• Trump should definitely filter himself. However, has there been a better speaker than Obama? Look what we have when we have presidential. The ultimate articulate speaker Obama. Be careful what you wish for. Ted Cruz is my favorite candidate also, but he unfortunately can’t win. Again, trump seems to like cruz and will probably make him vp. A win win. As long as Hillary loses we all win. And, it will be trump v Hillary. So, a vote for Cruz is a vote for Hillary,

  • Trump is no patriot, all he cares about at the end of the day is his bank account.

    If G-d forbid he becomes President, Donnie the Crook will liquidate the US’ remaining assets, increase 3rd world immigration and cut deals with our enemies.

    Ted Cruz brilliantly combines honor, respectability, logic and rhetoric, if Republicans are clever enough to nominate him, he’ll level Clinton in the debates.

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