Category Archives: Articles

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, ‘it was easy’

The infamous Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer,” speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily – and repeatedly – breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server in early 2013. “For me, it was easy … easy for me, for everybody,” Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker “Guccifer,” told Fox News from a Virginia jail where […]

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Trump Admits Lyin’: “Cruz’s Dad Didn’t Help Kill JFK, But Look at Picture Anyway”

“Of course I don’t believe it,” Trump said. “I wouldn’t believe it, but I did say let people read it.” Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday admitted he doesn’t really believe Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination. Trump was interviewed on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning where he pointed to a recent story […]

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Jewish teenage girl arrested for holding a sign near Temple Mount

Police arrest girl for holding up sign near Temple Mount entrance protesting discriminatory policies against Jews on holy site. A 17-year-old female activist from the “Returning to the Mount” organization was arrested on Thursday morning, and has been accused of disturbing the peace. The girl was arrested for placing hand-written signs next to Mughrabi Gate at the entrance to the […]

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“I’m very different from most Republicans”: Trump Now Wants to Raise the Minimum Wage

Now that there isn’t a challenger to sway people from, Trump is free to court whosever vote he needs to win the general. So why not Bernie supporters? In an interview on Wednesday with your new Republican presidential candidate, Wolf Blitzer told Trump that Bernie Sanders has been attacking him for wanting to keep the federal minimum wage at $7.25/hr. […]

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Gaza terrorists continue to fire mortar rounds at southern Israel for a third day in a row

While the IDF finds more of Hamas’ terror tunnels. For the third day in a row, Gaza terrorists continued to shell southern Israel on Thursday afternoon. The tenth mortar attack in two days was fired at southern Israel at about 4:45 pm, again targeting the IDF soldiers as they operating along the security fence in southern Gaza. No injuries were […]

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Even Leftist Joe Biden Jokes Trump Should Pick Him as VP

During a press conference, Vice President Joe Biden gave a joking response to a question about Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican nominee for president. In the NBC News video, a questioner asked him for any comments “about Trump being the nominee.” Biden responded, “I’m anticipating he’ll ask me to be vice president.” As other panelists and the audience laughed, […]

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CNN Anchor Debunks Shameful Trump Lie About Cruz’s Father and Lee Harvey Oswald in Epic Rant

CNN proved Trump’s outrages lie that Cruz’s father somehow helped assassinate John F. Kennedy because Fox was too busy kissing Trump’s tuchus. At the start of his program Tuesday, CNN host Jake Tapper debunked Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s “ridiculous” and “shameful” claim that Ted Cruz’s father was connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin who killed President John F. […]

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The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Have you heard of Josiah Walls or Hiram Rhodes Revels?  How about Joseph Hayne Rainey?  If not, you’re not alone.  I taught history and I never knew half of our nation’s past until I began to re-educate myself by learning from original source materials, rather than modern textbooks written by progressive Democrats with an agenda. Interestingly, Democrats have long ago erased […]

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Cruz Was Right: Trump Is An Utterly Amoral, Pathological Liar

Tuesday Evansville, IN, Republican presidential candidate Sen.Ted Cruz (R-TX) said his rival Donald Trump was a “pathological liar” who “doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies.” Cruz said, “I’m going to do something  I haven’t done for the entire campaign. For those of you who have traveled with me all across the country. I’m going to tell you what […]

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Gaza sewage from Arabs threatens Israeli lives with disease and pollution

The Arabs in Israel are not only barbaric, cruel, and violent but also live in filth and disease… and they are spreading it to other parts of Israel. Gaza’s ongoing sewage problem is getting worse, experts warn, and the consequences could have direct impact on the lives of Israelis For decades, Gaza’s inadequate waste treatment system has been a burden both to […]

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UNbelievable: UN says “no proof” Hamas terrorists using smuggled cement for tunnels

From Middle East Monitor: The head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) stressed on Sunday that there is no proof that the construction material entering Gaza through his organisation was used for “military purposes”, Safa news agency has reported. Robert Piper’s comment was made in a film broadcast by Sky News about the reconstruction of […]

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Ted Cruz Calls Out Liberal Media for Trump Bias on ‘Meet the Press’

Sparks flew Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press when Senator Ted Cruz called out the liberal media for their pro-Donald Trump coverage and their biased executives. “The media created this Trump phenomenon and then they don’t hold him accountable,” said the Senator during a very long heated interview with the host Chuck Todd. An exchange where Todd was visible agitated by what […]

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Iran to Build Seven New Nuke Plants By 2020

Iran is offering to help the global community construct nuclear power plants, according to a top official, who said that Iran would be home to seven new nuclear plants by 2020, according to recent remarks. Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, announced on Friday that Iran has the technology and know-how to help the world’s advanced nations […]

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Cruz Responds to Caitlyn Jenner Taking Trump Up on His Offer To Use Women’s Bathroom at Trump Tower

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, where host Jake Tapper asked him to respond to transgender celebrity Caitlyn Jenner’s critique that his objections to transgender people being allowed to use whichever bathroom they want is unfounded. Jenner was in New York City this week, where the reality TV star participated in a New […]

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Trump Would Press the Same Agenda That Drove His Voters from the GOP

From Trump’s support of Planned Parenthood to his support of transgender bathrooms, Trump is no different than the rest of the establishment. I wonder when the Trump backers will realize they’ve been had. The 2016 GOP campaign has been overwhelmed by Donald Trump’s celebrity persona, by the can’t-take-your-eyes-off-it appearances where he might say or do anything — and “anything” includes […]

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A Concrete Example of What Cruz Calls ‘the Washington Cartel’

Crony socialism involves government tax and regulatory favoritism to protect special interests from market competition, so they can make more money at public expense. Senator Cruz calls this operation of the Washington Establishment to benefit their favored lobbyists and special interests “the Washington Cartel.” That is an apt description, because crony socialism operates in practice as an anti-competitive Cartel, shielding […]

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Donald Trump’s contradictory promises abound, with no explanation of how any of it could work

Like the left, Trump’s followers believe what they feel, not what they can prove. The reviews of Donald Trump’s grand foray into foreign policy agreed on one thing, which is that Trump can’t even agree with himself. His Wednesday speech was an exercise in self-contradiction, a feast of incoherence, a walk up the down escalator. He pledges to be the […]

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Trump Gets Clobbered Again by Cruz in Arizona Delegate Fight

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz pulled out a strategic victory at the Arizona Republican Party convention, nailing down a large majority of delegates to the national convention amid cheating accusations from backers of businessman Donald Trump. The Cruz slate won virtually all of the 28 at-large national delegates and roughly split the 27 delegates selected by congressional district. Former Gov. Jan […]

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Cruz Gets Indiana Governor’s Endorsement

In a setback for Donald Trump, Indiana’s governor endorsed the front-runner’s chief rival, Ted Cruz, on Friday, injecting new drama into the state’s critical Republican primary contest just days before voters head to the polls. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence described Cruz as “a principled conservative” as he made his support official during an afternoon radio interview. “The man has shown […]

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Donald Trump Is the Quintessential ‘Establishment’ Candidate

Every four years, conservative Republicans get excited at the prospect of nominating a true believer, and every four years, they find themselves outmaneuvered by a moderate with high name recognition and serious difficulties differentiating himself from Democrats on major issues. That moderate candidate generally sweeps up the nominating contest with a strong showing in the more liberal Northeast, states like […]

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When there are elections in the West Bank, Hamas terrorists win

The myth of the [so-called] “moderate Palestinian” took another blow yesterday when students voted for Hamas over Fatah in student elections at Bir Zeit University. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Such student elections are watched […]

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Trump’s Three Huge Lies About Cruz

Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” I only refer to Goebbels’ quote because it is the disingenuous tactic Trump has used against Ted Cruz. Trump has relentlessly repeated his outrageous “huge” lies that Cruz is a cheater, liar, and Washington DC insider. Folks, nothing could […]

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Obama’s Justice Dept. Now Calls Young Criminals ‘Justice-Involved Youth’

PC: The Justice Department announced a plan to throw $1.75 million at young criminals in hopes that they don’t become adult criminals. But you’d never know that given the linguistic fog the DOJ has conjured up. A press release issued earlier this week describes a new $1.75 million grant program as designed “to help young people involved in the justice […]

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TED CRUZ SPEAKS: Don’t Believe The Media Hype On Trump, Race FAR From Over

Just before the polls closed tonight, Senator Ted Cruz spoke with supporters at his headquarters in Indiana, and warned them about the media narrative they’ll be hearing tonight. The inevitability argument. Trump supporters should ask themselves why they are so all-fired excited about what their most hated foe the MSM says about this race. But of course they won’t. Even […]

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This Tweet of Trump’s Arrival at his Victory Speech Pretty Much Says It All

This is just brilliant. Eli Lake tweets on Super Tuesday explaining Trump’s tardy arrival to his own victory party. The anti-establishment populist is late to his victory speech because he was at a Manhattan party hosted by Time Magazine. #justsaying — Eli Lake (@EliLake) April 27, 2016 What can you add to that? It’s pretty much perfect. People keep falling […]

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