RINO Gingrich eyes Trump administration: “I want to be his general planner”

newt_gingrichWhile President-elect Trump’s transition team considers which campaign supporters to appoint to various position in the White House, one surrogate is making it clear where he sees himself.

“I wanna be the general planner,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told Fox News’ “Kelly File” on Monday.

Gingrich said he envisions himself “looking out over the next eight years and trying to design how we fundamentally reshape the federal government and that’s a very broad job.”

Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon was appointed to chief strategist for his fighter mentality, Gingrich said, comparing his role to George W. Bush’s adviser Karl Rove.

Gingrich predicted former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claims the secretary of state slot.

“If Rudy wants it, he’ll get it,” Gingrich said. “He would do a lot to both represent America, which is what we need, and to reform the State Department.”

The former top GOP official did not confirm or deny rumors that Lifezette’s Laura Ingraham may be tapped for press secretary.


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