I actually meant that in a good way. Kind of a play on what Rabbi Kahane said when he quoted from the book of Joshua about all of the wiping out of the Canaanites, and said "I just want to expel the Arabs, because I'm basically a moderate."
I know when you hear the word moderate, weasels like McCain and Arlen Spector and other assorted rifraff usually are what comes to mind.
But I actually meant it in a good way. A term of endearment, actually.
OK, well thank you, then.
I knew you meant it in a good way, I just didn't actually understand your context.
But you have a good point. We ARE all moderates using HaRav Meir Kahane (zt"l)'s definition. G-d commanded Israel to completely wipe out the Canaanite/Amalekite/Midianite/Jebusite proto-Muslim Nazis. We only want to remove their descendants, the Arab Nazis, from Israel. The fact is that G-d would be commanding a shoah against the Muslim Nazi Amalekites today if He were directly speaking to Israel today. But, we do not believe in or advocate that.
But while on this subject, why do you think, since you live in Israel and have been exposed to many sick, secular leftists, that so many average Israelis believe Arabs have "civil rights" and have a legitimate "historical claim" to a Fakestine state? According to opinion polls even done by the Left, the vast majority of Israelis do know the Arabs want to kill them all--and yet they believe that they still have rights and certain entitlements. Is this purely explained by secularism and moral relativism (which is what I assume), or is there something else there that I am not aware of as a Western Gentile?
I would like to see these opinion polls if you can quote them.
But Israel is a divided country. And when I go to Tel Aviv, I'm stepping into a leftist paradise. I think the Average Tel-Aviv resident would be happy to hand over all lands other than Tel-Aviv.
Then I go home to "The Gush" and I feel like I am seeing the rebirth of the Israelite Nation. I can't go fully into it but there is a slow cultural revolution among the Hilltop Youth and others that is quite encouraging. It sometimes brings me to tears to be perfectly honest. It is very beautiful. I cannot express it in words, but I see it happening every day.
I sometimes wish that they would give the Arabs Tel Aviv instead of Gush Katif so we could cleanse our voter rolls and elect some decent people. Just kidding, I don't want to give the Arabs anything but a bus ride to Jordan.
I don't know what the future will be. But I see encouraging signs atleast where I live. Some Haredi Rabbis are changing their tune and I think that very slowly they and their flocks will move along with the rest of us to Total National Rebirth.
As far as secular people. I am stunned that there is such a thing as a secular right-winger. We atleast have our own schools. These people are subjected to leftist propoganda morning, noon and night.
Israel doesn't have any right wing media of any kind. Lily-livered or rock-ribbed.
They just ban anyone who disagrees with them.
I do have to say though, that I agree with Hayim that Kahanism is growing. Atleast in Jerusalem and in Judea. I see posters of Rabbi Kahane on Walls right outside the Jerusalem Central Bus Station and in the bus station on my little "settlement".
Tel Aviv, on the other hand, the only posters are for reggae and rap parties and techno raves. It's pretty depressing.