Harassment Continues: Administrative Orders Extended Against Jewish Hilltop Youths

Central Commander Roni Noma signed the administrative orders.

Central Commander Roni Noma signed the administrative orders.

Even as terror rages and Jews are murdered in the streets, the government takes the time to lengthen administrative orders against Jewish youths.

It was around six months ago when dozens of administrative orders were issued against Jewish youths from the Shomron and various hilltops. Many of the orders are now expiring, yet even as Arab terror rages, the government and army officials have taken the time to extend the orders for several youths. Most notably, the administrative detention of Meir Ettinger was extended, yet several other administrative orders have also been extended.

The newest orders have been signed by Central Commander Roni Noma. To protest the lengthening of the orders, activists plan on holding a protest outside Noma’s home.

One recipient of a new order was Eitam Ben Yaakov, who is a 17 year old teenager from Kochav Hashachar. The order extended the restrictions placed on him earlier, including nighttime house arrest, a ban on communicating with friends, and expulsion from Judea and Samaria, for additional time.

The latest order lengthens Ben Yaakov’s house arrest by four months and his expulsion from Judea and Samaria for six months. The justification given for the order is that ‘security provisions require it.’ 

“If I want to go to a friend’s for Shabbat, I can’t. If I go out to Jerusalem or anywhere else, I have to watch the clock to make sure that I get back for the nighttime house arrest. These orders are very confining and restricting,” explains Ben Yaakov.

Eitam Ben Yaakov

Eitam Ben Yaakov

In terms of the ban on communicating with friends he explained, “They want to destroy relationships and reduce Jewish solidarity. The moment that you lose your friends, you’re alone and suffocating.”

Ben Yaakov adds that he is further frustrated, like many, that army officials are ignoring the murder of Jews in the streets and instead issuing administrative orders to Jewish youth. “It is really upsetting that when all these attacks are happening and when the Jewish people are in such dire straits, that those who are supposed to be protecting us are acting in this way. I hope that G-d opens their eyes to the truth,” he added.

A second youth, Ben-el Chai Maayan, who is 17 years old and from Bat Ayin, also had his administrative order extended. Officers from the Nationalistic Crimes Unit came and served him with a new order that lengthened his administrative house arrest for two months and banned him from Judea and Samaria for six more months. He too was banned from communicating with many of his friends.

Upon being handed the order by the officers, Maayan expressed his frustration with the order by tearing it in half as the officers looked on. It is noteworthy that many have been particularly frustrated by the issuance of these orders, since no evidence is presented and the entire process is secretive. An administrative detention order issued against Mordechai Meyer was also found to have been based on faulty information.


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