‘Pass law to save Amona!’

israelMKs in Ofra call on Prime Minister and government to act to pass Normalization Law to save Amona and other Jewish towns.

Ministers from the coalition called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to approve the Normalization Law that would save towns in Judea and Samaria, such as Amona, from demolition.

Speaking in the Samaria town of Ofra, where nine homes are in danger of being demolished, the MKs said that “it is time that the government consolidated its certificates instead of consolidating evacuations.”

“It is time to end this injustice and out a stop to this destructive machine which operates on behalf an immoral and dishonest law.”

The new normalization law was formulated by the Jewish Home and Likud parties, and allows the state to compensate an Arab who can prove that he owns the land on which a town has been built through the payment of a monthly rent, as opposed to a one-time compensation for expropriation as an earlier version of the law stipulated.

Leasing the land would allow for towns in Judea and Samaria to be saved from destruction. However, the law would only apply to towns which were constructed with the participation of the state, which includes the town of Amona. True unauthorized outposts which never received any government would not be saved by the Normalization Law.

Education Minister and head of the Jewish Home party Naftali Bennett announced that the Normalization law would be brought for to the legislative committee for discussion next Sunday.

“It is time to grant the hundreds of thousands of residents of Judea and Samaria a normal life.” Bennett said.

“I expect all members of the government to support this move. These are normal Israeli citizens, who pay taxes,serve in the army, and fulfill all of their obligations to society. And they are discriminated against just because of where they live. This law will (restore) order in addition to normalization. We have a right-wing government (for the purpose of) doing this, so we’re going to do it.”


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