Correction, the website is , which has Another Article by
Peter Baum headlined
“Palestinian narrative is based on lies and revisionist history” on
April 15, 2023 has an article headlined
“I Stand With Israel Because I Stand With Peace, Prosperity and Justice for All” by
Robert Kennedy Jr. on
June 21, 2023
Again how is a
Sexual Predator worse than an Anti-Semite, plus what is the meaning of
the two sticks in Ezekiel 37:15-20 ? What about the Two-House Doctrine , the House of Israel and the House of Judah ? has an article headlined
“Taiwan and Israel “have a lot to learn from each other:” former Israeli security official” by
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
on June 20, 2023
I guess people forget that The rackets were started in America by the Gangster Rothstein who mentored Arthur Fleigenheimer and lucky Luciano. Murder inc. were Jewish gangsters. Crime is always appealing to new immigrants and people at the bottom.
A Christian Convert to Judaism recently said about Anti-Semites online
“First of all, I don’t have any respect for antisemites,” he said. “Whether they are overt, angry ideological antisemites or whether they are under-the-table quiet types. I don’t respect them enough to waste my time on them.” has an article headlined
“Palestinian violence, not settler violence, is the problem”
Hillel Frisch on December 6, 2021
Did anyone read it ?
In June 2023 a person typed on
“Christian anti-Semitism is a semi-oxymoronic cognitive dissonance on an unprecendented level. They hate and slander the Jews, yet at the same time derive all their religious legitimacy and much of their core doctrines and tenets from Judaism”
Drug dealers are the middlemen.
How many people are going to start blaming “The Jews” and/or
Israel for the tragedy of the
Titan Submersible Implosion
Anyone wonder how many people are going to be blaming
The Jews, Zionists and/or Israel for the Severe Tornadoes that damaged parts of Indiana on
June 8, 2023 has an article headlined
“Palestinians are cursed for their insistence on promoting a false narrative”
Peter Baum
Correction, the website is , which has Another Article by
Peter Baum headlined
“Palestinian narrative is based on lies and revisionist history” on
April 15, 2023
What about
Francis Suarez
Mayor of Miami, Florida for
Why are all these train derailments happening ? How many people will blame Jews for it has an article headlined
“Inseparable Bond Between Jews and Christians”
By Brett Freeman
Published December 24, 2022
Does Chaim Ben Pesach read all the great comments we post on this JTF website ?
If so , what does he think ?
Does Chaim read all of our great comments here on going all the way back to October 2014 has an article headlined
“I Stand With Israel Because I Stand With Peace, Prosperity and Justice for All” by
Robert Kennedy Jr. on
June 21, 2023
With his raspy voice I cannot understand anything RFK Jr. says.
The Kennedy are the biggest antisemites since the third reich. Don’t fall for this shit.
Was JFK an Anti-Semite ?
No. He was a sexual predator. Which is worse.
How is a Sexual Predator worse than an
Anti-Semite ?
Again how is a
Sexual Predator worse than an Anti-Semite, plus what is the meaning of
the two sticks in Ezekiel 37:15-20 ? What about the Two-House Doctrine , the House of Israel and the House of Judah ?
Bend over and find out. has an article headlined
“Taiwan and Israel “have a lot to learn from each other:” former Israeli security official” by
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
on June 20, 2023
I guess people forget that The rackets were started in America by the Gangster Rothstein who mentored Arthur Fleigenheimer and lucky Luciano. Murder inc. were Jewish gangsters. Crime is always appealing to new immigrants and people at the bottom.
A Christian Convert to Judaism recently said about Anti-Semites online
“First of all, I don’t have any respect for antisemites,” he said. “Whether they are overt, angry ideological antisemites or whether they are under-the-table quiet types. I don’t respect them enough to waste my time on them.”
MTA celebrates pride. Don’t care about the farebeaters.
You notice that too? I recently took LIRR and noticed the trains have those rainbow hearts on the side. has an article headlined
“Palestinian violence, not settler violence, is the problem”
Hillel Frisch on December 6, 2021
Did anyone read it ?
In June 2023 a person typed on
“Christian anti-Semitism is a semi-oxymoronic cognitive dissonance on an unprecendented level. They hate and slander the Jews, yet at the same time derive all their religious legitimacy and much of their core doctrines and tenets from Judaism”
What do we think of
Sadiq Khan , the current and
First Muslim Mayor of
London, England .
We don’t.
Roseann Barr says no one died in the holocaust : she is as much a historian as she is an opera singer.
But a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding design. “He profits most who serves best.” by Arthur F. Sheldon.