Police: San Bernardino California shooters were Muslim terrorists – recently traveled to Saudi Arabia

One of the Muslim murderers Syed Rizwan Farook

One of the Muslim murderers Syed Rizwan Farook

Lead gunman revealed to have been in contact with several international terrorists, and recently traveled to Saudi Arabia.

Police sources revealed to CNN on Thursday that Syed Farook, the 28-year-old American citizen who together with his wife and apparently his brother conducted Wednesday’s brutal shooting attack in California, was in contact with terrorists.

  • 14 people are dead
  • 21 wounded
  • Over 300 local and state officers responded
  • Suspects fired between 65 and 75 rounds in the conference room
  • 3 pipe bombs were attached together and placed on a remote control car but the device either wasn’t used or failed to go off
  • Suspects were wearing black tactical gear with tactical vests (load bearing gear)
  • Suspects fired 76 rifle rounds at police during pursuit
  • Law enforcement fired 380 rounds at suspects, killing both
  • Suspects had over 1400 .223 rounds and 200 9mm rounds on their person and/or in their vehicle
  • 2 officers were injured but were released from hospital
  • Suspects residence revealed 12 pipe bomb-type devices, hundreds of tools that could be used to make IED-type bombs and other bomb-making materials
  • Officers located 2000 9mm rounds, 500 .223 rounds and additional long rifle rounds in suspect’s home
  • Suspect Rizwan Farook was U.S. born citizen of Pakistani descent who had recently traveled to Saudi Arabia and begun wearing a full beard
  • Tashfeen Malik, 27, was from Pakistan and was in the U.S. on a K-1 Visa

The investigators told the station that Farook was in touch by phone and social media with more than one international terror suspect, without specifying what terror groups they belonged to.

In the shooting at a Christmas party in a San Bernardino social services center, 14 people were murdered and another 21 were wounded. Farook worked at the county’s public health department that hosted the event.

An investigation of Farook and his wife’s house later revealed thousands of more rounds of ammunition, 12 pipe bombs, and hundreds of tools that could be used to create pipe bombs or improvised explosives, according to police.

Just shortly before the terror link announcement, US President Barack Obama told journalists that “at this stage, we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred.

“We do know that the two individuals who were killed were equipped with weapons and appeared to have access to additional weaponry in their homes. But we don’t know why they did it.”

“It is possible that this was terrorist related but we don’t know. And it’s also possible that this was workplace related,” added Obama.

Aside from Farook, also killed in the shootout with police was his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, who he evidently traveled to Saudi Arabia in order to marry. Sources say the third arrested suspect is Farook’s brother.

A man identifying himself as Farook’s father told the New York Daily News that he was estranged from his son, but that Farook “was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

Government records show that Farook, 28, traveled to Saudi Arabia last year, the Wall Street Journal revealed.


One comment

  • If we never opened the door wide open to these unwanted turd world scum, this incident would never have happened. The legal and illegal invasion has to stop. The most saddest aspect of this is that Jewish “leaders” are demanding Jew-hating Muslim refugees be brought to America. Most Americans don’t want anymore Muslim and third world immigration. The only thing Jewry’s public position on this issue will engender anti-semitism; most Jew-haters truly believe that American Jews are rigging the political system in order to keep the doors open. Sadly, our so-called Jewish leaders can’t read the handwriting on the wall.

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