Sen. Dick Durbin: GOP Are All Racists Making Loretta Lynch ‘Sit in the Back of the Bus’

durbin_dickFrom the same jerk who wants to tax the internet and who played a role in the IRS targeting of conservatives…

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) took to the floor on Wednesday and upped the rhetoric against a Republican Party that has continued to block a confirmation vote for Loretta Lynch, who President Barack Obama nominated to succeed Attorney General Eric Holder more than four months ago.

“There is no substantive reason to stop this nomination,” Durbin said during his floor speech, calling out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for saying he would not allow a vote on Lynch’s confirmation under the Senate passes a bill on human trafficking laws.

“And so, Loretta Lynch, the first African-American woman nominated to be attorney general, is asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar,” Durbin added. “That is unfair. It’s unjust. It is beneath the decorum and dignity of the United States Senate. This woman deserves fairness.”

Essentially, Durbin accused the Republican Party of treating Lynch like Rosa Parks.

Shortly after Lynch’s nomination was announced, GOP Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee pushed to make sure her confirmation was held until the new Republican-led Senate took over in January. But now that the new Congress has been in office for more than two months, Lynch does not appear to be any closer to taking over for Holder.


  • Another reason not to support the hateful demRATS, the true haters. Many GOPers correctly despise her because she will not uphold the law regarding the illegal amnesty for millions of criminal lawbreakers. Yet, this scum from IL. started in with rhetoric that has no business being said. Fatso only continues to demoralize a demoralized country. I wish the legislative branch can eliminated or suspended. If it can’t, there has to be a law that prevents cameras and the during proceeding. The process has been hi-jacked by publicity craven politicians. We deserve better. Once again, the Jewish community has to stop giving their money to this party.

  • The danger of recent trends is that it is also to socially nurture sexes to be the same when they are in fact different. And children should be allowed to be different.

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