• Some claim the charges against Trump are bogus , anyone else Not Know who or what to believe, with All the Information, Disinformation, Misinformation and Fake News
    Also did anyone see the 2023 biopic movie “Golda” about
    Golda Meir
    The film depicts the life of Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, particularly during the Yom Kippur War. The Non-Jewish actress Helen Mirren plays Golda Meir

    • Jaime Foxx posts Vile Anti-Semitic Drivel on Instagram,
      Jennifer Aniston likes it
      There’s nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes 1:9
      How many Jewish doctors and Hospital Staff helped
      Foxx recover from his Health Crisis

    • Russia & China sent a large naval patrol near Alaska , what are they planning , will Iran be next ?

    • Some have suggested that
      Israel join NATO
      North Atlantic Treaty Organization
      Should Israel ever become a
      Member of NATO or the
      U.N. Security Council

    • algemeiner.com has an article headlined
      “Sarah Idan, Former Miss Iraq and Ardent Zionist, Runs For Congress to be ‘Voice of Reason’ in Democratic Party” on June 7, 2023

      by Shiryn Ghermezian

    • israelnationalnews.com on
      August 8, 2023 has an article headlined
      “Arabic broadcaster calls the Galilee “Occupied Northern Palestine”.on Israeli TV”
      Big Surprise, More Arab Hatred and Rejection of Israel

    • Anyone read the latest edition of the book
      “Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict” by
      Mitchell G. Bard , it can also be read online at
      It’s a Superb Resource

    • A Christian writer online said about the Greatness of Israel that
      “The land of Israel, I believe, is the most important spot on earth. The most important city is not Washington or Moscow, but Jerusalem. The most important land, believe it or not, is not America but tiny Israel, about the size of New Jersey.

      Israel: the geographic center. “See, I have set thee in the midst of the nations (Ezekiel 5:5). Israel, called “the navel of the earth,” is strategically located at the hub of three continents.

      Israel: the revelation center. From this land, the land of Moses, the prophets and the apostles, came the Word of God.

      Israel: the spiritual center. In Bethlehem Jesus was born. In Nazareth He grew to maturity. In Galilee He walked and taught on the mountainsides and beside the Sea. In Jerusalem our Lord was crucified, buried and rose from the dead. From the Mount of Olives He ascended. And to the Mount of Olives He will return; His feet will first touch down upon the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4).

      Israel: the prophecy center. Prophecy is “pre-written history.” The land of Israel is the only land belonging to God’s people. The details of their future are minutely recorded in the Bible. If you want to know what God is doing, study Israel and her people.

      Israel: the storm center. The Middle East, specifically Israel, is the world’s greatest trouble spot. The Bible says “Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone for all people” of the world[CAP1] [CA2] – (Zechariah 12:3), and indeed we see in the daily news the gathering storm clouds of Armageddon.

      Israel: also the peace center. We’re told to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). There will never be peace on earth until there’s peace in Jerusalem, until Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, rules and reigns from Jerusalem. When we’re praying for the peace of Jerusalem, we’re praying, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” We want our Lord to reign from Zion, to sit upon the throne of his father David.

      Israel: one day will be the glory center. When our Lord returns, all nations of the world will come to Jerusalem to worship (Micah 2:3). Jerusalem will be the capital city not only of Israel but of the entire world, and the Word of the Lord shall go forth from Zion (Isaiah 2:3). Jesus will reign from Jerusalem (Luke 1:32). Israel is at the center of God’s plan.”

    • The New York Post
      nypost.com has an article headlined
      “10 ways American culture and way of life is under assault”
      By Victor Davis Hanson
      August 7, 2023 Do we agree with this article that The Left Ruins many things

  • Imagine a scenario in the future where we live in a Soviet style dictatorship and we are imprisoned by a wall at the border.
    It’s better to have strict border patrol and deportations of recently arrived illegals rather than live in a prison state.

  • Fox News currently says on the Screen Florida Vs. California
    Comparing Red vs. Blue States as Sean Hannity has a
    one-on-one interview with
    Ron DeSantis

  • We don’t know for sure if ted cruz would have beaten Hillary.
    Trumps supreme court reversed roe v Wade. Result is red states restrict abortion. Red states tend to be white American. This will help the replacement rate.

  • What about the Bible verse
    Jeremiah 29:11 which says
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” NIV I’ve read that with Rising Anti-Semitism everywhere in the World, some Jews take comfort in this verse

  • Any opinions of
    Mitch McConnell ?

  • Any Opinions about that riot in
    Union Square, Manhattan on
    Friday August 4, 2023
    because Kai Cenat said he was giving away free Playstation 5 Consoles and Gift Cards
    Why are children and teenagers today so badly behaved ?

  • William Friedkin the director of
    “The Exorcist” has died, did anyone else know that he was

  • Another hate crime in the NYC subway f train. Three “youths” used anti asian slurs toward an asian family from Nevada. One attacked another asian witness filming the incident.

  • Don’t build the wall.
    Watch escape from NY 1981 with Kurt Russell.

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