Video: Jewish man brutally beaten and robbed in Brooklyn

New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and state senator Simcha Felder expressed outrage Monday in the wake of a brutal attack on a young Jewish man in Brooklyn.

The 20-year-old victim was knocked to the sidewalk and punched at least four times in front of 809 Avenue M shortly before 1 a.m. (local time) on Monday morning.

As he lay prostrate on the ground, another hooded assailant appeared to grab the victim’s iPhone and wallet out of his pocket.

A friend called Hatzalah who evacuated the victim to Maimonides hospital. He is in stable condition, according to community sources.

Hikind has offered a $3,000 reward for any information leading to the apprehension of the perpetrators.

“I’m shocked that this could happen in our neighborhood, and in such a safe community,” Hikind declared. “This maliciousness and rampant violence cannot continue.”

“This incident is a prime example of why we need to continue pushing surveillance throughout our neighborhoods.”

Felder joined in Hikind’s outrage, adding, “It’s a shame that people don’t feel comfortable walking around in their own neighborhood.”


  • Meanwhile, Jews in Great Neck, Ardsley and Newton, MA are writing checks to the United Negro College Fund, NAACP and the Democratic Party.

  • I’m 61 years and I live in Portugal. In my entire life, I never thought that the United States of America were being infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and washed to brain by George Soros. This fight is difficult because the entire left in Europe is infiltrated by multiculturalism, but we will have our fight.

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