Target Pays High Price for Trying to Ram Transgender Sickness Down Customers’ Throats

target-gay-rainbowThese days, most major companies will go to great lengths to convince the public that they are on the cutting edge of political correctness. But in this regard few can keep up with Target, which as a result of its aggressive promotion of psychosexual perversion is becoming the canary in the coalmine of corporate moonbattery:

In the wake of its five-month-long [transgender] bathroom policy, Target (TGT) Corporation continues to implode.

Within a month after the misguided policy, the company’s market cap had already declined by $9 billion compared to where it should have been had Target kept its pre-April 19 correlation with its primary competitors, Walmart (WMT) and Costco (COST).

By late May, the market cap hit reached $10.5 billion. As of the second week of June, the loss was $11 billion.

That is a high price to pay for making sure everyone knows that male perverts are welcome in women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in keeping with Target’s overall moonbat agenda (e.g., seehere, here, here, here, and here).

Second-quarter earnings data are now out, showing that Target’s earnings plummeted nearly 10%, with projected lower sales estimates for the remainder of 2016. Net sales declined more than 7% from the same period year over year. …

Had Target’s market cap continued to follow close pace with Walmart, as it had done in the months before the bathroom policy was implemented, it would have increased 1% compared to its value on April 19 of this year. Instead, Target’s market cap is now down 23.3% over this time frame.

People are heading for the lifeboats:

Corporate executives are leaving in droves. Just 10% of the most senior executives in place two years ago remain with the company, including two major losses during the past month.

Let that be a lesson to other companies that put progressive social engineering ahead of their own customers, who do not necessary live inside the liberal elite’s ideological bubble.


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