Jewish husband and wife injured in Samaria drive-by Arab terrorist shooting

A drive-by shooting terrorist attack left an Israeli husband and his wife injured in Samaria on Wednesday night, and came hours after an IDF soldier and a civilian were injured in a stabbing attack in Hebron, as the series of [Arab terrorist] attacks showed no signs of letting up.

Shaul Nir and his wife, Rachel, sustained gunshot wounds when a [Arab Muslim] gunman showered their vehicle with bullets as they drove near Tulkaram in the West Bank.

Magen David Adom paramedics and soldiers who made their way to the scene found two gunshot victims and evacuated them for medical treatment to the Beilinson Medical Center in Petah Tikva.

Doctors listed Shaul Nir as being in serious condition after sustaining a head injury, most likely from the car crash that followed the shooting, in addition to gunshot wounds to his limbs. His wife sustained gunshot injuries to her limbs, MDA said in an initial report, and was listed as being in light condition.

Army units have launched a large-scale search of the area to track down the car from which bullets were shot, and roads in the area have been closed to traffic.

A statement released by the Avnei Hefetz settlement said, “We are experiencing a difficult incident at the height of Hanukkah. Terrorists headed out from Tulkaram through a junction that was opened for [so-called] ‘Palestinian’ traffic and struck the parents of a woman who lives in the community. Haorot Junction has been open for a year and since then, despite warnings from us and military echelons about the danger, no order has been given to close it.” Earlier on Wednesday, [an Arab] knife attacker wounded an IDF soldier and a civilian in a stabbing attack near Beit Hadassah, in Hebron’s Jewish Quarter. A civilian security coordinator who was on the scene fired on and killed the terrorist.

A soldier suffering light wounds in the attack, and a civilian youth, who is the son of former Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Stroock, was hurt while trying to tackle the terrorist.

The incident occurred during a security check at the entrance to Beit Hadassah.

MDA paramedic Zaki Yahav described the scene of the attack. “When we arrived on the scene, we saw near Beit Hadassah two approximately 20-year-old youths laying down, fully conscious and suffering from stab wounds.” Yahav said that “one of the youths was suffering from a number of stab wounds to his upper body and the second was stabbed in the leg.” Paramedics transported the victims to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

On Monday, [an Arab] knife-wielding terrorist stabbed and critically injured an Israeli civilian near Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs, before being shot dead in the act by Border Police officers on the scene.

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