• Greek diners are largely supported by non Kosher Jewish people.

  • Stop third wave feminism and the drag queen shows for children. No more gay couple adoptions.

  • Call your legislators and tell them no more gay adoptions and drag queen shows in schools and libraries

    • Chaim- at first thought this may not appear to be your style. However, I strongly suggest that you follow many other video cast movements and present a gift shop with mugs t-shirts etc. A great way to raise money on a high profit margin and many of us will grab them up. How about it? Giacobo

  • We need to support old fashioned families. Enough with the war against heterosexuals.

    • Even though, in most cases, pride in and of itself is an undesirable character trait, this is not mere pride. This is lewd, crude, and nude unbridled brazenness. This self-revealing satanic presence must be called out wherever it appears. Unceasingly and without hesitation.

    • America is Very Puritanical
      And has a “War on Sex”
      God is Pro-Sex , the God of the Holy Bible is Not a Sexually Repressed Puritan

  • The Albanians saved 40 Jews during WWII and are commended at Yad Vashem

  • Bennett will switch places with Lapid. Chaim please explain.

    • Chaim- at first thought this may not appear to be your style. However, I strongly suggest that you follow many other video cast movements and present a gift shop with mugs t-shirts etc. A great way to raise money on a high profit margin and many of us will grab them up. How about it? Giacobo

  • thanks

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