White House Petition Seeks to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization

While we despise Trump and his anti-Israel policies, the violent leftist Antifa (a play on the anti-Semitic Muslim terrorist word “antifada”) are just as disgusting as the KKK and Nazis.

A White House petition started this week seeks to name Antifa as a terrorist organization.  Antifa regularly attack supporters of President Trump, although they much prefer victims who are women outnumbered 10 to 1 or the very elderly outnumbered 20 to 1.  (They carry canes)

They throw rocks, bricks and balloons filled with urine and battery acid and police are their favorite targets for abuse.  They are also arsonists who destroy public and private property.

Although they wear black, they mostly resemble the brown shirts of Nazi Germany.  And their efforts to stop freedom of speech reminds one of Fascist Italy, the Nazi’s partners in the Axis.

I urge all of you to go to this site and sign the petition and help designate Antifa for what it really is, a terrorist organization.  The petition has already garnered over 52,000 signatures as of this writing and needs an additional 47,000 to be considered for action.


One comment

  • They also need to ban the KKK Neo nazis, Communists, Islamists, pro-choicers ETC.

    Be broad and consistent. If you just ban Antifa, they’ll run off to another like minded group with different names.

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