12th Trump Accuser Has Emerged Over Sexual Assault

Ninni Laaksonen was Miss Finland pictured here with Donald Trump.

Ninni Laaksonen was Miss Finland pictured here with Donald Trump.

This is getting ridiculous! Beyond, actually.

On Thursday, Ninni Laaksonen, 2006’s Miss Finland, became the twelfth woman to accuse Donald Trump of being a grabby, gross, dirty old philanderer.

She’s the eleventh that has credibility, since the sex industry worker from last week, Jessica Drake is not credible and should be laughed at and ridiculed for her mercenary idiocy.

Miss Laaksonen’s tale of Trump lechery appeared in Thursday’s edition of The Telegraph.

Laaksonen said the incident occurred in New York City before she appeared on CBS’s “The Late Show with David Letterman” in July 2006.

Trump was appearing on the program, she said, with her and three other Miss Finland contestants.

“Before the show we were photographed outside the building,” she said of her encounter with Trump.

“Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt. I don’t think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought: ‘What is happening?’”

I always have to wonder about these women. Did none of them have brothers that taught them how to ball up their fists and just start punching until either something breaks or somebody screams “STOP”?

Just me?

Regardless, this is a pattern of disturbing stories. They can’t all be false.

(Except for the porn star’s story. She’s ridiculous.)

Laaksonen’s story actually gets even creepier.

“Somebody told me that [Donald] Trump liked me because I looked like Melania [Trump] when she was younger,” she said, referencing Donald Trump’s wife, whom he married in 2005. “It left me disgusted.”

How sad for Melania Trump (if you believe that a beautiful woman of 45-years old stays married to a lascivious 70-year old billionaire out of true love, and not matters of financial security).

I’m frankly tired of these stories. I’m suffering scandal fatigue.

So why am I writing about it?

Because I want a record, for every Branch Trumpidian cult member, on November 9, 2016, as they rage and roar about what happened. I want to be able to show them, one-by-one and account after account of every ugly detail of who Trump is, as a candidate and a person.

They own this.



  • Look, do you want that old hag to be elected?

  • Seriously? “old hag”? Since you’re a bigot on Women, I’m not surprised you’d support Trump.
    The World is laughing at you – when we aren’t shaking with worry that America would actually vote Trump in.

    Let’s see, Trump has spouted rhetoric in support of Putin, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim and Sexist. He stands accused of groping 12 women and his “locker room” tape was not about what he’d like to do (bad), but what he’d already done (most disturbing).

    He accuses Clinton of being a politician and has sworn to launch investigations, like any tin-pot Dictator, should he be elected. He accuses the free media of corruption and the election process as rigged, even suggesting he wouldn’t accept a vote where the results were against him. Those are the words of a want-to-be Emperor or Dictator, not a President. Be very careful what you vote for…

    His biggest attack on Clinton is the e-mail scandal. The FBI and CIA both believe the hack was committed by the Russians. Why would they pick on Clinton and not Trump? The leaks themselves were not taken from Clinton’s devices but rather from Aides and associates who received her e-mails. Finally, after an exhaustive search, your FBI concluded in July that none of the evidence they’d scoured through, indicated a breach of “Classified” information. Trump is know as the King of “Tweet” and in a digital age do you honestly believe he’d be more careful?

    Do you even realize that Trump’s name is now so bad that they are removing it from “Trump” towers across the world? They are re-branding as “Scion” due to the rapid decline in customer occupancy rates.

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