Iran to build a statue of captured US sailors

Iran Captured SoldiersThe weak, feckless and traitorous Obama administration has handed these people a license to build nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, they gleefully flaunt their hatred of America and Israel, and determination to destroy us both. If we had any kind of genuine opposition party, the Iran deal would have been an impeachable offense.

Iran to build a statue of captured US sailors,” by Ahmed Vahdat, Telegraph, March 18, 2016:

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is planning to build a statue of the US sailors who were captured in Iranian waters earlier this year, a senior officer said.

The provocative proposal is likely to cause outrage in the US and be seized on by Republicans opposed to President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran.

Commander Ali Fadavi, the head of the Guard’s naval forces, said the monument of the surrendering Americans would be a “tourist attraction”.

“There are very many photographs of the major incident of arresting US Marines in the Persian Gulf in the media and we intend to build a symbol out of them inside one of our naval monuments,” he told Iran’s Defense Press news agency.

The capture of the 10 US sailors in January was hailed by hardliners in Tehran as a victory over the US and presented as proof that Iran was still resisting America despite the nuclear deal.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said the arrest of the sailors was “God’s deed” and presented medals to the Iranians involved.

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