Ivanka Trump: Allowing Syrian Muslim refugees into the U.S. “has to be part of the discussion but won’t be enough”

This is the daughter and official adviser to the president.

Ivanka Trump on Wednesday expressed openness to allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., but said that alone won’t be enough to solve the crisis.

“I think there is a global humanitarian crisis that’s happening and we have to come together and we have to solve it,” the first daughter told NBC’s “Today.”

Asked whether that includes opening the borders to Syrian refugees, Trump responded, “That has to be part of the discussion, but that’s not going to be enough in it of itself.”

President Trump signed an order earlier this year that included a temporary suspension of the refugee resettlement program and a block on nationals from six majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days.

The president argued the policy was necessary to protect national security.

Last month, a federal judge in Hawaii put a nationwide block on the president’s order.


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