Trump, The Last Guy Who Should Be Signing Anti-Porn Pledges, Signed An Anti-Porn Pledge

Trump’s casinos were the first in the world to have a strip club and a gay strip club.

It wasn’t just last week that Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, was plastered naked on the front of the New York Post being embraced from behind by a Scandinavian model. Trump responded by saying “In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

Trump is the same man who appeared on the cover of Playboy Magazine, and even jokingly offered to buy it at one point. We know that, because they printed his offer on the cover next to his picture.

Trump Playboy

That cover is proudly displayed to this day in his office, and we know that because he recently had Jerry Falwell’s wife stand next to it during a photo op.


Needless to say, Trump is no stranger to pornography, and seems to be a-ok with it. So it’s kind of funny that the guy who defends his wife taking part in lesbian centric photos, posing nude, and proudly working alongside popular pornographic magazines signs an anti-porn pledge…well, I have to laugh.

The pledge Trump signed was called “The Children’s Internet Safety Pledge,” written by the group called Enough is Enough. Within the pledge are various ways Trump can help make the internet a more porn free place, mainly centering around “the children,” and their exposure to it. This also includes creating a team that will explore, in depth, the effects of the porn industry on the country.

You can read the facts, figures, and solutions the EIE group has come up with, but the main goal seems to be a first amendment friendly reduction in the internet’s porn output/consumption via government regulation.

While this might make some of his more conservative base happy, many independents who don’t share those values, and see porn as nothing to be concerned about, might find this to be just a bit too much.

Other Presidential candidates have taken stances against porn, or things like masturbation. Rick Santorum said he would take action against the porn industry, causing massive backlash across the web that included porn stars starting a masturbation campaign. Christine O’Donnell too took a hard stance against masturbation, and was relentlessly mocked for it.

Regardless, this is likely nothing but a ploy to garner more support from conservatives, and likely a play at getting more support from Christian evangelicals. While it might have some effect, it would be hard for those who would even agree with EIE to even believe Trump, seeing as how just yesterday he was defending his wife’s pornographic lesbian shoot.

If it does hurt him in the polls like it did the other candidates who tried this route, expect one of Trump’s classic flip-flops to follow.

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