Author Archives: Shlomo

Trump Aides Believe Their Offices Are Bugged

Campaign aides to Donald Trump have told associates they believe that their offices at Trump Tower in New York may be bugged, according to three people briefed on the conversations. The New York Times reported the information Friday in an article detailing turmoil within the Trump campaign, which included the presumptive Republican nominee’s dismissal of national political director Rick Wiley. […]

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Trump spox melts down on CNN, says the government is funding anti-Trump protesters!

You would think that Trump might let his leg-humping morons take the weekend off for Memorial Day, but you would be WRONG if you thought that because Katrina Pierson AMPED UP the stupid for this very special debate with Angela Rye on CNN!! Katrina specifically cites “the internet” when backing up her claims that George Soros is funding protesters at […]

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Guess Who Else was an Enabler of Bill Clinton’s Rape? Donald Trump.

Since January, Donald Trump has attacked Hillary Clinton as an “enabler” of Bill Clinton’s sexual misadventures, including Clinton’s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick. He has repeatedly said that the reason Hillary qualifies as an “enabler” is that she has publicly attacked and said mean and nasty things about Clinton’s accusers: Eugene, Oregon (CNN) Donald Trump on Friday accused Hillary Clinton of […]

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‘Kill the Jew!’ 12-year-old boy brutally beaten at school in shocking hate-filled attack

A New Haven, Connecticut schoolboy and his family are accusing his classmates of targeting him for physical and verbal attacks because he is Jewish, the New Haven Register reports. Orit Avizov told a local news station that her 12-year-old was “physically attacked and verbally threatened” by one student who was yelling “kill the Jew” during the attack. “Branford Public Schools is […]

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Ted Cruz Vows To Fight Trump On Abortion Plank In RNC Platform

Friday on “The Pat Campbell Radio Show,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he would protect the Republican National Committee’s party platform from Donald Trump’s suggestions that he would like exceptions for  rape and incest to be included on the abortion policy. When asked if he would protect the party platform from Trump’s potential changes, Cruz said, “You have my word. One […]

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Meet the Republican Traitors Who Sacrificed Women’s Privacy by Supporting Obama’s Transgender Edicts

And would Donald Trump do anything different than these traitors? I was up in the wee hours after midnight Thursday when Daniel Horowitz’s tweet crossed my radar: The GOP-controlled House had just voted in the dead of night to write into law Obama’s executive order banning federal contractors who “discriminate” against transgendered individuals. We all know now what that means: […]

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Trump flip flops yet again, now refuses to debate Bernie Sanders

Trump never liked debates because he has to clarify his positions. Despite Trump saying he’d be willing to debate Bernie Sanders on Jimmy Kimmel the other night, Trump now says he’s not willing to debate Bernie Sanders because it’s not appropriate or something: Who knows why Trump is flip flopping now. SE Cupp clearly believes it was a great […]

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Fox News and Greta’s ‘Meet the Trumps’ special draws backlash after kissing Trump’s tuchus

Fox News drew backlash Thursday for airing a “Meet the Trumps” special, in which anchor Greta Van Susteren interviewed the family of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Most of the hourlong special focused on Trump’s wife, Melania, with Van Susteren asking questions including whether Melania thinks she’d be a “good first lady” and how she met Donald Trump. It […]

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Trump: “I Understand Losers, You Can Make a Lot of Money With Losers”

Trump thinks if you aren’t mega-rich, you’re a loser. Donald Trump laced into prominent Republicans in a sharp-tongued attack on both allies and critics, including 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney — about whom he dismissively claimed, “I have a store that’s worth more money than he is.“ The Hill reports the biting rant came during a Trump speech in Anaheim, […]

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Canadians Could Face Two Years in Jail For Criticizing Transgender, ‘Gender Fluid’ Ideology

At this rate, coming to America soon… Legislation proposed in Canada by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party would seek to ban criticism of transgender people or the “gender fluid” ideology, with violators facing up to two years in jail when found guilty. The bill would redefine “hate speech” under the Canadian Criminal Code as well as the Canada Human Rights act, […]

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Trump Supports Transgender Bathrooms

“So you were full of s***?” Kimmel interjected. Trump, laughing, replied, “A little bit.” During a late-night interview Wednesday with show host Jimmy Kimmel, Donald Trump discussed what he thinks about the hotly debated transgender bathroom issue. Asked how he would approach the topic as president during the discussion with Kimmel, Trump seemed unsure about what the right answer would be, […]

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Trump Campaign Manager Rick Wiley Leaves After Only a Month

Donald Trump fires his National Political Director over “loyalty” clash, sources say. Longtime political strategist Rick Wiley has left Donald Trump’s White House effort after coming aboard last month “on a short-term basis until the campaign was running full steam,” the campaign said Wednesday. … “We would like to thank Rick for helping us during this transition period,” the statement said. […]

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“TRAMPLING THE CONSTITUTION”: 11 states sue Obama administration over transgender bathroom policy

Officials from 11 U.S. states sued the Obama administration on Wednesday, seeking to overturn a directive from the federal government that public schools should allow transgender students to use the bathroom matching their gender identity. The suit was filed in a Texas federal court in response to the directive handed down to schools earlier this month that said transgender students […]

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University Professor: Chopping Off Hands Per Muslim Sharia law a “Better Solution”

“It sounds barbaric, I know…” but just think of the upside! More depravity from the Muslim Students Association, which hosted yet another “Islamophobia” panel on Tuesday — this time at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. During the panel, FAU’s Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem al Halabi tried to justify sharia law, in particular the chopping off of hands, […]

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Yes, a Trump Presidency would indeed cripple conservatism

I have long held season tickets in the #NeverTrump grandstands, and in recent weeks I have been saddened to see our ranks thinning. Saddened, but not surprised; after all, the Party Elites (which have never liked conservatives anyway) are lining up behind his candidacy, and more and more prominent conservatives are cloaking themselves in permanent disgrace by kneeling before Zod. […]

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U.S. students donate ‘to wipe Israel off map’

Satirical filmmaker Ami Horowitz recently visited Oregon’s Portland State University to find out just how far students there were willing to go to fund anti-Israel activity. The Pacific Northwest is a hotspot for the BDS movement in America, which advocates for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctioning of Israeli products. Posing as a representative for the fake organization “American Friends for […]

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Republican Jewish group slams anti-Semitism from Trump supporters in presidential race

Republican Jewish Coalition decries ‘anti-Semitic invective’ aimed at journalists covering campaign, in veiled reference to Trump fans. The Republican Jewish Coalition condemned the “troubling increase of anti-Semitic invective” aimed at journalists covering the presidential campaigns, but without singling out the two most widely reported incidents, both involving supporters of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. “We abhor any abuse of journalists, […]

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Rush Limbaugh says he won’t endorse Trump

Conservative radio giant Rush Limbaugh explained that he will not be making a formal endorsement of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. “In the words of a famous and well-known politician, what difference does it make now?” Limbaugh said on his show Monday, referring to an oft-quoted line by Hillary Clinton. “I can’t believe you think it matters now. … I […]

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Report: Anti-Israel New Israel Fund “educating” senior IDF commanders

The serious report was issued by the ‘Lavi’ organization. Members of extreme left-wing groups give educational courses to commanders at the rank of major and above. The Lavi organization publicized a report that detailed the organizations that run obligatory educational courses for senior IDF commanders. The report reveals that many of these organizations are supported by the extreme left-wing New […]

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Trump’s Global Warming Hypocrisy

This is the second flip-flop of the day for Donald Trump, and it’s not even lunch time, yet. While Trump has publicly derided climate change as bunk, what he does behind the scenes is something entirely different. Of course, this kind of fence walking between conservatism and ideologically liberal positions are the things his Trumpidian cultists love about him. For […]

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Teacher Awarded $60K After Co-Workers Won’t Call Her ‘They’

We’d normally say, “only in Oregon,” but cases like these are springing up all over the country, not just in extreme-progressive enclaves. Fifth-grade teacher Leo Soell has been awarded substantial damages after claims co-workers refused to use Soell’s preferred pronoun, “they.” The plural-specific pronoun was likely chosen because the teacher considers himself — no wait, “themselves” — to be “two-gendered.” Or gender aspecific. Or “two-spirited” or bi-gender, […]

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Donald Trump? Yes, of course it’s a con.

Yes, it’s a con. In the three weeks since Donald Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee the remains of modern American conservatism have decayed at an alarming rate. Three months ago, most GOP officeholders and conservative opinion leaders understood Trump to be an ignoramus and a boor, a vain reality-television star and a longtime donor to Democrats who had built […]

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Obama BEGGING Iran To HIDE MISSLE TEST From The American People, Even Iran’s Laughing In His Face

America is in the midst of a “political revolution” in which a vast majority (approximately 65%), on both sides of the political aisle feel that we are on the wrong track. There’s little doubt that after almost 8-years of this administrations continued dismantling of America’s might through willful malfeasance, deceptions, and outright lies, that the American people are ready to […]

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Insanity! Israel resumes cement transfers to Gaza

Less than one month after second terror tunnel uncovered, defense officials confirm transfers have resumed due to UN push and Netanyahu’s weakness. Israel imported cement into Gaza Sunday after a month and a half of hiatus om transfers into the Hamas stronghold. Construction and employment in Gaza allegedly had suffered due to the break, Walla! News reports. Israel had stopped the imports […]

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Muslim Media Darling Hails Hitler: ‘He Spared a Few Jews So We’d Know Why He Killed Them’

Charming. One look at her sneering, self-righteous mug and the lapdog media declared her their beloved poster child in the fight against “Islamophobia.” Never mind that she’s a rabid anti-Semite who praised Adolf Hitler. Zakia Belkhiri is your ordinary Muslim activist. During a recent anti-Islam protest in Belgium, she took a selfie next to the demonstrators in a so-called act of heroic “defiance.” Of course the leftists lapped […]

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Washington Republicans still give Ted Cruz 40 of 41 convention delegatges

Someone should send a memo to Washington state Republicans. “To whom it may concern: The race is over.” Seattle Times: Donald Trump has all but sewn up the GOP presidential nomination. But as thousands of Washington Republicans converged on a rodeo arena for their state convention over the weekend, the gathering didn’t look like a political party yet united behind […]

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Campaign admits Trump LIED about $6 million he BRAGGED about raising for VETERANS!

Corey Lewandowski can’t even figure out just how much money el Trumpo supposedly raised for the veterans that he bragged about so much, but they’re admitting that it’s not the $6 million he kept boasting of. An unbelievable night in Iowa with our great Veterans! We raised $6,000,000.00 while the politicians talked! #GOPDebate — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, […]

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Big GOP Donors Stearing Clear From Trump, Hampering Fundraising Efforts

Many large Republican Party donors — representing billions of dollars — are extremely wary of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, with many attacking the presumptive nominee’s policies and some even dismissing him over Democrat Hillary Clinton. “If it is Trump vs. Clinton, I will be voting for Hillary,” William Oberndorf, a California hedge fund manager, told The New York Times. He […]

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Susan Rice: Too Many Whites on National Security Team Putting America at Risk

Affirmative action on steroids: “We’re leading in a complex world with one hand tied behind our back.” National Security Advisor Susan Rice told graduates at Florida International University that the presence of too many “white, male, and Yale” staffers is posing a threat to the security of America. “Too often, our national security workforce has been what former Florida Senator […]

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NRA’s endorsement of Trump is not sitting well with members

Anybody but Hillary? That seems to be the new mantra for those whose political leanings are more right-of-center. It’s also the prevailing thought with organizations like the National Rifle Association, but that doesn’t mean it sits well with members. A day after the NRA officially endorsed Donald Trump, there are rumblings of dissent among those who wonder why the organization […]

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Obama Appoints Transgender To Advise Religious Faith-Based Programs

President Barack Obama has named a transgender individual to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. According to the White House announcement about Barbara Satin’s appointment: Barbara Satin is the Assistant Faith Work Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force. She is an active member of the United Church of Christ and served on the denomination’s Executive Council as […]

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Female Security Guard Arrested For Removing Man From Women’s Bathroom

Metro PD confirmed that they are treating the incident as a “suspected hate crime.” A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman. The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher […]

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Leftists: School Girls Must Get ‘Comfortable’ With ‘Male Genitalia’ in Bathrooms

It’s just beyond obscene and disgusting. A recent editorial in North Carolina’s leading newspaper says that when it comes to transgender issues, girls must get used to seeing male genitalia in school locker rooms. Responding to the Obama administration’s nationwide directive that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with, The Charlotte Observer’s […]

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Report: Trump Blames Saudis for 9/11 But Does Business With Them

Remember when Trump called it 7-11? Financial records filed to Federal Election Commission by Donald Trump appear to show the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has a new business enterprise in Saudi Arabia — despite the fact he blames the Saudis for the 9/11 attacks. According to Buzzfeed News, companies incorporated by Trump, including the THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor and DT […]

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“Black Lives Matter” member charged with human trafficking and prostitution

I guess black lives really don’t matter to them after all – it’s just easy to blame your issues and problems on victimhood. A member of the Black Lives Matter movement who was active in the protests in Ferguson, Missouri was arrested and charged last month with human trafficking and prostitution, Fox 2 reported Thursday. According to court records obtained […]

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Classy: Trump TOP staffers SCREAMING at each other on street in Manhattan last night

Looks like things aren’t going so smoothly for two of Donald Trump’s top staffers, one of which is the infamous Corey Lewandowski: PAGE SIX – There’s big drama between the top advisers at the Trump campaign. Donald Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks and campaign manager Corey Lewandowski were seen having a public screaming match on the street in Manhattan on Wednesday […]

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