Author Archives: Shlomo

Jew-Hating UN Chief Denounces “50 Years of Israeli Occupation” on Six Day War Anniversary

This is nothing more than pure anti-Semitism. This disgusting pig and the UN are blaming Jewish victims for Arab Muslim mass-murder. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the five-decades-long Israeli occupation has imposed a “heavy humanitarian and development burden on the Palestinian people” and “fueled recurring cycles of violence and retribution.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. […]

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CNN Caught Staging “Muslims Against ISIS” Narrative After London Bridge Terrorism

CNN, already accused by the President of the United States and many others of being purveyors of fake news, gave the world a glimpse into how the fake news sausage is made in the aftermath of the London Bridge Islamic terrorist attacks. As you can see in the behind-the-scenes video below, CNN is caught orchestrating a protest of “Muslims Against ISIS” […]

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Breitbart reporter fired for anti-Muslim tweet after London terror attack

Breitbart were sellouts to Trump during the campaign, and are now firing it’s writers who insult Islam. A Breitbart writer who tweeted anti-Muslim comments shortly after a terror attack in London that left seven dead and nearly 50 inured has been fired. CNN first reported the firing of Katie McHugh, who tweeted out on Saturday night that “there would be no deadly […]

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New law allows government to take children away if parents don’t accept kids’ “gender identity”

Ontario, Canada passed a law that allows government to intervene in family life if parents of children with gender identity issues don’t accept their kids’ “gender expression,” Lifesite News reports. Bill 89 — also knows as The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017 — was overwhelmingly passed in Ontario with a 63 to 23 vote. The new law […]

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Five Arab Muslims Arrested for Planning Terrorist Attack Against Jews at Temple Mount

Israeli security forces and the Israel Police arrested several Arab residents of east Jerusalem who are members of the Hamas-affiliated Shabab al-Aqsa organization who were involved in an attempt to carry out violent attacks against security forces and visitors to the Temple Mount. The Shabab al-Aqsa organization is declared a terrorist organization in Israel. The organization’s activists identify with the […]

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Religion of Peace: ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Attack

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Sunday for an attack by knife-wielding [Muslims] who mowed down and stabbed revellers in London, killing seven people before being shot dead in a barrage of police gunfire. Saturday night’s rampage at a popular nightlife hub around London Bridge by three men wearing fake suicide vests was the third deadly terror attack in Britain […]

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Arrests After UK’s Kent Police Shamed for Ignoring Anti-Semitic Stoning Attack on Jewish Family

The UK-based Campaign Against Anti-Semitism organization announced that two arrests have been made by Kent Police in connection with a May 30th stoning attack on a Jewish family from the Stamford Hill section of London, during their visit to Minster beach on the Isle of Sheppey. Five teenagers between the ages of 15 to 18 hurled rocks at an Orthodox […]

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GOP financing helps Planned Parenthood have banner year

When Cecile Richards, the CEO of Infanticide, Inc. (a.k.a. Planned Parenthood) predicted in 2011 that the loss of federal funding would result in millions of women losing access to basic family planning services such as mammograms and cancer screenings, she flat-out lied. Not a single Planned Parenthood affiliate possesses X-ray machines necessary to do mammograms, and the only so-called cancer […]

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Just 10 days into Islam’s ‘holy month’ and more than 400 people have been murdered by Muslims

Islam’s “holy month,” called Ramadan, started just 10 days ago on May 26. During Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast during the day. Fasting during Ramadan is so important to Muslims that it is included in Islam’s five core beliefs, known as the “Five Pillars of Islam.” … Violence was projected worldwide Saturday when three Islamic terrorists mowed down pedestrians on […]

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Former US Ambassador John Bolton: Trump Should Have Kept Promise to Scrap Iran Nuke Deal

US President Donald Trump should have kept his election campaign promise to scrap the Iran nuclear deal “debacle,” former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the Jerusalem Post in a recent interview. Bolton said that pulling out of the deal upon his election “would have shown unambiguously that this was a mistake,” adding he believed that there are […]

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Muslim who screamed “Allahu akbar” while murdering Jewish woman may not be tried; Claims “not in right mind”

More of the global outbreak of mental illness. How long will French authorities, and authorities all over the West, continue to delude themselves, and continue to be allowed to do so by their constituents? “Suspect in brutal murder of French-Jewish woman may not be tried,” Times of Israel, June 2, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report): A Muslim man suspected […]

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Government Workers Union Spent $20 Million More on Politics than Representing Members

One of the nation’s most influential labor unions spent $20 million more on politics than it did representing the interests of its members in 2016, according to its federal labor filing. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) spent $55.3 million on “political activities and lobbying” in 2016 compared to the $36.4 million in expenditures related to […]

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Leftist ‘Overpopulation’ Fears Are a Hoax

Here’s why higher populations are actually a good thing. In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” He predicted that mankind’s birthrate would outstrip our ability to grow food and would lead to mass starvation. Malthus’ wrong predictions did not deter Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich from making a similar prediction. In his 1968 best-seller, “The […]

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Another Shakeup: Trump Communications Director Resigns After 3 Months

Trump’s communications director who he appointed three months ago, Mike Dubke, is resigning. Here’s more from Axios: Mike Dubke, President Trump’s communications director, is leaving the White House — the start of a wave of changes as the West Wing struggles to cope with burgeoning scandals and a stalled agenda. Dubke served for just three months before tendering his resignation […]

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Iran to Relaunch Hamas Terrorists Financial Aid

Hamas and Iran are cozying up again, and the Islamic regime in Iran will soon relaunch its funding of the Hamas terror organization following weeks of meeting between senior terrorists on both sides, according to reports this morning in the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat. Over the past few weeks, senior Hezbollah and Iranian officials, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, met […]

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School children told to “write a letter to terrorists” to “help understand motives”

Children as young as seven told to ‘respect’ killers in new teaching aid. A NEW teaching aid that recommends schoolchildren as young as seven “write a letter to a terrorist” to help understand their motives has been condemned as “dangerous and misguided”. The book, Talking About Terrorism, published weeks before the Manchester Arena atrocity, describes the indiscriminate mass murder of […]

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Pew: Muslim population in U.S. to double by 2050

Excerpts from Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world from the Pew Research Center: Here are answers to some key questions about Muslims, compiled from several Pew Research Center reports published in recent years: Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion (after Christianity), it is the fastest-growing major religion. Indeed, if current demographic trends continue, the number […]

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Yes, Hitler was an environmentalist

Nazis hated and murdered a lot of people, but apparently they loved the environment. Hitler’s two most important goals were the destruction of the Jews and the conquest of more space in the East. But he was also concerned about Germany’s limited resources of food and raw materials, Stu explained. The environmentalists of the day praised the Nazis for enforcing […]

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80% of mass-murdering “hunger strike” terrorists demands were met by Israel

Thanks, Netanyahu, for helping convicted mass-murderering Nazi terrorists that butcher Jews all because they skipped some meals. A PLO official claimed on Sunday that Israel had agreed to 80 percent of the demands of hunger striking terrorists who ended their hunger strike over the weekend. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a […]

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Trump furious with Abbas: You lied to me

We could have saved you time. Never make a “deal” with terrorists. President Donald Trump lambasted [PLO/Fatah] Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, after the president claims the PA leader deceived him regarding his party’s involvement in anti-Israel incitement. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. […]

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Israeli Government Admits UN Construction at Armon Hanatziv Is Illegal: “But What Can We Do?”

You can start by not giving the Jew-hating UN money. After repeated delays, the Israeli government has responded to a request for an interim order in a petition filed by the Regavim movement against illegal construction carried out by the UN at the Armon Hanatziv compound. Armon Hanatziv (Heb: Governor’s Palace) was built in the 1930s the neighborhood of East […]

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Welfare State Fail: Manchester Terrorist Bankrolled With Gov’t Benefits

The Manchester suicide bomber used taxpayer-funded student loans and benefits to bankroll the terror plot, police believe. Salman Abedi is understood to have received thousands of pounds in state funding in the run-up to Monday’s atrocity even while he was overseas receiving bomb-making training. Police are investigating Abedi’s finances, including how he paid for frequent trips to Libya where he […]

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Jonathan Pollard’s appeal rejected under Trump administration

U.S. Court rejection of appeal to ease Jonathan Pollard’s harsh parole conditions underscores the contradictory nature of the Presidential trip to Israel. It was a cold and dark night in Jerusalem, at a rally for Jonathan Pollard’s freedom, occurring, most likely, during the darker days of former President Obama’s continuing the incarceration of Jonathan Pollard and the administration’s malign policies towards Israel. One of […]

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Abbas rejects Trump’s “peace proposal”

In Fatah meeing, PLO Chairman Abbas says he won’t support anything which doesn’t end Israel’s “occupation” of it’s own country. Fatah’s Revolutionary Council congratulated the “heroic” hunger-striking terrorists for their “victory” over Israel in what the terror organization called a “fight for freedom and honor.” In a committee meeting titled “The meeting for freedom and honor in support of our […]

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Arab Muslim Arsonists Burn Down Jewish Religious School on Yet Another “Day of Rage”

[Arab Muslim terrorists] burned down a Jewish religious school in the northern West Bank on Monday, during a “Day of Rage” held in support of an ongoing hunger strike by Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons. The arsonists entered the area surrounding Homesh Yeshiva and set the building alight. No injuries were reported. Officials from the school said they expected the IDF […]

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Netanyahu Kisses Islamic Tuchus: Wishes ‘Ramadan Kareem’ to Muslim World

Remember the Ramadan in 2015 when Bibi told Israeli Arab Muslims “you are an integral part of Israeli society”? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended a holiday greeting on Saturday night in light of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began over the weekend. “I wish #Ramadan Kareem to Israel’s Muslim citizens and Muslims around the world, hoping for much […]

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Tyranny: Judge throws out lawsuit against Hillary Clinton by parents of Benghazi victims

A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton by the parents of two Americans killed at a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, ruling Friday the former secretary of state did not defame them when disputing allegations that she had lied. “The untimely death of plaintiffs’ sons is tragic, and the Court does not mean to minimize the unspeakable loss […]

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Trump’s National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn Relaunches War on Coal

White House National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs banking executive, has reopened the U.S. government’s war on coal. “Coal doesn’t even make that much sense anymore as a feedstock,” Cohn said in Europe on Air Force One, while speaking for the White House to the press, the New York Times’ Brad Plumer noted. “Natural gas, which […]

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New Settlement Approved for Amona Evacuees

I don’t see it ever actually happening under the current regime, but we can hope. The Civil Administration on Sunday approved the dispensation of state-owned land in the Shiloh Valley area of Binyamin for the establishment of a new Jewish settlement. The settlement will be populated by the [expelled (see the picture above)] families of Amona, three months after the […]

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Iran to Hamas: Let’s get closer “on basis of jihad”

Senior Iranian officials express hope to Hamas leader that mutual hatred of US and Israel will lead to closer ties between them. Senior Iranian officials are expressing hope that the appointment of new Hamas terrorist organization leader Ismail Haniyeh will bring about policy strengthening the ties between them. Kassam Soleimani, a commander in the Iran’s Al-Quds Brigades, sent a letter […]

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Abbas: Terrorist prisoners are “heroes”

PLO/Fatah chairman praises prisoners serving time for murder and terrorism as ‘heroes,’ says their demands, including more TV, must be met. At a meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council in Ramallah, PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas told the Fatah leadership that the PLO supports the demands of the terrorists engaged in a hunger strike in Israeli prisons, stands by them, and will […]

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Fox News: Trump senior adviser under FBI scrutiny is none other than Jared Kushner

[Fox News] – Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and one of the senior advisers in the Trump administration, is under FBI scrutiny as part of the investigation into possible Russian collusion, numerous U.S. officials have told NBC News. Investigators think that Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, has substantial information relevant to the investigation, officials told NBC. […]

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HORROR: Planned Parenthood Execs Joke About Decapitating Fetuses

Planned Parenthood doesn’t just murder children. They campaign for mass-murder and joke about decapitating babies. A horrifying video has emerged that shows Planned Parenthood executives joking about decapitating fetuses and dismembering them… The Washington Times reported: Planned Parenthood executives joked about decapitated fetuses, admitted to altering abortion procedures to preserve fetal organs and said clinics have a financial incentive to […]

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One year after pledging to “cancel” the Paris climate agreement, Trump will attend global warming summit Friday

Trump sure is flip-flopping over to the left at record speed. Exactly one year after pledging in a speech to “cancel” the Paris climate agreement, President Trump will attend a Group of Seven summit Friday in Sicily where he’s expected to come under sustained pressure from his counterparts to reverse course. The White House said earlier this month that Trump […]

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Minnesota: Muslims arrested with guns and bomb-making materials get only light charges

A single felony weapons charge for “a loaded AK-47, another rifle, a handgun, a grenade, large amounts of ammunition, and what would later be identified as bomb-making materials, including a drone.” “However, criminal defense attorney Joe Tamburino, who is not affiliated with the case, says prosecutors are doing what they can. ‘These people have been charged with what the prosecutors […]

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Mark Zuckerberg calls for government to give everybody free money

After making a mint from selling the worlds private information, Zuckerberg proclaims he wants communism. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called on the need to consider universal basic income for Americans during his Harvard Commencement Speech. Zuckerberg’s comments reflect those of other Silicon Valley bigwigs, including Sam Altman, the president of venture capital firm Y Combinator. “Every generation expands its definition of […]

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Israel Alters Intelligence Sharing with US After Trump Disclosed Their Classified Info With Russia

Israel says it has changed its intelligence-sharing protocols with the United States after President Donald Trump disclosed classified information to Russian diplomats earlier this month that had come from Israel, even though Tel Aviv had not assented to his handing it to another country. Israeli defense chief Avigdor Liberman told Army Radio on Wednesday, “I can confirm that we did […]

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Muslim Stoning & Firebombing Attacks Continue in Judea and Samaria

Arab terrorists hurled rocks at Israeli motorists traveling along Route 55 near the Jewish community of Neveh Elias, in western Samaria near Alfei Menashe, late Wednesday afternoon. The Hatzolah emergency response team in Judea and Samaria said there were no physical injuries reported in the attack. No information was available on damage to the vehicle. Arab terrorists also firebombed an […]

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