Category Archives: Articles

Female Security Guard Arrested For Removing Man From Women’s Bathroom

Metro PD confirmed that they are treating the incident as a “suspected hate crime.” A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman. The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher […]

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Leftists: School Girls Must Get ‘Comfortable’ With ‘Male Genitalia’ in Bathrooms

It’s just beyond obscene and disgusting. A recent editorial in North Carolina’s leading newspaper says that when it comes to transgender issues, girls must get used to seeing male genitalia in school locker rooms. Responding to the Obama administration’s nationwide directive that public schools must allow transgender students to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with, The Charlotte Observer’s […]

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Report: Trump Blames Saudis for 9/11 But Does Business With Them

Remember when Trump called it 7-11? Financial records filed to Federal Election Commission by Donald Trump appear to show the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has a new business enterprise in Saudi Arabia — despite the fact he blames the Saudis for the 9/11 attacks. According to Buzzfeed News, companies incorporated by Trump, including the THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor and DT […]

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“Black Lives Matter” member charged with human trafficking and prostitution

I guess black lives really don’t matter to them after all – it’s just easy to blame your issues and problems on victimhood. A member of the Black Lives Matter movement who was active in the protests in Ferguson, Missouri was arrested and charged last month with human trafficking and prostitution, Fox 2 reported Thursday. According to court records obtained […]

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Classy: Trump TOP staffers SCREAMING at each other on street in Manhattan last night

Looks like things aren’t going so smoothly for two of Donald Trump’s top staffers, one of which is the infamous Corey Lewandowski: PAGE SIX – There’s big drama between the top advisers at the Trump campaign. Donald Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks and campaign manager Corey Lewandowski were seen having a public screaming match on the street in Manhattan on Wednesday […]

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Lyin’ Trump Invested in Outsourcing Companies He Denounced in Campaign

Donald Trump has been tough on American companies that have moved jobs to other countries. That hasn’t stopped the presumptive Republican presidential nominee from investing in them. Trump has denounced units of United Technologies Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Mondelez International Inc. on the campaign trail — and has received income of as much as $75,000 from bonds issued by all […]

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State Department Just Officially Declared Islamic State (ISIS) a Terrorist Organization; Slaps on Sanctions

It took this long? And sanctions?? Were they giving them money? The State Department officially declared ISIS branches in Libya, Saudi Arabia and Yemen foreign terrorist organizations Thursday. “The Department of State has announced the designation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s (ISIL’s) branch in Libya (ISIL-Libya) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization under section 219 of the […]

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‘Flush Target’ Anti-Target Campaign Releases Devastating Web Ad

Organizers of the Minnesota-based “Flush Target” campaign — an outfit opposed to Target’s new policy that allows transgender men and boys to use women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in its stores — have released a new online ad, blasting the clothier’s policy. “Any man at anytime could enter a women’s bathroom simply by claiming to be a woman that day,” […]

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Trump’s Anti-Semitic Supporters

I’ve spent most of my career arguing that anti-Semitism in the United States is almost entirely a product of the political Left. I’ve traveled across the country from Iowa to Texas… I’ve sensed far more anti-Jewish animus from leftist college students at the University of California, Los Angeles, than from churches in Valencia. As an observer of President Obama’s thoroughgoing […]

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Ben Rhodes Had Time to Brag to Media About The Evil Iran Nuclear “Deal” But Won’t Testify to Congress

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz wasted no time going after White House National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes Tuesday during a hearing examining the Obama administration’s narratives on the Iran nuclear deal. Rhodes, who told New York Times Magazine nearly two weeks ago that he manipulated an ignorant media to essentially lie to the American people about the Iran deal, […]

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22 Percent of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis

One of every five refugees resettled in Minnesota by the federal government tested positive for latent tuberculosis in 2014, according to the state’s Department of Health. Only 4 percent of the general population in the United States tested positive for latent tuberculosis in the most recent report provided by the Centers for Disease Control. The April 2016 edition of the Refugee Health […]

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FBI’s New Mission: Combat Female Genital Mutilation

Because this is Islamaba…uh, I mean America. More than 500,000 women and girls are at risk of undergoing, or have already been subjected to, female genital mutilation. As if the barbaric practice were not bad enough, consider the disturbing fact that this grim statistic reflects victims living here in the United States, not somewhere in the Islamic world. So bad, in fact, is the […]

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Fire The TSA

Air Travel: If a private company wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, hired workers who failed to do their job 95% of the time, and then forced people to wait in line for hours, how long do you think they’d be in business? So why is the TSA being treated any differently? Over the weekend, 400 passengers missed their flights at […]

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Clinton’s Emails vs Trump’s Taxes – Which is worse?

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton may be under investigation for keeping emails on a private server, not releasing all documents to Congress from her time as Secretary of State, and possibly leaving national security information open to hackers – but on Wednesday she attacked the presumptive Republican nominee for not yet releasing his tax returns. Clinton was speaking in New Jersey […]

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The Transgender Straw Broke the Camel’s Back: It’s Time to Declare Independence from Public Schools

You may not have realized it yet, but the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school. Without an act of Congress, without a ruling from the Supreme Court, and without even going through the motions of the regulatory rule-making process, the administration issued a letter drafting every single public educational institution in the country to implement the extreme […]

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Adults? Stop Pushing Transgenderism Onto Children.

It’s abundantly clear that the transgender movement yearns to become the new civil rights movement. The Obama administration stepped into an area they should not have this past week. They issued so-called “guidelines” for school districts “directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity”. Obviously, this directive causes much turmoil for school districts and the […]

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Trump Spokeswoman Hilariously Compares Trump’s Lies to Obama’s Lies

Friday was a rough day for the Trump campaign, and it got even more embarrassing as Trump’s spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson, delivered the WORST. ANALOGY. EVER. Speaking with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Katrina Pierson actually compared Trump’s empty campaign promises to Obama’s empty campaign promises. Watch below: TRANSCRIPT WOLF BLITZER: Everyone knows by now he’s not a traditional political candidate, but […]

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Breitbart, ‘Renegade Jews,’ And The Anti-Semitic Wing Of The Trump Movement

On Sunday, Breitbart News posted an article by conservative thinker David Horowitz. The headline: “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew Prepares Third Party Effort To Block Trump’s Path To White House.” This is surprising coming from Horowitz. It’s unsurprising coming from Breitbart News. I am a former employee of both Breitbart News and David Horowitz. I left Breitbart under rather […]

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Is Barack Obama Lucky to be Black?

I knew immediately that he was a fraud the first time I watched Barack Obama. Most people know a guy who looks good on paper, but who is really an empty suit, working an angle. Obama worked the angle. Obama parlayed his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention into an amazing career. He took faking to an entirely different level, […]

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Romney Leads Effort for Third-Party Candidate

Mitt Romney is spearheading an effort to find a third-party candidate to stop presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Other key operatives in the movement, The Washington Post reports, are William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard; Erick Erickson, editor — along with strategists Mike Murphy, Stuart Stevens and Rick Wilson. “These conspiracies for the public good are time […]

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Donald Trump is ‘All Over the Map’

Donald Trump is “all over the map” on “life issues,” and will have difficulty appealing to voters “trying to raise their children in a tough culture,” House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Tim Huelskamp said Sunday. In an appearance on “Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace,” the conservative Kansas lawmaker decried the party’s presumptive presidential nominee as “demeaning” to women,” “crass” and […]

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Iran Hosts Another Holocaust Denial Contest, Months After Implementation of Nuclear Deal

Iran will host the Islamic Republic’s third annual Holocaust denial cartoon contest this weekend, just over a week after the world somberly remembered the 6 million Jewish lives that were murdered by Hitler during World War II, and four short months after the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal. The controversial exhibit, which first took place in Iran in 2006, has […]

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Man Chokes 8-Year-Old Girl In Public Restroom: Will Media Ignore?

You have to be amazed at the way the media elite decides what is “news” and what is “not news.” Here’s the Associated Press on the Obama administration’s edict to schools across the land about transgenders in bathrooms: WASHINGTON (AP) — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity, according […]

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Report: Donald Trump Is a Creep Around Women

The New York Times wrote a scathing article about Donald Trump’s encounters with women in private. The story is chock full of first-person accounts from women who know Trump and have been offended by his behavior toward them. From inappropriate comments to unwelcome kisses and dismissive nicknames, Trump’s deplorable actions run the sexist gamut. Rowanne Brewer Lane was a 26-year-old model attending […]

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University of London Panel Calls for “Annihilation of Israel” as Solution to Global Antisemitism

Speakers at a Wednesday evening University of London Student Union (ULSU)-sponsored panel called for the destruction of Israel as a solution to antisemitism, a British watchdog group reported. According to UK Media Watch, several panelists issued the calls during an event centered on the theme of antisemitism in the Labour Party and alleging that the ongoing uproar over widespread anti Jewish rhetoric in the […]

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Cruz: Obama’s transgender directive is ‘politically correct lunacy’

Sen. Ted Cruz Saturday slammed President Obama’s new directive to public schools stating that transgender students should be able to use the bathroom of their choice. “Yesterday Barack Obama issued a decree,” Cruz said Saturday at the Texas GOP convention in Dallas. “Now let me stop there. How many of ya’ll have read your Constitution? Tell me where in the […]

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Black teens charged – but not for hate crime – in Jewish school bus arson outside Brooklyn yeshiva

Four more boys have been charged for allegedly setting ablaze a school bus parked outside a Brooklyn yeshiva. On Thursday night, officials with the New York Police Department announced they had charged each boy, along with a fifth boy arrested earlier in the week, with hate crimes for Sunday’s arson. However, on Friday afternoon, an unidentified NYPD official told the Wall Street […]

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Obama Orders Public Schools to Open Restrooms to Transgender Students – and Trump Agrees!

And Donald Trump agrees with Obama’s demand to allow transgender men into women’s bathrooms. The Obama administration on Friday ordered every public school district in the United States to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match the gender identity they have chosen. “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or […]

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Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders

Scandal: A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders. Can such a financially and ethically compromised candidate truly function as our nation’s leader? The investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation has uncovered a disturbing pattern of the Clintons’ raising money for the Clinton Foundation from regimes that have […]

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Millennials Embrace Socialism, but Do They Know What It Is?

Socialism is having a moment. I’m not just referring to Bernie Sanders’s surprisingly strong showing in the Democratic primaries. Various polls show that Millennials have a more favorable view of socialism than of capitalism. And Millennials generally are the only age group that views socialism more favorably than unfavorably. Some conservatives aren’t surprised. Schools have been force-feeding left-wing propaganda to kids […]

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