North Korea DETAINS fourth U.S. citizen, accuses them of espionage

North Korea is provoking the U.S. some more by detaining an American citizen and accusing them of espionage.

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More from the Associated Press:

North Korea on Sunday said it detained another American citizen over unspecified hostile acts against the country.

North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency said Kim Hak Song, an employee of the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, was detained Saturday.

North Korea on Wednesday announced the detention of an accounting instructor at the same university, Kim Sang Dok, for “acts of hostility aimed to overturn” the country. The KCNA didn’t say whether the two cases are connected.

“A relevant institution is now conducting detailed investigation into his crimes,” the KCNA said about Kim Hak Song.

Kim Hak Song is among at least four Americans being detained in North Korea. The others are Otto Warmbier, serving a 15-year prison term with hard labor for alleged anti-state acts, and Kim Dong Chul, serving a 10-year term with hard labor for alleged espionage.

I would wager that it’s very likely they’re falsely accused. BUT, there IS a chance that we’re actually sending spies into North Korea, right? I mean, I would feel cheated of tax money if the CIA wasn’t actively trying to assassinate that evil slug. Decades from now, I’m sure history will not look at us kindly for ignoring the gross abuses in the nationwide concentration camp otherwise known as North Korea.

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