peace be with you.
It seems you wish to inform God not only about his religion, but also about his prophets, while He is the knower of the secrets of the heavens and the earth.
Gloy be to God, he has no need of any of us, not one. We need him, He doesn't need us. If all of mankind went into the fire, it would be no problem for God.
He is rich, free of all wants. Are you still going to teach God something? Glory be to God, if He shows you mercy. Those who dispute the revelations of their lord in front of him are the those He will not even speak to on the day of judgement.
None is too proud to bow down to Him, save those upon whose hearts he has set a seal. I hate to say it, but you're fitting the description, Mills.
Yet, He knows your heart better than me, and He can forgive you better than me. One of the errors of the Jews, says the Qur'an, is that they fear people more than they fear God.
If you claim this is not your case, which I expect you will claim, then you could show some piety and clean up the foul mouths in this channel, and reduce some of the sick arrogance of the pictures and nicknames. Glory be to God, He loves not the arrogant.
Wouldn't you long to be humble? I would. Glory be to my Lord. If I have learned anything, it is from God - if I've made any error it is from me.
Should the sky fall upon you, or the earth split beneath you, who will save you but God? If you are resurrected and the mountains are flying in the sky, the seas boiling over, the sky like red oil, how will you be helped if not by God almighty?
Who has the power to help you? And if you ask for his help, and he rejects, where will you go? If I ask for his help and he rejects, where will I go? If my father, my mother, you father, or your mother, is rejected by God, where will they go?
To hell. To burn like a log in a fire, again and again and again.
Yet if God accepts you and forgives you, or me, or one of our relatives, and that person recieves his mercy, then wouldn't that be nice! Endless meadows with sweet smelling flowers, shade, nice food, delicious lamb, sweets, and a wine that doesn't get you drunk but is delicious - freedom, a place where there are no lies and no theft, no insults, no war, and where the greatest thing of all is to the face of your Lord, you creator, and feel the security of His closeness and protection.
Glory be to the God of Abraham.