• Some Jews have a death wish about them in that they really don’t feel comfortable about living in a hostile country or city and then complain about the anti semitism all around them. Knowing that the Ukrainians hate the Jews and have always hated the Jewish People, why promote life in Ukraine? Why did Chabad open up many centers all over this anti semitic country? The answer to these questions is quite simple. Jewish People act as if they did something wrong and as such seem to like torturing themselves. You see this in the State of Israel as well. Jewish People go out of their way to help the Arabs kill them. They support the Arabs, feed them, and give them medical treatments so that the Arabs can be stronger. This is one reason why I do not support anyone in Israel. Supporting Jews who wish themselves dead is not a good investment.

    • Cody, you are correct, While Ukraine currently has the brave Jewish President Zelensky fighting off the Russian Invasion . Still many Ukrainians remain deeply anti-semitic. Arabs are Simply the Worst people in the World. As the Bible verse Genesis 16:12 predicted. Plus Arabs murder their own people, practice Cannibalism, Animal Cruelty, beheadings, drinking human blood, the list goes on. Arabs are the most Ugly Worthless Miserable people in the World. The thing is Arabs and so-called “Palestinians” see any act of Kindness or Compassion as Weakness, and they only respond with Hate, Violence and Terrorism. Arabs and so-called “Palestinians” deserve nothing and Must be given nothing, not a single penny. Arabs have No Conscience, No Morals, No Empathy, not the slightest shred of Humanity or Decency within them. They are the most Heartless Selfish Stubborn Dishonest people in the World. The Arab Nations need to pay Israel Trillions upon Trillions of Dollars for the 800,000 Jews they expelled from their Nations in 1948. It is the Arab Nazi Terrorist Regimes that owe Israel Trillions upon Trillions of Dollars..
      The “Palestinian people” are a Fake Invented Fictional people, the Worst Invention in Human History, we all wish they were Never Invented, the
      “Palestinians” are the biggest Hoax , the biggest Hoax in Human History .
      Plus after the “Abraham Accords” of 2020 , Demon-crat Arab Muslim
      “Palestinian” congresswoman
      Rashida Tlaib appears in pictures protesting the Accords & “Normalization” with the UAE & Bahrain. Tlaib appears in Pictures with other Ugly hate-filled Arabs, you can see that Rashida Tlaib is literally foaming at the Mouth with Rage, foaming at the Mouth, just like a Rabies Infected Ugly Rabid Mad Dog , she looked just like
      Cujo, just like Cujo the Ugly Rabies infected Rabid Mad Dog from the 1983 Horror Movie of the same name. Just like Cujo .
      Plus many have said that
      Rashida Tlaib in her pictures looks like the Ugly Arab Female version of The Joker from the Batman Movie Franchise, that Rashida Tlaib has an ugly sinister smile and toothy grin just like
      The Joker. Tlaib and the other Ugly Loser Members of
      “The Squad” should be Voted out of Office the Next Time they run for Re-election. Vote them Out ..

      • An online article by
        Wayne Jackson says in part about Genesis 16:12 and the Arabs that
        “Ishmael was characterized as a “wild ass.” What is the significance of that expression? Several ideas have been suggested. Hamilton contends that the habitat of the wild ass is in the waste places (cf. Job 39:5-8), hence, the idea is that of a life of nomadic existence (454).

        Anderson/Freedman thought that the figure hints of a “forlorn and friendless” existence (505; cf. Genesis 21:20). Baur/Harrison suggested that the wild ass was a creature proverbially skilled at escape — only a hunter of “obvious prowess” could capture him (Bromiley, 905).

        All of these descriptives are traits of the bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula.

        His Hand Against Every Man
        Of special interest, though, is the foreboding indication that the descendants of Ishmael would be a fierce people — “his hand against every man, every man’s hand against him” (Genesis 16:12).

        Moses wrote that the Ishmaelite “abode over against all his brethren” (Genesis 25:18; cf. 16:12b). Many scholars believe that this language reflects a hostile disposition (cf. NIV).

        William Beck’s, An American Translation, renders the phrase: “They fought with all their relatives.” E.A. Speiser argued that the language depicts the attacks characteristically made upon the Ishmaelites’ various kinsmen (188).

        History has amply illustrated the warlike temperament of the Arabian people. Thomas Newton, who traced the bloody history of the Arabs with precision, said these people

        “live in a state of continual war with the rest of the world … they have been such enemies of mankind, it is no wonder that mankind have been enemies to them again” (23).

        Many nations have fought against these rugged people, but none has been able to subdue them completely.

        Herodotus, the Greek historian, notes that the Persians were never able to conquer the Arabians (III.88). Strabo, the geographer, said that when Alexander the Great overturned the Persian empire, of the surrounding peoples who sued for peace, only the Arabs resisted. Alexander’s preparation to engage them in battle was terminated by his premature death.

        When the Romans swept from the west to the east, they were never able to reduce the Arab peoples to a province. Pompey, the Roman general who vanquished so much of the Mediterranean world, failed to subjugate the fierce Arabs.

        Later, the emperor Trajan attempted to conquer these peoples, and though he was not without isolated victories, his objective ultimately failed. Meanwhile, these bedouin continued their ravages in various Roman provinces.”

        • A Funny Joke that appeared online several years ago :
          How long does it take an
          Arab Woman to take a Dump ?
          Answer: Nine Months

      • But seriously the 4 ugly females in “The Squad” look like the younger dumber uglier version of The Golden Girls, those 4 Losers have a total collective IQ of Negative 100 ,
        -100 . They really are that stupid, can’t wait to see them get Voted out next time they run for re-election .

        • Plus around 2 years ago on
          Facebook a man said about AOC that
          “the lady is so dumb she probably has put Diesel fuel in a unleaded vehicle” and said AOC is a Moron

          • One thing people have said about AOC
            is that when she eats
            Ice Cream getting
            Brain Freeze is Never a problem for her !

          • Ever notice when
            AOC talks , she sounds like a 5 year old ?
            Many people have pointed that out

        • The Squad Never did

      • In 2019 Israel was right to ban those two characters
        Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar from visiting the country.
        Israel was Right to bar them from going on their stupid little
        playdate visit to Israel to spew
        Lies and Propaganda.
        Can’t wait to see them both get Voted Out next time they run for re-election . They are as stupid as they are Ugly . Also did you hear the rumors that
        Ilhan Omar Married her own brother..? Look it up online..

        • People on the Internet have pointed out that
          Ilhan Omar sounds just like a Serpent when she speaks , just like a Serpent, and that she has problems with her Saliva. Anyone else hear the rumor that she
          Married her Brother ?
          The Question is Why would
          Ilhan Omar marry her brother ..?
          Can’t wait to see the 4 ugly stupid Losers in
          “The Squad” get Voted Out next election day ,

      • Now Israel unjustly gets blamed for the death of
        Fakestinian-American Al Jazeera “Journalist”
        Shireen Abu Akleh , when we all know her death was probably the fault of the other
        Fakestinians ,
        The Media is lying, as always everyone hates the Jews and Israel,

      • In April 2015
        theatlantic.com website has an article by Jeffrey Goldberg headlined
        “Is it time for the Jews to Leave Europe ?” The article quotes a Jewish person commenting on the Jew-Hatred in Europe
        The European Jewish person says
        “It will never go away, this hatred of Jews … and the proof of this is that barely 50 years after the Holocaust, the desire for Jewish bloodletting isn’t over,” he said. “Couldn’t they have given us a bit longer? Give us 100 years and we’ll return to it.”

        “I know this is a dangerous thing to say … but the Holocaust didn’t satisfy.” The full article is online

      • Larry Nassar is one ugly disgusting perverted Evil Arab

      • An interesting article is from the website
        “Why People Hate the Jews”
        by Louis A. Turk, Ph.D.

        • In addition to the article from eternalsalvation.org
          The website
          biblestudyproject.org has an article by
          Norman Manzon in 2016
          “The True Roots of Anti-Semitism”

          • Plus the website
            rbthieme.org has a booklet that anyone can order titled
            “Anti-Semitism” published in 2003 by
            The late R.B. Thieme Jr.
            Robert Bunger Thieme Jr.
            The description of this booklet on the website says
            “Anti-Semitism is a masterstroke of treacherous evil. Endless Jewish persecutions verify Satan-inspired antagonism toward God’s elect people. History authenticates the devastating effect of such virulent bigotry.

            The biblical portrayal of this heinous intolerance presents the divine perspective and solution and outlines the plan of God for the Jew throughout human history. In the unconditional covenants to Israel, God guarantees that the Jew will survive despite cruel treatment. Therefore, He condemns anti-Semitism as a contradiction to His sovereign will and purpose.

            No one should ever be guilty of this insidious prejudice. Divine judgment and utter ruin are the ultimate destiny of individuals or nations that practice anti-Semitism—in the past, present, and future.”


      • Recent online articles have mentioned how there is a Huge
        Amount of Anti-Arab Sentiment in Turkey. Anti-Arab Sentiment is Sweeping Turkey
        Big Surprise, Turkey can’t stand the Arabs, they can’t stand the Arab refugees from Syria . Again the words of the Bible verse Genesis 16:12
        have been shown to be True,
        Turkey’s Anti-Arab Sentiment doesn’t just come out of thin air for no reason

      • The thing about the late
        Yasser Arafat aka
        Arab-Rat , Arab-Fat , Arab-Fart is that his Nobel Peace Prize needs to be Posthumously
        Revoked , most people would agree that that his
        Ugly Arab Ass should Never have Received it to Begin With
        Arafat died of AIDS in 2004
        Arafat was the World’s Worst Terrorist . Arafat receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 was an insult to the entire
        Civilized World.
        Who else wants it to be Posthumously Revoked ..?

      • More about Rashida Tlaib and her
        Fakestinian Lies:
        has an article by
        Jonathan S. Tobin headlined
        “Let’s Talk About the ‘Nakba’ and Who’s Really Responsible for Palestinian Suffering”
        on May 20, 2022
        A must read article Exposing Arab & Fakestinian Lies

      • Everyone , see this article
        About the Jews Unjustly Kicked out of the Arab Nations in 1948 . As Always
        Everything is the Fault of the Arabs , the Arab Nations Owe Israel Tens of Trillion of Dollars for the Jews they Kicked out in 1948 .

        • About the Jewish Nakba in
          1948 , Jews unjustly kicked out of Arab Nations
          Notice how Jews don’t cry and whine about it Endlessly like the
          Fakestinians cry about
          1948 . Fakestinians and Arabs are the biggest
          Sore Losers in Human History . The Arab Nations owe Israel at least
          100 Trillion dollars, with a T , for the 800, 000 Jews they kicked out in 1948. The Arab Nations need to pay up , not just for 1948, but for all the Wars and Terrorism they start. They owe Israel way more than 100 Trillion dollars

          • The Fakestinians and other Arabs need to grow up, grow up and get over their so-called
            “Nakba” in 1948 that they inflicted on themselves, it’s their Fault, Not Israel’s Fault.
            The Fakestinians and other Arabs need to
            Get Over It and Move on , No one Cares about them , No one likes them

      • Jewish Democrat
        Andy Levin from Michigan is actually “friends” with
        Rashida Tlaib , why would anyone want to be friends with her ??? see this article
        Can’t wait for Tlaib and the other 3 ugly Losers in
        “The Squad” get Voted out
        Next Election, those 4 ugly Losers are still the
        Younger, Uglier, Dumber,
        Version of the
        Golden Girls
        Andy Levin is delusional in his
        “friendship” with Tlaib

        • Seriously why would anyone want to be
          “friends” with Rashida Tlaib ? she is the ugly Fakestinian Arab female version of
          The Joker from The Batman Movies .
          Why would anyone want to be “friends” with Tlaib or any Arab or Fakestinian person. Vote Tlaib Out this Election Day, Vote her Out
          Vote The Joker Out

      • Notice how some Translations of the Bible Verse,
        Genesis 16:12 describe the Arab race as a “Wild Donkey” of a man , and the Political Symbol of the Evil, Wicked Democrat party in America is a donkey , very revealing, Coincidence ?

        • Anyone else think the
          Democrat party of today is a Wild Donkey ?
          Is it More than a Coincidence that
          Genesis 16:12 describes the
          Arab race as a “Wild Donkey” and the Political Symbol of the
          Democrat party in 2022 is a

      • Again , there is No Palestine & No Palestinians , Only

      • But seriously Tlaib and the other women in
        “The Squad” are the younger ,
        Uglier , dumber Communist
        Version of
        The Golden Girls ,
        Vote them Out next Election Day

      • Another article about
        dog face , Cujo lookalike
        Rashida Tlaib aka
        Rashida Turd is from the New York Post website nypost.com
        “Tlaib’s anti-Israel slander shows just how far Democrats have strayed”
        By Post Editorial Board

        on September 22, 2022

      • Janet Sissy Bosley

        President of Ukraine g-dad fought Nazi’s

      • In 2019 Trump Was Right when he told the 4 ugly Communist
        “Squad” Members to go back to their own countries ,
        Trump Was Right

        • Janet Sissy Bosley

          Dictator praising, 9/11 Saudi Muslim lover, Israel hating, fake Republican Conservative, anti-American, US Constitutionalist hating Trump is a pathological lying Commie.

    • Cody, another horrible Arab person was the late Helen Thomas, of the White House press corps, she thankfully died in 2013 at the age of 92. She was an Ugly as Hell
      Lebanese Arab woman, she had an evil Arab Soul , just as ugly on the inside as on the outside. In fact her Arab looks were so Ugly and grotesque, hideous, that
      Freddy Krueger from The Nightmare on Elm Street film series was Far better looking than her. Helen Thomas looked like an Ugly Arab Wicked Witch, she was born ugly, even in her younger years she was probably Ugly as Hell, must have been all that Arab Incest & Inbreeding which is Very Common in the Arab World.

      • Agreed. I used to think Helen Thomas was a self hating Jew she was so ugly. I was surprised but then again not that surprised.

        • Kyle, Everyone knows that Arabs are the most Ugly Worthless Useless Miserable, primitive, barbaric hate-filled race of people in the World. As many have pointed out their widespread paedophilia and bestiality are very disturbing. There are videos online of Arab parents teaching their
          Ugly Retarded Arab Children to hate and Murder Jews and become Terrorists. Arab Christians are no better. Arab Christians are rotten to the core also.
          The late radio DJ
          Casey Kasem was another Arab Monster who was a vile Jew-Hater.
          When a few, when a very few small number of Arabs tell the truth about how evil, wicked and defective, undesirable Arabs are, that really says alot when a few Arabs admit what Terrible, Horrible, Dysfunctional people Arabs are . For the most part they are a race of serial killers, mass murderers & cowardly cold-blooded killers. Could you imagine any Arab or Muslim person being as brave as the Jewish President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky , people have said Zelensky is a Modern day Maccabee

          • I know I did agree. But I had no idea Casey Kasen was an Arab Nazi. That surprised me!!

            I remember I used to like him when I was a kid. The top 20 countdowns on TV Land, He was shaggy on Scooby Doo, he had a great radio program, I had no idea he was a Lebanese Nazi scumbag. That’s sad.

            I heard from a scholar in Orange california BTW that the Arabs are not really Ishmaelites that the Ishmaelites were Indians or Pakistanis. The Arabs are really Hamites and Canaanites.

          • Plus even Atheist Arabs are just as bad, wicked and evil as the Christian & Muslim Arabs and
            Fakistinian people.
            There is No
            “Cycle of Violence” Everything, literally Everything is the Fault of the Arabs and
            Fakistinians .
            The Arabs & Fakistinians are very sneaky crafty master liars. We Cannot be fooled by their Propaganda and Lies

          • Forgiveness is generally a good thing, however we can
            Never Forgive the Arabs and Fakestinians for their Crimes against the Jewish people and Israel.
            Never Forgive, Never Forget, Never Again
            There is No Forgiveness, the Guilt of the Arabs and Fakestinians is
            Eternal, their Guilt is Eternal and Transcends Time and Space
            Arabs and Fakestinians can’t be trusted, they will Never Change

          • Ugly Birth Defect
            Arab children being taught to hate Jews and become Terrorists when they get older. Truly disgusting and disgusting, Ugly Arab
            Birth Defect children are growing up to be even uglier defective adults

        • Townhall.com has an article headlined
          “The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population”
          by Ben Shapiro on June 20, 2007

        • Kyle , baltimoresun.com has an article by
          Stephen A. Silver headlined
          “Helen Thomas’ Arab ancestry was no excuse for her anti-Semitic views” on
          July 28, 2013

      • Plus the website aish.com has an article about the late old Arab hag , about the Arab scarecrow Helen Thomas , the article is headlined
        “Helen Thomas: The Ugly Truth” by .July 31, 2013 | by David Nesenoff
        At least Freddy Krueger wasn’t a Vile Arabian battle-axe like Helen Thomas was

        • Even before 9/11 many Americans have been saying that for the most part Arabs, Fakestinians and Muslims deserve to go into the trash can of History

      • About the Freak Show that the Arab World is
        a 2013 article in the New York Times said about the problem of Arab
        Inbreeding that
        ”Saudi Arabia is a living genetics laboratory”

    • jews in hollyweird n new york are far leftist liberals who go out of their way
      to help the enemy instead of helping eachother n those that really need it.
      “liberalism is a mental disorder “………..

    • Cody, did you ever hear of the Horrible Ukrainian Cossack Riots of 1648-1649 that killed an estimated 100,000 Jews
      From Wikipedia it says about the Ukrainian Disturbing Graphic Cruelty in these riots

      “Nathan ben Moses Hannover, whose book ” The Abyss of Despair (Yeven Metzulah) ” is the best-known chronicle of events, described what he heard about the riots in the eastern bank that fell into the hands of the rebels:

      “many communities beyond the Dnieper, and close to the battle field, such as Pereyaslaw, Baryszowka, Piratyn, and Boryspole, Lubin and Lachowce and their neighbors, who were unable to escape, perished for the sanctification of His Name. These persons died cruel and bitter deaths. Some were skinned alive and their flesh was thrown to the dogs; some had their hands and limbs chopped off, and their bodies thrown on the highway only to be trampled by wagons and crushed by horses; some had wounds inflicted upon them, and thrown on the street to die a slow death; they writhed in their blood until they breathed their last; others were buried alive. The enemy slaughtered infants in the laps of their mothers. They were sliced into pieces like fish. They slashed the bellies of pregnant women, removed their infants and tossed them in their faces. Some women had their bellies torn open and live cats placed in them. The bellies were then sewed up with the living cats remaining within. They chopped off the hands of the victims so that they would not be able to remove the cats from the bellies. The infants were hung on the breasts of their mothers. Some children were pierced with spears, roasted on the fire and then brought to their mothers to be eaten. Many times they used the bodies of Jewish children as improvised bridges upon which they later crossed. There was no cruel device of murder in the whole world that was not perpetrated by the enemies.”

      — Nathan ben Moses Hannover, The Abyss of Despair (Yeven Metzulah), chapter IV”

      • Terrible how the Ukrainian Cossack Riots of 1648-1649 , the Ukrainians were almost as Barbaric as Fakestinians and other Arabs, plus Just Watch how after the Jewish President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Saves Ukraine, after Ukraine ultimately Wins this War against Russia, many Ukrainians will still be Vile Anti-Semites and Jew-Haters almost as bad as the
        Fakestinians and other Arabs

        • Most Americans would agree that all the
          “Free Speech” on American College & University Campuses has gone too Far, It’s more like Hate Speech and Incitement to Violence, Not Protected Speech
          The Anti-Semitism, Jew-Hatred and Anti-Zionist, Anti-Israel Hate is too Extreme
          Why should Jewish and Pro-Israel students have to endure hate crimes and a Hostile Environment, Harassment, And it’s called
          “Free Speech” such BS, When this type of “Free Speech” would Never, Never in a Million Years be Tolerated Against any other group of people, But it’s Tolerated against Jews and Israel. Plus supporters of Palestine and Palestinians are Hypocrites, And Liars they Support Free Speech only for themselves, Not for people they disagree with.
          Why should Jewish students and Staff and other Pro-Israel students have to endure a Hostile, Threatening Environment and be the Victim of Hate Crimes and Violence. The Nazi
          Supporters of Palestine and Palestinians on College and University Campuses are Very Hateful Immature Childish Juvenile, They are basically illiterate, They never act like Adults
          As usual Everyone unjustly hates the Jews and Israel, The only Democracy in the Mideast
          What about the Civil Rights and Safety of
          Jewish Students and Staff on Campus, Of
          Israel Supporters.

          • We all Know that the Founding Fathers of America who gave us
            The Constitution &
            1st Amendment.
            The Founding Fathers would NEVER
            Support the
            “Free Speech” that Exists on College & University Campuses
            Most Americans would agree that all this
            “Free Speech” has gone way to Far

          • Again , the Vast Vast
            Majority of Americans
            Would agree that All
            The “Free Speech” on
            College & University Campuses in America has gone way too Far , for Far too long
            That the “Free Speech” has become too Toxic and Hate Filled , creating a hostile, unsafe, environment , the Purpose of College is to get an Education & Socialize , Not to
            Spew Hate
            The Shameless Abuse & Exploitation of Free Speech and the 1st Amendment Outrages Countless Americans

          • A person recently typed online about how
            “Free Speech” in America has gone too Far that
            “I think we’ve gone far enough with this “free speech” thing. When free speech intimidates, threatens, implies bodily harm or even death, we’ve gone too far!
            Witness some of the recent threats to the President-elect, members of state legislature, and others. ENUFF! Recent threats from some congressional members should be investigated and delt with accordingly. Is no one accountable any more?
            Your thoughts?”

          • Again,
            Harassment isn’t
            “Free Speech”

    • Cody, it’s Sickening how much
      Humanitarian Aid Israel and Jews give to the Fakestinians , you Never see Fakestinian people giving any humanitarian Aid to Israel or the Jews. The Fakestinians and Arabs deserve Nothing and must be given Nothing, not a single penny.
      The Israeli Government and Military is Incompetent.
      A good person to read online is
      Fred Maroun, he is a
      Lebanese Arab who Exposes
      Arab Chauvinism, Arab Hypocrisy, Evil & Wickedness

    • Cody , how many of these
      Ukrainian Jew-Haters and Anti-Semites ever stop to think and realize that many Jews and people who are Part Jewish don’t like being Jewish either or looking Jewish either, and are self-hating Jews

    • Cody , How many Ukrainian Jew-Haters ever Stop to think and realize that many Jews don’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish either ? Why can’t they realize that many Jews are Self-hating, are there examples of Self-hating Jews in the Bible ?

      • Plus among the 250,000 to
        300,000 Messianic Jewish Believers in Jesus Worldwide, I wouldn’t be surprised if some or many of them don’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish either, yet they sincerely believe and have faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
        Some Jewish or part-Jewish believers in Jesus attend Messianic Jewish Synagogues, others attend Mainstream Christian Churches, it varies

    • Some people falsely claim that the Ukrainian Holodomor of
      1932-1933 was even worse than the Nazi Holocaust
      Anyone ever hear of

      • Some people are also deniers of the Ukrainian Holodomor of
        ukrainer.net has an article headlined
        “Common Lies about the Holodomor” on
        November 1, 2020

  • Thank you! So glad I came to listen to you

    Anon Jew, USA

  • According to the ministry of economics, annual inflation jumped to 12.5% as of March 11 from 10.4% the previous week. plsHelpUkraine03202217

  • Kyle, Another Hate-Filled Ugly Lebanese Arab is Mia Khalifa, how the hell did she ever get to be a Porn Star ? With or Without glasses she is Ugly as Hell , doesn’t a Woman have to be decent looking to get into the Adult Industry
    The thing with Arabs is that for the most part, almost all Arabs are Inherently Evil, Wicked and literally born evil, see the Bible verse
    Genesis 16:12 for more proof of this, yet those Arabs who are born evil, wicked, diabolical & demonic, out of their own Free Will & Volition they deliberately choose to be Even More Evil, Wicked, & Heartless. However God still holds them accountable for wicked deeds that they choose to commit even though they can’t help being born evil , wicked. and having the mentality of ugly evil creeping spiders. Thus when these Evil Arabs ultimately pass away, they are held fully accountable before God for their Evil ways. Even before 9/11 , long before
    September 11, 2001 most Americans had a strong dislike of Arabs . I don’t “hate” Arabs, Hate is what Arabs do. I’m just not a big fan of those people, even though Everything is Their Fault

    • Kyle, a friend of mine pointed out that everytime in the past when he would shop in various ugly dumpy run-down Arab
      Grocery stores that the Arab workers couldn’t control themselves and stop themselves from making Racist & Anti-Semitic comments behind customer’s backs. Which is why he stopped purchasing anything from Arab Grocery stores completely. It got that bad the Arab unprofessionalism and nasty Racist, Anti-Semitic comments that Arabs made.

    • It’s so creepy that today
      Mia Khalifa is trending on Twitter,
      Her ugly Arab Face is Everywhere

    • Hate is what Arabs do,
      Hate is what Arabs are.
      Jews are Never told to Hate others

    • WTF ? Jewish Fashion Designer
      Marc Jacobs is actually working with Mia Khalifa , anyone read about it online ?
      Why is he working with
      Mia Khalifa , doesn’t he have enough fame and money , it’s morally repugnant of him to work with Mia Khalifa

  • The Ugly Hadid Sisters, the
    “Models” Gigi & Bella are more Proof of Arab Evil & Wickedness, even though they are Only Half
    Arab “Fakistinian” and half Dutch
    In the latest War started by the Arabs against Israel in May 2021, the Ugly
    No-Talent Hadid sisters spewed anti-semitic Drivel non-stop on their Social Media accounts.
    Their Ugly Arab Half is showing

    • The Ugly Retarded Hadid Sisters Lie and compare Israel’s Self-Defense against Fakestinian Terrorism to Russia’s War Against
      Ukraine , look up articles online
      Bella Hadid had cosmetic surgery on her nose years ago ..
      Arabs are the Worst

      • Gigi & Bella , the Ugly
        Hadid sisters , those “Models” are Living Scientific Proof of
        Arab Fakestinian Evil & Wickedness
        They are Half Dutch and
        Half Fakestinian Arab ,
        Yet their Fakestinian Heredity & Genetics appears to be dominant

        • More about the
          Diabolical Arab Blood in
          Bella Hadid, online articles in August 2022 show
          Bella Hadid cares about
          Ryder the Abused
          NYC carriage horse .
          Bella cares more about a Horse than Jewish Israeli’s who are victims of
          Fakestinian Terrorism.
          She probably doesn’t truly care about the poor poor Fakestinians but just uses them as Pawns to get at
          Israel and Jews
          Arabs are the Worst

        • More about Gigi Hadid
          She is leaving Twitter because it has become a
          “Cesspool of Hate & Bigotry” in her words.
          It Takes One to Know One

      • About the Ugly “model”
        Bella Hadid, and her
        Satanic Demonic half-Arab
        Fakestinian soul,
        Anti-Semitism was probably a major part of the reason she got cosmetic surgery on her nose , she didn’t want to look Jewish as Not all , but some teenager Jewish girls get
        Nose Jobs, she didn’t want to look Jewish, in Bella’s mind she thought her nose made her look Jewish ,
        Arabs are Still the Worst people in the World, horrible, terrible people

        • Online articles have stated recently that
          Bella Hadid and model
          Emily Ratajkowski have done an Impromptu
          Photoshoot together, and that they are actually
          “Friends” can you believe that ? Emily Ratajkowski has a Jewish mother and identifies as
          “Polish-Israeli” according to Wikipedia and is actually
          “Friends” and hangs out with Bella Hadid, over the years they actually hanged out together

  • cansino.com has an article headlined
    “The Uniqueness of Palestinian Terrorism”
    May 30, 2002
    By Prof. Louis Rene Beres, Purdue University
    and Alessandra Delgado, Lima, Peru , A Must Read

  • evelyncgordon.com has a Superb article headlined
    “Why Aren’t Tibetans Knifing Chinese?”
    Published November 11, 2015 by
    Evelyn Gordon
    A must read article that Refutes
    “Fakistinian” Lies

    • The article by
      Evelyn Gordon is a Must Read and shows the differences between
      Tibetans and Fakestinian Arabs , how Tibetans are Morally Superior

  • G-d is punishing America and the world for supporting nazi Ukraine. Higher and higher gas prices, higher costs, inflation, supply bottlenecks, food shortages, cutbacks, ETC.

    All this to support a bunch of nazis and a president who is a token jew who hates himself and who isn’t really a practicing Jew! Who supports nazis against his own people.

    BTW, Ukraine’s human rights record is worse than Russia’s. WAY WORSE.

    Ukraine and Russia’s war is not our war. Not our problem. Putin should Blitz them to oblivion and then give Zelensky the Nicolae Ceaușescu Job.

    • Many of the Russian people have always hated the Jews also , that’s the sad ugly truth

    • Kyle, Another Sick ugly truth about Arabs is their Insane
      “Camel Beauty Pageants”
      Google it. This along with the Usual Arab Cannibalism, Arabs murdering other Arabs, drinking of human blood, beheadings, human sacrifice , Animal Cruelty, Bestiality, Paedophilia, are all Very Very Disturbing Facts about the Arab World . Probably countless people are glad that they aren’t Arab.

    • Kyle, recently many Arabs have
      Shamelessly Exploited the tragedy of the War on Ukraine , to Spew Lies and hatred against Jews and Israel, to Spew Fakistinian Propaganda

  • The late Rush Limbaugh and other Conservative Political Commentators knew the ugly truth about Arabs & Islam .

  • jews in hollyweird n new york are far leftist liberals who go out of their way
    to help the enemy instead of helping eachother n those that really need it.
    “liberalism is a mental disorder “………..

  • A disturbing fact is how
    Many Arabs & Muslims Spew hate against Jews & Israel. Even certain Ugly Arab & Muslim “celebrities” Spew hate against Jews and Israel. Yet when decent people point out their Lies, and Hypocrisy these Arabs & Muslims love to cry
    “Islamophobia” or “Racism” and then talk about “Free Speech” but they support Free Speech for themselves only, not for people they disagree with
    They can dish out hate , but can’t take it , they can’t handle the truth
    Remember the famous expression
    “Truth is called hate to those who Hate the Truth”

  • Many Europeans are Horrible Terrible people, that’s the sad truth, their Lust and Desire to see
    Jews killed didn’t end with the Nazi Holocaust
    and did you know that During the Yom Kippur war Europe as a whole refused to supply Israel with urgently needed weaponry, while Russia immediately started resupplying the Arab states. Even worse, those same European states refused permission for US Air force planes flying to Israel to land and refuel in Europe, even at US air force bases in Europe. And at the beginning of that war Israel was in dire straits for a while
    In 1973 the Vile Europeans wanted the savage Arabs to finish what Hitler started .

  • It’s also disturbing how some Arab and Non-Arab writers Whine and Cry about Anti-Arab Sentiment in America. Boo hoo ,
    Oh Boo Hoo, while failing to realize that The Arabs themselves are to blame for why Americans don’t like them, the way Arabs are is why many people don’t like them

  • Another article about the
    Fakestinian people is from
    realclearworld.com headlined
    “Yes, Palestinians Are an Invented People”
    By Caroline Glick
    December 13, 2011
    A Must read

    • Another article exposing the Lie of the Fakestinian people is from
      besacenter.org headlined
      “Palestinians: Invented People”
      By Prof. Michael Curtis December 20, 2011

  • meforum.org has a superb article exposing the Lie of the
    Fakestinian people , the article is headlined
    “Founding National Myths
    Fabricating Palestinian History”
    by David Bukay
    Middle East Quarterly
    Summer 2012, pp. 23-30

  • From sidroth.org an article about
    Fakestinians is headlined
    “Where Did the Palestinian People Come From?”
    March 3, 2016

    By Shira Sorko-Ram

  • Also we should read the articles on the website imninalu.net
    It Exposes the Lie of the
    Fakestinian people

  • Some good websites that Expose the sad ugly truth about Islam are
    & the Islam section on

  • After Yasser Arafat died of AIDS in
    2004, countless people wish that
    Israel had turned Arafat’s dead body into dog food

  • Funny Joke,
    What song did the Egyptians play at the funeral of
    Anwar Sadat ?
    Answer: I Love A Parade

  • targetofopportunity.com has a
    Superb article headlined
    “The Truth About the
    Palestinian People”
    About the Lie of the Fakestinian people , the worst Invention in human history

  • A good book to read is titled
    “The Arab Lobby: The Invisible Alliance That Undermines America’s Interests in the Middle East” by Mitchell Bard, we need to reject Toxic Arab, Muslim and Fakestinian Propaganda and Lies , we can never be deceived by
    Arab Poison

  • It’s Sickening the Privilege that
    Fakestinian people have
    jns.org has an article about this headlined

    “On ‘Palestinian Privilege’ ” on May 20, 2021 by Yisrael Medad

  • More about the Sickening Privilege and Special treatment Fakestinian people get
    From the Jerusalem Post,
    jpost.com an article is headlined
    “Calling Israeli actions ‘provocation’ is Palestinian privilege ”
    By YISRAEL MEDAD Published: JUNE 17, 2021
    Plus the website papers.ssrn.com has an article headlined
    “The Privileged Palestinian ‘Refugees’ by Efraim Karsh on
    June 5, 2018 , click on the links provided in the papers.ssrn.com article

  • Plus the website
    eretzyisroel.org has Superb Articles exposing Fakestinian Lies
    One article is headlined
    “Why are Palestinian Refugees treated differently than all other refugees in the world?” Another is headlined
    “Palestinian Refugees, were denied resettlement opportunities” about how the Arab Nations Exploited the Fakestinians and used them as Political Pawns to attack Israel and the Jews . As always in the mideast conflict
    It’s always the Fault of The Arabs and their Terrorist Regimes ,
    Everything is their Fault

  • We can Never allow ourselves to be deceived by Pallywood Lies , and other Lies of the Fakestinian people, or any other Arab Lies

    • More about the Fakestinian people
      Israelnationalnews.com has an article by Victor Sharpe on
      November 20, 2013 headlined
      “The Counterfeit Arabs”

  • In 2002, the fat bloated wimpy traitor Ariel Sharon actually admitted it was a Terrible Mistake for Israel to Not have killed
    Yasser Arafat in 1982 when they had the chance. Google it.
    Countless people would agree that the Monster Terrorist Arafat should have been killed to make an Example Out of him. Just like America killed Osama bin Laden,
    Israel should have killed
    Yasser Arafat and turned him into
    Dog Food . Arafat died of AIDS in 2004

  • What is shocking is that the main stream media is going along and even promoting with “Poor Ukrainian/Freedom fighters” narrative

    • Never Forget that in addition to many Ukrainians being vile
      Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters during World War II and the Holocaust, the Lithuanians were extremely brutal, savage & uncivilized in their murder of Jews

      • Again, Never Forget how Brutal and Savage the
        Lithuanians were during
        World War II in the Murder of Jews

      • More from Lithuania
        timesofisrael.com on
        May 12, 2023 has an article headlined
        “Lithuanian lawmaker in hot water after quoting song urging kids to kill Jews”
        By CANAAN LIDOR How many people will be defending what the Lithuanian “lawmaker” quoted as “Free Speech”
        How Many ? How Many ?

    • Mr. Clarke , what is the Real Truth about Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, can you provide links to websites that tell the honest truth about the Russia-Ukraine conflict..? So much Fake News,
      misinformation and disinformation, many people don’t know who or what to believe

    • Mr. Clarke, the whole World cries for the poor “Palestinians”
      poor poor “Palestinians” and about Arab and Fakestinian
      “Civilians” being killed when Israel legally defends itself
      However the Evidence shows that these Arab and Fakestinian
      “Civilians” are often Supportive of Terrorism . Plus any one of these Arab & Fakestinian
      so-called “Civilians” could Very Easily turn into an Arab Terrorist
      Plus when Israel defends itself against
      Arab & Fakestinian Terrorism and Wars of Agression, we must remember that any “Civilian” Arab or Fakestinian killed by Israel is accidental. Israel Never deliberately targets Civilians, unlike Arabs who deliberately and intentionally target Israeli Civilians

      • Plus when these
        Arab & Fakestinian
        “Civilians” are killed,
        Never Forget it’s because the Arabs use their “Civilians” as
        Human Shields

      • Alan Dershowitz in various editions of his book
        “The Case for Israel” pointed out how many of these Arab
        Fakestinian “Civilians” killed in the course of Israel defending itself from Arab & Fakestinian Agression, that many of these
        “Civilians” that were accidentally killed by Israel weren’t exactly so innocent

  • Sadly as Anti-Semitism &
    Jew-Hatred continues to Rise in America and Worldwide, so will
    Self-Hatred that affects many
    Jewish individuals

  • More about the snake
    Ilhan Omar
    The New York Post website nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Rep. Ilhan Omar booed, told to ‘get the f–k out’ at Minnesota concert appearance”
    By Mark Moore

    on July 4, 2022 , Other online articles confirmed
    Ilhan Omar was booed at a Minnesota concert ,

  • The Wall Street Journal website
    wsj.com has a Superb article headlined
    “There’s Apartheid in the Holy Land, but Not in Israel”
    By Eugene Kontorovich
    Feb. 8, 2022 Other online articles Refute & Debunk the Lie that Israel is an “Apartheid State” between
    Israel and “Palestine” the Truth is that Palestine is the Real Apartheid Regime, as the article explains . Lebanon has Apartheid Against the Fakestinians,
    Lebanon Discriminates Against
    Fakestinians living there

  • More about Arab Racism ,
    Arab Bigotry , & Arab Apartheid
    Israelnationalnews.com has an article headlined
    “Intra-Arab Apartheid, Palestinian Authority style” by David Singer on
    May 24, 2022

    About how the Arabs and Fakestinians are the ones who are Guilty of Apartheid, Not Israel

  • Foxnews.com has an article headlined

    “David Jeremiah: America’s future depends on our relationship with Israel” on May 5, 2019
    by Dr. David Jeremiah , Google it

  • Why would anyone want to be “friends” with
    Rashida Tlaib or with any
    Arab or Fakestinian person..?

  • Janet Sissy Bosley

    Dictator praising, 9/11 Saudi Muslim lover, Israel hating, fake Republican Conservative, anti-American, US Constitutionalist hating Trump is a pathological lying Commie.

  • What about the Half-Jewish actor
    Liev Schreiber and his efforts to Help Ukraine against the
    Russian Invasion

  • Some have said Tlaib’s bigotry is from the MAGA playbook, others rightfully pointed out that it’s her Fakestinian heritage

  • It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

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