New York: Muslim attacker shouts “F— you Jews, I’ll kill you all!” and attacks Jewish man

muslims_praying_new_york_cityMuslim man walks into Judaica store and commits brazen anti-Semitic attack, before escaping.

The New York Police Department are currently searching for Muslim man who carried out a brazen anti-Semitic attack in a local Judaica store.

According to the JP Updates, the attacker walked into West Side Judaica store on the Upper West Side at 1:15 p.m. on Monday, identified himself as a Muslim and shouted “F— you Jews, I’ll kill you all! I’m a Muslim”

He then punched 52-year-old man in the face and ran out, injuring the victim’s right eye.

Police say the attacker was wearing a red jacket and jeans and fled on a razor scooter.

One comment

  • I am tempted to say: Good.

    80% of US Jews support Obama, who is bringing 300,000 muslims into the US every year, not including the fraudulent Syrian nazi refugees who will arrive here shortly. The Jews wanted a third world muslim to be president; well, they got one.

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