General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lubab on May 30, 2007, 01:00:31 PM

Title: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 30, 2007, 01:00:31 PM
Here’s what I see to be going on, now correct me if I’m wrong.

We’re all in this big boat called the United States of America. On this boat we have the whites the blacks the Christians, the Jews the Orientals the Buddhists the leftists, the phoney-conservatives, everybody and yes of course some JTFers.

Problem is a very large number of blacks (among others), even a majority, have been drilling little holes in the foundation of our boat for a while now.

(They’ve drilled holes in our moral foundation with their culture of violence and drugs and rap and prostitution. The way these blacks view women has degraded women in our culture. They’ve driven holes in our educational system, as our schools now must cater to the least common denominator.  They’ve driven holes in the murder rate, the rape rate, the burglary rate etc. They've driven holes in our language as now Ebonics is also becoming accepted.  They’ve generally caused the quality of life to decrease dramatically wherever they run the show, to the point where a white person won’t even dare walk in a black neighborhood at night because they fear for their lives. The areas which have rotted this way around the country is growing in all major American cities and has already ruined a once great city such Washington D.C. and the same thing is now happening in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, the Bronx, the list goes on and on…).

Now the boat is starting to sink. You’d think people would stop them. But most people on the boat are too cowardly, too apathetic or too blind to address the problem. Mainly they are too afraid of being called racist. So they ignore it, go off and party downstairs while the boat is slowly sinking and…you know…they enjoy life.

JTF comes along and tries to expose what’s going on. They say “what wrong with you people!? Don’t you see we’re sinking! Don’t you see what these blacks are doing to us? But people don’t want to listen. JTF uses harsh language against these blacks, jokes whatever it takes to get people to wake up and realize this evil that’s threatening all of us. Some are starting to wake up slowly as the message get’s out with G-d’s help.

Then comes Imerica. She says we’re going about it all wrong. She says we should focus on the positive things blacks do. Their food, their culture, their sense of community, some of their will to succeed. She says she knows many blacks who are not drilling holes and furthermore some whites are drilling holes too, what about them? So “Stop focusing on the fact that blacks drilling holes and don’t be so negative”. 

She says she fights this evil by smiling in the evil blacks’ face and raising her daughters to not drill holes (forgetting that they too are on this same boat, and by time they get older, who knows where the boat will be?). And basically she goes back downstairs with everyone else to enjoy the party as the holes continue to multiply and the water is almost up to our necks. 

So what can we JTFers do with this Imerica? She’s either evil herself, willfully blind, stupid or well-meaning but unable to see the big picture here (I suspect it’s the latter).  If she really cares about her daughters she should be fighting with us to throw the hole-drillers overboard and repair the breaches. Instead she’s giving JTF lectures on morality. How twisted.

I doubt she will thoroughly read this or sincerely take it to heart. I just want to say to the JTFers: let’s realize who this Imerica is in the big scheme of things.  Someone who has not learned from history. Someone who does not appreciate the importance of confronting and defeating evil. Basically, someone with an attitude that would have us all sink, G-d forbid. Well, I for one am not impressed.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on May 30, 2007, 01:14:47 PM
Well stated.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 30, 2007, 05:19:15 PM
I agree. If she was worth anything, she would just admit we were right and try to help us realizing that these black gangsters would kill her too. She deff has no business trying to show is the good side of blacks because all we have to do is walk the streets and we will be shown all we need to know about blacks. Debating with her is a waist of time. We have facts on our side. I hope she realizes this and tries to work with us not against us.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on May 30, 2007, 05:50:25 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lisa on May 30, 2007, 06:00:18 PM
I would also add that we should stick to facts when addressing these issues rather than just calling black people names. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on May 30, 2007, 06:34:08 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but [censored]. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the [censored] biggest gripe.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on May 30, 2007, 06:35:24 PM
I would also add that we should stick to facts when addressing these issues rather than just calling black people names. 

Can we say [censored] while we stick to the facts? :P
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 30, 2007, 06:47:15 PM
What's the big deal about the word schvartza? It's just the yiddish for black.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lisa on May 30, 2007, 06:49:27 PM
Sure, as long as I can say "black."
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cosmokramer on May 30, 2007, 07:11:49 PM
I must agree Lubab. I am one of the few JTF'rs thats racially Black. My mother thank G-d is a Jew. Therefore I am a Jew.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 07:22:02 PM
I agree. If she was worth anything, she would just admit we were right and try to help us realizing that these black gangsters would kill her too. She deff has no business trying to show is the good side of blacks because all we have to do is walk the streets and we will be shown all we need to know about blacks. Debating with her is a waist of time. We have facts on our side. I hope she realizes this and tries to work with us not against us.
Saying that you're right would be like me stating "Yes, I am a no-good, worthless, no account, welfare receiving, n'ga-whore, cuntrag, Affirmative action hire with no purpose in America other than to 'poke holes in the boat'." I'm not about to say or admit to that because it isn't true about every black American. However I have admitted that the black community has a problem that makes it hard for people to assimilate around every one of us. Some of the black community is so bad that whites..and even you are afraid to stand next to us. No matter what. Since you have it ingrained in your mind that all blacks are worth are shooting up each other, raping women, and robbing liquor stores, that's all you're going to see. I can't help that. I can't raise grown people to be better grown-up blacks who take responsibility for their actions. But with my mothering skills I can teach my children how not to end up in that spectrum. I can, when I receive my degrees and become certified as an Educator in Illinois, influence the lives of other young black youths who are living under these circumstances to believe in themselves enough to want out and to want better for their lives. Everytime I say that, its a non-issue...mostly because you don't read it...you skip over it until you find something you could bash me on.

And for you to say that I have no right to show the good qualities that blacks in America have to offer is totally arrogant. That's the equivelent of me saying that you have no right to show the good qualities about Israel or about the Jewish culture.  Who am I to say some dumb crap like that?

I'm worth more than you could afford to pay, DWI. And don't take it in an inappropriately nasty way, either. I didn't mean it in that way. What I meant is that my core values speak for themselves. They as well as I am priceless.

I'm realizing what I'm supposed to do here...and that's bow down to you like a cowering puppy after it's master hits them with rolled-up newspaper. I'm sorry, but I'm of the mind that if you stand for nothing, you'll certainly fall for anything. And one thing I'm not falling for is the 'bullying' tactic you've brought to this forum.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2007, 07:48:44 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged  you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 07:55:30 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Daniel, this post proves that you know exactly what I'm feeling and how I choose to go about life. What a wonderful post. :)

I can't express this strongly enough... for everyone else... I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BLACK CULTURE THAT ISN'T GOOD. I AM NOT BLIND, STUPID, OR EVIL. Just because I'm not fighting fire with fire, like some of you, it dosen't mean I'm not fighting in other ways. You think people who speak of peace and finding alternative routes to take when fighting the good fight against the bad people are evil. Great. Whatever. But I assure you that me teaching my children right from wrong will save you a lot of grief in the long run. Because if I nor their dad wasn't present in their lives they would/could very well turn out like those in the black community you hate. So would you rather that I poke MORE holes in the boat by fighting with you and your lop-sided way of handling things or seal the holes up by helping to prevent more holes from forming?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 08:00:46 PM
What's the big deal about the word schvartza? It's just the yiddish for black.
What's the big deal about Jesse Jackson calling Jewish people Hymies? I've even heard some idiot calling Jewish people "Diamond Merchants". The answer to that question is it depends on the delivery. If you say it just to harm people, you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you're saying it to open debate on the word and what needs to be changed about the way we speak, then  you're  part of the solution. THAT'S what's wrong with using derrogatory words like that.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 30, 2007, 08:02:34 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

I agree that it is good to be compassionate and guide the misguided in the right direction.  But to what limit are we supposed to show mercy and to whom?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 30, 2007, 08:03:13 PM
Well, I'm sure never going boating with Imerica or Daniel. I'd have to be crazy to do that.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 30, 2007, 08:04:18 PM
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 08:18:03 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 08:21:08 PM
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 30, 2007, 08:24:12 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2007, 08:34:07 PM
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Imerica, Has anyone called you that personally or are they using it to  describe evil Blacks in general?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 30, 2007, 08:34:47 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is as all the to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

You must realize that you're way of dealing with these problems has been the policy in this county for decades!
Ask youself honestly: How is it working out? Good or bad? In total, do we have less holes or more? If we continue this way, where are we headed as a country?

You think you're taking the moral high ground here..but to continue trying a failed policy as all the good people sink IS morally repugnant. And it's also insane.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 30, 2007, 08:40:17 PM
It's actually pretty stupid to call blacks black, as there really a shade of brown, they should be called browns, and none of us (whites) are really white, we're more a sort of cream colour, so we should be called creams....
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 08:43:12 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 30, 2007, 08:44:15 PM
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Imerica, Has anyone called you that personally or are they using it to  describe evil Blacks in general?
I was called a coon, and a ng'er whore  here. So yes, can say that someone has called me those names.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 30, 2007, 08:50:31 PM
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Imerica, Has anyone called you that personally or are they using it to  describe evil Blacks in general?
I was called a coon, and a ng'er whore  here. So yes, can say that someone has called me those names.
I think I am right in saying that by the rules of this forum that whoever called you by those names deserves a severe warning or a temporary ban.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: genteelgentile on May 30, 2007, 08:50:48 PM
I, myself, for years, was in denial about blacks.  The shame of it all is that once the civil rights revolution came about, it let the blacks be who they really are.  Of course there are good, even righteous ones out there.  But I think we whites are the ones who let the cat out of the bag.

I don't think that I would use language as harsh as Allen T put earlier, but I understand where it comes from.  Just last week, there was a black couple looking at an apartment a couple of doors down from me.  The man had the baggy pants with his underwear showing and nappy hair.  So you know that most likely, the loud booming car stereo is coming, the late night loud parties, God forbid drugs, etc...
I hope I am wrong...

With all this said, I do hope Erica stays with us; maybe we will all come to an understanding.  I don't want a race war...but we shall not compromise.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 30, 2007, 08:53:17 PM

I posted this question earlier, but because you are a very religious Jew, perhaps you can answer this properly.

It is good to be compassionate and merciful.  But, in general, who are we allowed to be compassionate to and to what degree?

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: genteelgentile on May 30, 2007, 08:53:27 PM
Lubab's analogy at the beginning of this thread is awesome...
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lisa on May 30, 2007, 08:55:04 PM
Ok people.  I don't think ganging up on Erica is productive. 

Remember that we're not against people simply because of the color of their skin, but their evil deeds.  So just like I said in the past thread on Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, there are plenty of his actions we can be critical of without resorting to name calling.  Likewise with Erica and African Americans in general.  Let's stick to the facts.  After all, she is being polite here. 

Also, I would be curious as to what Erica thinks of prominent right leaning blacks like Thomas Sowell, the economist, writers Larry Elder, Mychal Massie, Star Parker and Walter Williams.  Mr. Sowell's columns, which are brilliant, can all be read on Townhall.com.  The other writers commentaries appear on Worldnetdaily.com.  There's also DeRoy Murdock who sometimes writes for the National Review. 

Then there's the conservative blogger LaShawn Barber.  I met her in person at a blogger function and she seemed nice.  Are you familiar with her blog Erica? -- http://www.lashawnbarber.com

I'd be curious as to what you think of these people.  If you like them, then why, or why not?  I happen to like all of them, and think every one here should at least take a look at their work.


Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on May 30, 2007, 09:04:56 PM
It's actually pretty stupid to call blacks black, as there really a shade of brown, they should be called browns, and none of us (whites) are really white, we're more a sort of cream colour, so we should be called creams....

I have had Black folks tell me jokingly " I'm not Black I'm Brown".
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 30, 2007, 09:05:57 PM
It's actually pretty stupid to call blacks black, as there really a shade of brown, they should be called browns, and none of us (whites) are really white, we're more a sort of cream colour, so we should be called creams....

I have had Black folks tell me jokingly " I'm not Black I'm Brown".

Actually, some look purple... So if he is Black call him black and if he is brown call him brown and if he is purple call him purple..

Oh and if he orange..call him orange  :laugh:
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on May 30, 2007, 10:20:29 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Wow - do you take your healthcare for granted - lucky you!
I always thought I would be a stay at home Mom.  Guess what... I'm not.
I work in order to provide my child with healthcare.  By the way I pay for it - it is not free.
Most families I know have two working parents and most are just barely paying the bills.

When are these people you are speaking of denied healthcare?  I have actually seen them get better services - no insurance companies to restrict their treatment.  
I don't think the answer to the problem is more services.  That is just plugging holes.  
Lubab  is 100% correct.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on May 31, 2007, 04:16:44 AM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 04:21:11 AM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 04:34:03 AM
It's actually pretty stupid to call blacks black, as there really a shade of brown, they should be called browns, and none of us (whites) are really white, we're more a sort of cream colour, so we should be called creams....

I have had Black folks tell me jokingly " I'm not Black I'm Brown".
My husband would tell people (jokingly) that he's not black..he's caramel-colored. LOL I'm chocolate then. :D
I think that  the contrast from dark to light makes/ made people describe us that way. Some blacks are blue-black while some may be as white as a light-bulb.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 04:40:52 AM
Ok people.  I don't think ganging up on Erica is productive. 

Remember that we're not against people simply because of the color of their skin, but their evil deeds.  So just like I said in the past thread on Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, there are plenty of his actions we can be critical of without resorting to name calling.  Likewise with Erica and African Americans in general.  Let's stick to the facts.  After all, she is being polite here. 

Also, I would be curious as to what Erica thinks of prominent right leaning blacks like Thomas Sowell, the economist, writers Larry Elder, Mychal Massie, Star Parker and Walter Williams.  Mr. Sowell's columns, which are brilliant, can all be read on Townhall.com.  The other writers commentaries appear on Worldnetdaily.com.  There's also DeRoy Murdock who sometimes writes for the National Review. 

Then there's the conservative blogger LaShawn Barber.  I met her in person at a blogger function and she seemed nice.  Are you familiar with her blog Erica? -- http://www.lashawnbarber.com

I'd be curious as to what you think of these people.  If you like them, then why, or why not?  I happen to like all of them, and think every one here should at least take a look at their work.


I'm no political analyst so I wouldn't know who the right wing people you named are unless, of course, I googled them and read about them. That would call for me to research them and then get back to you. At any rate though, I'm not a fan of some black conservatives. Alan Keyes, and Armstrong Williams are just a couple of them.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on May 31, 2007, 05:33:36 AM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

That still doesn't mean it's the actual translation...
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on May 31, 2007, 05:52:42 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

I'll let your retarded answer speak for itself. I am through addressing you.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 31, 2007, 05:55:58 AM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

It's not a translation of te word, it was decided by the forum administration that having the word "[censored]" used on the forum would have a negative effect on our efforts to gain support, and therefore a filter was set up to replace it with the yiddish for black. Just like there's a filter on the word "p-lestinian"
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on May 31, 2007, 05:58:22 AM
I'll let your retarded answer speak for itself. I am through addressing you.

I generally don't post my messages on more than one thread at a time, so I hope that you'll forgive me for repeating myself. I believe that the following is germaine to the topic at hand:

Trying to educate Imerica is learning how to type. You make progress for a while and then you hit a plateau where nothing seems to change for the longest time. Maybe there will be a breakthrough down the road. But reading things like the following, I tend to doubt it:

White kids at that point already had what it took to make it in society ... their white faces, and who they knew.

In other words, whites "make it" because they're white, not because they're not from a culture which needs metal detectors in its schools.

Hey, Imerica, here's another Jeopardy question for you:

Q: What's the shortest book in the world? A: Black Jeopardy Champions. ;D

And by the way, Imerica, Martin Liar King was a Communist, or the next thing to it. Your denial of that simple fact of history proves once again what I said to you the other week, that you make it up as you go along, distorting the facts to furnish yourself with the largest possible comfort zone.


A photograph - widely published in Southern newspapers and on Southern billboards in the 1960s - shows Martin Luther King on September 2, 1957, attending the Highlander Folk School, operated by the Communist Party. Various high-ranking Communists are seated next to King, whose ties to American Communism were manifold.

King was listed on the Monteagle, Tennessee school's letterhead as a "sponsor." The school was financed by Julius Rosenwald, the one-time head of Sears Roebuck, who spent $22 million financing "civil rights" groups. A director of the fund, Alfred K. Stern of New Orleans, fled behind the Iron Curtain to avoid arrest for espionage.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on May 31, 2007, 06:35:04 AM
Q: What's the shortest book in the world? A: Black Jeopardy Champions. ;D
No, that would be French War Heroes.  But close...
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 07:35:45 AM

I posted this question earlier, but because you are a very religious Jew, perhaps you can answer this properly.

It is good to be compassionate and merciful.  But, in general, who are we allowed to be compassionate to and to what degree?

There is no formula for this. In general mercy is a G-dly and wonderful trait.  Yet sometimes G-d says not to have mercy e.g. by people of the nation of Amalek, or people who try to get everyone to worship idols etc.

The trick is to not just try to be compassionate but to try and do what G-d wants i.e. try to do what's best for the person and the world.  And when you really care about someone, you should be able to tell how much is the right amount of compassion and mercy. And if you don't know what's best in a particular situation, ask someone who knows what the Torah (G-d) says about it.

Being tough can also be a form of mercy if that's what's best for the person. How cruel would it be for a doctor not to operate when a surgery is needed because he doesn't want to cut the person?

So being kind to someone who is hurting himself and others is really not mercy but cruelty. So beware of that. If the doctor was just looking to do what's best for the person (or better yet, what G-d asks of him) he wouldn't have run into this kind of moral confusion. 

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on May 31, 2007, 08:24:00 AM
Q: What's the shortest book in the world? A: Black Jeopardy Champions. ;D
No, that would be French War Heroes.  But close...

Seriously, there have been many French war heroes, like the ones who fought the Algerian Muslims in the 1950s and 1960s.

As Ann Coulter recently pointed out, in her column on the recent French elections, the croissant, the little French pastry shaped like a crescent, honors the victories of the French Crusaders over Islam. (Ann said that she would be eating croissants all week in honor of the election results.)

Yes, there have been many French war heroes. But there have been no black Jeopardy champions.

But don't worry, Imerica. Everybody knows that all of the Jeopardy questions are rigged in favor of whites and Jews and Asians. ;D

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 09:08:08 AM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

It's not a translation of te word, it was decided by the forum administration that having the word "[censored]" used on the forum would have a negative effect on our efforts to gain support, and therefore a filter was set up to replace it with the yiddish for black. Just like there's a filter on the word "p-lestinian"
I didn't know that. That's one to grow on.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 12:04:18 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

Imerica we all know that. You're not telling us something new. Read ftf's post above. This is a censoring mechanism on this forum. But to assume from that that's what "shvartze" means is not very wise. Better try a yiddish dictionary and look up the word "black". See what you get.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 12:15:51 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

Imerica we all know that. You're not telling us something new. Read ftf's post above. This is a censoring mechanism on this forum. But to assume from that that's what "shvartze" means is not very wise. Better try a yiddish dictionary and look up the word "black". See what you get.
Again... I said, "WOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.." Then, I added "That's one to grow on."...which means that I know Jack Crap but I'm willing to learn more. Could you PLEASE read my responses before trying to make me look like I don't admit when I'm wrong? Thanks.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 31, 2007, 12:35:18 PM
Your phrase "that's one to grow on" is not a phrase I've heard used before, but at first uess it sounded like sarcasm to me.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 12:36:51 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

Imerica we all know that. You're not telling us something new. Read ftf's post above. This is a censoring mechanism on this forum. But to assume from that that's what "shvartze" means is not very wise. Better try a yiddish dictionary and look up the word "black". See what you get.
Again... I said, "WOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.." Then, I added "That's one to grow on."...which means that I know Jack Crap but I'm willing to learn more. Could you PLEASE read my responses before trying to make me look like I don't admit when I'm wrong? Thanks.

Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you're post there at the bottom, I guess. But yes, you can learn a great deal on this forum and I hope you will keep an open mind.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 12:54:04 PM
Your phrase "that's one to grow on" is not a phrase I've heard used before, but at first uess it sounded like sarcasm to me.
Its not sarcasm at all. It use to be part of a learning campaign back in the 80's. One To Grow On simply means that you grow from knowledge. That's all. Sarcasm from me would show up as a sentence/statement and then a " ::)".
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 12:54:43 PM
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.
No, it is the Yiddish word for "black man" and I've never seen it translated as "n*gger."  It comes from the word schvartz, which is Yiddish for "black" (as in the color).  Check your facts before you say things, Erica.
Just to test...


I did this for a reason. When I typed out the N word, once it got back to the discussion it had turned into schvartza. When I went back to see if the N word was representative of Schvartza, the word "schvartza" was in place of the N word I typed. THAT'S where I got the assumption that Schvartza meant N, in Yiddish. I know what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. See for yourself. Type out the word "ni&&er" (the real spelling), then click on post and see what word pops up on the discussion board in its place.

Imerica we all know that. You're not telling us something new. Read ftf's post above. This is a censoring mechanism on this forum. But to assume from that that's what "shvartze" means is not very wise. Better try a yiddish dictionary and look up the word "black". See what you get.
Again... I said, "WOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.." Then, I added "That's one to grow on."...which means that I know Jack Crap but I'm willing to learn more. Could you PLEASE read my responses before trying to make me look like I don't admit when I'm wrong? Thanks.

Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you're post there at the bottom, I guess. But yes, you can learn a great deal on this forum and I hope you will keep an open mind.
I will and I am. ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on May 31, 2007, 12:56:47 PM
Sorry I'm used to people being sarcastic on a regular basis and expecting you to realise that they are being sarcastic, so I guess I've tarted seeing sarcasm when it isn't there...
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 01:03:57 PM
Sorry I'm used to people being sarcastic on a regular basis and expecting you to realise that they are being sarcastic, so I guess I've tarted seeing sarcasm when it isn't there...
It happens, ftf.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on May 31, 2007, 01:25:58 PM
But yes, you can learn a great deal on this forum and I hope you will keep an open mind.
I will and I am. ;)

Except when we talk about Martin Lucifer King. ;D


Concerns about his doctoral dissertation at Boston University led to a formal inquiry by university officials, which concluded that approximately a third of it had been plagiarized from a paper written by an earlier graduate student, but it was decided not to revoke his degree, as the paper still "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship."

Imerica also "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship." ;D

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 03:51:21 PM
But yes, you can learn a great deal on this forum and I hope you will keep an open mind.
I will and I am. ;)

Except when we talk about Martin Lucifer King. ;D


Concerns about his doctoral dissertation at Boston University led to a formal inquiry by university officials, which concluded that approximately a third of it had been plagiarized from a paper written by an earlier graduate student, but it was decided not to revoke his degree, as the paper still "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship."

Imerica also "makes an intelligent contribution to scholarship." ;D

Lets just call it a draw, Dissenter. You're convinced that every black person you meet is out to get you and I'm convinced that Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn't a communist.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 06:20:35 PM
Imerica: "Lets just call it a draw, Dissenter. You're convinced that every black person you meet is out to get you and I'm convinced that Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn't a communist."

Notice how she exaggerates Dissenter's position ("every black...is out to get you") but not her own ("MLK wasn't a communist"). Is this an honest way to debate?

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 06:30:01 PM

Imerica: "Lets just call it a draw, Dissenter. You're convinced that every black person you meet is out to get you and I'm convinced that Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn't a communist."

Notice how she exaggerates Dissenter's position ("every black...is out to get you") but not her own ("MLK wasn't a communist"). Is this an honest way to debate?
You want a honest debate... I'll retract that bit of sarcasm and add this. Dissenter, you're against the black culture and don't think anything else is good about it besides the music...and I'm convinced that MLK wasn't a communist.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 06:31:41 PM
Let's not get side-tracked with side issues.

Try to argue the point, instead of arguing with the person. JTF says: collectively the blacks' behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country and eventually if not stopped will eventually sink the country altogether (see my original post). JTF says programs and outreach projects and affirmative action have been tried for years and on the whole they have failed to solve these problems and they have only gotten worse. More drastic measures are required. Now what do you say?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on May 31, 2007, 06:46:56 PM
Let's not get side-tracked with side issues.

Try to argue the point, instead of arguing with the person. JTF says: collectively the blacks' behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country and eventually if not stopped will eventually sink the country altogether (see my original post). JTF says programs and outreach projects and affirmative action have been tried for years and on the whole they have failed to solve these problems and they have only gotten worse. More drastic measures are required. Now what do you say?

That's why I love JTF. Reason,truth,solutions. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 06:55:07 PM
Let's not get side-tracked with side issues.

Try to argue the point, instead of arguing with the person. JTF says: collectively the blacks' behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country and eventually if not stopped will eventually sink the country altogether (see my original post). JTF says programs and outreach projects and affirmative action have been tried for years and on the whole they have failed to solve these problems and they have only gotten worse. More drastic measures are required. Now what do you say?
"Collectively the blacks behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country..." Now, if I'm not mistaken, COLLECTIVELY means EVERYONE. Now it comes out. Now EVERY black is the reason why the the country's quality of life has gone down?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Lubab on May 31, 2007, 07:08:29 PM
Yes you are mistaken.

1.   formed by collection.
2.   forming a whole; combined: the collective assets of a corporation and its subsidiaries.
3.   of or characteristic of a group of individuals taken together: the collective wishes of the membership.
4.   organized according to the principles of collectivism: a collective farm.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

That means that you take the blacks' behavior as a whole. The good the bad the ugly and you look at what it's all done to the quality of life in this country ON THE WHOLE. And you're response is....

Shall we call a truce?

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:27:12 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

I agree that it is good to be compassionate and guide the misguided in the right direction.  But to what limit are we supposed to show mercy and to whom?

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 07:35:26 PM


My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:36:05 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:39:14 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:43:21 PM
Let's not get side-tracked with side issues.

Try to argue the point, instead of arguing with the person. JTF says: collectively the blacks' behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country and eventually if not stopped will eventually sink the country altogether (see my original post). JTF says programs and outreach projects and affirmative action have been tried for years and on the whole they have failed to solve these problems and they have only gotten worse. More drastic measures are required. Now what do you say?
"Collectively the blacks behavior in this country has sunk the quality of life in this country..." Now, if I'm not mistaken, COLLECTIVELY means EVERYONE. Now it comes out. Now EVERY black is the reason why the the country's quality of life has gone down?

Hey, everyone needs a scapegoat, right?  ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:45:30 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

And just what will be the litmus test to differentiate the anti-white blacks from the Alan Keyes blacks?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 07:50:55 PM
What's the big deal about the word schvartza? It's just the yiddish for black.

That's true. However the connotation and the context is being used as an ethnic slur.

The word "Jew" by itself is not bad. But if someone were to use Jew as a verb like, "He jewed me down to the lowest possible price", then I think some of us would have a little problem with it?

I just love those schvartze and honkey pinstripe colors of the NY Yankees. See, that context doesn't seem quite as bad  :laugh:

Anyway, enough of me being silly  ;D
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 08:02:04 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 01, 2007, 08:28:42 PM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 08:57:12 PM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.

Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree on that. But even for the reasons that you state, aren't those just disgusting reasons to kidnap people from their native countries, tear their families apart, and force them to work as slaves?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 01, 2007, 09:00:28 PM
I'm not saying that slavery was good, it was disgraceful. Though I would like to point out that the whites didn't start the slave trade, the chieftan's of african tribes offered   the prisoners they'd taken from other tribes as a trade item, whites did not go and kidnap the people in the first place. So the entire blame cannot be laid at the feet of the whites.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 09:10:55 PM
I'm not saying that slavery was good, it was disgraceful. Though I would like to point out that the whites didn't start the slave trade, the chieftan's of african tribes offered   the prisoners they'd taken from other tribes as a trade item, whites did not go and kidnap the people in the first place. So the entire blame cannot be laid at the feet of the whites.

I agree with you on this. But this just makes me wonder that if we cannot blame the whites in entirety, why is it that we can so easily blame blacks and arabs in entirety? Why not just judge people as individuals across the board? I know this might be going off on a tangent a bit, but just something that comes to mind now.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 01, 2007, 09:16:35 PM
We should blame the whites for participating in the slave trade, I was just pointing out that it isn't 100% their fault, the black chieftans were also at fault.

Some people around here blame all blacks and all arabs for certain things, I do not, and I agree with you Daniel that it is wrong to do so. A large number of blacks and a large number of arabs are a problem, and we therefore need to be on gaurd against them, but we must make sure that we don't demonise all blacks and arabs, because they aren't all bad.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 01, 2007, 09:17:16 PM
I'm not saying that slavery was good, it was disgraceful. Though I would like to point out that the whites didn't start the slave trade, the chieftan's of african tribes offered   the prisoners they'd taken from other tribes as a trade item, whites did not go and kidnap the people in the first place. So the entire blame cannot be laid at the feet of the whites.


Myth number two: The White man captured slaves in the African jungles. From Alan Taylor’s American Colonies (Viking, 2001), we read:

Popular myth has it that the Europeans obtained their slaves by attacking and seizing Africans. In fact, the shippers almost always bought their slaves from African middlemen, generally the leading merchants and chiefs of the coastal kingdoms. Determined to profit from the trade, the African traders and chiefs did not tolerate Europeans who foolishly bypassed them to seize slaves on their own initiative. And during the eighteenth century the Africans had the power to defeat Europeans who failed to cooperate. Contrary to the stereotype of shrewd Europeans cheating weak and gullible natives, the European traders had to pay premium, and rising, prices to African chiefs and traders, who drove a hard bargain.

The Europeans exploited and expanded the slavery long practiced by Africans. Some slaves were starving children sold by their impoverished parents. Others were debtors or criminals sentenced to slavery. But most were taken in wars between kingdoms or simply kidnapped by armed gangs.

The African raiders marched their captives to the coast in long lines know as coffles: dozens of people yoked together by the neck with leather thongs to prevent escape. Some marches to the coast exceeded five hundred miles and six months. About a quarter of the captives died along the way from some combination of disease, hunger, exhaustion, beatings, and suicide.

Upon reaching the coast, the captors herded their captives into walled pens called barracoons. Stripped naked, the slaves were closely examined by European traders, who wanted only reasonably healthy and young people, preferably male.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 09:32:08 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would agree...one should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 09:32:47 PM
We should blame the whites for participating in the slave trade, I was just pointing out that it isn't 100% their fault, the black chieftans were also at fault.

Some people around here blame all blacks and all arabs for certain things, I do not, and I agree with you Daniel that it is wrong to do so. A large number of blacks and a large number of arabs are a problem, and we therefore need to be on gaurd against them, but we must make sure that we don't demonise all blacks and arabs, because they aren't all bad.

Thanks. You're definitely the voice of reason around here :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 09:34:22 PM
We should blame the whites for participating in the slave trade, I was just pointing out that it isn't 100% their fault, the black chieftans were also at fault.

Some people around here blame all blacks and all arabs for certain things, I do not, and I agree with you Daniel that it is wrong to do so. A large number of blacks and a large number of arabs are a problem, and we therefore need to be on gaurd against them, but we must make sure that we don't demonise all blacks and arabs, because they aren't all bad.

Thanks. You're definitely the voice of reason around here :)

I second that emotion :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 09:38:46 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would agree...one should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 01, 2007, 09:41:06 PM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 09:49:05 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would agree...one should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is obvious...in a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 09:50:19 PM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol

Very well spoken, Erica. I certainly don't think that the slavemasters were concerned with how much better blacks can tolerate the sun. They let 10 million perish but somehow were concerned about their dermatological health.

You're right. Blacks can get sunburned and get melanoma just as much as whites. Nobody is immune from the damaging effects of of the ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 09:50:54 PM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.

actually skin cancer affects people with higher melanin (darker skin color) worse than people with lighter shades of brown.  Very white albino people are also really badly affected by the sun.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 01, 2007, 09:55:53 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the health care that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related health care services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
Amen, Daniel.

As a future educator, I'm aware of the fact that I won't be paid a lot... being an educator is one of the most thankless jobs in our country. I am glad that when I do finally become certified, I'll receive benefits such as health care and an insurance package. These are things that should be readily available at every job. And its not a handout, either. Its a benefit. You see, there is a difference, (to those who think there isn't). Tell me, would you work at a job where if you've worked there for a certain period of time and was injured on the property, that you shouldn't have some kind of medical benefit backing you?

And I'd like to disagree with the assumption that health care through social services are better than health care not provided by social services. First of all.. you do know that a lot of times there is no co-pay for families on welfare when they seek help from a hospital right? That almost always means that they can be treated any way because they're not paying out of their pockets. A lot of hospitals who provide those services look at those who receive welfare services as if they are carrying the bubonic plague. And its because those poor people fall into a social class system that isn't welcomed by those in the higher echelon. Is sad but true... and I wouldn't say it unless I experienced it for myself as a child.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 09:59:18 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would agree...one should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is obvious...in a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.

That wasn't Erica that wrote that last post. It was me, Daniel.

Just because Chaim has experienced 95% of the blacks he has experienced doesn't mean that his experience speaks for all reality. That's another mistake that overgeneralizers like Chaim make. My personal experiences with blacks have been over 95% positive. But that doesn't mean that I rule out the possibility that there are larger number of blacks who are bad. I've had good and bad experiences with Jews as well. But I can't come to a conclusion about what percentage is good and what percentage is bad just simply in relation to my own personal experiences with them.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 10:02:49 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the health care that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related health care services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
Amen, Daniel.

As a future educator, I'm aware of the fact that I won't be paid a lot... being an educator is one of the most thankless jobs in our country. I am glad that when I do finally become certified, I'll receive benefits such as health care and an insurance package. These are things that should be readily available at every job. And its not a handout, either. Its a benefit. You see, there is a difference, (to those who think there isn't). Tell me, would you work at a job where if you've worked there for a certain period of time and was injured on the property, that you shouldn't have some kind of medical benefit backing you?

And I'd like to disagree with the assumption that health care through social services are better than health care not provided by social services. First of all.. you do know that a lot of times there is no co-pay for families on welfare when they seek help from a hospital right? That almost always means that they can be treated any way because they're not paying out of their pockets. A lot of hospitals who provide those services look at those who receive welfare services as if they are carrying the bubonic plague. And its because those poor people fall into a social class system that isn't welcomed by those in the higher echelon. Is sad but true... and I wouldn't say it unless I experienced it for myself as a child.

Amen, Erica. You hit the nail right on the head! You clearly understand and know the deal here! You're going to make an excellent educator. You should come work at my school. We can definitely use more people like you :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 10:04:05 PM

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would agree...one should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is obvious...in a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.

That wasn't Erica that wrote that last post. It was me, Daniel.

Just because Chaim has experienced 95% of the blacks he has experienced doesn't mean that his experience speaks for all reality. That's another mistake that overgeneralizers like Chaim make. My personal experiences with blacks have been over 95% positive. But that doesn't mean that I rule out the possibility that there are larger number of blacks who are bad. I've had good and bad experiences with Jews as well. But I can't come to a conclusion about what percentage is good and what percentage is bad just simply in relation to my own personal experiences with them.

so sorry daniel...my bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not me..it's that simple.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 01, 2007, 10:17:54 PM

so sorry daniel...my bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not me..it's that simple.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that disagrees with Chaim. The one thing I am sure about is that Chaim is absolutely sincere with everything he says. However, just because he's sincere, doesn't mean that it's authentic and accurate. He claims that because he's older than the rest of us and has gone to jail that he has experienced a truer representation of what blacks are like. I don't agree with this concept. Just because he's older and has come into contact with more people doesn't mean that his experiences can be extrapolated out to generalize an entire population of people. But that's just my opinion.

And what can be so hard about imitating Chaim? All we'd have to do is set up a web cam, put on a hat and some sunglasses, and scream out the obligatory, "Yamach shmo v'zichro" to just about everyone we mention and talk about all the muslim arab nazis and how the mexican coocarachas are going to turn this country into a third world banana republic and then ask for millions of dollars  :laugh:
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 01, 2007, 10:35:01 PM

so sorry daniel...my bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not me..it's that simple.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that disagrees with Chaim. The one thing I am sure about is that Chaim is absolutely sincere with everything he says. However, just because he's sincere, doesn't mean that it's authentic and accurate. He claims that because he's older than the rest of us and has gone to jail that he has experienced a truer representation of what blacks are like. I don't agree with this concept. Just because he's older and has come into contact with more people doesn't mean that his experiences can be extrapolated out to generalize an entire population of people. But that's just my opinion.

And what can be so hard about imitating Chaim? All we'd have to do is set up a web cam, put on a hat and some sunglasses, and scream out the obligatory, "Yamach shmo v'zichro" to just about everyone we mention and talk about all the muslim arab nazis and how the mexican coocarachas are going to turn this country into a third world banana republic and then ask for millions of dollars  :laugh:

funny how you put it...Hey who knows?  Comedians may end up imitating chaim on the E! channel on the Talk Soup show.

On a serious note, chaim, and only chaim, can defend what he says and how he says it. Anyone who imitates him in a serious manner on this forum are not very good, at times, defending what they say.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 02, 2007, 06:07:36 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 02, 2007, 06:39:31 AM
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 02, 2007, 09:01:33 AM
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   
Your right Allen-T there are many good teachers that could not take the system and beasts it tries to educate. Also I know that their are many hard working teachers that put the years into the city schools and deserve to be compensated for their efforts to a reasonable extent.  My problem comes in with the Randy Winegarden style teacher and sympathizer. People with her agenda always make me sick. No end of tax payer money is ever enough to make the schools right. She always skips over the fact that no matter what lacks for funds her teachers salaries and benefits always go first. Between her and Albert Shanker before her they have tainted the ranks of teachers in New York City as blood suckers. This has set the agenda for other teacher unions in the suburbs to follow and completely rake the taxpayers over the coals with unreasonable wage demands.
I'm sure your JTF shirt was the topic of conversation in the teachers lounge. Most of them are hopelessly left leaning Liberals  and that shirt was like showing a bull the red flag.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 02, 2007, 09:09:29 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 02, 2007, 09:09:38 AM
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol
Bit late responding to this one, firstly, no, I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace. It's well known that the darker your skin is the longer you can work in the sun without short turm consequences, I wasn't talking about long term consequences, the slave owners didn't care that much about the slaves though, so they wouldn't have cared if they'd got skin cancer.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on June 02, 2007, 09:48:36 AM
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

Here's something which I posted on another thread. Please don't feel "burned" by it, Imerica. ;D

After visiting Africa and seeing at first hand its wretchedness and violence, Muhammed Ali, a.k.a. Cassius Clay, expressed his gratitude that "my great granddaddy caught that ship."


But you don't have to visit Africa. Just watch Blood Diamond, The Last King of Scotland and G-d Sleeps in Rwanda, all excellent movies. Despite a whiff of political correctness, Blood Diamond is particularly good.

CNN recently reported on religious fanatic hophead cannibal girl child soldiers fighting and f***ing for the so-called Army of G-d in Uganda.

And they're the ones on our side! ;D
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 02, 2007, 10:03:15 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.
No I am not saying teachers are evil just well compensated in most cases after they work in the system a few years. They are also very organized in collective bargaining and over the years have done quite well. You are not corporate executives and honestly can't and shouldn't expect tax payers to pay you as such. You are well paid civil Servants who after 25 or 30 years can go off to a very comfortable retirement benefits and pensions for life. With every additional degree you get in most cases you get more salary to go along with it. In some cases they even pay the tuition fees if I am not mistaken what more do you want.
Agreed that their are many many good teachers that work very hard and take money out of their pockets to do things with their students and G-d will bless them for that one day. I just saying two things here . 1.Teachers for the most part are very well compensated for what they do 2. Most teachers I know are extremely Liberal in their views and are confused when others don't share that opinion.
I could go on and on I know someone who works in a Board of Education District office and they talk about some of the going's on in that level from time to time. Well all I am going to say is  if it came to the attention the general public the backlash would not be nice. What is taking place in the administration levels of the board of ED is sickening. They protect the worst of the teaching profession and cause the general public to loose respect for all teachers as a whole.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 03:58:14 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
1) The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. 2) Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.
I wasn't sure where to start... So I'll begin here...

1). My children attended schools in Nassau County. I'll agree that the teachers seemed to be paid more,  and its MOSTLY attributed to the class system.  However there are still teachers in Nassau County schools who don't have a contract..which means that they don't have benefits...which also means that they're not getting paid as much as you THINK they are. As for the last question (1-bold)... Being an educator is less about how much money you make in the occupation, than how much of an impact you make on kids who need understanding and thoroughly interesting and engaged teachers. Once I'm certified, I'm going back to the neighborhood I grew up in to teach the students who may need my method of teaching and guidance to inspire them to want better. I'm not afraid of the students in rough neighborhoods who may hurt me, but I am afraid for them if no one steps in to help them. To slight them just because of the neighborhood they live in is not a good idea. Not in the least.

2) My home state is Illinois and I must admit that when I was growing up in the school system there, the teachers were ALWAYS on strike. Claiming that they weren't treated fairly where wages were concerned. And I think, to this day they still ARE on the picket line... teaching but striking at the same time. lol And I'm 33 years old now. However I agree with you that the teachers who find themselves not working during the summer months should manage their money a whole lot better than they do. That way they wouldnt' need to find extra work to earn extra money. If they didn't live above and beyond their means, they wouldn't be striking in the first place... But that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 04:02:45 PM
"Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse. "

I don't think anyone here is saying that evil dosen't exist. But I'll tell you this much, if its all we concentrate on, how much evil is in the world, how can we affect any positive change in our society? Recognize that there is evil in every culture, but combat it with knowledge, education and care for those who aren't evil.

I have to question, though, that if people here say that they're not against blacks because their blacks/ or the black culture why was it that when I arrived here, I was attacked so harshly?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 04:06:49 PM
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   
Allen, wearing your JTF shirt with all that it means to be a JTF'er is no different than those ignorant black people who came dressed inappropriately to the job fair one of our posters responded about. They obviously wanted people to think that they were above reproach because of the nasty markings on their shirts, as you want people to cower and be afraid of you with what was on YOUR shirt. That's what I took from  your comment, "I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt."

By saying that the principal was a [censored] are you referring to a black person? And what exactly made them 'stupid as a box of rocks"?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 04:13:57 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.
Excellent post, Daniel!

Its all about being paid for what you do. Just like firefighters, police officers and other public servants want equal pay/treatment.

When I referred to those teachers who strike a lot to earn more money, I actually know of a couple of teachers I had who constantly spent money on things they didn't need. lol Not school-wise but they had to have the house with the $12,000 mortgage. They HAD to have the most expensive automobile...then they'd complain that they weren't getting paid enough. lol

These are times I'm glad I grew up in meager circumstances. I don't ask for much... I'll be happy to make what I'll make as a teacher... After all I wouldn't have signed up for the job specifically for the pay, but for the chance to make a difference.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 04:18:02 PM
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

Here's something which I posted on another thread. Please don't feel "burned" by it, Imerica. ;D

After visiting Africa and seeing at first hand its wretchedness and violence, Muhammed Ali, a.k.a. Cassius Clay, expressed his gratitude that "my great granddaddy caught that ship."


But you don't have to visit Africa. Just watch Blood Diamond, The Last King of Scotland and G-d Sleeps in Rwanda, all excellent movies. Despite a whiff of political correctness, Blood Diamond is particularly good.

CNN recently reported on religious fanatic hophead cannibal girl child soldiers fighting and f***ing for the so-called Army of G-d in Uganda.

And they're the ones on our side! ;D
  FYI, I've seen The Last King of Scotland... Amin was an evil man who deserved much worse than his death. And though I haven't seen "Sleeps in Rwanda" I have seen "Hotel Rwanda". But what I'd like to say to you is that you shouldn't assume that everyone in Africa is a cannibal. That's terribly inacurate. And the 'fighting and f***ing for the army of G_d Uganda' are you speaking are you speaking of rapes? If so, how are they on YOUR side?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 04:23:01 PM
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

And about this quote ^^  How exactly was slavery the best thing that's ever happened to blacks in the history of our race? Will you ellaborate, because I find that disturbing. Perhaps if Africans came here of their own free will all those years ago and there was no such thing as slavery, racism, or hatred, we'd have assimilated into the perfect society. However because of the slave trade, not only were the freedoms of those blacks put on auction, along with their bodies and pride, but their entire being was sold. Because of slavery, no matter how much we strive to be a great race (those who are trying) we'll always be thought of as monkeys, coons and the like.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 10:42:30 PM
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

And about this quote ^^  How exactly was slavery the best thing that's ever happened to blacks in the history of our race? Will you ellaborate, because I find that disturbing. Perhaps if Africans came here of their own free will all those years ago and there was no such thing as slavery, racism, or hatred, we'd have assimilated into the perfect society. However because of the slave trade, not only were the freedoms of those blacks put on auction, along with their bodies and pride, but their entire being was sold. Because of slavery, no matter how much we strive to be a great race (those who are trying) we'll always be thought of as monkeys, coons and the like.

Are you not going to answer, Dissenter?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 10:51:59 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefited from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: genteelgentile on June 02, 2007, 10:52:35 PM
Not enough people try...
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 10:57:58 PM
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

And about this quote ^^  How exactly was slavery the best thing that's ever happened to blacks in the history of our race? Will you ellaborate, because I find that disturbing. Perhaps if Africans came here of their own free will all those years ago and there was no such thing as slavery, racism, or hatred, we'd have assimilated into the perfect society. However because of the slave trade, not only were the freedoms of those blacks put on auction, along with their bodies and pride, but their entire being was sold. Because of slavery, no matter how much we strive to be a great race (those who are trying) we'll always be thought of as monkeys, coons and the like.

Are you not going to answer, Dissenter?

Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefited from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:00:00 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 11:08:59 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:17:42 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..
Excuse me but what I'm saying is that since the boat was there...why didn't they run to it and volunteer their services to the white man rather than be put into cages like lions and chained together.

Second, what? I've actually had it said to me once that I should be grateful to the white man for my freedom and that slavery was enacted because now I'm a free woman. I see nothing at all encouraging about that argument. I don't know what its like to live in West Africa.  Who knows what West Africa would be like if it hadn't been invaded by slave ships back in the 1500's. Who knows? For all we know, because of the slave trade, the quality of life went down there in Africa.

For the record though, I would have been  happy to live anywhere where my children weren't stripped from me, or my husband separated from me so that I could pick cotton for some lazy plantation owner. I'll offer this also. Slave women were raped a lot... I was raped also, not by a white man but I suffered the same mental distress. So in retrospect, freedom from slavery and the civil rights movement benefitted blacks. Slavery in itself saved us from nothing.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:20:10 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..
And for the last statement ^^^ my question was whether it was okay for someone to come to you and say " You Jews should be happy that the holocaust even happened! " ?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 11:26:03 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..
Excuse me but what I'm saying is that since the boat was there...why didn't they run to it and volunteer their services to the white man rather than be put into cages like lions and chained together.

Second, what? I've actually had it said to me once that I should be grateful to the white man for my freedom and that slavery was enacted because now I'm a free woman. I see nothing at all encouraging about that argument. I don't know what its like to live in West Africa.  Who knows what West Africa would be like if it hadn't been invaded by slave ships back in the 1500's. Who knows? For all we know, because of the slave trade, the quality of life went down there in Africa.

For the record though, I would have been  happy to live anywhere where my children weren't stripped from me, or my husband separated from me so that I could pick cotton for some lazy plantation owner. I'll offer this also. Slave women were raped a lot... I was raped also, not by a white man but I suffered the same mental distress. So in retrospect, freedom from slavery and the civil rights movement benefitted blacks. Slavery in itself saved us from nothing.

Again I agree, FOR YOUR ANCESTORS, slavery was a tragedy, but not for you. Due to slavery you are now living in a higher quality of life than you wouyld have in Africa.

Let's face facts Imerica, the quality of life in West Africa was dismal compared to Europe BEFORE THE SLAVE TRADE as well as AFTER The SLAVE TRADE. So you can't say that slavery prevented the Africans from being advanced.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 11:30:18 PM
You're right the jews shouldn't be happy about the Holocaust, just as you should not be happy about your ancestor's suffering. But more AfroAmericans should realize that they did increase their standard of living by coming here and stop acting as if they are suffering just as badly as their ancestors did.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:30:52 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..
Excuse me but what I'm saying is that since the boat was there...why didn't they run to it and volunteer their services to the white man rather than be put into cages like lions and chained together.

Second, what? I've actually had it said to me once that I should be grateful to the white man for my freedom and that slavery was enacted because now I'm a free woman. I see nothing at all encouraging about that argument. I don't know what its like to live in West Africa.  Who knows what West Africa would be like if it hadn't been invaded by slave ships back in the 1500's. Who knows? For all we know, because of the slave trade, the quality of life went down there in Africa.

For the record though, I would have been  happy to live anywhere where my children weren't stripped from me, or my husband separated from me so that I could pick cotton for some lazy plantation owner. I'll offer this also. Slave women were raped a lot... I was raped also, not by a white man but I suffered the same mental distress. So in retrospect, freedom from slavery and the civil rights movement benefitted blacks. Slavery in itself saved us from nothing.

Again I agree, FOR YOUR ANCESTORS, slavery was a tragedy, but not for you. Due to slavery you are now living in a higher quality of life than you wouyld have in Africa.

Let's face facts Imerica, the quality of life in West Africa was dismal compared to Europe BEFORE THE SLAVE TRADE as well as AFTER The SLAVE TRADE. So you can't say that slavery prevented the Africans from being advanced.
And I'll offer the same argument, if West Africa was so terrible why didn't the slaves run towards the ships? Why did they need to be taken like they were? Also, NO slavery didn't benefit me at all... the freedom from slavery and the civil rights movement DID! I was born free. If slavery was still on, I'd be in bondage with the rest of the blacks in bondage. Because they were freed, 400 years after the fact (wow ::) took long enough) I was born free.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:32:38 PM
You're right the jews shouldn't be happy about the Holocaust, just as you should not be happy about your ancestor's suffering. But more AfroAmericans should realize that they did increase their standard of living by coming here and stop acting as if they are suffering just as badly as their ancestors did.
I agree that the slave mentality needs to stop and has needed to be stopped a long time ago... people who were born free shouldn't act like they're still in chains.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ItalianZionist on June 02, 2007, 11:35:07 PM
take care Im... great chatting w/ you.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:39:55 PM
take care Im... great chatting w/ you.
You also.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on June 03, 2007, 01:37:46 AM
Are you not going to answer, Dissenter?

I will in a day or two. It's a very big subject and right now I'm busy with some other things, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

By the way, I agree with you about those KFC pictures, and the "ask the ape" business. As I've said before, I feel embarrassed for our organization when I see such things, and I wish that we wouldn't attract them or permit them.

As I've said before, the plain truth, like my recent statement, is plenty strong enough. The rest makes us look vulgar and foolish, and it makes you look good.

Which is something we simply can't allow. ;D
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 01:39:23 AM
Are you not going to answer, Dissenter?

I will in a day or two. It's a very big subject and right now I'm busy with some other things, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

By the way, I agree with you about those KFC pictures, and the "ask the ape" business. As I've said before, I feel embarrassed for our organization when I see such things, and I wish that we wouldn't attract them or permit them.

As I've said before, the plain truth, like my recent statement, is plenty strong enough. The rest makes us look vulgar and foolish, and it makes you look good.

Which is something we simply can't allow. ;D

((Snaps finger)) Damn. Oh well. LOL
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 05:55:46 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Daniel I only hope you don't teach  history. What type of revisionist cr-p are you trying to get us to believe here Whites imported African slaves because they didn't know how to harvest crops well. Are you serious. Whites imported blacks for one reason and one reason only they wanted people with strong backs and week minds to work the fields. They were the farm equipment of the day so to speak. Plantation owners needed cheap labor to pick their vegetables just like todays farmers. I call what the government is allowing today with the open borders policy legalized slavery just as it was back then. If  Africans back in the day were able to walk to the southern plantations like the Mexicans do today they would have come in the same number on their own. They would have been called undocumented workers instead of slaves. There would have been no need to put them in bondage to get them here.
There is one thing I hate more than a Liberal it is a Liberal who spouts revisionism. If a Liberal can prove his point to me using historical accounts that existed before the PC altering of  history books thats gone on in the past 25 years I will concede the point. But posting something like that and expecting me and other people to believe a statement like that is comical. Why do you Liberals feel that you have to give blacks and other minorities a made up history and not just let them have the documented history they have.
Blacks in Africa were hunters and gatherers they didn't farm they didn't have plantations. What would they have known about harvesting crops. I would like to see some documentation of the great cotton or tobacco plantations they had back on the old sod that gave them all this knowledge. When plantation owners bought a slave years ago it was just like a farmer going to the John Deer dealer today and buying a combine. Slavery was legal slave owners didn't know that 200 years or so in the future they would be looked on with such disdain. They were buying a slave to work the fields and do as directed not as a agricultural adviser.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 06:08:13 AM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Daniel I only hope you don't teach  history. What type of revisionist cr-p are you trying to get us to believe here Whites imported African slaves because they didn't know how to harvest crops well. Are you serious. Whites imported blacks for one reason and one reason only they wanted people with strong backs and week minds to work the fields. They were the farm equipment of the day so to speak. Plantation owners needed cheap labor to pick their vegetables just like todays farmers. I call what the government is allowing today with the open borders policy legalized slavery just as it was back then. If  Africans back in the day were able to walk to the southern plantations like the Mexicans do today they would have come in the same number on their own. They would have been called undocumented workers instead of slaves. There would have been no need to put them in bondage to get them here.
There is one thing I hate more than a Liberal it is a Liberal who spouts revisionism. If a Liberal can prove his point to me using historical accounts that existed before the PC altering of  history books thats gone on in the past 25 years I will concede the point. But posting something like that and expecting me and other people to believe a statement like that is comical. Why do you Liberals feel that you have to give blacks and other minorities a made up history and not just let them have the documented history they have.
Blacks in Africa were hunters and gatherers they didn't farm they didn't have plantations. What would they have known about harvesting crops. I would like to see some documentation of the great cotton or tobacco plantations they had back on the old sod that gave them all this knowledge. When plantation owners bought a slave years ago it was just like a farmer going to the John Deer dealer today and buying a combine. Slavery was legal slave owners didn't know that 200 years or so in the future they would be looked on with such disdain. They were buying a slave to work the fields and do as directed not as a agricultural adviser.

We should have picked our own damn cotton.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 06:15:31 AM
Exactly!! And now we are going down the same road with the Mexicans. What is that saying.  People who don't know history will repeat the same mistakes of the past.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 01:41:10 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..

If we didn't have the Holocaust, we might not have the state of Israel today. Does that mean we should be grateful for the Holocaust?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 01:48:50 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Daniel I only hope you don't teach  history. What type of revisionist cr-p are you trying to get us to believe here Whites imported African slaves because they didn't know how to harvest crops well. Are you serious. Whites imported blacks for one reason and one reason only they wanted people with strong backs and week minds to work the fields. They were the farm equipment of the day so to speak. Plantation owners needed cheap labor to pick their vegetables just like todays farmers. I call what the government is allowing today with the open borders policy legalized slavery just as it was back then. If  Africans back in the day were able to walk to the southern plantations like the Mexicans do today they would have come in the same number on their own. They would have been called undocumented workers instead of slaves. There would have been no need to put them in bondage to get them here.
There is one thing I hate more than a Liberal it is a Liberal who spouts revisionism. If a Liberal can prove his point to me using historical accounts that existed before the PC altering of  history books thats gone on in the past 25 years I will concede the point. But posting something like that and expecting me and other people to believe a statement like that is comical. Why do you Liberals feel that you have to give blacks and other minorities a made up history and not just let them have the documented history they have.
Blacks in Africa were hunters and gatherers they didn't farm they didn't have plantations. What would they have known about harvesting crops. I would like to see some documentation of the great cotton or tobacco plantations they had back on the old sod that gave them all this knowledge. When plantation owners bought a slave years ago it was just like a farmer going to the John Deer dealer today and buying a combine. Slavery was legal slave owners didn't know that 200 years or so in the future they would be looked on with such disdain. They were buying a slave to work the fields and do as directed not as a agricultural adviser.

Oh my! The whites kidnapped the blacks as slaves because they wanted, "strong backs and weak minds"??? Wow! I'm no history teacher (I'm a speech-language teacher), the more liberal teachers are the ones that teach Social Studies. But I dare you to walk into a classroom and teach slavery with this account, stong backs and week minds and that they were the equivelent of lawn tractors. If that is in fact true, that's a very sick mentality that the White man had back then!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 01:59:03 PM
The whites didn't kidnap the blacks, they bought themfrom other blacks. In many ways it was an extension of what we see today in the moving of jobs (factories, call centres etc) to india and other such places, it was the ultimate in cheap labour. (note, I am opposed to cheap labour of any form)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 02:01:09 PM
The whites didn't kidnap the blacks, they bought themfrom other blacks. In many ways it was an extension of what we see today in the moving of jobs (factories, call centres etc) to india and other such places, it was the ultimate in cheap labour. (note, I am opposed to cheap labour of any form)

Um, I don't think we can equate the slave trade with outsourcing labor.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 02:03:59 PM
The premise behind them is the same. They are both evil, and both similar in many ways.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 02:17:57 PM
The premise behind them is the same. They are both evil, and both similar in many ways.

Yes, that's true they're both evil, but that's like comparing comparing the evilness of Hitler to the evilness of Gargamel. There's no way we can compare the outsourcing of jobs to be nearly the same extent of evilness as the slave trade. The slaves and their labor wasn't outsourced. They were captured and forced here against their will. There's a very big difference between slave labor and the slave trade!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 02:21:39 PM
I know there is a difference, but the premise is the same.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 02:31:20 PM
I know there is a difference, but the premise is the same.

I disagree with that, but we'll just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 02:34:26 PM
Tell me, what is the premise of outsourcing labour? And what is the premise of slavery?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 02:44:35 PM
Slavery was definitely an injustice to your ANCESTORS not the present blacks. Would you  rather live in a third world country in Africa where the standard of living is dismal. Had your ancestors never come here, you would never be using a cell phone, driving a car and eating 3 square meals a day. The slaves were taken from West Africa, which is a dreadful place to live compared to where you live now. So you have benefitted from slavery, although unfortunately your ancestors did suffer.
Damn... I didn't say it was to us now... but come on, would you be happy if someone said something as equally insulting to you about the holocaust? I've heard from Chaim that he blames those who were killed in the holocaust for "not fighting hard enough" against it. Would you be happy if I came along and said... "OH, the holocaust was THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEND TO YOUR PEOPLE." ? I'm sure you'd just assume spit in my face for saying some dumb crap like that.  

Those slaves were taken from West Africa, true... but if it was such a terrible place to live, why didn't the prospective laborers voluntarily leave Africa for a new and WONDERFUL life in the New World? Why did they have to be chained up, auctioned off, separated from their children and families, raped, beaten, slaughtered, burned . And then hanged for wanting to be free from bondage? Yes, they toiled, escaped and some educated themselves so that the future blacks wouldn't have to but it doesn't take away from the fact that slavery in any capacity was horrific.

Let's get real Imerica. These people from West Africa didn't even know how to build a ship. How were they going to come to the New World? They prefered to stay in AFrica..That's understandable. It was their home and of course they did not want to be slaves..BUT YOU and the present blacks have benefited from this by living in the US TODAY. Had it not been for slavery you would most likely live in West Africa today. Would you prefer that?

Also the standard of living of the Jews' descendents did not increase due to the Holocaust..

If we didn't have the Holocaust, we might not have the state of Israel today. Does that mean we should be grateful for the Holocaust?
That was the same question I asked! lol
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 02:47:18 PM
The whites didn't kidnap the blacks, they bought themfrom other blacks. In many ways it was an extension of what we see today in the moving of jobs (factories, call centres etc) to india and other such places, it was the ultimate in cheap labour. (note, I am opposed to cheap labour of any form)
OMG. Are you saying that the way that slaves were aquired wasn't THAT bad? Again, OMG!!! :o YES, they were bought from other blacks, but did they have to be carried away in huge cages while chained together? What was the purpose of them separating the families...even the babies from the moms? Oh, wait... the babes would have gotten in the way of 'progress'. Whatever.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 02:49:16 PM
The whites didn't kidnap the blacks, they bought themfrom other blacks. In many ways it was an extension of what we see today in the moving of jobs (factories, call centres etc) to india and other such places, it was the ultimate in cheap labour. (note, I am opposed to cheap labour of any form)
OMG. Are you saying that the way that slaves were aquired wasn't THAT bad? Again, OMG!!! :o YES, they were bought from other blacks, but did they have to be carried away in huge cages while chained together? What was the purpose of them separating the families...even the babies from the moms? Oh, wait... the babes would have gotten in the way of 'progress'. Whatever.

Yeah! The babies being separated from their moms was the best thing to ever happen to them and they should feel extremely thankful for this!  ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 02:50:12 PM
Tell me, what is the premise of outsourcing labour? And what is the premise of slavery?
The premise of slavery is for the master not to exert any kind of work ethic for himself. Slavery came about because of the white man's (of that day) laziness. I equate that with people who buy acres of property now, and instead of tending to the land themselves, they hire non-registered Mexicans to do their job for them...only THANK GOD! They don't have to be beaten for the peanuts they earn.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 03, 2007, 02:54:05 PM
Imerica, Black on Black slavery exists to this day, and Black on Black slavery is far worse for the slaves then Black slaves owned by whites. For example the Ashanti, Ghana and Mali, all killed adult male slaves as they were considered too dangerous to keep.

I dont believe in slavery, and I think it was a terrible crime. But there isnt some sort of guilt on white people because there anscestors owned slaves, especially considering it was other blacks and Arabs who ran the slave trade, and Whites(the British) who tried to destroy the slave trade.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 02:54:57 PM
So let me get this straight guys, it's not fair to compare the slave trade to the Holocaust but it is fair to to compare the slave trade to outsourcing labor. Call me a liberal, but this type of concept just blows my mind!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 03:04:54 PM
Imerica, Black on Black slavery exists to this day, and Black on Black slavery is far worse for the slaves then Black slaves owned by whites. For example the Ashanti, Ghana and Mali, all killed adult male slaves as they were considered too dangerous to keep.

I dont believe in slavery, and I think it was a terrible crime. But there isnt some sort of guilt on white people because there anscestors owned slaves, especially considering it was other blacks and Arabs who ran the slave trade, and Whites(the British) who tried to destroy the slave trade.
Quit trying to make it seem as though I don't know that slavery exists. And stop making it seem as though I've only blamed the white man for the aquiring of slaves. I KNOW blacks sold their own people I'm not stupid. I don't think anyone who isn't a racist or had anything to do with the slave trade should feel guilty about anything. But understand, the slave trade, once it reached America, was controlled by white people. Not the blacks in Africa. They did their 'deed ::) ' and got paid for it.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 03:16:16 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Daniel I only hope you don't teach  history. What type of revisionist cr-p are you trying to get us to believe here Whites imported African slaves because they didn't know how to harvest crops well. Are you serious. Whites imported blacks for one reason and one reason only they wanted people with strong backs and week minds to work the fields. They were the farm equipment of the day so to speak. Plantation owners needed cheap labor to pick their vegetables just like todays farmers. I call what the government is allowing today with the open borders policy legalized slavery just as it was back then. If  Africans back in the day were able to walk to the southern plantations like the Mexicans do today they would have come in the same number on their own. They would have been called undocumented workers instead of slaves. There would have been no need to put them in bondage to get them here.
There is one thing I hate more than a Liberal it is a Liberal who spouts revisionism. If a Liberal can prove his point to me using historical accounts that existed before the PC altering of  history books thats gone on in the past 25 years I will concede the point. But posting something like that and expecting me and other people to believe a statement like that is comical. Why do you Liberals feel that you have to give blacks and other minorities a made up history and not just let them have the documented history they have.
Blacks in Africa were hunters and gatherers they didn't farm they didn't have plantations. What would they have known about harvesting crops. I would like to see some documentation of the great cotton or tobacco plantations they had back on the old sod that gave them all this knowledge. When plantation owners bought a slave years ago it was just like a farmer going to the John Deer dealer today and buying a combine. Slavery was legal slave owners didn't know that 200 years or so in the future they would be looked on with such disdain. They were buying a slave to work the fields and do as directed not as a agricultural adviser.

Oh my! The whites kidnapped the blacks as slaves because they wanted, "strong backs and weak minds"??? Wow! I'm no history teacher (I'm a speech-language teacher), the more liberal teachers are the ones that teach Social Studies. But I dare you to walk into a classroom and teach slavery with this account, stong backs and week minds and that they were the equivelent of lawn tractors. If that is in fact true, that's a very sick mentality that the White man had back then!
Oh My what? Who said anything about whites kidnapping anyone. You make off the wall statements that no one says. Also you really need to read a history book or two before you make statements as you do on historical facts. Blacks were taken into bondage by their black brothers. Do you really believe that white slave traders were going into Africa and taking people from their homes? Blacks were taken by other blacks and sold to the slave traders at ports that were set up for this sort of commerce. So in a matter of speaking the first slavers were the blacks themselves. If I walked into a classroom and was to give a class on that subject matter I would be doing Black children a service because they would be getting the truth and not the pack of made up lies that Liberals like to feed Black children. I would explain to them that it hard to understand things today as they were back then but this is the real deal and this is the way things were done back then. Why cant Black children except the fact that the first people that took their ancestors from their homes was another black, why can't they be told that plantation owners wanted them for their labor and not their minds and yes they were equivalent to a lawn tractor to some plantation owners, why can't Black children be told that prior to the civil war it was legal and acceptable by the standards of the time to own slaves although many plantation owners kept them reluctantly. Instead Liberal educators fill the poor kids minds with fairy tails and make them hate white folks even more because they are smart enough to know the are being fed a crock of [censored]. Educators should tell Black children to work hard and succeed and build a real history not some made up garbage. Finally the white man didn't have a sick mentality back then they were doing what was accepted in the 17 & 1800s. This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 03:18:37 PM
The whites didn't kidnap the blacks, they bought themfrom other blacks. In many ways it was an extension of what we see today in the moving of jobs (factories, call centres etc) to india and other such places, it was the ultimate in cheap labour. (note, I am opposed to cheap labour of any form)
OMG. Are you saying that the way that slaves were aquired wasn't THAT bad? Again, OMG!!! :o YES, they were bought from other blacks, but did they have to be carried away in huge cages while chained together? What was the purpose of them separating the families...even the babies from the moms? Oh, wait... the babes would have gotten in the way of 'progress'. Whatever.
I don't quite get you sometimes, you read things into what I've written that just aren't there, I've said repeatedly that slavery was and is a terrible evil, I was just correcting someone who had said that the whites kidnapped the blacks, which just isn't true, they bought them from other blacks who had done the kidnapping.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 03:22:04 PM
So let me get this straight guys, it's not fair to compare the slave trade to the Holocaust but it is fair to to compare the slave trade to outsourcing labor. Call me a liberal, but this type of concept just blows my mind!
What exactly does the Holocaust have to do with slavery? Now you are really getting in deep here.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 03:23:26 PM
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.

What's interesting is that the main reason why the whites imported the the Africans as slaves is because the white Americans didn't know how to harvest their crops well enough and they needed the Africans who knew much better how to harvest the crops. Ah, but Chaim and everyone else would never admit or even recognize this now, would they? That would completely contradict the presumption that the black slaves were lazy! Oh no! The world would might stop spinning and the universe would explode!

Hey, Erica, while we're at it, the only challenge I give to you is to come back to the Ask JTF forum and continue asking and challenging Chaim. We certainly could use the variety of opinions and the challenging debates! :) Oh, and if you really wanted to be smart alecky, you could add it a little "mmm hmmm" as well  ;)

But all kidding aside, have the rest of you noticed how Erica never said "mmm hmmm" or used any other type of language that even remotely resembles Ebonics?
Daniel I only hope you don't teach  history. What type of revisionist cr-p are you trying to get us to believe here Whites imported African slaves because they didn't know how to harvest crops well. Are you serious. Whites imported blacks for one reason and one reason only they wanted people with strong backs and week minds to work the fields. They were the farm equipment of the day so to speak. Plantation owners needed cheap labor to pick their vegetables just like todays farmers. I call what the government is allowing today with the open borders policy legalized slavery just as it was back then. If  Africans back in the day were able to walk to the southern plantations like the Mexicans do today they would have come in the same number on their own. They would have been called undocumented workers instead of slaves. There would have been no need to put them in bondage to get them here.
There is one thing I hate more than a Liberal it is a Liberal who spouts revisionism. If a Liberal can prove his point to me using historical accounts that existed before the PC altering of  history books thats gone on in the past 25 years I will concede the point. But posting something like that and expecting me and other people to believe a statement like that is comical. Why do you Liberals feel that you have to give blacks and other minorities a made up history and not just let them have the documented history they have.
Blacks in Africa were hunters and gatherers they didn't farm they didn't have plantations. What would they have known about harvesting crops. I would like to see some documentation of the great cotton or tobacco plantations they had back on the old sod that gave them all this knowledge. When plantation owners bought a slave years ago it was just like a farmer going to the John Deer dealer today and buying a combine. Slavery was legal slave owners didn't know that 200 years or so in the future they would be looked on with such disdain. They were buying a slave to work the fields and do as directed not as a agricultural adviser.

Oh my! The whites kidnapped the blacks as slaves because they wanted, "strong backs and weak minds"??? Wow! I'm no history teacher (I'm a speech-language teacher), the more liberal teachers are the ones that teach Social Studies. But I dare you to walk into a classroom and teach slavery with this account, stong backs and week minds and that they were the equivelent of lawn tractors. If that is in fact true, that's a very sick mentality that the White man had back then!
Oh My what? Who said anything about whites kidnapping anyone. You make off the wall statements that no one says. Also you really need to read a history book or two before you make statements as you do on historical facts. Blacks were taken into bondage by their black brothers. Do you really believe that white slave traders were going into Africa and taking people from their homes? Blacks were taken by other blacks and sold to the slave traders at ports that were set up for this sort of commerce. So in a matter of speaking the first slavers were the blacks themselves. If I walked into a classroom and was to give a class on that subject matter I would be doing Black children a service because they would be getting the truth and not the pack of made up lies that Liberals like to feed Black children. I would explain to them that it hard to understand things today as they were back then but this is the real deal and this is the way things were done back then. Why cant Black children except the fact that the first people that took their ancestors from their homes was another black, why can't they be told that plantation owners wanted them for their labor and not their minds and yes they were equivalent to a lawn tractor to some plantation owners, why can't Black children be told that prior to the civil war it was legal and acceptable by the standards of the time to own slaves although many plantation owners kept them reluctantly. Instead Liberal educators fill the poor kids minds with fairy tails and make them hate white folks even more because they are smart enough to know the are being fed a crock of [censored]. Educators should tell Black children to work hard and succeed and build a real history not some made up garbage. Finally the white man didn't have a sick mentality back then they were doing what was accepted in the 17 & 1800s. This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then.
AGAIN NO ONE IS DENYING THAT BLACKS WERE SELLING OTHER BLACKS TO THE WHITE MAN!!!! But you are making it seem like it was alright for them to take them away from their land in chains and cages, pack them into boats like sardines (something that the blacks didn't particpate in. ) Rape the women, separate the families...especially innocent newborns from their mothers. You make it seem like it was something that people RIGHT NOW should say "Wow, thank GOD that they took us away to treat us worse!" Whatever.

And the black youth of today DO need to learn the truth..that blacks did sell other blacks into slavery but they also need to know what happened during the trip to America and what happened once they arrived to America. If you want to tell the truth...tell the entire truth. Not the truth as YOU want to see it.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 03:24:38 PM
I agree with everything that you say in you're most recent post, Imerica.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 03:30:25 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 03:43:29 PM
Imerica, I don't care if they give a blow by blow description of how slaves were treated when they were bought here as long as it is a factual account that is truthful. I think of slavery as an evil thing and I honestly wish that it never took place for anyone. All I want is the real facts good or bad. This said I have no guilt about slavery since my family came to this country after the civil war and had nothing in the least to gain or loose by slavery. When my great grandfather came to this country he worked just like a slave to make his way and back then their wasn't social programs to see that you had a place to sleep and a roof over your head. I may sound cold but revisionism is a thing that irritates me to no end. It serves no one well.   
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 03:58:15 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
The truth is that the white plantation owners were too lazy to farm for themselves. I liken it to people who live beyond their means then find cheap labor to do their dirty work for them. The unvarnished truth is that the slaves didn't ask to come to America. They didn't ask to be sold by their own people to people who would separate their families, beat them, rape the women, hang and burn them. The unvarnished truth is that there were people against slavery (otherwise there wouldn't have been any free states in America) but it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished.

And I don't remember who said this but "This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then. "... that's a crazed statement right there. If I'd told you that rape should be acceptable because it happens, what would you say, cjd?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 04:06:22 PM
Imerica, I don't care if they give a blow by blow description of how slaves were treated when they were bought here as long as it is a factual account that is truthful. I think of slavery as an evil thing and I honestly wish that it never took place for anyone. All I want is the real facts good or bad. This said I have no guilt about slavery since my family came to this country after the civil war and had nothing in the least to gain or loose by slavery. When my great grandfather came to this country he worked just like a slave to make his way and back then their wasn't social programs to see that you had a place to sleep and a roof over your head. I may sound cold but revisionism is a thing that irritates me to no end. It serves no one well.   
Why are you lamenting to me that you have no guilt about slavery? No one thinks that you should feel any guilt. That's not your problem...just like the problems in the black community aren't my problems. The facts I mentioned though aren't watered-down versions of the truth but real facts. Social change is still on the rise though. Back when your grandfather came to this country, there was need for the programs but they didn't exist because no one was thinking on that front at that time. The programs came about because the evolution of ideas for social change. Back when those programs were a hand up not a hand-out.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 03, 2007, 04:09:05 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
The truth is that the white plantation owners were too lazy to farm for themselves. I liken it to people who live beyond their means then find cheap labor to do their dirty work for them. The unvarnished truth is that the slaves didn't ask to come to America. They didn't ask to be sold by their own people to people who would separate their families, beat them, rape the women, hang and burn them. The unvarnished truth is that there were people against slavery (otherwise there wouldn't have been any free states in America) but it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished.

And I don't remember who said this but "This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then. "... that's a crazed statement right there. If I'd told you that rape should be acceptable because it happens, what would you say, cjd?
Very few whites owned signifigant numbers of slaves, only the top three percent of Southern Farmers could afford to have a plantation run by slaves. Most farmers had to make do with paid labor and working themselves.

Violence against slaves was actually rare, provided they didnt run away. It may sound callous but hurting your slave would be like taking a sledgehammer to your tractor, you would be hurting the very source of your livelihood.

And you should know that though the vast majority of black slaves that were sent out of Africa went to the Arab world their are very few blacks in the Arabs world. why? Because Muslims castrate their male slaves, something Whites never did.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 04:11:54 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
The truth is that the white plantation owners were too lazy to farm for themselves. I liken it to people who live beyond their means then find cheap labor to do their dirty work for them. The unvarnished truth is that the slaves didn't ask to come to America. They didn't ask to be sold by their own people to people who would separate their families, beat them, rape the women, hang and burn them. The unvarnished truth is that there were people against slavery (otherwise there wouldn't have been any free states in America) but it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished.

And I don't remember who said this but "This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then. "... that's a crazed statement right there. If I'd told you that rape should be acceptable because it happens, what would you say, cjd?
Very few whites owned signifigant numbers of slaves, only the top three percent of Southern Farmers could afford to have a plantation run by slaves. Most farmers had to make do with paid labor and working themselves.

Violence against slaves was actually rare, provided they didnt run away. It may sound callous but hurting your slave would be like taking a sledgehammer to your tractor, you would be hurting the very source of your livelihood.

And you should know that though the vast majority of black slaves that were sent out of Africa went to the Arab world their are very few blacks in the Arabs world. why? Because Muslims castrate their male slaves, something Whites never did.
I did mention that there were free states. I'm not saying that every white person owned slaves. I'm putting the blame where it belongs.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 04:13:57 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
And obviously the slaves didn't teach them anything. They weren't kidnapped to America to be forced to teach the white man how to do anything. They were forced to do HIS job while he sat on his duff and cracked the whip. How enterprising of them...(those who did partipate in the owning of slaves.)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Bannedfan on June 03, 2007, 04:17:00 PM
Erica, nobody here DEFENDS slavery. It was not nice, but do you honestly think white Southern farmers, particularly poor ones (who were the vast majority) were treated nicely either by those in power? And do you have any clue what the Irish went through? The Chinese? Or, most of all, the Native Americans?

The instances of abuse/torture/murder of slaves were really quite rare. Most white Southerners would have rather been castrated than miscegenate, for instance, using the allegation of rape. Certainly they were treated better than their fellow African and Muslim overlords ruled over them in their native land.

And no, they did not ask to come to America, but I know for a fact that they had infinitely better lives as slaves to white Southerners than as slaves to other Africans.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 03, 2007, 04:18:23 PM
So let me get this straight guys, it's not fair to compare the slave trade to the Holocaust but it is fair to to compare the slave trade to outsourcing labor. Call me a liberal, but this type of concept just blows my mind!

I didn't read the previous posts about slave trading = Shoah...but the slave trade does not equal the Shoah.

Africa, like Europe, has many nationalities.  So what nationalities in Africa was anyone trying to commit genocide at the time of the slave trade?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 04:27:46 PM
Erica, nobody here DEFENDS slavery. It was not nice, but do you honestly think white Southern farmers, particularly poor ones (who were the vast majority) were treated nicely either by those in power? And do you have any clue what the Irish went through? The Chinese? Or, most of all, the Native Americans?

The instances of abuse/torture/murder of slaves were really quite rare. Most white Southerners would have rather been castrated than miscegenate, for instance, using the allegation of rape. Certainly they were treated better than their fellow African and Muslim overlords ruled over them in their native land.

And no, they did not ask to come to America, but I know for a fact that they had infinitely better lives as slaves to white Southerners than as slaves to other Africans.
Oh, really? We weren't talking about the Irish or the Chinese. But since you brought it up...it was equally screwy for everyone who were enslaved. And the Native Americans were whiped out when Columbus showed up..then finished of when the British showed up and claimed the land.

And please don't minimize the suffering of black slaves. The were paid NOTHING for their work. And it wasn't until the 1800's that they started having to earn their freedom. I also want to offer that the result of the rapes by the masters were bi racial children back then. Black women have the right to choose who they want to be with now but back then they were raped all of the time because they were thought to be worthless, black, ugly whores. And with the number of slaves who didn't want to be there in the first place, there was insolence all over the place. Some who refused to be enslaved were beaten, hanged or burned. Those who ran away to be free were beaten, hanged or burned. So much for your theory that 'the instances of torture/rape/murder were quite rare'.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 04:29:59 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
The truth is that the white plantation owners were too lazy to farm for themselves. I liken it to people who live beyond their means then find cheap labor to do their dirty work for them. The unvarnished truth is that the slaves didn't ask to come to America. They didn't ask to be sold by their own people to people who would separate their families, beat them, rape the women, hang and burn them. The unvarnished truth is that there were people against slavery (otherwise there wouldn't have been any free states in America) but it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished.

And I don't remember who said this but "This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then. "... that's a crazed statement right there. If I'd told you that rape should be acceptable because it happens, what would you say, cjd?
Very few whites owned signifigant numbers of slaves, only the top three percent of Southern Farmers could afford to have a plantation run by slaves. Most farmers had to make do with paid labor and working themselves.

Violence against slaves was actually rare, provided they didnt run away. It may sound callous but hurting your slave would be like taking a sledgehammer to your tractor, you would be hurting the very source of your livelihood.

And you should know that though the vast majority of black slaves that were sent out of Africa went to the Arab world their are very few blacks in the Arabs world. why? Because Muslims castrate their male slaves, something Whites never did.
I did mention that there were free states. I'm not saying that every white person owned slaves. I'm putting the blame where it belongs.
I agree with some of what you say here but plantation owners weren't lazy they ran farms that needed armies of people to work they needed cheap labor.
I said that slavery was an accepted way of life back then. It wasn't against the law and it was an accepted way of life back then. I read accounts where the slave holders had a distaste for it but economics prevailed in most slave states till after the civil war.
Slavery is  not the same as rape it may be as evil or worse  but its was not against the law back then. Slaves were considered property of the slave holder and as such were subjected to the whims of their owners.  Rape is against the law in modern society.  Its comparing apples and oranges. Once again Imerica I have no love for the slave period that America went through I feel it left  a very bad scar on the country.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 04:43:36 PM
What is the truth that they were importing Black Geniuses to teach the stupid white man how to farm? By all means tell the unvarnished truth but don't give me and other people who know better revisionism.
The truth is that the white plantation owners were too lazy to farm for themselves. I liken it to people who live beyond their means then find cheap labor to do their dirty work for them. The unvarnished truth is that the slaves didn't ask to come to America. They didn't ask to be sold by their own people to people who would separate their families, beat them, rape the women, hang and burn them. The unvarnished truth is that there were people against slavery (otherwise there wouldn't have been any free states in America) but it took 400 years for slavery to be abolished.

And I don't remember who said this but "This all was an accepted way of life and the way things were done back then. "... that's a crazed statement right there. If I'd told you that rape should be acceptable because it happens, what would you say, cjd?
Very few whites owned signifigant numbers of slaves, only the top three percent of Southern Farmers could afford to have a plantation run by slaves. Most farmers had to make do with paid labor and working themselves.

Violence against slaves was actually rare, provided they didnt run away. It may sound callous but hurting your slave would be like taking a sledgehammer to your tractor, you would be hurting the very source of your livelihood.

And you should know that though the vast majority of black slaves that were sent out of Africa went to the Arab world their are very few blacks in the Arabs world. why? Because Muslims castrate their male slaves, something Whites never did.
I did mention that there were free states. I'm not saying that every white person owned slaves. I'm putting the blame where it belongs.
I agree with some of what you say here but plantation owners weren't lazy they ran farms that needed armies of people to work they needed cheap labor.
I said that slavery was an accepted way of life back then. It wasn't against the law and it was an accepted way of life back then. I read accounts where the slave holders had a distaste for it but economics prevailed in most slave states till after the civil war.
Slavery is  not the same as rape it may be as evil or worse  but its was not against the law back then. Slaves were considered property of the slave holder and as such were subjected to the whims of their owners.  Rape is against the law in modern society.  Its comparing apples and oranges. Once again Imerica I have no love for the slave period that America went through I feel it left  a very bad scar on the country.
The horrific fact is that slavery of any kind by anyone against anyone is evil. I wasn't likening slavery to rape but I was saying that in slavery against blacks, it was a common practice that masters were into. It dosen't mean that the person being raped was all for it jumping for joy that some sweaty person came after them in the night. That's just crazy.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 04:49:41 PM
It's total BS that slave owners raped the slave women. Do you know what the current statistic is for white men in jail in the US for raping black women? 0% which means literally less than 10 if any in the whole country. Of course the black geniuses will all say "well dat's because dey lets all da white rapists goes free" but we know better. Sure, some black slave women probably willingly had sex with the slave owners for preferential treatment, but this notion of white men raping these women is total BS and current stats prove this is a totally ridiculous concept to begin with, whitey raping THEM.    
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 04:51:43 PM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 04:59:50 PM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 05:03:27 PM
Imerica, I am commenting on what other people are saying here. If you address me personally I am deleting your posts as your answers to me are idiotic. You just talk over topics without reason.  
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 05:07:49 PM
Imerica, I am commenting on what other people are saying here. If you address me personally I am deleting your posts as your answers to me are idiotic. You just talk over topics without reason.  
I was the first person here to bring up the dispicable acts of slavery...Daniel followed. Delete my posts all you want.

But check out this website...

"During slavery, white men's rape of female slaves was explicitly legal. During colonialism, white men's rape of Native American women was rampant, and went unpunished by white law. Men's rape of their own wives was explicitly legal until the 1980s, and still remains legal in some circumstances".

It offers proof that there was rape during slavery times. My responses would only be idiotic if I added the "ummm-hmmm" crap you speak of in this site. I think my responses were well thought-out.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 05:13:03 PM
Imerica, I am commenting on what other people are saying here. If you address me personally I am deleting your posts as your answers to me are idiotic. You just talk over topics without reason.  
I was the first person here to bring up the dispicable acts of slavery...Daniel followed. Delete my posts all you want.

But check out this website...

It offers proof that there was rape during slavery times. My responses would only be idiotic if I added the "ummm-hmmm" crap you speak of in this site. I think my responses were well thought-out.

Thank you for proving my point, I should listen to Angela communist Davis for my historical information? Thank you. I think I will now go research history as recycled by Spike Lee. And anyone that would quote Angela Davis would certainly quote equally worthless trash.   
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Bannedfan on June 03, 2007, 05:33:50 PM
And please don't minimize the suffering of black slaves. The were paid NOTHING for their work.
I suspect nothing except room, board, and health care is what you meant to say.  ;)

they were raped all of the time because they were thought to be worthless, black, ugly whores.
And your evidence for this is... ?  ???

And with the number of slaves who didn't want to be there in the first place, there was insolence all over the place.
Do you think Chinese workers liked being enslaved on the railroads or poor NORTHERN (!) whites liked having their lungs slowly rot in the coal mines for incomes that today would be comparable to what child laborers earn in Bangladesh?

Some who refused to be enslaved were beaten, hanged or burned. Those who ran away to be free were beaten, hanged or burned.
Again, evidence?

So much for your theory that 'the instances of torture/rape/murder were quite rare'.
So much for what? So much for us ever having hopes of finding a black person who does not expect us to recoil, with jaws agape, at the unique and unmatched sufferings of other blacks? You are right, Erica. It was infinitely worse that slaves got whipped from time to time than that 6 1/2 million Jews got burned alive, gassed with insecticide, packed like sardines into boxcars filled with lime, etc. Making blacks work in the fields is much more evil than going through black villages, killing all the men and boys and raping all the women, like the Sudanese Arabs are doing right now. You've convinced me that blacks are the only race in the world capable of suffering and being oppressed.  ::)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 06:15:35 PM
And please don't minimize the suffering of black slaves. The were paid NOTHING for their work.
I suspect nothing except room, board, and health care is what you meant to say.  ;)

they were raped all of the time because they were thought to be worthless, black, ugly whores.
And your evidence for this is... ?  ???

And with the number of slaves who didn't want to be there in the first place, there was insolence all over the place.
Do you think Chinese workers liked being enslaved on the railroads or poor NORTHERN (!) whites liked having their lungs slowly rot in the coal mines for incomes that today would be comparable to what child laborers earn in Bangladesh?

Some who refused to be enslaved were beaten, hanged or burned. Those who ran away to be free were beaten, hanged or burned.
Again, evidence?

So much for your theory that 'the instances of torture/rape/murder were quite rare'.
So much for what? So much for us ever having hopes of finding a black person who does not expect us to recoil, with jaws agape, at the unique and unmatched sufferings of other blacks? You are right, Erica. It was infinitely worse that slaves got whipped from time to time than that 6 1/2 million Jews got burned alive, gassed with insecticide, packed like sardines into boxcars filled with lime, etc. Making blacks work in the fields is much more evil than going through black villages, killing all the men and boys and raping all the women, like the Sudanese Arabs are doing right now. You've convinced me that blacks are the only race in the world capable of suffering and being oppressed.  ::)
The slaves and Jews's suffering was the same. Horrific and terrible... AND needless.

I offered proof of rape in slavery times  in the article i posted. But treat it the way you want to though. At least I read what websites you all post.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 06:50:06 PM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.

Not only is this post extremely racist, it defies common sense. Rape has nothing to do with wealth, status, or attraction. It has to do with control, power, and violence. So your claim that a wealthy white man who can get an attractive white women would never rape an ugly black woman holds absolutely no water.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 06:58:36 PM
So let me get this straight guys, it's not fair to compare the slave trade to the Holocaust but it is fair to to compare the slave trade to outsourcing labor. Call me a liberal, but this type of concept just blows my mind!

I didn't read the previous posts about slave trading = Shoah...but the slave trade does not equal the Shoah.

Africa, like Europe, has many nationalities.  So what nationalities in Africa was anyone trying to commit genocide at the time of the slave trade?

The issue of nationalities isn't the critical issue here. The most critical issue is the total number of "humans" that were killed. I have a problem with some blacks who say, "Oh, why are you bitching about 6 million when 10 million were killed in the slave trade." I also have a problem with Jews who state, "Oh, the slave trade can't be compared to the holocaust. The blacks had it so much better in the slave trade than the Jews did in the holocaust and they weren't systematically slaughtered." This is not a contest about who suffered the worst. It's about realizing that both of us have suffered gross inequities and instead of trying to compete about who suffered worse and trying to scapegoat each other, we should be sypathizing and working together with each other.

Also, the point I was trying to make is that the Holocaust is much more comparible to the slave trade than trying to compare outsourcing labor to the slave trade which cannot be reasonably compared.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:01:44 PM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:04:24 PM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.
As I said  before how does one thing have anything to do with the other.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:08:23 PM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.
As I said  before how does one thing have anything to do with the other.

They were both dispicable human events which caused massive amounts of suffering and loss of life. If you don't want to see any similarities between the two, then that's your right. But the point I was trying to make was to ftf who was arguing that slavery is comparible to outsourcing of labor to which I was responding that slavery is more comparible to the holocaust than it is to outsourcing of labor.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 07:11:50 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:12:38 PM
Although repugnant to us slavery was acceptable and legal in its day. The attempted extermination of an entire people was not in 1940.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:14:42 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.
Stick to your guns you were correct in what you said.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:16:16 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.

I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. I'm just stating that the consequences of the two are drastically different. That's all.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 07:23:46 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.
Stick to your guns you were correct in what you said.
THis is what I said, if it were interpreted to mean anything different that was not my intention.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:37:38 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.
Stick to your guns you were correct in what you said.
THis is what I said, if it were interpreted to mean anything different that was not my intention.
That was the impression I got from it when you said it the first time. You said nothing wrong. Do you honestly think that the people are working under ideal conditions in China and in some of the other backwater places they outsource work to. Its slavery just the same it may not have all the humanitarian abuses they had 200 years ago but its still borderline slavery.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:38:07 PM
How did this whole debate get started anyway? I think it was when a couple of you made remarks to Erica that she should be thankful for the slave trade and that it was the greatest thing to happened for American Blacks. I at lesat hope most of us can reach a consensus that that is preposterous.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:39:53 PM
I wasn't saying it was on the same level as outsourcing of labour, I just said it was based on the same idea, making more money with less effort.
Stick to your guns you were correct in what you said.
THis is what I said, if it were interpreted to mean anything different that was not my intention.
That was the impression I got from it when you said it the first time. You said nothing wrong. Do you honestly think that the people are working under ideal conditions in China and in some of the other backwater places they outsource work to. Its slavery just the same it may not have all the humanitarian abuses they had 200 years ago but its still borderline slavery.

That is true. I guess the point I was trying to make about the black slave trade is that millions of people ended up dying. That's how it's similar to the holocaust in some respects. But I understand that you disagree with this analysis.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:40:42 PM
How did this whole debate get started anyway? I think it was when a couple of you made remarks to Erica that she should be thankful for the slave trade and that it was the greatest thing to happened for American Blacks. I at lesat hope most of us can reach a consensus that that is preposterous.
No I got on board when you made some revisionist remarks that I could just not accept.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:43:01 PM
How did this whole debate get started anyway? I think it was when a couple of you made remarks to Erica that she should be thankful for the slave trade and that it was the greatest thing to happened for American Blacks. I at lesat hope most of us can reach a consensus that that is preposterous.
No I got on board when you made some revisionist remarks that I could just not accept.

Okay. But the topic was already started at that point.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:44:22 PM
It was well underway.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:46:02 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 07:48:35 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 07:51:35 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:53:43 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?
Revisionism to me is when history is created or altered to suite a particular groups needs or wants.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 07:56:50 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 07:57:48 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 07:59:50 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?
Revisionism to me is when history is created or altered to suite a particular groups needs or wants.

Revisonism, to me, is the act of changing what's been altered to a state of rediculousness. For instance...if Affirmative action is going to stick around , it needs to be "revised"... no longer should blacks get jobs for just being black. Nor women get preferential treatment because they're women. There should be a merit system put in place of it. Other than that it should go.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:01:26 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.
Actually, you're right. History can't be changed, nor should it be altered to fit the egos of those who feel like things 'looked differently then'. The only thing we can change is the future.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:02:07 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:04:41 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 08:06:16 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?
Revisionism to me is when history is created or altered to suite a particular groups needs or wants.

Revisonism, to me, is the act of changing what's been altered to a state of rediculousness. For instance...if Affirmative action is going to stick around , it needs to be "revised"... no longer should blacks get jobs for just being black. Nor women get preferential treatment because they're women. There should be a merit system put in place of it. Other than that it should go.

Well I agree with you there its not that I am against change of present situations. It the fact that many historical facts have been redacted or altered in school text books to suite the needs of one group or another that has disturbed.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 03, 2007, 08:06:57 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

The rules have changed, it's one question per person per week now.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 08:08:43 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:09:36 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.

Good. We can at least agree on that :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:09:40 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol

Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing. ;) And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.

*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:10:47 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

The rules have changed, it's one question per person per week now.
Well I'll ask him ONE question then. No biggie.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 03, 2007, 08:13:55 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.
Slavery was the best thing that could have happened to blacks, where would they be now if they weren't brought to this country.
I will tell you they would be in Africa getting killed by the warlords and eating bugs from trees.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:14:34 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol

Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing. ;) And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.

*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *

Wow, that's really something! I guess that will always be a bittersweet day now. The girlfriend I was going out with at the time, her parents' 30th wedding anniversary was on September 11, 2001!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:16:13 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.
Slavery was the best thing that could have happened to blacks, where would they be now if they weren't brought to this country.
I will tell you they would be in Africa getting killed by the warlords and eating bugs from trees.

LOL! After all this, I just gotta throw my head back and laugh! But I'm not laughing at slavery! I'm laughing at remarks like this!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:19:06 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol

Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing. ;) And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.

*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *

Wow, that's really something! I guess that will always be a bittersweet day now. The girlfriend I was going out with at the time, her parents' 30th wedding anniversary was on September 11, 2001!

No one knew this here but my birthday is February 1st. ;)... On my birthday in 2003, a space shuttle exploded. (Happy happy, joy joy... :(  ) But the upside is that my bday is on the first day of Black History Month. LOL (THE IRONY!)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:20:57 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol

Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing. ;) And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.

*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *

Wow, that's really something! I guess that will always be a bittersweet day now. The girlfriend I was going out with at the time, her parents' 30th wedding anniversary was on September 11, 2001!

No one knew this here but my birthday is February 1st. ;)... On my birthday in 2003, a space shuttle exploded. (Happy happy, joy joy... :(  ) But the upside is that my bday is on the first day of Black History Month. LOL (THE IRONY!)

Don't tell Chaim! He'll devote his next Black History Month program entirely to you! :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:24:59 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Oh, I'll be back. lol I'm just working on my arsonal of questions...two at a time, of course. I won't be using the non-words "ummm-hmmm" though. That might disappoint him to no end. ;)

Oh no! It would amuse us all! Your next question should be if he would be willing to provide you some mayonnaise for your French fries ;)

Out of all the stereotypes that many people on here might have about the way black peoples talks, you certainly never talked in that ways. You speak very good ;)
I thank you for the compliment. I also want to add that I speak some ebonics also, when I'm around my family. Its like comfort food...but its never to the extreme that Chaim and some other people here have displayed. lol

Oh, and for giggles, he can leave the mayo and glue off of my fries... I like to dip them in ranch dressing. ;) And when I said he'd be dissappointed , I meant it would disappoint him that I wouldn't stoop to his level of ignorance to make a point. When I do ask the questions though, I'll expect him to come back with some simbalence of maturity. I won't take the name-calling lightly.

*Sidebar, he's my mom's age...well my mom will be 51 on September 11th. *

Wow, that's really something! I guess that will always be a bittersweet day now. The girlfriend I was going out with at the time, her parents' 30th wedding anniversary was on September 11, 2001!

No one knew this here but my birthday is February 1st. ;)... On my birthday in 2003, a space shuttle exploded. (Happy happy, joy joy... :(  ) But the upside is that my bday is on the first day of Black History Month. LOL (THE IRONY!)

Don't tell Chaim! He'll devote his next Black History Month program entirely to you! :)
That happened to be the first JTF video I saw. lol It was right after my birthday also. lol I was looking for some videos to show my girls about black history month...what do I see? "The TRUTH about Black History Month". lol
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 08:28:32 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.
Slavery was the best thing that could have happened to blacks, where would they be now if they weren't brought to this country.
I will tell you they would be in Africa getting killed by the warlords and eating bugs from trees.

LOL! After all this, I just gotta throw my head back and laugh! But I'm not laughing at slavery! I'm laughing at remarks like this!
I see some remarks I don't care for also but I am past the point of laughing. Imerica and Daniel you are birds of a feather and I see you both are a waste of time to debate. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 08:46:34 PM
We were also debating teachers now that I think about it but the thread was old by then anyway.
In your opinion, what is revisionism?

Anything that doesn't fit into their narrow frameworks :)

Erica, when are you going to come back to the Ask JTF forum and ask the challenging questions of Chaim?
Sorry we can't go under the big tent theory that you liberals love so much. History is history it can't be changed good or bad facts it is what it is.

I don't think it's an issue of convervative versus liberal. I don't think that the viewpoint of slavery being good for black people is conservative. It's just downright ill-informed.
I didn't say slavery  was good I said I preferred it never took place.
Slavery was the best thing that could have happened to blacks, where would they be now if they weren't brought to this country.
I will tell you they would be in Africa getting killed by the warlords and eating bugs from trees.

LOL! After all this, I just gotta throw my head back and laugh! But I'm not laughing at slavery! I'm laughing at remarks like this!
I see some remarks I don't care for also but I am past the point of laughing. Imerica and Daniel you are birds of a feather and I see you both are a waste of time to debate. 
Because we're not kissing your behind everytime you bend over, we're a waste of time to debate? Is there a rule here that we MUST agree with everyone here?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: kahaneloyalist on June 03, 2007, 08:49:01 PM
CJD, I disagree, Daniel is a good Jew and has made legitimate points in this debate. We can disagree about some things and still agree about others
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:52:17 PM
CJD, I disagree, Daniel is a good Jew and has made legitimate points in this debate. We can disagree about some things and still agree about others

Thanks kahaneloyalist. I appreciate that. CJD, we don't have to agree with each other in order to have worthwhile debates. After all, debates are born out of disagreements with each other and that's perfectly okay, just as long as we remain relatively civil towards each other.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 03, 2007, 08:55:07 PM
CJD, I disagree, Daniel is a good Jew and has made legitimate points in this debate. We can disagree about some things and still agree about others

Thanks kahaneloyalist. I appreciate that. CJD, we don't have to agree with each other in order to have worthwhile debates. After all, debates are born out of disagreements with each other and that's perfectly okay, just as long as we remain relatively civil towards each other.
I am always civil.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 08:56:29 PM
CJD, I disagree, Daniel is a good Jew and has made legitimate points in this debate. We can disagree about some things and still agree about others

Thanks kahaneloyalist. I appreciate that. CJD, we don't have to agree with each other in order to have worthwhile debates. After all, debates are born out of disagreements with each other and that's perfectly okay, just as long as we remain relatively civil towards each other.
I am always civil.

never said you weren't
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 03, 2007, 09:01:14 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrities' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or musician) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 03, 2007, 09:02:10 PM
CJD, I disagree, Daniel is a good Jew and has made legitimate points in this debate. We can disagree about some things and still agree about others

Thanks kahaneloyalist. I appreciate that. CJD, we don't have to agree with each other in order to have worthwhile debates. After all, debates are born out of disagreements with each other and that's perfectly okay, just as long as we remain relatively civil towards each other.
I am always civil.
I agree CJD - I always find you to be civil in your posts.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 09:04:29 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 03, 2007, 09:06:21 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 09:13:47 PM
I loved Airplane. LOL
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 03, 2007, 09:16:33 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 09:42:27 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 03, 2007, 10:02:55 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
Or at least subtitles at the bottom of rap videos.  This is pretty funny - white dude reciting the lyrics to "I Wanna Buy You a Draaaaaaaaaaaaaank": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTK0kFXJjd0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTK0kFXJjd0)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 03, 2007, 10:26:38 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
What about if we all just tried to speak english?
What exactly is a ticker plate?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 11:14:05 PM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.

Not only is this post extremely racist, it defies common sense. Rape has nothing to do with wealth, status, or attraction. It has to do with control, power, and violence. So your claim that a wealthy white man who can get an attractive white women would never rape an ugly black woman holds absolutely no water.

You are right, rape is about control,power and violence which is why it is usually perpetuated by those WHO DON'T HAVE ANY[control & power]! So it's illogical that white slave owners who already had this would be motivated to rape. That only leaves sexual attraction which brings us yet again around to my original point. If sex between white slave owners and black female slaves was going on, it was most likely consensual. When you, Daniel say my statement is racist it is no different than the self hating Jews that called Kahane a racist for his reasoning behind "They must GO!"
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 11:18:44 PM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.

Daniel, why do statistics show, consistently for as many years as you can trace back that there are/have been virtually NO white men in jail for raping black women? Why? Why at one point in history would there be this great outpouring of rape against black women then poooof, NOTHING? That's a fair question. Why as white men have less and less power and control aren't these figures rising? Because we are not comparable to [censored] men. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 02:12:24 AM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
What about if we all just tried to speak english?
What exactly is a ticker plate?
Are you familiar with CNN and other news stations that might have the running ticker of other news at the bottom of the screen? That's what I'm referring to.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 02:15:22 AM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.

Not only is this post extremely racist, it defies common sense. Rape has nothing to do with wealth, status, or attraction. It has to do with control, power, and violence. So your claim that a wealthy white man who can get an attractive white women would never rape an ugly black woman holds absolutely no water.

You are right, rape is about control,power and violence which is why it is usually perpetuated by those WHO DON'T HAVE ANY[control & power]! So it's illogical that white slave owners who already had this would be motivated to rape. That only leaves sexual attraction which brings us yet again around to my original point. If sex between white slave owners and black female slaves was going on, it was most likely consensual. When you, Daniel say my statement is racist it is no different than the self hating Jews that called Kahane a racist for his reasoning behind "They must GO!"
A question for you Allen... What do you think of sick rapists who rape old women? Were they asking for it? It goes to show you that rape is absolutely NOT about physical attraction. I was molested at 5 years old for 5 years by an uncle who was 15 when it started. Was THAT consentual? Use your brain on this one.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 02:18:06 AM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.

Daniel, why do statistics show, consistently for as many years as you can trace back that there are/have been virtually NO white men in jail for raping black women? Why? Why at one point in history would there be this great outpouring of rape against black women then poooof, NOTHING? That's a fair question. Why as white men have less and less power and control aren't these figures rising? Because we are not comparable to [censored] men. 
Are you saying that there is proof that white men don't rape black women? You have got to be joking. You know nothing. Absolutely nothing of what you're talking about.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 06:04:23 AM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.

Not only is this post extremely racist, it defies common sense. Rape has nothing to do with wealth, status, or attraction. It has to do with control, power, and violence. So your claim that a wealthy white man who can get an attractive white women would never rape an ugly black woman holds absolutely no water.

You are right, rape is about control,power and violence which is why it is usually perpetuated by those WHO DON'T HAVE ANY[control & power]! So it's illogical that white slave owners who already had this would be motivated to rape. That only leaves sexual attraction which brings us yet again around to my original point. If sex between white slave owners and black female slaves was going on, it was most likely consensual. When you, Daniel say my statement is racist it is no different than the self hating Jews that called Kahane a racist for his reasoning behind "They must GO!"
A question for you Allen... What do you think of sick rapists who rape old women? Were they asking for it? It goes to show you that rape is absolutely NOT about physical attraction. I was molested at 5 years old for 5 years by an uncle who was 15 when it started. Was THAT consentual? Use your brain on this one.

Erica, this is NOT a response to my comments. All rape is evil, period. What happened to you is evil. Believe it or not, if I could personally go back in time and stop that from happening to you I would. I hate that very much. All I am saying is I don't believe that white slave owners raped black female slaves with any frequency. If that did ever happen,and it probably did occasionally, it was evil and inexcusable. I am not saying white slave owners didn't do this because I am trying to erase a fact or redefine one. I say it only because I believe IT DIDN'T HAPPEN with the frequencies that liars have tried to suggest that it did. I wasn't there and neither were you. The reason I state statistics from recent history is to show that what doesn't exist now, PROBABLY didn't exist then.   
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 06:51:46 AM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.

Daniel, why do statistics show, consistently for as many years as you can trace back that there are/have been virtually NO white men in jail for raping black women? Why? Why at one point in history would there be this great outpouring of rape against black women then poooof, NOTHING? That's a fair question. Why as white men have less and less power and control aren't these figures rising? Because we are not comparable to [censored] men. 
Are you saying that there is proof that white men don't rape black women? You have got to be joking. You know nothing. Absolutely nothing of what you're talking about.

Here Erica, chew on this for awhile;

When whites do violence — rape, murder, assault — how often do they choose black victims? Shouldn’t a nation of bigots target blacks most of the time? At least half of the time? Of course, it does not. When whites commit violence, they to it to blacks 2.4 percent of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose white victims more than half the time. [317]

In those cases in which the race of the killer is known, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Black-on-white robberies and gang assaults are twenty-one times more common than white on black. In the case of gang robbery, blacks victimize whites fifty-two times more often than whites do blacks. [318]

The contrasts are even more stark in the case of interracial rape. Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. [319]

Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women. [321]

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa.


317. "What Should Be Done," US News & World Report (August 22, 1989), p. 54. See also Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989), p.7.

318. Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987.

319. Gary D. LaFree, "Male Power and Female Victimization: Toward a Theory of Interracial Rape," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (September 1982).

320. William Wilbanks, "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes," submitted for publication to the Justice Professional (November 7, 1990). Data derived from Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987, p. 53.

321. Andrew Hacker, Two Nations, pp. 183, 185.


May 08, 2007
How come white men never rape black women?
I have been asked to comment on this article at FrontPage Magazine, The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States. Dennis Mangan has a blog post about the article and the controversy.

The article was based on the stats in a U.S. Department of Justice Publication documenting crime statistics in 2005.

There were 160,270 single-offender rapes/sexual assaults reported in 2005. 48.% of the offenders were black, an impressively high total considering that blacks are only 13% of the population.

What's more interesting is when the race of the victim is compared to the race of the offender. For the 111,490 cases where the rape/sexual assault victim was white, 33.6% of the time the perceived race of the offender was black, compared to 44.5% white.

But for the 36,620 cases where the rape/sexual assuult victim was black, 100% of the time the offender was reported to be black. (And we are told that 0% means 10 or fewer reported cases, so it's possible that there have been as many as 10 cases of non-black men raping black women in 2005.)

This is a pretty strange statistic if you think about it. There were approximately 74,029 rape/sexual assaults commited by non-black men, but in no more than 10 of these cases was the victim black? What's wrong with black women that no one wants to rape them? I'd think that 2% of the time the victim would be black so there'd be 1,480 cases of non-blacks raping blacks. But in fact, this happened 10 times or less.

Because only 31.4% of rapes are committed by strangers, the best way a black woman can avoid being raped is to only know white men. (This is not likely to happen, because black women aren't romantically interested in white men.)

May 08, 2007 | Permalink


Empowerment by rape: the sexual holocaust

By Greg Kay
[email protected]

In America, there is a sexual holocaust in progress even as you read this. An orgy of violent rape here at home dwarfs those comparatively recent accounts of rapes in Iraq and the Balkans, as well as the WWII Soviet invasion of Germany and Japanese occupation of mainland Asia. A deliberate program of violent sexual assault by one race upon another: it’s called interracial rape.

Virtually every case of Black on White rape qualifies as a "hate crime," by legal description almost without exception, due to the nature of interracial rape. Certainly every rape by a Negro perpetrated upon a White woman where he has had to leave his predominately Black neighborhood to find her would easily meet that definition. And not only because of the very real racial aspects, enhanced psychological and social consequences to the victim, for, in extreme cases, she may well be cut off from the members of her own society. The reason goes far beyond that.

It is often argued that rape is not a sex crime, but a crime of violence or of power and control. However, interracial rape, while it encompasses all such motivations, is something more. Black-on-White rape is usually a violent political act – a form of terrorism – the ultimate statement of the Black Power Movement that has disguised itself under an innocuous-sounding banner called "civil rights."

Consider this: being able to "take" the woman or women of someone else and use the same for one’s own gratification as an extension of the basic biological desire to breed that pits rutting animals against each other for favor of the herd’s females and passing on one’s genes, that is the ultimate statement of superiority; and the utmost denigration of the male or group to whom the woman in question belongs, as well as the woman herself. That act demonstrates not only to the victim, but also to the kin of both the raped and the rapist, that the rapist has power.

Both the Negroes and their liberal White and Jewish admirers, for having labored tirelessly to boost this race into a position of political power all out of proportion with its numbers and contributions to society, have long recognized one simple if media-overlooked fact: Black-on-White rape, as a political act, has always been part of the world view of radicals and Communists. For example, it was taught at the infamous Jefferson School – a well-known Marxist training center that sent many prominent American Communists of the ’60s to their activities – by Judeo-Communist historian Dr. Herbert Aptheker, among others.

Besides being listed as a noted leader in the Communist Party USA for decades, a delegate to Hanoi with Tom Hayden during the Vietnam War and father of Communist Party USA national committee member cum prominent feminist Bettina Aptheker, this Jewish professor Herbert Aptheker was also reportedly a close associate of the Black Panthers, one who maintained friendship with Panther leader Angela Davis, hence certainly in a position to know what he was talking about.

This rather strange Judeo-Communist attraction to, and alliance with, the Black Power Movement is not simply the product of comparatively recent sixties radicalism and Jewish Communists like the Aptheker Communist Party officers. It includes also radical Youth International Party (Yippie) leaders such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and the closely related Progressive Labor Party (PLP), along with the Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the leadership of all three groups having been heavy with leftist Jews. Then there was the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) and Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, both with key Jewish Marxist involvement at their founding. And all this is certainly nothing new. As far back as 1912, Israel Cohen referred to the total plot in A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century:

We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

The dedication to this course of action is reinforced by the words of Rabbi Rabbinovich in Communist Hungary in 1952:

We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia or Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of White children is now being born. Our control commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White women must co-habit with members of the dark races, the White man with Black women. Thus the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Additionally, we see that the majority of the founders and every president of the radical Black organization, the NAACP, from its inception in 1909 to well into the 1970s, were part of an unbroken stream of leftist Jews rather than Negroes; in fact, there was only one founding Negro (albeit a light-skinned mulatto Communist) on the board that founded the organization; most of the rest being Marxist Jews. One of (the known Marxist) Martin Luther King’s primary speech-writers and handlers was a Communist Jew named Levinson. Jews made up the majority of those "White" freedom riders, having bragged of giving more than 90% of the funding behind their so-called "civil rights movement," actually the Black Power Movement, that continues as a major factor in the destruction of our society particularly in the South. It should behoove every White man to research and deeply consider the hows and whys, and especially the implications behind this seemingly strange bedfellows alliance.

The American Communists denied at first that any Black-on-White rapes ever occurred, such reports being simply White capitalist propaganda. But when the facts of several cases became too obvious for even them to overlook, the party line switched to suggesting that such acts were not condemnable, rather a semi-laudable revolutionary statement by the most downtrodden sector of the proletariat against the privileged and corrupt elite; it was justified as a form of payback for all of those White-on-Black rapes they claimed had occurred both during slavery and after. To such leftists, the actuality of rape was less "criminal" than for its White victim to go reporting it to the authorities, reinforcing the "racist" stereotype. Thus the victim, in radical Marxist philosophy, became the oppressor – the rapist a brave and patriotic freedom-fighter throwing off his shackles.

The class of educated Negroes, many of whose most notable members were already either openly Communist or sympathetic to them, quickly picked up on this concept of rape as a justified revolutionary act. Radical Negro and Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver was quoted declaring so openly.

Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women – and this point, I believe, was the most satisfying to me because I was very resentful. I was getting revenge.

Black sociologist Calvin C. Hernton, in his work Sex and Racism in America, made the following statements:

"I am well aware that, like murder, rape has many motives. But when the motive for rape, however psychotic, is basically racial, that is a different matter. I think now that, at one time or another, in every Negro who grows up in the South, there is a rapist, no matter how well hidden." The reason for this, he quickly goes on to indicate, is not the fault of the Negro, but of the White man, thus reinforcing a required dogma of radical Communist philosophy.

Although the FBI was inexplicably reluctant to keep records of race in rape statistics for many years, there are other figures out there. Consider the implications of a study done in Washington, DC, a city with a Black majority, by one Dr. Hayman. Hayman, in the late ’60s and early ’70s, recorded the racial data of those women who came to the DC General hospital for medical examinations and treatment following reported rapes. His figures are disturbing. In this particular urban area, Black on Black rape accounted for 76% of all reported cases of violent sexual assault, while White on White rape made up 3%, and White on Black rape less than ½%. Astonishingly, Black on White rape amounted to 21% of the total, indicating very clearly that urban Blacks raped not only at a rate of 97 to 3 in comparison to the urban "White" population (a deceptive figure in itself, since the statistically much more crime-prone Mestizo-Hispanic population is considered White in most official reports), but that they are far, far more likely to choose White victims than a White rapist is to choose a Black victim.

In the ground-breaking study, The Color of Crime, the figures show that American Negroes in general are 38 times more likely to commit interracial rape than Whites (again, with Mestizo-Hispanics who have a much higher crime rate than ethnic Europeans counted as White) on a per-capita basis. In fact, even though Blacks make up a fairly small percentage of the population (about 13%), they commit the vast majority of all interracial crimes, including rape, in actual numbers of crimes. For instance, in 1994, Negroes committed 30,000 interracial rapes, while Whites (again, including Mestizo-Hispanics) committed only 5,400, despite a White population several times larger.

These and other studies have shown conclusively what interracial rape is. For all practical purposes, it must be seen that in the general public rape follows the same pattern as in prison, almost exclusively a Black on White phenomenon. Which leaves one with the question: "Why?" Are Blacks simply more culturally or genetically prone to rape than other ethnic groups? That answer, from all available statistics is obviously a resounding "Yes," but there’s more to it. Radical Blacks and their leftist defenders have given us that reason – but one we refuse to accept. Do they know something we don’t, namely that we’re in a war, not for "equality," as there can never be true and total equality in an artificially integrated society of two groups so very different, but a war for the supremacy of the one and total subjugation and ultimate destruction of the other, with no middle ground and no neutrality? Could it be that Caucasians, the White race, are in a war for their place in the world and, ultimately, for their very survival, and nobody has told them?

Or, worse, could it be they’ve been told many times – by voices "crying in the wilderness" – but chose not to hear?

Racism! What a handy epithet those scapegoating racists hurl at this paper for printing the truth… – Ed.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 06:59:34 AM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
What about if we all just tried to speak english?
What exactly is a ticker plate?
Are you familiar with CNN and other news stations that might have the running ticker of other news at the bottom of the screen? That's what I'm referring to.
I know what you were referring to - I never heard it called a ticker plate before.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 07:08:27 AM
Pay close attention in the last article above to Eldridge Cleaver's comments, which are from Soul On Ice by the way. This would have had to have been the predominate mindset of the slave owner if what you and other propagandists claim. And it was NOT.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 09:30:06 AM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!
What about if we all just tried to speak english?
What exactly is a ticker plate?
Are you familiar with CNN and other news stations that might have the running ticker of other news at the bottom of the screen? That's what I'm referring to.
I know what you were referring to - I never heard it called a ticker plate before.
They have belt buckles with the same concept out now. I didn't refer to the ticker at the bottom of the screen, just presenting an idea of one to be carried around on our person. The Cnn Ticker is just a ticker message .
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 09:59:39 AM
We abhor holocaust deniers. But it seems like some of you are denying things that took place during the slave trade. That's just as abominable.

Daniel, why do statistics show, consistently for as many years as you can trace back that there are/have been virtually NO white men in jail for raping black women? Why? Why at one point in history would there be this great outpouring of rape against black women then poooof, NOTHING? That's a fair question. Why as white men have less and less power and control aren't these figures rising? Because we are not comparable to [censored] men. 
Are you saying that there is proof that white men don't rape black women? You have got to be joking. You know nothing. Absolutely nothing of what you're talking about.

Here Erica, chew on this for awhile;

When whites do violence — rape, murder, assault — how often do they choose black victims? Shouldn’t a nation of bigots target blacks most of the time? At least half of the time? Of course, it does not. When whites commit violence, they to it to blacks 2.4 percent of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose white victims more than half the time. [317]

In those cases in which the race of the killer is known, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Black-on-white robberies and gang assaults are twenty-one times more common than white on black. In the case of gang robbery, blacks victimize whites fifty-two times more often than whites do blacks. [318]

The contrasts are even more stark in the case of interracial rape. Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. [319]

Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women. [321]

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa.


317. "What Should Be Done," US News & World Report (August 22, 1989), p. 54. See also Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989), p.7.

318. Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987.

319. Gary D. LaFree, "Male Power and Female Victimization: Toward a Theory of Interracial Rape," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (September 1982).

320. William Wilbanks, "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes," submitted for publication to the Justice Professional (November 7, 1990). Data derived from Department of Justice, Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987, p. 53.

321. Andrew Hacker, Two Nations, pp. 183, 185.


May 08, 2007
How come white men never rape black women?
I have been asked to comment on this article at FrontPage Magazine, The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States. Dennis Mangan has a blog post about the article and the controversy.

The article was based on the stats in a U.S. Department of Justice Publication documenting crime statistics in 2005.

There were 160,270 single-offender rapes/sexual assaults reported in 2005. 48.% of the offenders were black, an impressively high total considering that blacks are only 13% of the population.

What's more interesting is when the race of the victim is compared to the race of the offender. For the 111,490 cases where the rape/sexual assault victim was white, 33.6% of the time the perceived race of the offender was black, compared to 44.5% white.

But for the 36,620 cases where the rape/sexual assuult victim was black, 100% of the time the offender was reported to be black. (And we are told that 0% means 10 or fewer reported cases, so it's possible that there have been as many as 10 cases of non-black men raping black women in 2005.)

This is a pretty strange statistic if you think about it. There were approximately 74,029 rape/sexual assaults commited by non-black men, but in no more than 10 of these cases was the victim black? What's wrong with black women that no one wants to rape them? I'd think that 2% of the time the victim would be black so there'd be 1,480 cases of non-blacks raping blacks. But in fact, this happened 10 times or less.

Because only 31.4% of rapes are committed by strangers, the best way a black woman can avoid being raped is to only know white men. (This is not likely to happen, because black women aren't romantically interested in white men.)

May 08, 2007 | Permalink


Empowerment by rape: the sexual holocaust

By Greg Kay
[email protected]

In America, there is a sexual holocaust in progress even as you read this. An orgy of violent rape here at home dwarfs those comparatively recent accounts of rapes in Iraq and the Balkans, as well as the WWII Soviet invasion of Germany and Japanese occupation of mainland Asia. A deliberate program of violent sexual assault by one race upon another: it’s called interracial rape.

Virtually every case of Black on White rape qualifies as a "hate crime," by legal description almost without exception, due to the nature of interracial rape. Certainly every rape by a Negro perpetrated upon a White woman where he has had to leave his predominately Black neighborhood to find her would easily meet that definition. And not only because of the very real racial aspects, enhanced psychological and social consequences to the victim, for, in extreme cases, she may well be cut off from the members of her own society. The reason goes far beyond that.

It is often argued that rape is not a sex crime, but a crime of violence or of power and control. However, interracial rape, while it encompasses all such motivations, is something more. Black-on-White rape is usually a violent political act – a form of terrorism – the ultimate statement of the Black Power Movement that has disguised itself under an innocuous-sounding banner called "civil rights."

Consider this: being able to "take" the woman or women of someone else and use the same for one’s own gratification as an extension of the basic biological desire to breed that pits rutting animals against each other for favor of the herd’s females and passing on one’s genes, that is the ultimate statement of superiority; and the utmost denigration of the male or group to whom the woman in question belongs, as well as the woman herself. That act demonstrates not only to the victim, but also to the kin of both the raped and the rapist, that the rapist has power.

Both the Negroes and their liberal White and Jewish admirers, for having labored tirelessly to boost this race into a position of political power all out of proportion with its numbers and contributions to society, have long recognized one simple if media-overlooked fact: Black-on-White rape, as a political act, has always been part of the world view of radicals and Communists. For example, it was taught at the infamous Jefferson School – a well-known Marxist training center that sent many prominent American Communists of the ’60s to their activities – by Judeo-Communist historian Dr. Herbert Aptheker, among others.

Besides being listed as a noted leader in the Communist Party USA for decades, a delegate to Hanoi with Tom Hayden during the Vietnam War and father of Communist Party USA national committee member cum prominent feminist Bettina Aptheker, this Jewish professor Herbert Aptheker was also reportedly a close associate of the Black Panthers, one who maintained friendship with Panther leader Angela Davis, hence certainly in a position to know what he was talking about.

This rather strange Judeo-Communist attraction to, and alliance with, the Black Power Movement is not simply the product of comparatively recent sixties radicalism and Jewish Communists like the Aptheker Communist Party officers. It includes also radical Youth International Party (Yippie) leaders such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and the closely related Progressive Labor Party (PLP), along with the Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the leadership of all three groups having been heavy with leftist Jews. Then there was the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) and Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, both with key Jewish Marxist involvement at their founding. And all this is certainly nothing new. As far back as 1912, Israel Cohen referred to the total plot in A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century:

We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

The dedication to this course of action is reinforced by the words of Rabbi Rabbinovich in Communist Hungary in 1952:

We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia or Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of White children is now being born. Our control commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White women must co-habit with members of the dark races, the White man with Black women. Thus the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Additionally, we see that the majority of the founders and every president of the radical Black organization, the NAACP, from its inception in 1909 to well into the 1970s, were part of an unbroken stream of leftist Jews rather than Negroes; in fact, there was only one founding Negro (albeit a light-skinned mulatto Communist) on the board that founded the organization; most of the rest being Marxist Jews. One of (the known Marxist) Martin Luther King’s primary speech-writers and handlers was a Communist Jew named Levinson. Jews made up the majority of those "White" freedom riders, having bragged of giving more than 90% of the funding behind their so-called "civil rights movement," actually the Black Power Movement, that continues as a major factor in the destruction of our society particularly in the South. It should behoove every White man to research and deeply consider the hows and whys, and especially the implications behind this seemingly strange bedfellows alliance.

The American Communists denied at first that any Black-on-White rapes ever occurred, such reports being simply White capitalist propaganda. But when the facts of several cases became too obvious for even them to overlook, the party line switched to suggesting that such acts were not condemnable, rather a semi-laudable revolutionary statement by the most downtrodden sector of the proletariat against the privileged and corrupt elite; it was justified as a form of payback for all of those White-on-Black rapes they claimed had occurred both during slavery and after. To such leftists, the actuality of rape was less "criminal" than for its White victim to go reporting it to the authorities, reinforcing the "racist" stereotype. Thus the victim, in radical Marxist philosophy, became the oppressor – the rapist a brave and patriotic freedom-fighter throwing off his shackles.

The class of educated Negroes, many of whose most notable members were already either openly Communist or sympathetic to them, quickly picked up on this concept of rape as a justified revolutionary act. Radical Negro and Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver was quoted declaring so openly.

Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women – and this point, I believe, was the most satisfying to me because I was very resentful. I was getting revenge.

Black sociologist Calvin C. Hernton, in his work Sex and Racism in America, made the following statements:

"I am well aware that, like murder, rape has many motives. But when the motive for rape, however psychotic, is basically racial, that is a different matter. I think now that, at one time or another, in every Negro who grows up in the South, there is a rapist, no matter how well hidden." The reason for this, he quickly goes on to indicate, is not the fault of the Negro, but of the White man, thus reinforcing a required dogma of radical Communist philosophy.

Although the FBI was inexplicably reluctant to keep records of race in rape statistics for many years, there are other figures out there. Consider the implications of a study done in Washington, DC, a city with a Black majority, by one Dr. Hayman. Hayman, in the late ’60s and early ’70s, recorded the racial data of those women who came to the DC General hospital for medical examinations and treatment following reported rapes. His figures are disturbing. In this particular urban area, Black on Black rape accounted for 76% of all reported cases of violent sexual assault, while White on White rape made up 3%, and White on Black rape less than ½%. Astonishingly, Black on White rape amounted to 21% of the total, indicating very clearly that urban Blacks raped not only at a rate of 97 to 3 in comparison to the urban "White" population (a deceptive figure in itself, since the statistically much more crime-prone Mestizo-Hispanic population is considered White in most official reports), but that they are far, far more likely to choose White victims than a White rapist is to choose a Black victim.

In the ground-breaking study, The Color of Crime, the figures show that American Negroes in general are 38 times more likely to commit interracial rape than Whites (again, with Mestizo-Hispanics who have a much higher crime rate than ethnic Europeans counted as White) on a per-capita basis. In fact, even though Blacks make up a fairly small percentage of the population (about 13%), they commit the vast majority of all interracial crimes, including rape, in actual numbers of crimes. For instance, in 1994, Negroes committed 30,000 interracial rapes, while Whites (again, including Mestizo-Hispanics) committed only 5,400, despite a White population several times larger.

These and other studies have shown conclusively what interracial rape is. For all practical purposes, it must be seen that in the general public rape follows the same pattern as in prison, almost exclusively a Black on White phenomenon. Which leaves one with the question: "Why?" Are Blacks simply more culturally or genetically prone to rape than other ethnic groups? That answer, from all available statistics is obviously a resounding "Yes," but there’s more to it. Radical Blacks and their leftist defenders have given us that reason – but one we refuse to accept. Do they know something we don’t, namely that we’re in a war, not for "equality," as there can never be true and total equality in an artificially integrated society of two groups so very different, but a war for the supremacy of the one and total subjugation and ultimate destruction of the other, with no middle ground and no neutrality? Could it be that Caucasians, the White race, are in a war for their place in the world and, ultimately, for their very survival, and nobody has told them?

Or, worse, could it be they’ve been told many times – by voices "crying in the wilderness" – but chose not to hear?

Racism! What a handy epithet those scapegoating racists hurl at this paper for printing the truth… – Ed.

My problem with this isn't frequency, its that it happens at all. And I think that everytime a whites are said to have raped, robbed , or killed a black person its always compared to how many times more a black person does these things to white people. There shouldn't be a statistic. The fact  that it happens even sparingly is a non-issue. To say that it isn't happening at all though, as you first said, shrinks the crime down to .."Aw, its not that bad."

I wasn't explaining to you my experience with the crime to jarr you but to add comparison to your theory that black slave women were too ugly to rape. It isn't about attraction at all...its about power, control and taking advantage of those who can't fight for themselves...which is why I mentioned elderly women who are raped.

Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.

I read an article last night where the question "What's wrong with black women that white men won't rape them". I tilted my head in confusion because the question was a cruel one. Should we be happy or ashamed that white men won't rape us. Rape has nothing to do with asthetic beauty, as I mentioned earlier.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 10:54:47 AM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 11:38:47 AM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?

Bullcat. Leave me alone. Because no matter what I say you're going to behave this way. And by the way, FOTL is posessed by his thoughts of the black man being more desirable than he is to white women. This has nothing to do with rape. You have a way of perverting every  post you respond to.

My reason is just an opinion, not fact. Besides, I really responded with that opinion because there is an article that contains the question "What's wrong with black women that white men won't rape them?" Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same. Its not about the way you look, its the control.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 12:01:10 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 12:23:06 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 12:47:34 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
I agree Allen T.
I have enjoyed your exchange with her though - good job as usual.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 01:03:21 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
I agree Allen T.
I have enjoyed your exchange with her though - good job as usual.


I thought the last article in particular that I posted was especially powerful. Chaim says it all the time that when he rides public transportation in NYC that women of color gravitate toward him rather than toward darker men. I ride the same system as Chaim but I don't really notice that maybe because I am 6'3" about 300lbs often sporting a wild beard. Women tend to flee from me. Weird too, as I am in the minority of men that would actually risk their neck in a situation where an unknown female is being assaulted by a male or males. WARNING; I have done this in the past. It is essential if you see a female being attacked by a man that you make sure it's not a boyfriend/lover situation or something like that. IN 9 out of 10 such cases like that the demented female will attack you as you start beating the crap out of her boyfriend/lover/whatever!!!!! This has happened to me 3 times and I know other like minded men that will testify the same. MAKE SURE that the woman wants help if this seems to be the case, you can usually tell if it's a stranger or not. One friend was kicked in the face by the woman while he was pounding the guy on the ground and had a serious injury to one eye, though thank G-d didn't lose his vision.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 01:36:08 PM
You really do have to watch what situations you try to intervene in.
It's true, in situations like that, before you know it - you're the one being attacked.
I witnessed that in the City myself a few years back.  I felt so sorry for the poor man that only tried to do what was right.
You might be tall Allen T with a 'wild beard' but I bet I would choose to sit next to you any day versus most of the other choices your confronted with on NYC trains.
Anyway your not scary looking I saw a shot of you on a SamanthaTheCat video
Blacks know all about black on black crime.
Is it any wonder they gravitate to Chaim.   ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 02:14:56 PM
You really do have to watch what situations you try to intervene in.
It's true, in situations like that, before you know it - you're the one being attacked.
I witnessed that in the City myself a few years back.  I felt so sorry for the poor man that only tried to do what was right.
You might be tall Allen T with a 'wild beard' but I bet I would choose to sit next to you any day versus most of the other choices your confronted with on NYC trains.
Anyway your not scary looking I saw a shot of you on a SamanthaTheCat video
Blacks know all about black on black crime.
Is it any wonder they gravitate to Chaim.   ;)

Thanks, I was well groomed in that video! ;D I find that when I am walking around alot at night women seem terrified of me and will often cross the street if they see me coming. Whatever, as long as my wife doesn't take off!! ;D ;D ;D. In Europe I found the opposite true, a woman squeezed my butt once I couldn't stop laughing!! 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 02:28:05 PM
 ;D ;D ;D

As far as here in the U.S. - don't take it personally - I would cross the street with any man coming towards me at night - even my husband - who is 5'8" on his tippytoes.

True - as long as your wife is on the same side of the street as you - your lucky.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 04, 2007, 02:30:33 PM
;D ;D ;D

As far as here in the U.S. - don't take it personally - I would cross the street with any man coming towards me at night - even my husband - who is 5'8" on his tippytoes.

True - as long as your wife is on the same side of the street as you - your lucky.

I guess you are right.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: cjd on June 04, 2007, 04:54:36 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
You said it Allen-T I'm done with Imerica and Danial they just keep giving you double speak and story twisting  after a while your going in circles. Someone on the forum advised in a post months ago  that arguing with Liberals to early in the day would result in a massive headaches boy was he ever correct. Let the two of them have a ball with each other. . Between Liberal speaking points and revisionism of the worst kind its just a total waste of my time.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 04, 2007, 07:29:53 PM
LOL, but you didn't answer the question, where would all these blacks be if they weren't brought here to be slaves?
Generation after generation where would they be now?
Tell me where they would be living and what they would be doing.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 01:29:46 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 01:32:03 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
Again, Allen, I didn't dance around anything. I agreed with what you said. That mostly black men rape black women...that isn't to say that white men don't rape black women at all. Its just not a big number... which is what I mentioned takes away the seriousness of the crime.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 02:02:57 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
Actually, I have no problem coming to terms with what the other half of my race does.... I've explained that I realize that a great deal of black people in my culture commit crimes. I KNOW THIS. If you're angry because I choose not to make my every waking hour about complaining about the dumbasses in my culture who screw up, I'm sorry. But if I don't show my children that they have a chance in this world to be full of greatness and affect everyone with it, I'll be just like you and JB, giving subway reports about a race of people who act like idiots. When will that end?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 02:14:02 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.

Forget it, when presented with the cold hard reality she just dances around it. It must be very difficult as a black female to come to terms with what the other half of her race really is. Something that belongs not on planet earth. 
Actually, I have no problem coming to terms with what the other half of my race does.... I've explained that I realize that a great deal of black people in my culture commit crimes. I KNOW THIS. If you're angry because I choose not to make my every waking hour about complaining about the dumbasses in my culture who screw up, I'm sorry. But if I don't show my children that they have a chance in this world to be full of greatness and affect everyone with it, I'll be just like you and JB, giving subway reports about a race of people who act like idiots. When will that end?

Actually I am doing something about it. And it's only gonna get better. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 07:32:47 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 10:03:08 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 10:05:31 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 10:35:47 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 11:04:39 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.

Although,.....oh nevermind
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 11:18:59 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.

Although,.....oh nevermind
Its never stopped you before, Allen... why pause now?
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: judeanoncapta on June 05, 2007, 11:22:43 AM
WOW.  Erica, you're still here!!!!!    I gotta respect your for that.  You are driven. 
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 11:29:59 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.

Although,.....oh nevermind
Its never stopped you before, Allen... why pause now?

I am starting to like you :)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 11:44:54 AM
WOW.  Erica, you're still here!!!!!    I gotta respect your for that.  You are driven. 

Actually, I've got to be some kind of nutjob to stay. lol I have you and Allen to thank for that...and myself as well.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 11:46:00 AM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.

Although,.....oh nevermind
Its never stopped you before, Allen... why pause now?

I am starting to like you :)
Please don't, that would totally screw up this whole "hate, hate, hate" thing we have going on here. lol
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 01:42:46 PM
Put a sick white OR black man in neighborhood with white or black women and the results will be the same.
On this we can agree.

If I don't agree or question you I'm behaving badly?

I pervert every post I respond to -
What does this mean
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So explain to me where all these white women are exposing themselves to black men - I would like to limit my exposure.
Again, no one is talking about exposing themselves to black men... THAT would mean that the women consented. And that's not the case. What I'm saying is that the black community isn't full of white men...its full of black men. Out of those black men some may be mentally ill or just plain evil enough to rape a woman just because he feels he needs to overpower someone smaller than he is.

And when black women DID get raped by white men in the days of slavery, it wasn't because they were exposing themselves to Massah. It was because they were females who weren't as strong as their oppressor. I hope you're not saying that the black women who did get raped during slavery deserved it.
I did not mean exposing - as in body parts  ;)
I meant being in the same place at the same time. ::)

How else was I supposed to take that word, "Exposing"?
In the context of my post.  ???
Remember, Allen T made mention that black women are too ugly to be raped by white men which means, in his mind that the woman would have to put herself out there for a white man to take advantage of. I'm sorry I took your use of the word "expose" wrong. It seemed to be the nature of the thread.

Although,.....oh nevermind
Its never stopped you before, Allen... why pause now?

I am starting to like you :)
Please don't, that would totally screw up this whole "hate, hate, hate" thing we have going on here. lol
Not me, look to the left, Joy Joy Joy!
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: ftf on June 05, 2007, 02:02:55 PM
Joy is far better than hate, throw the hate down the well.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 05, 2007, 06:49:56 PM
Tonight on an episode of Criss Angel (my husband watches his show) he had a group of 'celebrites' he took to a haunted hotel.
The group  was standing around talking and the black guy ( maybe he was an actor or muscian) is the only one who needed subtitles when he spoke his form of Ebonics.
How sad is that - an American - who needs subtitles to be understood.
Isn't that embarrassing?

That reminds me of the movie "Airplane" where they put subtitles in for the two black guys speaking jive. Then later on, they needed to nun to speak to them and translate since she knew how to speak jive. Some of the funniest scenes ever!
I don't think it was a nun.  Just an old lady I think.  But, I do agree, quite a funny scene.

I thought the funniest moment in that scene was at the very end when he says, "Sh*t!" and underneath in subtitles, it says, "Golly!"
I think you've stumbled onto something, Daniel.

Wouldn't some of our problems in this country just dissipate if we all wore ticker plates that read a translation of what we're saying? The language barrier would disappear big time!

Mmmmm hmmmmm! ;)
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 05, 2007, 07:03:07 PM
I'll be disagreeing with you here Allen, I've seen a documentary about slavery  in which accounts were given of slaves being raped.

And lies don't get told in documentaries? Use some common sense and more importantly white men raping black women goes against every known psychological profile of the mindset of a rapist. A minority of attractive ones had sex for benefits. Use common sense, why would a wealthy white man who can get attractive white women choose instead to force himself on something that looks like Tracey Chapman? No, BS. Let blacks pish and moan all they want, that's just an attempt to bring us down to the animal level of black men.

Not only is this post extremely racist, it defies common sense. Rape has nothing to do with wealth, status, or attraction. It has to do with control, power, and violence. So your claim that a wealthy white man who can get an attractive white women would never rape an ugly black woman holds absolutely no water.

You are right, rape is about control,power and violence which is why it is usually perpetuated by those WHO DON'T HAVE ANY[control & power]! So it's illogical that white slave owners who already had this would be motivated to rape. That only leaves sexual attraction which brings us yet again around to my original point. If sex between white slave owners and black female slaves was going on, it was most likely consensual. When you, Daniel say my statement is racist it is no different than the self hating Jews that called Kahane a racist for his reasoning behind "They must GO!"

You're creating some semantic confusion and faulty logic here with how you define control and power. You are trying to say that if rape is about control & power, then only those without any control and power would rape; and since slave owners had all the control and power, they didn't have any need to rape. Sorry, that's faulty logic. If someone rapes for power and control, that does not mean that they already LACK power and control as well as those who already have power and control, that doesn't mean that they are not going to rape. If that were the case, then that means that it would be impossible for Bill Clinton or Kobe Brynt to be guilty of rape. It would be impossible for Bill Gates to steal. You are confusing status with psychology.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 05, 2007, 07:07:37 PM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?

I found it interesting that Chaim stated how disgusting it was that FOTL stated how white women wanted to have sex with black men and how disgusting it was for FOTL to joke about committing crime against white women. At that very moment, I wondered if he would feel the same if FOTL of someone else state that black women want to have sex with white men and joked about committing violence against black women? I think I might just ask that of him one of these weeks. My guess is that he will once again accuse me of engaging in moral equivelence. I personally consider it "reciprocity" and consistency.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 08:22:56 PM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?

I found it interesting that Chaim stated how disgusting it was that FOTL stated how white women wanted to have sex with black men and how disgusting it was for FOTL to joke about committing crime against white women. At that very moment, I wondered if he would feel the same if FOTL of someone else state that black women want to have sex with white men and joked about committing violence against black women? I think I might just ask that of him one of these weeks. My guess is that he will once again accuse me of engaging in moral equivelence. I personally consider it "reciprocity" and consistency.
I'm not sure what that has to do with Im erica's statement (in bold)  and my response to it.

Don't you think that most of the things FOTL said were a bit disgusting.  How is Chaim wrong?
FOTL did not talk about black women and white men or joke about committing violence against black woman.  Why would Chaim have to comment about that - he was talking about FOTL.  

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Daniel on June 05, 2007, 08:35:04 PM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?

I found it interesting that Chaim stated how disgusting it was that FOTL stated how white women wanted to have sex with black men and how disgusting it was for FOTL to joke about committing crime against white women. At that very moment, I wondered if he would feel the same if FOTL of someone else state that black women want to have sex with white men and joked about committing violence against black women? I think I might just ask that of him one of these weeks. My guess is that he will once again accuse me of engaging in moral equivelence. I personally consider it "reciprocity" and consistency.
I'm not sure what that has to do with Im erica's statement (in bold)  and my response to it.

Don't you think that most of the things FOTL said were a bit disgusting.  How is Chaim wrong?
FOTL did not talk about black women and white men or joke about committing violence against black woman.  Why would Chaim have to comment about that - he was talking about FOTL.  

My statements weren't so much in relation to Erica's statements as it was an association with FOTL. I just wonder if Chaim would have consistent views on these types of statements regardless of which race it is aimed at.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 08:48:10 PM
Also I want to offer that the reason why white men don't rape black women as often because they're usually not in the same place at the same time. Usually.
So white women are usually in the same place as black men and that is why they are raped by them more often.
Are you being possessed by FOTL? :o

A black man breaks into a white woman's house and rapes her - how does that fit in with your theory?

The only way to know is to ask him - he seems to answer all questions honestly. 

I found it interesting that Chaim stated how disgusting it was that FOTL stated how white women wanted to have sex with black men and how disgusting it was for FOTL to joke about committing crime against white women. At that very moment, I wondered if he would feel the same if FOTL of someone else state that black women want to have sex with white men and joked about committing violence against black women? I think I might just ask that of him one of these weeks. My guess is that he will once again accuse me of engaging in moral equivelence. I personally consider it "reciprocity" and consistency.
I'm not sure what that has to do with Im erica's statement (in bold)  and my response to it.

Don't you think that most of the things FOTL said were a bit disgusting.  How is Chaim wrong?
FOTL did not talk about black women and white men or joke about committing violence against black woman.  Why would Chaim have to comment about that - he was talking about FOTL.  

My statements weren't so much in relation to Erica's statements as it was an association with FOTL. I just wonder if Chaim would have consistent views on these types of statements regardless of which race it is aimed at.
I got the impression that it was felt FOTL was attacking women - I never heard Chaim or the moderators mention race.
You should just ask Chaim.  He seems to answer all questions put to him in a honest and thoughtful way.
You might not always like the answer but atleast he'll give you one - more then can be said for most civil rights leaders of today.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 05, 2007, 09:08:40 PM
I have not been following this thread but why on Earth has it broken the record of the longest thread? I mean it's 18 pages.

I'm pretty sure it hasn't.  "Welcome to The Johnson Brown Ask the Ape Show" is as of now 23 pages.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Dissenter on June 05, 2007, 11:15:11 PM
I have not been following this thread but why on Earth has it broken the record of the longest thread? I mean it's 18 pages.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't.  "Welcome to The Johnson Brown Ask the Ape Show" is as of now 23 pages.
That thread is probably even more ridiculous.

Look who's talking about ridiculous! ;D

This from a guy who asks Chaim what he thinks about the Quebecois and whether he eats goose and bison!

This from a guy who goes on for a paragraph telling us about his Frumster love life - or lack thereof - and who once had a sticky thread archiving his future idiocy for Ask JTF.

Why are the threads ridiculous, Yacov? Serious issues - not your college career - are being discussed, the core of JTF's philosophy. I don't like the "Ask the Ape" title, and I think that it should be changed, but it's obvious that a lot of people are interested.
Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 11:19:35 PM
I have not been following this thread but why on Earth has it broken the record of the longest thread? I mean it's 18 pages.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't.  "Welcome to The Johnson Brown Ask the Ape Show" is as of now 23 pages.
That thread is probably even more ridiculous.

Look who's talking about ridiculous! ;D

This from a guy who asks Chaim what he thinks about the Quebecois and whether he eats goose and bison!

This from a guy who goes on for a paragraph telling us about his Frumster love life - or lack thereof - and who once had a sticky thread archiving his future idiocy for Ask JTF.

Why are the threads ridiculous, Yacov? Serious issues - not your college career - are being discussed, the core of JTF's philosophy. I don't like the "Ask the Ape" title, and I think that it should be changed, but it's obvious that a lot of people are interested.

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 05, 2007, 11:25:59 PM

Title: Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
Post by: OdKahaneChai on June 06, 2007, 12:06:02 AM
I have not been following this thread but why on Earth has it broken the record of the longest thread? I mean it's 18 pages.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't.  "Welcome to The Johnson Brown Ask the Ape Show" is as of now 23 pages.
That thread is probably even more ridiculous.

Look who's talking about ridiculous! ;D

This from a guy who asks Chaim what he thinks about the Quebecois and whether he eats goose and bison!

This from a guy who goes on for a paragraph telling us about his Frumster love life - or lack thereof - and who once had a sticky thread archiving his future idiocy for Ask JTF.

Why are the threads ridiculous, Yacov? Serious issues - not your college career - are being discussed, the core of JTF's philosophy. I don't like the "Ask the Ape" title, and I think that it should be changed, but it's obvious that a lot of people are interested.

I don't know about goose but bison is pretty good - and it's much healthier than beef.  I have it quite often.