• Well done! That diddy about the preacher who became a Christian because he prayed on the toilet was really funny! Almost fell of the chair!

    I think the Old testament the Jewish Bible sums it up easily. I don’t remember the verse but it says that those things not known are of no concern only to G-d. So of course there’s nothing to worry about.

    • Deuteronomy 29:28 “The secret things belong to HaShem our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever — in order to do all the words of this Torah.

      • Thank you! never mind all those hard questions you can’t comprehend! The catholics and the majority of protestants will just make something up they call if a MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH! LOL!! Its not! G-d just doesn’t need to reveal it! Not important!

  • Love it.

  • Michael Delligatti

    I like much more when you talk Politics and describe them and the other Liberals as they are Smucks!!
    Your Nicknames are Too Funny I do the same I can see a person Once and make up a good Nickname …

  • I never gave anyone hell, I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.

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