Under federal pressure, Illinois school district allows “transgender” boy to use girls’ locker room

lockerroomA Chicago-area school district decided Wednesday night to allow a transgender student to use the girls’ locker room, settling a federal civil rights complaint that had sparked emotional reaction and put the district at the center of national debate over treatment of transgender children at school.

The district agreed to the compromise just as the 30-day window for complying with federal officials was drawing to a close. District 211 Superintendent Daniel E. Cates had initially vowed to defy federal officials, saying he needed to “protect the privacy of all students.” But doing so would have put the district at risk of a long legal fight and the loss of millions of federal dollars.

The school board meeting drew a standing-room-only audience of hundreds, many of whom were not happy with the board’s vote, the Chicago Tribune reported:

Some opponents carried signs with messages like, “Settling is losing.”

“Whether the young man wants to admit it or not … he is a man,” said another attendee.

“God does not make mistakes. God made man, and then God made woman,” added a third.


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