• jihadwatch.org has an article headlined
    “The Palestinian Web of Lies”
    September 29, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald

    Also from
    jihadwatch.org an article is headlined
    “Palestinian Lies, and the Truth”
    September 30, 2024 By Hugh Fitzgerald

    • Why is the Ayatollah so Ugly in this Photo and all other Photos

    • A person typed online today
      “We have had Charlottesville after Charlottesville in America in the last year. Too many to count. Literally hundreds.

      And the only thing Biden, Harris, or Walz have said about any of them are positive and empathetic things.

      There are multiple SJP “protests” scheduled for Oct 7. Keep in mind, there was no “genocidal Israeli response” beginning at that time. That was merely when an attempted genocide AGAINST Israel occurred.

      This is an act of antisemitic terrorism. It’s not the right to peacefully protest on a uni campus, any more than a Klan rally is.

      These “protests” are using pro-Oct 7 terms and are openly supporting registered terrorist groups who have openly declared that one of their goals is to murder all of the Jews in the world.

      That makes them Nazi rallies.

      Why is it now necessary for the Democratic Party WH ticket to remain silent on these hate rallies in order to still win the election? They wouldn’t do that if it didn’t affect their votes. Silence wouldn’t be necessary if it was just some extremely tiny fringe.

      Which means the Democratic Party has to cater to Islamists and murderous antisemites in order to win an election.

      Why is THAT not all over MSBC and CNN?

      If you’re a liberal and this problem isn’t one of your biggest concerns right now, you’re either asleep or in denial.”

    • The New York Post
      nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Antisemitism is exploding — because we’re teaching hate in public schools”
      By Nicole Neily
      Published Oct. 6, 2024

      WTF , teaching Hate in
      The Public Schools
      More Lovely
      “Free Speech” ?

    • Another person typed online today
      One year ago today, 3,800 trained Hamas terrorists were joined by 2,200 ordinary Palestinian Arabs who invaded Israel unleashing unprecedented barbarism, including beheadings, rapes, and
      burning people alive, resulting in the mass murder of 1,200 people, including over 30 Americans and the seizing of 250 hostages.

      After a year into the war, Israel decided to change its tactics from a defensive war to a preemptive one with great success. Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, said, “This isn’t a war Israel started nor is it a war Israel wanted”, but it is a war Israel will finish.

      At a time when there is growing support for Netanyahu in his effort to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah, Kamala Harris, when asked if she supports Israel’s democratically elected Prime Minister Netanyahu, dodged the question by saying “I support the people of Israel.”

      What a terrible message her equivocating response sends to the rest of the world about her lack of support of Israel. Imagine, if she were to be elected, how little support Israel could expect from the likes of her and her administration.”

    • The New York Post
      nypost.com has an article headlined
      “On Oct. 7 anniversary, standing with Israel means the free world’s salvation”
      By Ofir Akunis
      Published Oct. 6, 2024

      Also from nypost.com an
      Article is headlined
      “US must wake up to the danger of Iran’s ‘axis of evil’ ties to Russia, China”
      By Isaac Schorr
      Published Oct. 2, 2024

  • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article
    Joseph Levenstein
    “The Antisemitic Trope No One Talks About”
    Aug 9, 2024

  • A person typed online today
    “The unmitigated Jew-hating stupidity I’ve seen I’ve the past couple weeks, as the “free Gaza” crowd in the west now move away from defending the ugliest aspects of “Palestinian resistance” and engage in defending a fascist Nazi mafia that serves an imperial regime, is nauseating but predictable.

    But seeing so many supposedly normal non-radical people from educators to the Pope remain silent about a year’s attacks from Hezbollah suddenly up in arms about Israel responding makes me want to vomit.

    Where have you been???

    What utter filth.

    Wow. What unevolved, inferior humans. What complete and total trash.

    Not even a hundred years on from the Holocaust, and Jew-hatred is so easily malleable that you can dupe genderqueer progressive antiwar westies to remain silent about a year of Hezbollah attacks (so much for being “anti-war”) and then they suddenly lose their minds at the pagers of those fascist thugs blowing up in terrorists’ hands.

    There are Arab nations in the region who have a far better grasp on what is actually at stake here than the people we have been lectured by for decades now as the arbiters of right and wrong, pointing their nasty little fingers at every person who dared to disagree with them, while they cheer on literal wanted terrorists who have murdered their countrymen.

    No thank you.

    The world has been hoping Hezbollah would succeed. So have far too many in Washington whom we have allowed to infiltrate Congress and even the White House.

    I stand with Israel. And the millions and millions of zombies and antisemites can kiss my Jewish ass.”
    With a Photo of Post on X
    Avi Mayer אבי מאיר
    @AviMayer which says
    “All Lebanon and the UN had to do to prevent what’s happening now is implement UN Security Council resolution 1701, pushing Hezbollah away from northern Israel and preventing it from attacking Israelis.

    They didn’t.

    For 18 years, Lebanon and the UN have enabled Hezbollah to entrench itself in southern Lebanon and use it as a launch pad for attacks against northern Israel, which have only intensified since October 8, killing scores of Israelis and forcing 100,000 to flee their homes.

    Lebanon has done nothing to stop it. The UN has done nothing to stop it.

    So now Israel is doing something to stop it.”
    5:38 AM · Oct 1, 2024

  • & also typed
    “Whatever course of action Israel chooses to do at this time (which first of all is their call to make or not make – not Biden’s or Harris’s or Trump’s or any other American’s), the notion that it doesn’t have a right to defend itself against this, and that it is Israel and not Iran and its proxies that are showing “belligerence,” is an absolute farce.

    If America found itself dealing with what Israel has been dealing with from Hezbollah since October 8th, we would have already turned whatever neighboring nation those attacks were coming from into rubble by now.

    Western armchair peace activist privilege is nauseating. It is the pastime of the morally corrupt with no functioning consistent empathy.

    Our leaders should project strength and the threat of destruction to prevent these things from escalating. Appeasement is the pathway to more conflict.

    The Iranian regime just engaged in the biggest ballistic missile attack in all history. Don’t think for a moment it is remotely moral to say “Israel needs to not start a war with Iran.” It’s already started.”

  • popsugar.com has an article headlined
    “5 “Compliments” Jewish Women Get That Are Antisemitic”
    By Hannah Resnick
    Published on March 16, 2021

  • The Mideast Conflict has many Trekkers asking according to the Fictional
    Star Trek Franchise , what role did Israel play in the Eugenics Wars ?
    How did Khan Noonien Singh
    feel about Israel and the Jews ?

    Indeed these are Very
    Deep Profound Thoughts
    Any opinions ?

  • On the Star Trek Website
    memory-alpha.fandom.com type in “Eugenics Wars” on the
    Search Bar , scroll down the entry says
    “Eugenics Wars
    1992–1996 (original timeline)
    Between 2022 and 2056 (Temporal altered timeline)

    The Eugenics Wars (or the Great Wars) were a series of conflicts originally fought on Earth between 1992 and 1996 (TOS: “Space Seed”), which later shifted to the 21st century due to efforts by various temporal factions to stop the rise of Khan and the events that followed; Romulan temporal agent Sera suggested that “it’s almost as if time itself is pushing back and events reinsert themselves.” (SNW: “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow”) It has also been known as the Eugenic War, Second Civil War and World War III at different points. (SNW: “Strange New Worlds”) The result of a scientific attempt to improve the Human race through selective breeding and genetic engineering, the wars devastated parts of Earth, by some estimates officially causing some thirty million to tens of millions of deaths, and nearly plunging the planet into a new Dark Age. (TOS: “Space Seed”; ENT: “Borderland”; SNW: “Ad Astra per Aspera”) ”

    Keep scrolling down to read the full article/entry

  • Khaled Hassan
    @Khaledhzakariah typed on X
    “I know that there’s a lot of confusion in the US and Israel over ‘post-war’ arrangements; who runs Gaza, where Hamas leadership go, security in the Strip, etc.

    I want to make this perfectly clear. I worked with, met and personally knew many Palestinians, including the most senior diplomats and politicians. Every single one of them, except one person, believes and hopes that the 2-state solution is a stepping stone towards the ‘final solution’, where Israel is eradicated and a Palestinian state, from the river to the sea, is established. This is an account of every interaction I can recall. Make of that what you will.

    Shabbat Shalom!”
    11:55 AM · Jan 19, 2024

  • More about Fakestinians
    Khaled Hassan
    @Khaledhzakariah typed on X
    “You can lie to yourself for as long as you want. For me, Palestinians developed and maintain one of the most horrific societies known to man. It’s not a minority that represents the worst of this society, it’s collectively a disgusting society.

    We’ve seen them kidnap infants, kill a mother with a baby in a pram, rape women, burn Jews alive, kidnap Holocaust survivors, take and keep a sex slave for over 10 years, hijack planes, kill their own Arab allies, dance when Sadat was murdered, dance when Jews are murdered, elect and support serial murderers for decades, murder the rare voices of dissent, glorify and celebrate Nazism and Hitler…..

    I don’t know what else you need to believe that this is a disgusting society. But, you do you. Keep the fantasy of a two-state solution. Tell yourself that all societies are equally valid and good and that Santa is real.

    Personally, I am done.”
    6:04 PM · Oct 3, 2024

  • nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Why Israel will never again forget who its neighbors are”
    By David Christopher Kaufman
    Published Oct. 5, 2024

  • A person typed online today
    “October 7th hasn’t stopped.

    This is the point.

    When it happened, we couldn’t mourn because we were instantly being verbally and physically attacked across the world.

    One year later, a year of verbal and physical attacks later, here we are, about to try to mourn and process on the anniversary of October 7th, and there are demonstrations planned across the nation AGAINST the people October 7th happened to.

    It’s all just October 7th from then through now, and for the foreseeable future.

    The voices from the handful of allies have been beautiful. The silence is haunting and deafening. And I think we all know which has been louder.” That was in reply to Another person posting
    “How do we Commemorate Oct. 7 when it still feels like Oct. 7”
    & Another person typed in reply
    “It feels like Oct 7th because it is still Oct 7th for our people who are still held hostage. Our commemoration is more of our daily vigil and fight to Bring Them Home. It is now the 365th day of the fight.”

    Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
    “The Hamas Holocaust, One Year Later

    Today marks one year since the massacre, the murder, the genocidal slaughter of over one thousand, two hundred Israelis.

    October 7, 2023 Palestinian Hamas terrorists and thousands of Palestinian civilians invaded Israel and raped, tortured, mutilated, burned alive and beheaded 1,200 human beings, men, women, the elderly and children even infants, because they were born JEWISH.

    Hamas savages brutally kidnapped 234 men, women, the elderly and children, the majority being Jewish.

    The hostages have been tormented, tortured, starved and murdered in captivity. Scores of young Jewish female hostages have been horribly sexually abused, raped.

    They were forced to live in darkened tunnels, denied the use of toilets, denied food and water. Confined in a living hell.

    Back in Gaza they were celebrating with shouts of ‘Allah Akbar’ the massacre of the Jews and cheered when the bodies of Jewish men and women, some stripped naked, both living and dead were dragged through the streets.

    Hamas continues to hold the bodies of the Jews they murdered and those still alive, who are continuing to suffer from their captors depraved sadism.

    Not since the Holocaust of WW2 has there been such a horrific loss of Jewish lives.

    Palestinian Hamas are the Nazis of the 21st century. In fact Hamas in many ways are worse, more extreme, more depraved than the Nazi monsters of the Third Reich, as they tried to conceal from the world their abominable crimes against the Jewish people. Whereas the Hamas barbarians made sure that the world saw in graphic detail their sear sadistic violent depravity.

    So on this solemn day, on this day of mourning, we remember the all the victims, the Jewish victims of this bestial Palestinian barbarism and their family members who survived, that witnessed their loved ones, their friends being raped, tortured and murdered. They will carry this with them for a lifetime.

    The valorous IDF warriors, that gave their lives and the wounded that gave their limbs and minds, on the battlefield, who bare the seen and unseen scars of war, we remember them, we honor their immense scarifies, and we thank them for their great heroism.

    May the loving healing grace of G-D bind up the wounds of the body, heart and mind and grant peace, comfort and strength to the Jewish people of Israel.

    ~Chaplain Michael Green ✡️”

  • A person typed online today
    “Roots Metals always comes through.

    If you’re not Jewish, you owe it to yourself and us to read this and try to understand. And if you are Jewish, you owe it to yourself to process this day in whatever way is best for your well-being.

    That said, in general, one can no longer be Jewish and sit on the sidelines. That’s not moral. You and your people’s existence is on the line. Act like it. Actually love yourself enough to act like it.

    This is a war declared against our existence in the entire world. It’s time to fight back, to side with actual allies no matter what else you feel about them, and hold those who refuse to listen accountable.

    There could be any other day to protest, but there are countless protests happening on purpose today. And the purpose is to erase the evil of October 7th, to force Jews away from being able to process their grief, to raise up those who raped, kidnapped, and slaughtered Jews, and to call those who have openly stated their goal is the eventual genocide of the entire Jewish people from the face of the earth heroes and martyrs.

    The word for such people is “Nazis.” They are Nazis.

    You may have these people in your life. You may not like the idea that these people are Nazis. But they are.

    We don’t have a word for “openly supports Nazis who murder Jews for being Jews but isn’t a Nazi themselves.”

    A “Nazi supporter” is a Nazi.

    Some of your friends or former friends, significant others, coworkers, are Nazis. Nazis don’t get to choose how they self-identify. If there is a group who is dedicated to the murder of Jews worldwide and you support them, that makes you a Nazi. Acting like the reason why you support them determines whether or not you are a Nazi is INSANE.

    STOP IT.

    We don’t say that people who supported the Nazi party in Nazi Germany, not for antisemitic reasons but for other reasons, was somehow not a Nazi. It’s still called being a Nazi.

    Jews are living through a worldwide resurgence of Nazism, and the majority of the biggest culprits are NOT white nationalists. They are Marxists and leftists, they are Arabs and Muslims, they are LGBTQ and they are people of color. And they believe the same lies about Jews that Hitler spread.

    I will not back down from this. Your Arab or Black or Marxist ass is STILL A NAZI if you believe the same things about Jews that Hitler did and enthusiastically support terrorist groups who have stated the destruction of Jews worldwide is one of their main goals, and have massacred Jews from Israel to Argentina in their attempt to do so.

    Trying to split hairs on this is NAZI APOLOGISM.

    One year on, and we found out that many of our friends are Nazis, and that they will guzzle the lamest excuses for propaganda so long as it fits their biases.

    Cool. So they’re Nazis. Nazis who care about social justice and blame the Jews for lack of social justice are still very much Nazis.

    We know what to do with Nazis. We all do. And the answer is their destruction.”
    See the website
    Click on the article
    “the pain of October 7”
    October 7, 2024

  • Trump is a schmuck.

  • A person also typed online today
    “The term “Zio” was popularized by a grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

    I am inundated with little Gen Z Marxist dirtbags, including no shortage of people of color, calling Jews a term made up by the KKK.

    Don’t tell me the left don’t have a Nazi problem. It’s drowning in white supremacist ideas and terminology for Jews.

    Horseshoe theory is real, y’all.

    PS – the origin of the term however is “zionazi,” which was coined by the far left decades and decades ago. Because the left has always had its own Jew-hatred problems, and has always been prone to falling for Soviet antisemitic propaganda.”
    A person typed in reply
    “back when I was in college I used to spend a lot of time at counter-marches against the KKK and other white supremacist groups. And in all honesty I can say that while they were some pretty awful people, in my experience these pro terrorist groups of today make them look like kittens! I’ve never witnessed such depths of moral depravity, not even from the Klan.”

  • nationalreview.com has an article headlined :
    “‘Raised on Terror’: After Gaza Tour, IDF Soldier from N.Y. Shocked at Scope of Hamas Brainwashing”
    By Ryan Mills
    October 7, 2024

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