Islamist terrorist attacks NYC, so NYC fights back… against “Islamophobia”

bill_deblasio_islamIt’s only been nine days since the terror attack on New York City by a scumbag Islamist, but the commie mayor of NYC is showing that you can’t mess with the Big Apple!

In response to an attack by a Muslim on his beloved city, DeBlasio is starting a program to combat…. Islamophobia!!

Wait, what?!

The city has launched a new advertising campaign intended to combat racial discrimination and violence against Muslims.

The city’s Community Affairs Unit, Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Commission on Human Rights will undertake a social media campaign aimed at promoting “respect, understanding and support for the city’s diverse Muslim communities.”

The city will be sharing new ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with the slogan “I am Muslim, I am NYC.”

Er… so.. the way to stop Muslim attacks is to hug Muslims harder? I think that only gets you closer to the suicide vest. Oh well. See you next terror attack, NYC.

“Now more than ever, it is important for every New Yorker to stand united as one city and reject hate and violence,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. “In New York, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Agnostic and Atheist — it doesn’t matter. We are all New Yorkers and we all deserve to live safely and free from hatred or discrimination. We will not tolerate discrimination or violence of any kind and we will not rest until all New Yorkers, including our Muslim brothers and sisters, are treated with the dignity they deserve.”

Now look, of course we’re opposed to attacks on Muslims just because they’re Muslims. But this kind of program feeds into the narrative that they’re victims and that somehow the West owes them something. And it comes down to this – do Muslims face more discrimination in America than non-Muslims in the 57 Muslim nations?

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