• We should discard every condom in Eretz Yisrael.

    • Anonymous of August 24, 2021 12:58 pm We should also Figure Out More Ways how Society and Governments can help Incels
      People Suffering from
      Involuntary Celibacy problems.
      More and More people, mostly men are becoming Miserable Sexless Incels , it’s no Joke, anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older

  • Chaim Thank you for bringing up Rudolph Kastner Ymach Shmo.

    Hauptstrumfuhrer Kurt Beecher Ymach Shmo was a friend of my family. My evil family. He worked with Kastner. I don’t believe I’ve read the books you mentioned but I’ve always known for a fact he was an appeaser and traitor who pretended to save Jews but sold them out.

    Doesn’t surprise me that his Grandaughter is just as evil. Ugly too. Looks like a lesbo. I wonder…

    Oh, Kurt Beecher, he robbed the Jews of their wealth and Kastner helped him get off of war crimes. Then he was put on trial. He kileld 740000 jews in Hungary and KASTNER GOT HIM OFF AND LIED TO THE NUREMBERG COURTS AND HELPED HIM GO FREE!

    Thank G-d Kastner was killed. Better than he deserved I think. Uncle Kurt used the stolen money from Jews to buy horses. He was a big equestrian. and he bought horses for the SS Deathhead cavalry. Himmler appointed him to manage the money stolen from jews. He Embezzeled most of it and when he finally croaked he was worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

    And he was a snitch. A rat. Ratted out fellow SS members to hide his own crimes.

    Sick. You should do a show about that.

    • Plus the website
      digitalrepository.trincoll.edu has an article headlined
      “Ordinary Women: Female Perpetrators of the Nazi Final Solution”

      Haley A. Wodenshek, Trinity CollegeFollow

      Date of Award

      Spring 2015

      Degree Name

      Bachelor of Arts


      History and Economics

      First Advisor

      Allison Rodriguez

      Second Advisor

      Samuel Kassow

      Third Advisor

      Dario Euraque


      This Thesis, by examining the roles of three Nazi women, Herta Oberheuser, Irma Grese, and Ilse Koch, as well as understanding the various women’s programs that helped to cultivate and further racism and violence against Jews and others “unworthy of life,” aims to paint a more complete picture of the true role played by Nazi women during the second world war, as well as argue that women were not only victims of the Nazi regime, nor were they solely bystanders.”

      • And it continues
        “Rather, this thesis will demonstrate that women were not only complicit, but were also accomplices, aiding German men in facilitating the Nazi Final Solution. The few women who were tried were not really exceptional, nor did they lack “innate feminine virtues,” classically assigned to women at the time, but rather they were excited about the new opportunities made available to them, resulting from a sort of sadistic feminism. Operating within the intrusively patriarchal society, many Nazi women felt the need to prove that they were just as capable as Nazi men, and found a way to do so under the very system that murdered their victims and oppressed German men and women alike.”
        Click on the download, it’s
        167 pages online but Worth reading

  • That Fakistinian Christian beast Sirhan Sirhan was just granted parole. I am ashamed to be an American.

    • I know, its outrageous

      • Agreed. I think Biden or Harris is going to pardon Mumual Jamal or Assata Shakur. I have a 50 dollar bet with a friend of mine in Orange county that either of them will do it. I also believe Biden or Harris will pardon Richard Reid, John Lindh and/or zacharias moussaui. I’m telling ya, its gonna happen. Nothing suprises me anymore with this bunch of marxist catholic thugs.

    • Arabs are the Worst, the entire World Knows that Arabs are nothing but trouble and a plague upon Humanity. Sirhan Sirhan is Proof of that I agree

    • Countless Americans are Not
      Patriotic, For many valid legitimate reasons, countless Americans don’t like America for many Valid Legitimate Reasons and because of the Very Severe Lack of Freedom in America

  • thanks for this video

  • Female Insomniac in Israel

    Strongly disagree that the fall in marriages since 2008 is due to lack of religion or feminism. I have not noticed any difference in religious observance in Israel neither in statistics or in practise.

    The fall in marriages is due to the gender imbalance among the secular in Israel. In every society where there are more women than men, the marriage rate goes down. This is observed by many sociologists. The number of Israeli secular men that have gone to live abroad for career reasons (yerida) has gone up while the aliya has more females.

    Feminism is much stronger in the USA than Israel. You can not assume it is the same as Israel.

    • Female Insomniac in Israel who posted on September 10, 2021 2:18 pm , have you heard about the countless Men who are Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems ? It’s no Joke, countless people are becoming Incels ,
      Involuntary Celibates . It’s an
      Extremely Serious Painful Problem for countless people, mostly Men, and it causes horrible Suffering.
      See the other comments here about the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide.
      What can be done to help Incels ? And to Prevent people from becoming Incels in the first place.
      Involuntary Celibacy has been described as a curse from the pits of Hell

  • Many people have said that
    Feminism is bad because it causes many men in America and Worldwide to Suffer from
    Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems. More and More Heterosexual Men are suffering unbearably from Incel problems, they want Sex from women but are unable to obtain it for various reasons, and sometimes they live in Puritanical Sexually Repressed nations like America where Prostitution for consenting adults is illegal, forcing people into a Miserable Sexless Existence

    • It’s no Joke, anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older. Sex is a Vital Human Need

    • Even the Anti-Defamation League
      ADL , and it’s website
      adl.org has recently written articles about
      Incels , Involuntary Celibates
      Look it up, Google it
      More and More Men in America and Worldwide are Suffering from these horrible Incel problems,
      It’s no Joke, anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older.

  • Numerous online articles have said that Sweden is the most Incel country in the World,
    Countless people have said
    Involuntary Celibacy and Sexual Frustration are terrible things
    Bill Maher even said
    “Sex is too easy for women to get, and too hard for men. I mean, honestly, for a man to walk into someplace and have every woman ready to take him home, he’d have to rule the world. A woman would have to do her hair.”
    Bill Maher spoke the truth

    • Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems are one of the most serious painful problems in America and Worldwide in 2022.
      It’s getting worse, Not Better
      Think what it’s like for countless people who are unable to get Sex, they have to Endure a Miserable Sexless Existence, sometimes having to go for many decades upon decades upon decades upon decades without Sex, especially if they live in Sexually Repressed Puritanical Nations like America where
      Consenting Adults cannot even pay for Sex, via Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work
      Most Incels are Not Violent and are Not Terrorists
      However, Chronic Long term Involuntary Celibacy/ Incel problems are so Incredibly painful for many disabled and healthy men alike, that many Men have said that they would rather have Sex with dozens of beautiful women, and become infected with AIDS or some other STD and die from it as opposed to Living Without Sex.
      Lots of people have claimed that Feminism, certain forms of Feminism have Exacerbated
      Incel problems in America and Worldwide.
      Again, Involuntary Celibacy is an Extremely Serious Painful Problem for countless disabled and healthy people alike, causing horrible Suffering…

  • It’s no Joke the pain and misery that
    Involuntary Celibacy causes countless people.
    See the Wikipedia entry for
    Incel , short for
    Involuntary Celibacy.
    Anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older.
    Almost every single day more and more articles are appearing online about the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide

  • The question is what are America and other Nations doing to help
    Incels, to help people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems. The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse , Not Better.
    Most Incels are Not Violent, and do Not Support Violence, the Vast
    Majority of Incels are Not Violent

  • It is a matter of Human Decency to realize that Sex is a Vital Human Need , what are the Governments in America and Worldwide doing to Help Incels , people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems.

    • Involuntary Celibacy is a
      Public Health Crisis, more and more people are sadly becoming
      Incels , Feminism is largely to blame for the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide
      Involuntary Celibacy is Everybody’s Problem, it can happen to anyone

      • People Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems have described it as
        TORTURE , Chronically being without Sex, Love, Human Touch, Companionship, Intimacy
        Anyone can become disabled or Incel as they get Older.
        The Vast Vast Majority of Incels are Not Violent and are Not Terrorists .
        However Sex is a Human Right and a Civil Right

        • People with
          Involuntary Celibacy problems are Human Beings with Feelings . What about having Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion for them, they are Sexually Frustrated and Sexually Less Fortunate. They didn’t choose to have Incel problems, they didn’t choose to become Incels
          No one chooses to have
          Incel problems
          They have Legitimate Desires and Needs

  • Speaking of Feminism, Not to sound “Sexist” but when a Female, when a Woman is an Anti-semite or a Jew-Hater or a Supporter of Terrorism and Violence it is even more disturbing and Evil, Demonic Satanic & Diabolical than when a Male is , Not very lady like or
    “Sugar and Spice and everything nice” Thus, when a woman or
    Female Anti-Semite, Jew-Hater , Supporter of Terrorism and Violence ultimately passes away, they will Suffer even more, even more than males that are Anti-Semites , Jew-Haters and Supporters of Terrorism and Violence , they will Suffer Even More because they are Female

    • On October 9, 2022
      Australian Supermodel
      Emily Sears typed on her official Twitter account
      “Emily Sears
      “Antisemitism is for dumb c*nts. Don’t be a dumb c*nt.”

      • Emily Sears also recently said on Twitter
        Emily Sears
        47.4K Tweets
        See new Tweets
        Emily Sears

        “Lately I can’t help but lay awake at night with the heaviest sense of despair that somehow f-cking nazism is back like it never went out of style. How the f-ck did we allow this to happen? We cannot continue to create space for hate to thrive because people label it ‘both sides’
        Show this thread
        Emily Sears
        If you ‘keep the peace’ and ‘agree to disagree’ in social settings where people say prejudiced things you’re a lazy pig to me and a fully complicit accomplice to nazism.
        Emily Sears
        Like imagine just shrugging your shoulders like ‘oh well’ when someone is being a Nazi how WEAK how SINISTER”

    • God Hates the Female Anti-Semite , Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel Bigots and Supporters of Violence and Terrorism Much More than there
      Male Counterparts
      When Rachel Corrie was accidentally Crushed to Death by the Israeli Bulldozer in 2003 , it was a Blessing, it brought Glory to God and it was Hilarious how she got herself killed, Countless people know that she got exactly what she deserved, She was No
      “Peace Activist” She was a Vile
      Jew-Hater and Supporter of Terrorism who Supported Terrorists , when she died and stood Before God , she probably Cried about “Free Speech” Before God
      Cast her into Hell !! Anyone Else Agree

      • About Rachel Corrie, I Know you might be thinking about the Bible verse Ezekiel 33:11 which says in part
        “As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live.” Still that verse doesn’t negate the Fact that the Death of Evil, Wicked people and females like
        Rachel Corrie does indeed bring Glory to God !
        Anyone else agree ?
        Kyle, Anyone ?

      • The Stupid Bitch
        Rachel Corrie , let’s hope her death was very painful for her, after all how many innocent Israeli Civilians were killed or seriously injured because of her protecting Fakestinian Terrorists

  • Plus, when these evil, wicked, diabolical, demonic, Satanic
    Female Terror Supporters ultimately pass away and Suffer in
    Hell Forever. When these Women Are Suffering in Hell Forever, we speculate that for them
    Suffering in Hell will include God giving them very painful periods every day of their Suffering in Hell, that will be a part of their Sufferings in Hell .

    • That God will give them
      Endless PMS, endless painful
      Menstrual Cycle

      • We also speculate that when these Female Terror Supporters pass away and are Suffering in Hell for all Eternity… that God will also give them painful never ending
        Yeast Infections as part of their Eternal Punishment

        • May God himself also give these
          Ugly Female Jew-Haters, Terror Supporters and Anti-Israel Bigots never ending
          Hot Flashes of Menopause for All Eternity , when these females are suffering in Hell & The Lake of Fire

  • Plus many Incels are even tormented in their sleep with horrible nightmares and bad dreams. They even wake up with chest pains, crying.
    Involuntary Celibacy is an Extremely Serious painful problem for countless people, mostly men
    Involuntary Celibacy causes horrible Mental and Physical Suffering, Intense Suffering, especially when the problem is Chronic, lasting many years or decades upon decades upon decades
    Almost every day More and More articles are appearing online about

  • Woke womyn (Because they’re not men and two letters) always vote for their own rape and enslavement not to mention the rape and enslavement of men and moral women.

    And they are so ugly! They are worse than cows. They are soooooooo worried about being pregnant! Even other womyn wont have sex with them.

  • Kyle, what is your opinion of the Growing Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide ? More and More Men are sadly becoming Incels ?
    It’s no Joke, it’s a curse from the pits of Hell.
    Have you studied the Incel Crisis ?

    • happening because of gender roles not being followed. Radical gender equality and feminism is the cause. At the same time, young men especially young white men are being more and more marginalized and have it harder and harder than ever! Women don’t want to get married. They want to either have careers or be whores and porn stars. Either that or lesbians and witches.

      Another problem is young men do not have father figures to guide them to be masculine, they’re becoming beta and omega males, they are unattractive marshmallows and nerds they turn to masturbation porn and prostitution to satisfy their desires rather than exercise and buff up and find a mate. They have no mate to find because they’re either ugly lesbians or they have careers or both.

      I am not advocating Islamic views of women. The bible states that it is better for women to be housewives and helpmeet to men. It is not good for man to live alone. But we’ve twisted everything up and the later problem I mentioned with the lack of godly father figures to guide sons and daughters to be godly men and women not to mention women of G-d, aunts, grandmothers and mothers to guide women to be godly wives.

      Most of all you got this problem of a lack of men to keep things in order and so single unwed divorced women have to take over and they do everything wrong and screw up their kids.

      Women think it’s important to have a career and be equal to men either that or to be strippers and have orgasms. Men think that they should go around and be merry eat drink have sex with every girl they find, who needs a job when you got welfare?

      They don’t understand that they have a purpose in this world. Get out and fight back. Protect the country.

      Incels, they’re ugly they can’t find women, so they just sit in front of X-box fantasize about anime or get a hooker every other night when the SSI or welare arrives.

      Bottom line: Lack of manly parents, lack of manhood not to mention a lack of morals and spiritual faith. They don’t realize they have a greater purpose in life.

      • Kyle, what do you think
        America and the World can do to help Incels ? More and More people are suffering from Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems. Sex is a Basic Human Need & Desire.
        Do you think America should Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for all consenting adults in every State ? Why should people be Arrested for a Basic Human Desire ? Do you agree that Feminism helped create the Incel Crisis and turn more Men into Sexless less Fortunate people ?

      • Kyle, on your August 27, 2022 comment you mentioned
        “a greater purpose in life” could you elaborate ?
        Plus, what can be done to
        Help Incels ?

  • The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, & the U.S. Surgeon General need to Declare Involuntary Celibacy a
    Public Health Crisis

  • Kyle, do you think that the
    Sexual Revolution was a mistake ?
    What can America and other Nations do to help Incels , people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems. More and More people in America and Worldwide are suffering from Incel problems, it’s no Joke
    Most often Incels are the Victims not the Victimizers

  • Kyle, there are many different types of Incels , it’s a diverse community people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems. It’s mostly Men who are Suffering from an Inability to get Sex and Relationships, Love, Companionship.
    Not all people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems are the same.
    Some are Incel because Women have Very High Standards, others are Incel because they are in a wheelchair or physically disabled, or have a Mental illness, Being on the Autism Spectrum, Social Awkwardness, etc or various multiple factors. It’s a Complex problem, Not all Incels are Ugly,

  • Kyle, also
    We shouldn’t Stereotype Incels, make generalizations or paint them with a broad brush.
    Online articles have said
    Sweden is the Most Incel Country in the World
    The Public School System helped to create the growing Incel Crisis . Public Schools need to teach all students from a very young age good Social Skills, and teach it again and again year after year,
    Good Social Skills don’t come naturally to all students, they might have Awkward parents who don’t teach Social Skills.

  • Kyle, Many Men with
    Mental illness, Physically disabled, Socially Awkward Men have trouble getting Sex, it’s no Joke.
    They are turning into Incels , into
    Miserable Sexless people
    Look at it this way, when you go out in Public, whenever you see Men who are in wheelchairs, how often do you see those men with women ?

  • Many people have described the Growing Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide as a literal Global pandemic and plague of People being unable to get Sex, Love, Companionship and Relationships for Various Reasons
    It’s very sad when people suffer from Incel problems, Very Sad
    Plus the Fake News Media unjustly demonizes, vilifies & Stereotypes Incels with it’s sensationalist coverage. Anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older, or at any age, it’s no Joke

  • A person typed on the Internet about the Incel Crisis
    ” Some people simply don’t know how to socially intertact in order for a situation to lead to sex. They may be fine talking in a bar but how exactly does one simply say ok ‘next step sex’

    For experienced people that may sound funny but for involuntary celibates its no laughing matter. Going to a prostitute simplifies matters because both parties involved know what the intentions are.”

  • Kyle, how can America and other Nations help Incels , and prevent more people from
    Turning into Incels ?
    Ideas plus Legalized Prostitution for Consenting Adults everywhere in the World .
    More and More people are becoming Sexless, Sexually Frustrated, It’s getting worse in America and Worldwide

  • Kyle, the thing is Incels want what other people are having, it’s Not
    Just about Sex and Lovemaking, it is , but Incels are human beings with feelings who want Not just Sex but
    Also Love, Companionship, Relationships, to be genuinely successful in Dating, Sex, Love, Relationships, to have significant others.
    Incel, Involuntary Celibacy problems are sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide, it’s no Joke
    Incels want to have Normal Sex Lives, Love Lives

  • Kyle , So you agree that the
    Public School System with it’s
    Indoctrination & Brainwashing
    Turned many Heterosexual Men into Incels ? That the public School System in America helped to Worsen , Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems ?
    Most Incels are Non-Violent and are Not Terrorists. Involuntary Celibates aka Incels have always existed in Human History , but the Term , Involuntary Celibacy, Incel was invented in the 1990’s by a woman named Alana
    The Public Schools Need to teach Social Skills

  • Kyle , do you have any ideas or insight on how to help Incels ?
    Countless people would rather Die than “Live” without Sex, Suffering from Chronic Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems.

  • Kyle, are you there ?
    How can Incels be Helped ?

    • WHOA!! Hold on!! Im here!!

      I think we first need to man them up if possible. Teach them to lift weights go jogging spend less time eating fast food and playing Xbox and get active and hygenic.

      The other thing is we need to make family life more attractive AND EASIER! ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN!

      Women today view the idea of having children as evil and bad. Women will view it as either A. difficult, B. Oppressive C. Ruins their bods D. They dont want to bring children into a dark world or some other excuse.

      Also its viewed as expensive and challenging.

      Most of them have no experience or knowledge of it. Home economics is no longer taught in most schools, older women wont share wisdom and experience to the younger women their daughters, grand daughters and nieces ETC.

      And its expensive!! Our eceonomic and government system punishes families and discourages it!!

      With that in mind we need massive reforms.

      First of all, tax incentives for families,

      second, welfare for legitimate healthy families like they have in Poland and what they have in Spain under Franco and other countries (Bastard families are not eligable neither will be immigrants)

      third, outlaw immoral music movies and games. IE; they encourage evil and criminal behavior especially gang rap which is also minstrelism

      I think something like the Hayes Code would work. Not as strict but something to help keep evil out

      fourth, we need to go back to glorifying families especially fathers. Up until 50 years ago, having a big familiy was considered VERY VERY Manly and masculine! We need that again

      fifth curtail immigration ban illegal immigrants

      • Kyle , Most People would agree that we Need to Show More
        Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion for people with Incel Problems, for the
        Sufferings of Incels.
        Incels and people with Incel problems are Human Beings with Feelings, they are Sexually Frustrated and Sexually Less Fortunate, it’s no Joke, it can happen to anyone. Incels and disabled people and healthy people unable to get Sex are
        Sexual Beings with Needs

      • Kyle , Involuntary Celibacy ,
        Incel Problems have always Existed in Human History
        But do you agree that
        Feminism has worsened
        Incel Problems , made
        Incel Problems More Common and made More Men
        More Miserable

  • Kyle, an attractive woman recently typed on the Internet
    “Masculinity isn’t toxic, Feminism is”

  • Kyle, on September 26, 2022 the website unherd.com has an article headlined
    “The incel movement isn’t getting ‘more extreme’ ”
    BY NAAMA KATES about how Incels and people with Incel problems are unjustly Demonized and vilified

  • One person typed the following comment in reply to the
    unherd.com article by
    Naama Kates
    “Thanks for coming out to bat for incels so strongly Naama. What I find most galling isn’t the overstating of their case which is a flaw most have. Its how SJWs often show zero sympathy for the suffering incels experience due to their social isolation. They could do that and still argue for the censorship. Whats the point of being progressive if you lack compassion for those with the least fortunate start in life.
    Good to see a study suggesting no +ve correlation between online incel activity and real world behaviour. Possibly even there’s an inverse relationship. It’s a common view among social scientists that the Internet is a causative factor behind the fall in violent crime many countries have experienced since the mid 90s (violent crime having risen for decades before then.) It’s possible that despite the alarming posts, the online forums have a moderating tendency on the propensity for violence from the well studied “angry young man” syndrome.”

  • For people who are Not Incels , and who are opposed to Legalized Prostitution , Sex Work for Consenting Adults . Just Watch, Just Watch how in a Heartbeat they would change their mind and Support Legalized Prostitution if they suddenly became Incels unable to get Sex . What about Compassion, Sympathy and Empathy for Incels ? Most Incels are Not Violent and are Not Terrorists. Incels are the Victims.
    As Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems get worse and worse, it sadly leads to increased Anti-Semitism and Jew-Hatred

  • Kyle and everyone else
    The website elle.com
    has an article headlined
    “What Happens to Men Who Can’t Have Sex”

    • The Full article by Peter Baker is online and it says That Involuntary Celibacy is an Extremely Serious disturbing painful problem for countless people, mostly Men

  • Plus many online articles have said that Americans are Living in a
    Sex Recession that could worsen and turn into a Sex Depression.
    That people of all ages are having Less Sex , it’s no Joke

  • What do we think about famous
    Canadian author
    Jordan Peterson ? Why has he been described as an Incel King and a Hero to Incels ?
    Involuntary Celibacy problems are sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide, it’s no Joke

  • Kyle , Plus another recent article said that Jordan Peterson actually literally cried out of Empathy for Incels, the article Also said
    “In an appearance on Piers Morgan’s interview show ‘Uncensored’ on 28 September, 2022 he said: “I thought the marginalised were supposed to have a voice?”

    In the interview, Peterson said “incels”, a shorthand version of the term “involuntarily celibate”, had been demoralised by the casual insults.

    “These men, they don’t know how to make themselves attractive to women who are very picky, and good for them. Women, like, be picky. That’s your gift, man… But all these men who are alienated, it’s like they’re lonesome and they don’t know what to do and everyone piles abuse on them.”

  • Kyle , Most often Incels ,
    Involuntary Celibates are the Victims in Life
    While Violence is Wrong, the Incel Movement must always be Peaceful, Law Abiding and Non-Violent, the Incel Movement is Not about Hate for Women or for anyone.
    Are Incels somewhat correct in some of their beliefs about how Society Works and why they are unable to get Sex and Significant Others, is there some truth to their theories
    Making Prostitution for Consenting Adults Legal will
    Not Cure Incels
    But it will somewhat alleviate their intense horrible extreme suffering, the Sex even when paid for Via Legalized Prostitution is Far Better than No Sex , Far Better than Nothing
    America should just listen to Reason , be Reasonable and Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for all Consenting Adults in all 50 States, it’s a Start in Helping Incels

  • Plus for many Incels , even in their Sleep they are tormented by horrible bad dreams and Nightmares, sometimes they wake up crying and with
    Chest Pains. Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems causes horrible suffering
    Even in their Sleep
    Many people with Incel problems are Suffering in Silence

  • Because of the Chronic longterm Lack of Sex and Loneliness
    Many Incels are Tormented in their Sleep by Horrible bad dreams and Nightmares. They wake up with Chest Pains, crying. It’s so Absurd and Retarded that Prostitution for Consenting Adults is illegal in America, yet there is legal Pornograpy, Sexual Innuendos in TV , Sex in Advertising , Sex is Everywhere in America Society, but Incels are Forced to go without Sex
    Such Hypocrisy and Double Standards
    America is Very Sexually Repressed, Prudish, Puritanical
    Time for America to Grow the Hell Up , be Mature and get over this fear of Sex and Nudity
    Incels are Human Beings with Valid Legitimate Sexual Desires and Needs . They are Suffering from Sexual Frustration
    The “Freedom” in America is a Joke, a Sick Pathetic Joke, when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies. America Forces people to go without Sex, a Basic Human Need , that’s a horrible form of Sexual Abuse . It should be Fully Legal for Consenting Adults to buy and sell Sex , and in all 50 States,
    Studies have also shown many times that Legalized Prostitution greatly Reduces Rape and the Spread of STD’s

  • Some have claimed Feminism is basically part of the
    Spirit of Jezebel , Jezebel was the most wicked woman in the Bible

  • Dr. Michael L. Brown says in his book’s and writings that
    Jezebel is at War with America

  • Kyle, also like 2 years ago on the Internet a Heterosexual Man with
    Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems said that he
    “doesn’t even feel like a man, or even like a human being, but a f–king Pathetic Freak of Nature” because he hasn’t had Sex with a Woman once in Decades, and in America people can’t even legally pay for Sex via Prostitution for Consenting Adults,
    Thus America Greatly Worsens the Intense Mental and Physical Sufferings of Incels . Incels can’t even legally pay for Sex with Consenting Adults, via Prostitution, such “Freedom” that America has.

  • Plus for a Heterosexual Man , having Sex with Women is Vital to his Sanity and Self-Esteem, for a Heterosexual Man having
    Sexual Intercourse with a Woman affirms his identity as a Man
    Chronic Involuntary Celibacy,
    Incel problems are one of the Most Serious Painful Problems in America and Worldwide today, definitely in the Top 5 of
    Serious Painful Problems in America and Worldwide today
    Incels are Human Beings with Feelings Also
    Incels are the Victims most of the time

  • Kyle , Plus when some people claim
    “No one is entitled to Sex” that is an Extremely insensitive and Heartless Ignorant Selfish thing to say to Incels, people suffering from Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems aka Inceldom, that
    False Argument
    “No one is Entitled to Sex” has been refuted and debunked many times on the website incels.is – Involuntary Celibate , sadly many of the posts on that site are Racist & Anti-Semitic.
    Many have stated that Feminism has made dating & getting Sex very difficult for Heterosexual Men.

  • Kyle , Plus Scientific & Medical Research has actually shown that people can literally suddenly Die and pass away from Too Little Sex , that Not having Sex actually causes Death in many people.
    Look it Up, Google It , it’s no Joke
    Involuntary Celibacy literally causes people to suddenly die
    Lack of Sex, too little Sex literally causes Death
    Legalized Sex Work/Prostitution for all Consenting Adults will literally Save Lives

  • Plus , Almost every single day , more and more articles are appearing online about the
    Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide . It’s No Joke , Literally anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older. Plus many healthy people often have trouble getting Sex. Healthy and disabled people alike often have trouble getting Sex, Love, Companionship
    Involuntary Celibacy is everybody’s problem. Incels have always existed throughout human history, for thousands of years, but the Terms , Involuntary Celibacy, Incel, Incels and other related terms were only invented in the 1990’s by a woman named Alana , don’t know if she was Feminist or Not

  • People have said it’s terrible how America has an Insane unjust failed “War on Drugs” but Also a War on Sex as well
    There should Never be a Taboo or Stigma about discussing the Growing Incel Crisis and the Sufferings of Incels
    Most of the Time Incels are the Victims
    Feminism isn’t helping

  • Recently Philadelphia Democrat and Activist typed on Twitter the following comments :

    Alexandra M. Hunt
    Young men aren’t having sex!

    Nearly a third of men under 30 have not had sex. And a higher percent do not have as much sex as they’d like – not exactly surprising, but this kind of statistic is a sign of much deeper problems.
    8:29 PM · Oct 17, 2022
    ·Twitter for iPhone
    Quote Tweets
    Alexandra M. Hunt
    Oct 17
    Replying to
    Our society criminalizes sex & sweeps it under the rug. The consequences are straightforward – there is more violence. Since platforms like Craigslist were banned from advertising sex, serious violent crimes against all women – not just sex workers – has increased by nearly 1/5.
    Alexandra M. Hunt

  • Alexandra M. Hunt also typed on Twitter in 2022
    Oct 17
    And men who do not have sex suffer – they are less likely to be a part of the labor force, and more likely to experience depression, nihilism, and other mental health issues.
    Alexandra M. Hunt
    Oct 17
    The #MeToo movement accomplished so much, & we have to take the next step – normalizing having healthy, positive, consensual sex. Decriminalizing sex work, funding sex education, & creating outreach programs that help young people develop healthy sexual habits.”

    • Alexandra M. Hunt Is Right
      America should Stop
      Criminalizing Sex ,
      Sex is a Human Right, a Civil Right
      People Need More Sex
      America is Still Very Puritanical and Sexually Repressed
      Countless people are Unable to Get Sex , it’s No Joke

  • The New York Post has an article this Month about how
    More Women are choosing to Not have Sex and they don’t miss it
    Google It .
    The Incel Crisis is Worsening
    Incels are the Victims Most of the Time

  • Incels are the Victims most of the Time, more and more Heterosexual Men are becoming Miserable Sexless Incels,
    Horny and Sexually Frustrated
    All Human Beings deserve to have a Great Sex Life

  • Kyle, Almost Every day more and more articles are appearing online about Incels , about the Growing
    Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide .
    Incel problems are worsening , if the U.S. Government and other World Governments are reading and monitoring these jtf.org comments, they realize that It’s No Joke the pain Chronic Involuntary Celibacy causes and that
    Most Incels and people with Incel problems are NOT Terrorists or Violent or Monsters,

  • Hate against Incels is Irrational
    Incels are Victims Most of the Time . Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and are Victims most of the time, Sexually Less Fortunate and Starving for Sex
    Long Term Chronic Involuntary Celibacy problems are a Very Serious Painful Problem for Countless People. Anyone can become Incel and/or Disabled as they get Older,
    Years Ago, in the late 1990’s
    Various Men’s Magazines said Everyone Deserves to have a Great Sex Life, Everyone, male and female alike
    Incel Lives Matter
    Sex Lives Matter

  • It’s Important to Once Again State
    Incel Lives Matter
    Sex Lives Matter
    Plus nypost.com has an article
    About Feminism headlined
    “Why 60 years of feminism has not made women any happier”
    By Naomi Schaefer Riley on
    October 29, 2022
    The New York Post is a great Newspaper

  • Kyle , Many people have said that America Needs to
    Grow Up, Be Mature and Get Over this Fear of Sex and Nudity, this Hopelessly Old Fashioned
    Puritanical Sexually Repressed
    Puritan Mindset
    What about the Suffering of
    Incels ? Anyone can become Incel and/or disabled as they get older and most people do Not have the Time and/or Money to Travel to Remote Areas of Nevada, or some other Nation or Continent where
    Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults is Legal . Prostitution Needs to be Fully Legal in all 50 States of America and in Every Nation of the World.
    America is so Ass Backwards and Retarded in Many Ways,
    America Sucks in Many Ways
    Incels are Suffering Unbearably
    Mentally and Physically
    In 2022 Prostitution for Consenting Adults is Legal in Most Nations of the World, but Heaven Forbid Not in America the
    so-called “Land of the Free” and
    “Greatest Country in the World” such BS . America Forces Countless Tens of Millions of disabled and Incel people into a Miserable Sexless Existence, because of Hopelessly Old Fashioned Puritanical Sexually Repressive BS
    Feminism and Puritanical America is Worsening the
    Intense Suffering of Incels , people with Involuntary Celibacy problems.
    Many people have said it’s really a horrible terrible thing when any man is Sexually Frustrated, Horny and unable to get P-ssy for any various Reason
    America Makes Countless Problems Worse, because of
    Prohibition of The Personal Choices and Individual Rights of Adults . In America it’s really messed up how Adults cannot even legally do what they want with their own lives and bodies

  • Kyle, in the Issue of
    TV Guide for
    August 19 to September 1, 2019 on page 13 where it talks about the TV series “Why Women Kill” it says
    “Sex is how women gain power
    over men”
    Also what do you think of the Expression “Toxic Masculinity” ?

  • Incels are also Victims of
    America being a Very
    Prudish Puritanical Sexually Repressed Nation , even in 2022
    Legalized Prostitution for all Consenting Adults in All 50 States will Greatly Reduce Rape and other Sex Crimes
    I also read online that
    Aphallatosis is a mental disorder resulting from a lack of sex life. Google it .
    The Incel Crisis is getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
    Feminism still isn’t helping

  • Kyle, Another article about
    Incels and the Growing
    Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Crisis

  • Kyle , the Holiday Season &
    Especially Valentine’s Day is the Worst for Incels ,
    People with Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy problems
    The Incel Crisis is Worsening
    In America and Worldwide,
    Feminism isn’t helping

  • Some Heartless Ignorant Selfish people say
    “No one is entitled to Sex” &
    “No one is entitled to Anything”
    Now, Just Watch how in a Heartbeat people who say those things would change their mind and Support Legalized Prostitution if they became Incel and/or disabled, Just Watch how in an instant they would Support Government ,Society overall and Charitable Organizations giving more Money, Free Stuff and Services to people if they suddenly became disabled, unable to Work, Homeless, Incel . Just Watch how those Hypocrites with decent lives & Healthy Sex Lives would change their mind if they were Starting to Suffer from Unbearable Problems . Just watch how those Hypocrites with decent lives would be begging for Help and change their mind if they suddenly started to Suffer from Crippling Debilitating Loneliness, Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness , Cancer ,
    Mental illness
    Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems. What about
    having Compassion, Sympathy and Empathy for Suffering Human Beings .
    Feminism has made Incel problems worse

  • We can Never forget that
    Incels are the REAL Victims most of the Time, people with Chronic Long Term Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems are the Real Victims Most of the Time

  • Kyle, salon.com has an article about Incels and the
    Incel Crisis, epidemic headlined
    “Why are so many young people having less sex and fewer friendships?”

    on NOVEMBER 6, 2022
    Do you agree with this article

    • not really. The problem is that there are too few elgible women and available women. They’d rather be single and have a career than be a mom or a wife.

      • Kyle , Incels are Suffering,
        Involuntary Celibacy problems are getting worse and Worse
        Have you done Searches on
        Google or Bing Search Engines , enter the Keywords
        Incel , Incels ,
        Involuntary Celibacy, etc . More and More articles are popping up about this Crisis on a Daily Basis

      • Kyle, About Involuntary Celibacy,
        I think there are many different Root Causes for The Incel Crisis , many different people are Incel for different reasons, it’s a complex problem

  • Worth repeating ,
    Governments and Society
    Need to do More to Help Incels

  • It’s Downright Criminal and
    Immoral and Abusive how
    Puritanical Sexually Repressed America is Worsening the Intense
    Mental and Physical Suffering of
    Incels , people with
    Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems.
    We can Never Forget that Most of the Time, Incels are the
    REAL Victims ,
    Rejection is Very Painful
    Do you agree with these statements Kyle ?
    The “Freedom” in America is a Sick Pathetic Joke,
    Again the Vast Majority of the Time Incels are the REAL Victims in Life

  • Kyle ,
    Has an article headlined
    “How Do Femcels and Incels Differ ?” by Karen Wu Ph.D. on November 14, 2022
    About the Growing Incel Crisis and plight of Incels, Femcels stands for Females who want Sex yet are unable to get it , for various reasons , Female
    Involuntary Celibates
    Feminism isn’t helping male or female Incels or anyone
    It’s Not just about Sex , but Love, Companionship , Relationships

  • Also About the
    Suffering of Incels
    psypost.org has an article headlined
    “Incels exhibit reduced psychological well-being and a greater tendency for interpersonal victimhood, study finds”
    by Mane Kara-Yakoubian on September 28, 2022
    Feminism Still isn’t helping

  • Kyle, see also the adl.org
    Online Poll about Incels
    And the Growing Incel ,
    Involuntary Celibacy Crisis

  • Kyle, Many people have expressed fears that this horrible
    Coronavirus , COVID-19 pandemic and all the School Closures are going to sadly create even more
    Incels in the Future.
    Even More Incels in the Future, that with the Schools closed students will not get a good Education, and their Social Skills won’t develop, by Socializing with other students, Future
    Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems will only get Worse and Worse. And Still
    Feminism isn’t helping

  • Plus Men with Incel problems,
    Male Incels are being unjustly
    Scapegoated , vilified, demonized, like other Groups of People have been Unjustly Scapegoated in Human History.
    Men Suffering from Chronic Long Term
    Involuntary Celibacy problems are the REAL Victims most of the Time. Plus America Is such an
    Ass Backwards Prudish
    Puritanical Sexually Repressed Nation that Denies people with Special Needs and Incel Problems the Right to Paid Sex via
    Legalized Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults, so
    How the Hell does America expect people to live without Sex, how. How ? How ?
    America Need to Grow Up,
    Be Mature and be like Europe and other Nations that have More Tolerant Attitudes Towards Sex and Legalized Prostitution
    At least Many Women and some
    Feminists Realize that Legalized Prostitution will Greatly Protect Women Overall, from Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, studies have shown that when Prostitution for Consenting Adults is Legal, these horrible Rapes and Attacks on Women Greatly decline
    There is also Much Less Spread of
    STD’s , And many other Benefits to Society. Plus Studies have shown that Men Need More Sex than Women. How can America expect people to “live” in Misery for
    Many Decades without Sex ,
    How ? How ?

  • Kyle , a recent online article about Incels by Victoria Smith
    for thecritic.co.uk admits
    “But the vast majority of male violence against women is not committed by incels. Most women who die at the hands of men do not die at the hands of fully paid-up members of the manosphere.” Even in Full Context of the article the Statement is accurate, it’s not distorted or out of context
    Victoria Smith is right for pointing this out ,
    Violence against Women is
    Wrong and Evil, Men who are
    Incels, Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy are Human Beings with Feelings, the Vast Majority of the Time they are the REAL Victims, we may Not agree with everything Victoria Smith said in the article, but she is Right to Point out that Incels are being Unjustly Blamed for Violence against Women

  • Violence & Hate Against Women is
    Wrong and Evil , The Evidence Shows
    Most of the Time Male Incels are the REAL Victims, it is disgusting and disrespectful of
    Puritanical Sexually Repressed Prudish America to Force people to go without Sex , denying them the Right To Paid Sex via
    Legalized Prostitution, Most people do NOT have the
    Time and/or Money to Travel to remote Areas of Nevada or
    Another Nation or Continent where
    Prostitution, Sex Work is Legal
    And they shouldn’t have to Travel to Legally Pay For Sex , they shouldn’t have to, it should be Legal Everywhere in America and Worldwide. Let people have Fun , Let them Legally Pay For Sex without Fear of being Arrested
    Should be Fully Legal for All Consenting Adults to Buy and Sell Sex

  • Plus, In 2021 a Pro Legalization of Prostitution, Sex Work group on Facebook said
    “The United States also has major restrictions when it comes to the pursuit of sex, especially for involuntary celibates, or incels. Soliciting a prostitute is illegal in the United States, as if legalizing the exchange of money for safe sex with a consenting adult man or woman, under no coercion, in a safe and private setting, meant the fall of civilization. If one takes into account that engaging in, and soliciting, prostitution is illegal in the United States, but the making and broadcasting of pornography and sexual innuendos in American media is not, one sees a shameless and hypocritical double standard in American society which puts incels in the United States at a great disadvantage by narrowing their “freedom” down to merely being allowed to derive fantasies from porn or references to sex from TV shows to stimulate their libido, and to use them as a vehicle to reach orgasm on their own. “

  • The Facebook comment continues
    “This endeavor is limiting at best and unfulfilling at worst, and it is therefore a major cause of sexual frustration for many incels in the United States. Much to their dismay, they are not free to pay someone to partner up with to make those fantasies a reality without getting arrested in the United States, nor are they free to even talk about those fantasies or their sexual frustration without facing ostracism in American society as well as backlash, especially from the traditionalist, anti-prostitution prudes, activists, and zealots that abound in the country. The end result of this social dynamic becomes a tediously prudish American society that imposes far more restrictions than it allows freedoms when it comes to incels’ pursuit of sex. Law enforcement in the United States even goes as far as to waste time setting up sting operations to arrest and disgrace adults who make advances to pay for sex with another adult rather than investing the time and resources they waste in those unnecessary operations to fight real crime. To say the least, American society can be frustratingly tedious, prudish, oppressive, and disempowering to live in for incels, and it is likely that many of them are incels to begin with because they are socially marginalized by the vast majority of crowds in said society for reasons that don’t necessarily have anything to do with their sexual ardor. This is yet another example of how freedom in the United States is very lacking and how it is in no way all-inclusive. “

  • Kyle , are you still there any
    more thoughts on the
    Growing Incel Crisis in
    America and Worldwide

  • Kyle ?
    Downright criminal and Immoral of
    Puritan America to Force
    Incels and other Sex Starved People the Right To Paid Sex
    Countless Physically disabled , Mentally ill and other Sex Starved People are unable to get Sex
    Kyle ?

  • Seriously, WTF ? How the Hell can America expect people to go Without Sex ? How ? How ?
    How ? Someone Please Explain how the Hell can America Expect people to go Without Sex ? Can Anyone Explain
    Incels are Suffering unbearably and are the REAL Victims Most of the Time.
    Incels are the REAL Victims most of the Time . Feminism is Still Not Helping, more and more people are sadly becoming Incel,
    Involuntary Celibacy problems can happen to anyone. It’s No Joke
    Words cannot Describe,
    Words Cannot Describe how
    Incels are Suffering unbearably, how people with Involuntary Celibacy problems are Suffering
    Sex Robots are Not the Answer, Sex Robots , No Matter how Realistic they are made are Still Inanimate Objects
    Most people would rather Die than “live” in Misery Without Sex

  • From usnews.com an
    Article is headlined
    “5 Ways Feminism Has Ruined America”
    By Paul Bedard
    on March 4, 2011

  • observer.com has an article headlined
    “Five Ways Feminism Has Made Women Miserable”
    By Andrea Tantaros on
     05/03/16 Feminism makes many Men Miserable Also

  • Incels want Sex , but in
    Puritanical Sexually Repressed America they can’t legally pay for Sex, Feminism isn’t helping , it makes the Suffering of Incels Worse and Worse
    We Need to Always Remember that Incels are the Real Victims Most of the Time
    Involuntary Celibacy is Everybody’s problem, anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older. What about having Compassion , Sympathy and Empathy for Incels

  • A person recently typed online about the Intense Suffering of Incels , and how America Stupidly Oulaws Prostitution
    ” that’s what makes me hate the United States so much. It outlaws struggling socially marginalized incels purchasing sex in its soil ….The country prefers that incels conform to an unhappy, sexless life instead, adding salt to injury. F-ck that gigantic sample of red, white, and blue excrement that has befallen the North American continent!” He said that about how America Stupidly Oulaws Prostitution, Sex Work for
    Consenting Adults, making Incels Suffer Even More,
    The person who typed that is himself an American Citizen .

    • Disgusting, Evil and Sickening of America adding salt to injury ,
      Insult to Injury making Incels Suffer Even More , Even More

  • Incels are The REAL Victims Most of the Time,
    Feminism has made many things worse for Both Men & Women
    Countless people are Suffering Unbearably from Chronic Loneliness , Chronically Being Single, when they don’t want to be Single. The Holiday Season & Valentine’s Day is Very Painful for people Suffering from Chronic Incel , Involuntary Celibacy problems.

  • psychologytoday.com
    Has an article headlined
    “Inside the Minds of the Incels”
    Posted August 25, 2022
    by Craig Harper Ph.D.
    About the Horrible Suffering of people with Involuntary Celibacy, Incel problems. Incels are Suffering Unbearably in
    America and Worldwide
    Often it is Impossible for People with Incel problems to just
    “Think Positive” or
    “Have a Positive Attitude”
    People with Involuntary Celibacy problems have always Existed Throughout Human History, they have always existed and Suffered Horribly, and were the REAL Victims Most of the Time
    Jews should Help Incels and people with Incel problems

  • The Intense Sufferings of Incels is sadly getting Worse and Worse every day in America and Worldwide, it gets worse every day the Mental & Physical Sufferings of Incels, who are the
    REAL Victims Most of the Time, they didn’t choose to be Incel, to Suffer from Crippling Debilitating Loneliness, Social Awkwardness and Involuntary Celibacy problems

  • Kyle, do you agree it’s disgusting of America to Deny people the
    Right To Paid Sex, It’s Wrong of America to Make People go Without Sex, that It’s a Form of Sexual Abuse ?

  • popsugar.com has an article headlined
    “Men Can’t Keep Up With Women’s High Dating Standards, This Couple’s Therapist Says”

    Aug 18 2022
    Feminism still isn’t helping

  • Kyle ? Hello ..
    Plus , psychologytoday.com
    Has an article headlined
    “What’s Behind the Rise of Lonely, Single Men”
    Posted August 9, 2022 by
    Greg Matos

  • Plus newsweek.com has an article headlined
    “The Y Chromosome Is Going To Disappear, Scientists Say”
    BY JESS THOMSON ON 11/29/22 is that bad news for Men Everywhere ?

  • Kyle , do you agree that Incels are the REAL Victims most of the time ?

  • Kyle, Hello are you there ?
    Do you agree that Incels ,
    Men with Involuntary Celibacy problems are the REAL Victims most of the Time ?
    People who are able to get Sex, Willing Sexual Partners, without paying for it don’t realize how blessed and Lucky they are

  • Kyle, Hello ?

  • Kyle , Plus a woman typed yesterday on
    “Make men masculine again.”

  • Kyle, it’s Not Just Feminism that has Ruined America, but
    America has sadly Ruined itself
    America has Ruined America by being a Prudish Sexually Repressed Puritanical, Uptight, Puritan Shithole of a Nation that has a Pathological Irrational Phobia and Fear of Sex and Nudity, Worsening and Exacerbating the Intense Sufferings of Incels, people with Incel ,
    Involuntary Celibacy problems,
    It’s no Joke,
    99.99 Percent of the Time,
    Incels are the REAL Victims in Life
    I’m Not saying people should have Sex in Public, or be Naked in Public, I don’t believe that , but America Needs to Grow the F–K Up and Get Over this Fear of Sex and Nudity and Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults in Every State

  • Anyone read the book

    “Female Privilege in America!: Exposing Feminist Hypocrisy”
    by Simon Mark Alvarez published in 2022

  • In addition to the book by
    Simon Mark Alvarez , anyone read the book
    “The Empress Is Naked: From Female Privilege to Gender Equality and Social Liberation” by Adam Leonas  published in 2015

  • These books by
    Simon Mark Alvarez &
    Adam Leonas seem interesting, they Expose Feminism , it’s good to read the online descriptions of these books

  • The New York Post ,
    nypost.com has an article headlined:
    ‘Feminist’ denial on all the ways women have it better”
    By Karol Markowicz
    September 9, 2018 Incels , People with Involuntary Celibacy Problems have always Existed all Throughout Human History , but many have pointed out that
    Feminism has greatly Exacerbated Involuntary Celibacy Problems that Many Men are Having
    Stupid, Evil, Wicked America still won’t have the Decency or Humanity to at Least Legalize Prostitution , Sex Work is Valid Legitimate Work
    America is a Disgusting, Sickening Nation in many ways

    • In addition to that
      New York Post article on
      September 9, 2018
      thoughtcatalog.com has an article headlined
      “19 Ways Women Have It Easier (According To 19 Men)”
      By Lorenzo Jensen III, February 14th 2018

  • Furthermore ,
    thoughtcatalog.com has another article headlined
    “20 Ways That Men Have It Harder In Life (According To 20 Women)”
    By Lorenzo Jensen III, December 29th 2017

    Why is the Men’s Rights Movement unjustly labeled
    “Male Supremacist” ?

  • thoughtcatalog.com
    has an article headlined
    “19 Privileges Females Have”
    By Rachael Williams, June 24th 2014

  • Related to Feminism , The Famous
    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard defamation trial in 2022 , whose side were we on ?
    Who truly deserved to win ?

  • About Feminism , how do we feel about the proposed
    Equal Rights Amendment , ERA in
    American Politics

  • The X , formerly Twitter account
    End Wokeness typed
    Firefighters- 88% men
    Construction- 94% men
    Combat troops- 84% men
    Trash collectors- 95% men
    Cable installers- 95% men
    Road builders- 96% men
    Iron workers- 94% men
    Coal miners- 96% men
    Electricians- 96% men
    Plumbers- 99% men

    Notice how the feminists never complain about these gender gaps… I wonder why.
    6:41 AM · Jan 26, 2024”

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