews , God should Force them to Apologize to us and literally beg us for
But we Will Never Forgive and Never Forget , their Guilt is Eternal
Again it would be so Freaking Cool, so Freakin Cool, Awesome,
Beautiful & Epic
So Freakin Cool , Beautiful, Awesome & Epic , EPIC
for God to Literally Allow us to Watch the Vile Anti-semites, Jew-Haters and Anti-Israel Bigots Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell & The Lake of Fire and for God to Allow those Loser Bigots Suffering Eternal Damnation to Actually see us Good Gentiles and Good Jews actually Laughing and Rejoicing as they Suffer
God’s Wrath, us Laughing directly at them as they suffer God’s Wrath !! 😆😂
After October 7th, 2023
Does anyone else want God to Allow us to Watch the Hateful
Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Bigots, the Heartless, Insensitive, Wicked Bigots
Suffer Eternal Conscious Torment, Eternal Damnation in Hell and The Lake of Fire when they ultimately Pass Away
There would be Nothing
Morally Wrong or Sinful at Rejoicing when seeing them
Suffer God’s Wrath in Hell
& The Lake of Fire
Also when the Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites, Anti-Israel Bigots are Suffering in Hell &
The Lake of Fire for their
Sinful Hate & Wickedness, May God Force them to Say
“Kahane Was Right” and
“Long Live Israel”
Once Again we say that when Various Hateful Bigots say
Public Hateful & Online Comments against Jews and/or Israel and even if it doesn’t lead to Discrimination or hate crimes against Jews or their property
Because it Causes deep offense, hurts the feelings of Jews and makes Jews very angry . That when those certain Bigots say Hateful Things against Jews and/or Israel that even if it doesn’t lead to Discrimination, Hate Crimes against Jews and/or their Property, it should and Must still cause God to send the Hateful Bigots to Eternal Conscious Torment, with weeping & gnashing of teeth Eternal Damnation in Hell and the Lake of Fire when they ultimately pass away. They Must be Held Fully Accountable For the Intense Psychological Harm, Pain and Anger they caused Jews
That when these Hateful Nasty Bigots ultimately pass away, they Must Suffer Forever , that they Absolutely Must Suffer Forever when they ultimately pass away
That their “Free Speech” means Nothing to God and won’t save them from Eternal Damnation
Where is the Justice ?
Where Goddamit ?
Where is the Justice ?
God’s Divine Wrath, Punishment and Judgment upon the Jew-Haters , Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Bigots and Hatemongers
When will all the Countless Wrongs be Corrected, the
Wrongs be Righted
The Countless Injustices of
4,000 years of Jewish History be Corrected and Righted ,
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