Obama’s EPA Spends $10.8 Million for Teacher Training on Global Warming Indoctrination for Children

Gina McCarthy EPA

Butch, er… I mean… Gina McCarthy is the administrator for the United States Environmental Protection Agency appointed by Barack Hussein Obama.

They are using your own tax dollars to brainwash and indoctrinate your children.

The Environmental Protection Agency is spending over $10 million in taxpayer dollars for a five-year program to train teachers to “deliver high-quality environmental education in formal and non-formal education settings.”

“Environmental educators help learners of all ages understand and value the ecosystems around them,” said U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “The teacher training program gives educators access to the best classroom and out-of-classroom materials and professional development opportunities, focused on using the environment as a platform for learning science, technology, engineering and math skills to improve decision-making.”

The program called “ee360” will begin next year and is the result of a cooperative agreement between the EPA and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), the agency’s teacher training program.

NAAEE is working with a coalition of partners, including Stanford University, the University of Oregon, Antioch University, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Forest Service.

It will train 4,400 educators in the first year of the program.

“The partners will also strengthen the field by building infrastructure through leadership clinics, developing state certification programs, using technology, expanding access to resources, and researching the value of environmental education,” the EPA stated in a press release.

When CNSNews.com asked the EPA whether the teacher training will include the subject of climate change, an agency spokesperson said, “The teacher training program does not focus on specific environmental topic areas.”


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