Category Archives: Articles

Judge Blocks New Florida Law That Delays Abortions 24 Hours Because That’s Just “Too Much”

Because giving someone time to think it over before an abortion might actually prevent a minority of abortions and that’s completely unacceptable to “compassionate” liberals. [AP] – A Florida judge is blocking a new state law that requires women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion. Chief Circuit Judge Charles Francis blocked the law Tuesday, one day before it […]

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US church to boycott Israel for “apartheid” of Muslim terrorists – Israeli Jews aren’t allowed to defend their lives

Delegates call on UCC’s financial arms to sell off stock in any company profiting from ‘human rights violations arising from the occupation’ – Economic impact on Israel expected to be negligible. The top legislative body of the [Nazi] United Church of Christ voted Tuesday to “divest” from Israeli companies with business in the [Arab Muslim] territories, a sign of the […]

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Leftist Press Dances Around Terrorist Iran’s “Negotiation” for No Weapon Inspections

It would be nice if the establishment press, including the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, had spent a bit less time this past week preparing for and celebrating the Supreme Court’s sadly as-expected Obamacare and same-sex “marriage” rulings, and a bit more on giving readers, listeners and viewers genuine updates on the horrid state of U.S. […]

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Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born

Racial and ethic minorities children under the age of five are now the majority as non-Hispanic white children make up an ever-smaller slice of the population, according to the Census Bureau. New population estimates released Thursday reveal a striking shift in the composition of America’s population as racial and ethnic minority births are also outpacing minority deaths. Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites […]

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It Begins: New Calls To Strip Churches of Tax Exempt Status After Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

For years conservatives and proponents of religious liberty in America have warned that if same-sex marriage became legal, the left would then pursue revoking the tax exempt status for religious institutions, particularly Christian churches, around the country. Just days after the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is a constitutional right, progressive activists like Mark Oppenheimer […]

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Ted Cruz: Justices Showed Contempt for Constitution, Own Oath

Justices on the Supreme Court, with their majority back-to-back decisions on Obamacare and same-sex marriage, violated their judicial oath, Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday. “On Thursday of last week the court rewrote Obamacare, rewrote the statute, ignored the language of the statute and as a result forced millions of people into this failed law,” the Texas Republican, a presidential candidate, […]

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Fueled by Snowden and Apple, private search engine DuckDuckGo rapidly grows

The privacy-minded search engine DuckDuckGo announced this week that it has reached a milestone. The Google alternative now serves over 10 million searches per day. (By comparison, Google serves about 4.3 billion per day.) Back in May 2012 when Ars profiled the startup, we reported that DuckDuckGo hit an all-time record of 1.5 million searches per day. At that time, its daily […]

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Ted Cruz: GOP sheds ‘crocodile tears’ on same-sex marriage

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Republicans of doublespeak and shedding “crocodile tears” over Friday’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. Many in the Republican party are “popping champagne” after the decision, Cruz said at stops across Iowa Friday, accusing Republicans of issuing deceptive press releases at odds with what they truly believed. While other Republican candidates are happy […]

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America’s Obamacare Nightmare Is Just Beginning

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could continue to subsidize health-insurance coverage through, the federal exchanges. An ecstatic President Obama declared that Obamacare is “here to stay.” No, it’s not. A judicial victory doesn’t automatically translate into a political victory, let alone a policy success. Once they’ve quaffed their celebratory champagne, the president and White House […]

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Confederacy banned – Nazi symbols spared

Confederacy purge builds steam, while last century’s worst villains spared All symbols of the Confederacy are rapidly disappearing from stores, websites and the public square in the wake of last week’s racially charged shooting in a Charleston, S.C., church, but the purge of some allegedly hateful icons has spared memorabilia linked to some of history’s most infamous mass murderers, some […]

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Supreme Court Declares Itself G-d, Redefines Marriage and Rights

Supreme Court ruled Friday that states no longer have rights and cannot ban same-sex marriage. The day after declaring Obamacare magically rewritten and that the lawsuits against discrimination in housing require no proof of actual discrimination, the Supreme Court found a unicorn in the 14th Amendment. By a vote of 5-4, the Supreme Court ruled that the right to privacy […]

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Gruesome Muslim beheading: Jihad terror attack at US factory in France

Both the attacker and the victim of a gruesome terrorist attack in France on Friday morning have been identified by authorities. At least one Islamic terrorist launched a daylight raid on an industrial gas factory in France Friday and pinned a severed head to the gates, in what President Francois Hollande called a “terrorist” attack. The grisly attack near France’s second […]

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Farrakhan: We Need to Put the American Flag Down

Obama’s mentor and pastor Rev. Wright and Obama himself attended the Million Man March of Farrakhan. According to Washington DC radio station WMAL, controversial race leader Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag.” “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, […]

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Oops! IRS Says Employees Mistakenly Erased Tea Party Emails

A month after officials realized that thousands of emails related to the apparent targeting of the Tea Party by the IRS had been deleted, IRS employees erased over 400 computer backup tapes containing those emails. Rather than an anti-Tea Party conspiracy, the investigators claim, plain old incompetence is to blame for the erasure of the evidence. According to the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, 422 […]

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The White House Wants Your Doctor To Teach You About Global Warming

Americans trust their doctors, so the White House wants these medical professionals to be a mouthpiece for President Obama’s global warming agenda. “We also need doctors, nurses and citizens, like all of you”President Obama said in a taped speech presented to medical professionals gathered at the White House, “to get to work to raise awareness and organize folks for real […]

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Islamic State Releases Execution Video, Drown Prisoners in Cage, Burned Alive in Car, Explosive Ropes Around Necks

The cruelty and barbarism is beyond imagination. If this is what Muslims do to their fellow Muslims, just imagine what they want to do to us – the infidels. ISIS has released a graphic seven-minute video of their latest executions, including the drowning of five prisoners in a cage that is lowered into a swimming pool. Underwater cameras capture their […]

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Supreme Court Saves Obamacare – Again: ‘Words Have No Meaning’

They did it again. The Supreme Court of the United States effectively rewrote the text of Obamacare to save the legislation. By a 6-3 majority, the Court upheld the Fourth Circuit’s decision in King v. Burwell and decided that federal subsidies were available on state Obamacare exchanges, even though the text of the so-called Affordable Care Act said that such subsidies were […]

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EVIDENCE DESTROYED: Tapes erased by IRS during targeting probe

WASHINGTON –  The lead government watchdog for the IRS revealed Thursday that computer evidence was erased during the investigation into the agency’s targeting scandal, months after the IRS was told to preserve documents. J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, testified to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that IRS employees erased computer backup tapes shortly […]

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Arrest Warrant Issued for Creator of Obama ‘Hope’ Poster

The artist behind the ubiquitous 2008 Obama “Hope” poster has found himself the subject of an arrest warrant. Detroit police say Shepard Fairey had “tagged” some buildings around the city with graffiti. Police say Fairey will be arrested if he returns to Detroit and doesn’t turn himself into authorities. A warrant for his arrest was filed in 36th District Court on Friday. He […]

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New Snowden Leaks Show NSA Attacked Anti-Virus Software

The NSA, along with its British counterpart Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), spent years reverse-engineering popular computer security software in order to spy on email and other electronic communications, according to the classified documents published by the online news site The Intercept. The National Security Agency and its British counterpart, Government Communications Headquarters, have worked to subvert anti-virus and other security […]

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WHO: “Sexual Health” Means Governments Must Provide Abortion and Sex Change

NEW YORK, June 19 (C-Fam) The World Health Organization jumped into the culture wars this week and issued a report telling every country to remove restrictions on abortions – including for adolescents – provide sex change surgery, and remove criminal restrictions on sexual conduct such as extramarital sex, prostitution, and homosexual behavior. WHO’s controversial policy prescriptions, such as sex counseling […]

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Netanyahu and Sharansky create “Genesis Prize” to promote assimilation and intermarriage among Jews

בס”ד Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky created the Genesis Prize to honor and give one million dollars every year to someone who is a “good role model” for the Jewish people. The prizes have been awarded at special ceremonies for two years now. But the two winners of the prizes so far are symbols […]

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Playing with American lives: Obama administration unveils hostage policy opening door to terrorist ransoms

Obama is creating new “bureaucratic structure” giving terrorists incentive to kidnap innocent Americans for ransom money. The Obama administration was accused Wednesday of giving terrorists an incentive to kidnap as it unveiled a hostage policy overhaul allowing families of U.S. hostages to pay ransom — and allowing the U.S. government to help families communicate with captors. “This doesn’t fix anything,” […]

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Google eavesdropping tool installed on computers without permission

Privacy advocates claim always-listening component was involuntarily activated within Chromium, potentially exposing private conversations. Privacy campaigners and open source developers are up in arms over the secret installing of Google software which is capable of listening in on conversations held in front of a computer. First spotted by open source developers, the Chromium browser – the open source basis for […]

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Southern Poverty Law Center Creates Hit List of ‘Anti-Muslim’ Women

Anti-conservative “hate group watchdog” provides list of “hardline anti-Muslim” women in U.S. In a new article titled “Women Against Islam,” anti-conservative “hate group watchdog” Southern Poverty Law Center provides a hit list of twelve women it says promote anti-Islamic messages. Among them are Ann Coulter, Pamela Geller, and Laura Ingraham. In the introduction, the list’s authors, Mark Potok and Janet Smith, say that […]

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Iran’s Ahmadinejad: ‘U.S. trying to arrest Muslim messiah’

Iran’s ex-president claims Great Satan hunting ‘hidden imam’. Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has often referred to America as “the Great Satan.” Even though out of office, his anti-U.S. rhetoric hasn’t been toned down. Earlier this week, Ahmadinejad accused the U.S. of trying to arrest the Shia Muslim messiah, known as the “hidden imam.” The charge came in a speech […]

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Ted Cruz: Obamatrade Enmeshed in Corrupt, Backroom Dealings

The American people do not trust President Obama.  And they do not trust Republican leadership in Congress.  And the reason is simple: for far too long, politicians in Washington have not told the truth. Both President Obama and Republican leadership are pressing trade promotion authority, also known as TPA, or “fast-track.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) […]

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Freak Show: WashPost Promotes Navy Seal Transvestite Running for ‘Congresswoman’

The least likely congressional candidate to ever interest The Washington Post might be a Democrat thinking they can beat Steny Hoyer, the House minority whip from southern Maryland. This completely quixotic campaign can only be interesting if….the candidate’s a Navy SEAL who thinks he’s a woman. On the front page of Style is a picture of Christopher “Kristin” Beck, hesitating […]

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Nazi lunatic Alexander L. Sporn of Rego Park continues to troll JTF’s videos

“John Jones” is Alexander L. Sporn of Rego Park, New York who was a psychiatrist until he lost his license because of criminal convictions, fraudulent practice, and moral unfitness. Among other things, Sporn made death threats against doctors and their families. Sporn called these people on the telephone claiming that he was Adolf Hitler. Now Sporn trolls all of JTF’s […]

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