Walz gives $100,000 to Hitler-loving Muslim Imam; JEWS WAKE UP! (JTF.ORG video)


Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

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  • Many people call Walz
    Tampon Tim 😆😂

    • You are a week late and a dollar short.

    • nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Columbia President Minouche Shafik’s welcome departure won’t fix antisemitism”
      By Post Editorial Board
      Published Aug. 15, 2024

    • highergroundtimes.com has an article headlined
      “Pastor draws parallel between Nazi Germany and America today, points to rise in antisemitism”
      By Alex Murashko – Higher Ground Contributor
      Friday, August 16, 2024

    • A website typed online
      August 15, 2024
      “How did Ham*s leader Sinwar repay the Israeli doctor who saved his life? By m*rdering the doctor’s nephew.

      Sinwar was in Israeli prison, serving 4 life sentences for m*rdering 2 Israelis and 4 Palestinians.

      Dr. Yuval Bitton worked in that prison. In 2004 Sinwar was complaining about neck pains and loss of balance. Dr. Bitton diagnosed a stroke and transferred Sinwar quickly to the hospital, where abscess in his brain was discovered. Sinwar was operated on that day.

      If it wasn’t for Dr. Bitton’s quick and correct diagnosis, brain tumor would have exploded and Sinwar would have died. And so many innocent people in Israel and in Gaza would still have been alive.

      Sinwar acknowledged that the doctor saved his life, and even promised to repay him when in 2011 he was released as part of hostage deal (Israel released more than 1000 t*rrorists from prisons for one IDF soldier Gilad Shalit).

      Sinwar “repaid” in 2023 by being the mastermind of October 7 massacre. Ham*s monsters slaughtered 1200 innocent people in Israel, burned families alive, r*ped women, kidnapped 253 Israelis.

      Tamir Adar, Dr. Bitton’s nephew, was mortally injured by Ham*s monsters and dragged to Gaza where he d*ed in captivity.

      This war is a war of civilization against barbarism of Radical Islamic Regimes. Israeli society, highly moral, who saves lives, even of the most despicable t*rrorists. Against barbarians who don’t care about lives, even of their own civilians. Sinwar is open about the fact that his goal is not to allow Jewish sovereignty on “Muslim lands” and he’s ready to sacrifice even 100,000 Palestinians for this goal.

      “If I was ever to see Sinwar again face to face, I would say – only you, Sinwar, have the blood of your brothers and sisters in Gaza on your hands” – said Dr. Bitton.

      Caricature of Sinwar by Saudi cartoonist.”

      Jews & Israel Must Never help anyone who would backstab and betray us

    • jwire.com.au has an article headlined
      “October 7 and the tsunami of anti-Jewish hate”
      August 16, 2024 by Julie Nathan

      Thanks to the Fakestinian people

      blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by
      Robert Festenstein headlined
      “We are in trouble”
      Aug 16, 2024
      About Rising Jew-Hatred in
      Again, All because of the
      Fakestinian people

    • A person typed online today
      “Taylor Swift hasn’t said a word about Arab Hamas murdering Jewish men, gang-raping Jewish women and kidnapping Jewish toddlers but she’s raising money for Gazan Arabs who wholeheartedly support them.”
      “If hundreds of millions of Arabs could do to all the Jewish nation what they did on October 7, they would do so gleefully.

      They are genocidal, Jew-hating killers”

    • A person typed online today
      “When Arabs murder Jews on sacred Jewish land in Judea and Samaria, the very cradle of Jewish civilization, the anti-Semitic worldwide media ignores it.

      But when a Jewish resident defends himself, they call it “settler violence.”

      The media doesn’t care that the Jew lives on the same exact land for over a thousand years before Christianity and Islam were ever invented.

      They don’t care that every archaeological dig proves, beyond any doubt, that the Jew alone is the sole indigenous people to Eretz Yisrael, including Judea, Samaria, the Golan, Gaza and Jerusalem.

      They just repeat the same lies again and again and again about the Jewish people.”
      “The Democrats are the party of Jew-haters who are violently anti-Israel, yet some 75 percent of Jews will still vote Democrat in November.”

    • Barry Shaw typed online today
      “I am compiling a list of prominent Democrat JINOs, who are endangering Israel, the only pluralistic nation in the Middle East, by their foolish words and dangerous deeds.
      Feel free to add your suggestions.
      In no particular order
      1. Anthony Blinken.
      2. Chuck Schumer.
      3. Bernie Sanders.
      4. Jerry Nadler.
      5. Phillip Gordon.
      6. Ilan Goldenberg.
      7. Thomas Friedman.
      8. Jeremy Ben-Ami.
      9. Edward Price.
      Barry Shaw,
      The View from Israel.”
      Who else should be added to this list by Barry Shaw

    • nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Hamas planned to exhume bodies of UK soldiers from WWI and WWII in grisly scheme to hold remains hostage: IDF ”
      By Chris Harris
      Published Aug. 17, 2024

    • Fox News has given Superb Coverage in Support of Israel since
      October 7th, 2023
      If Rabbi Meir Kahane was alive today , he would be a great speaker on Fox News
      Phil Donahue passed away
      Meir Kahane would have also been an Excellent Speaker on
      The Phil Donahue Show

    • The Jerusalem Post
      jpost.com has an article headlined
      “From apathy to action: The revival of Jewish determination”
      By ADAM MILSTEIN Published: AUGUST 18, 2024

    • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
      “Making sense of it all”
      Aug 18, 2024
      by Steve Wenick

    • More about Fakestinians
      foxnews.com has an article headlined
      “Man waving Hamas flag outside DNC says ‘every Palestinian supports Hamas,’ praises terror group for October 7”
      By Yael Halon  Fox News
      Published August 19, 2024 

    • Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
      “#BREAKING : The IDF recovered bodies of the following Jewish hostages in Gaza : One other is yet to be named.

      🕯️Nadav Popplewell, 51

      🕯️Yagev Buchshtab, 34

      🕯️Yoram Metzger, 80

      🕯️Chaim Peri, 79

      🕯️Avraham Munder, 79

      They were murdered in captivity by the Hamas Nazi monster savages. How much did they suffer, what kind of psychological and physical torment and torture where they subjected by their Palestinian captors ? It must have been horrific.

      In a statement, the Gaza border community says, Abraham Munder had “suffered bodily and mental torture for months before being murdered.

      May their memories be a blessing. May their souls be at eternal rest and peace.
      Chaplain Michael Green ✡️✝️”

    • tabletmag.com has an article headlined
      “Pork Chop Anti-Semitism”
      Alvin H. Rosenfeld
      May 03, 2020

      blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article
      by Shulamit S. Magnus
      “A ‘Rose’ By Any Other Name? Anti-Judaism, Anti-Semitism, Jew-Hatred, Anti-Zionism”
      Jan 13, 2020

    • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by
      Ilya Meyer headlined
      “The Western Addiction to Palestinianism”
      April 10, 2024

    • A person typed online today
      About President Joe Biden’s comments at the
      Democratic National Convention
      On August 19, 2024
      “Biden was totally off base and plain wrong when he said that there is no safe harbor for hate in America. He was referring to Trump and the far right zealots who reared their ugly head in Charlottesville & elsewhere. He was referring to Republicans.

      What about the thousands of violent, hateful, screaming Democratic progressive radical protestors outside of the DNC who were promoting Jew hatred. The same people the President gave a shout out and revoltingly said, “they have a point”. What about the Arab American groups who support HAMAS and its “resistance” in Gaza who Harris just met with to ask for their support? What about what’s happening all across America on college campuses which is reminiscent of what happened to Jews in Germany as the Nazis rose to power. What about the unprecedented rise in Antisemitic attacks against Jews right here in America.

      Sorry Joe, but hate is alive and well right here and your party is enabling it, pandering to those who inspire it and is failing to do more to quash it.”

    • The New York Post
      nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Pro-Hamas protesters are heirs to decades’ worth of anti-West propaganda”
      Ruth Wisse
      Published Aug. 19, 2024
      Hatred of Jews is discussed in this Article

    • Meir Kahane gives a Truthful answer to
      Anti-Semitic Lies & Fakestinian Propaganda

  • Opinion on project 2025?

  • thejc.com has an article by
    Melissa Langsam Braunstein
    “Tim Walz’s record on Israel and antisemitism is deeply concerning”
    On August 14, 2024

  • theatlantic.com has an article headlined
    “Putting Shakespeare on Trial in His Own Anti-Semitic Play”
    By Yair Rosenberg
    June 12, 2023

    About the Anti-Semitic
    William Shakespeare play
    “The Merchant of Venice”

  • christianpost.com has an article headlined
    “The appalling silence of the Black Church during this Israel war”
    By Michael A. Stevens, Op-ed contributor
    October 22, 2023

  • Hasn’t JTF said the fake right is more dangerous than the left simply because everyone knows who they are and that prevents them doing for what they want to do. Harris and Walz people know they are standard leftist, Trump pretends to be right wing and he isn’t. He even support idea of the far left like very high tariffs. He also now is even saying that Maduro has less crime in and he would like to do what Maduro has done.I

    And Maduro blames Jews and Zionist for various things that go against him. Who do you think Trump is going to blame?

    I would think Israel would be less accommodating if Harris is President than if Trump is becaue people will say he is “pro Israel” so his ideas can’t be hurting Israel even though they are.

    So again it is at best the lesser of two evils here. And Harris at times has praised Israel so like Trump will throw a few bones. She said that Israel drip irrigation system to accomodate their limited water supply is a tremendous technolgy they have.

    Both candidates are bad and have played footsie with bigots of various kinds. We know Trump and his comments he didn’t know who David Duke was. We know who is lying.

    • Trump is still the Better choice when compared to Kamala
      Yet a rare decent Arab who
      Supports Israel
      Fred Maroun refers to Trump as
      a “Rapist” “Con man” “Criminal”
      Is there any truth to those claims about Trump ?

    • aryeh , JTF & Chaim was probably referring to the fake right in Israel

    • Some call him
      David Dookie 😆😂 or
      Dookie Fuhrer

  • A person typed online today
    “In recent days, all sorts of Palestinian-American activists (and Arab-American activists in general) have been losing their minds at the notion of Black Americans voting for Kamala Harris.

    They are saying how Black people need to focus on Palestine more than on their own needs, that Black American soldiers oppress Arabs, et cetera. And luckily, finally, more and more Black people are waking up to the FACT that they are being used by a population that could not possibly care less about Black people.

    There is no country on earth that has no problem of anti-Black racism. But not all countries are equal in this hatred and oppression.

    It’s good to see the truth finally becoming known that Arabs are the number one responsible party for the slave trade of Africans and always have been, that the Arab world is far more racist to Black people than even America, and that there are good reasons why Israel is the number one destination to live in for Black American expats (including anywhere in Africa), but Gaza has about 11,000 Black citizens who are the descendants of slaves and still live in an area called Slave Town and no one wants to mix with them so they’ve stayed Black for many centuries now.

    The “pro-Palestine” cause is the most corrupt, dishonest, morally reprehensible social justice cause in existence; not because the Palestinian people are undeserving of any rights or freedoms, but because those who represent them here are grifters and Nazis. They’ve tied the cause to everything from feminism trans rights to climate change to racist policing. The insanity of such statements doesn’t stop them from trying.

    Everything is “connected to Palestine.” They don’t just hijack planes: Palestinians hijack literally any cause they can, and make everything about them.”

  • On August 15, 2024
    Debbie Schlussel typed online
    “Absolutely despicable and disgusting that Chuck Schumer has written a book warning about anti-Semitism. What’s next – Joe Biden writing a book warning about senile politicians? Goebbels writing a book warning about the propaganda of fascism? Schumer has spent the last several years vehemently enabling and lending legitimacy to legions of Jew-haters and Israel-haters. Fuck him. Or rather, no thanks. That creature should NOT pro-create. ”
    A person typed in reply
    “Too late he already has”
    The book by Schumer is Titled
    “AntiSemitism in America :
    A Warning”

  • jns.org has an article headlined
    “The West’s abandonment of the Jews”
    Melanie Phillips
    March 14, 2024
    In Return God himself will Abandon all the
    Mother Fucking Individuals, Organizations and Nations that Abandon Israel and the Jews
    As the Bible declares
    In Genesis 12:3

    • Many Individuals, Organizations and Nations technically didn’t
      Abandon Israel and the Jews since they Never Supported Israel and the Jews to begin with
      Still those Mother Fucker Individuals, Organizations and Nations who Never Supported Israel and the Jews
      The words of God in
      Genesis 12:3 Applies

  • Juden Erwache

  • The New York Post
    nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Trump claims there’s ‘never been a more dangerous time’ for Jews in US since the Holocaust, says Harris passed on Gov. Shapiro over his faith”
    By Patrick Reilly
    Published Aug. 17, 2024
    Much of this Jew-Hatred is
    Because of the
    Fakestinian people and
    October 7th, 2023

  • Lots of talk about Freedom at the DNC , Yet Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and own bodies
    Such “freedom” that America has
    Such a “free country” that America is
    Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
    America Needs REAL Freedom
    Libertarian Freedom
    What about the Incel Vote ?
    The Sufferings of Incels ? How Prostitution for All Consenting Adults Needs to be Made Legal in Every State and at Reasonable Prices
    What about the Growing
    Right To Die , Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for Suffering Mentally ill, Terminally ill and All other Suffering people who Hate Life and want a Peaceful Exit , Free of Charge, Quick, Peaceful and Painless
    And Ending the Stupid
    “War on Drugs” once and for All
    These are Vital Libertarian Freedom Issues affecting the American people

    • Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
      Forced Living Extremism is Very
      Anti-Freedom and thus Very
      Support the Growing
      Right To Die
      Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering people who Request To Die, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels, Homeless, Paraplegics, Quadriplegics, etc. The Right To Die Movement
      Must Never Discriminate against any type of Suffering person
      Who are we to judge Another person’s pain
      Dr. Jack Kevorkian himself wanted to Extend the Right To Die to Suffering Mentally ill and other Suffering people who were Not
      Terminally ill

    • Can we All understand why many Americans Hate America with a Passion , why Patriotism is at an All Time Low , the Reasons Mentioned here !! Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
      Not even that
      Incels are Suffering Unbearably
      People with Chronic Long Term
      Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Problems , Many have said America has a
      “War on Sex” also
      The Hideous Unjust
      “Laws” that are Discussed here that Control people’s lives and bodies

    • Most Americans want all of the
      “Vice Squads” to be Abolished

      • Most Americans Realize that America Needs More Freedom
        More Libertarian Freedom

      • Most Americans want the
        “Vice Squads” to be
        Permanently Abolished
        Most Americans know that America sadly Sucks in Many Ways
        America Needs REAL Freedom
        REAL Freedom
        REAL Freedom Goddammit
        The Unjust “laws” in America worsen the Sufferings that Countless people have
        The American People want
        MORE Freedom
        Libertarian Freedom

  • Anyone watching the DNC
    America Needs Real Freedom
    Real Freedom
    As Described Above.

    Because Sadly Adults in America cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
    Not even that

  • thehill.com has an article headlined
    “Campus antisemitism has become systemic due to ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ ”
    by Alan Dershowitz, opinion contributor December 4, 2023

  • A person typed online
    August 20, 2024
    “Arabs murder kidnapped Jewish hostages and the world is not only unmoved but actually demands the Jew, who are trying to release and recover its hostages, cease fire.

    They will never hear the pleas of the Jew.

    Not when Mohammed was beheading the Jew in Saudi Arabia, not when the Spanish was throwing the Jew into the fire and not when the German was gassing the Jew.

    Ben Gurion was right: it doesn’t make a difference what the non-Jew says; it only makes a difference what the Jew does.”
    “The Arab kidnaps the Jewish baby as national policy and the world largely remains silent.”
    “Arabs murder Jews and the world doesn’t care.”

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