Moishe Mana: I’ll Pay Trump Sexual Assault Victims Legal Fees

moishe-manaTel Aviv born Billionaire Moishe Mana, an entrepreneur, Miami real estate developer, art collector and philanthropist, most well-known for his company Moishe’s Moving Systems, has told the press he will pick up the legal fees of any woman who has accused Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual harassment should Trump take her to court, because, he said, “We have to step up to the plate and protect these women.”

Back in October, Mana organized a private auction to benefit the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Mana and his senior vice president Shai Baitel selected 18 artworks from the billionaire’s personal collection, including works by Robert Indiana, Jessica Stockholder, and Cey Adams, each estimates at between $1,200 to $15,000.

Mana has already offered to pay $2 million to Trump’s favorite charity if the candidate would release his tax returns. Now Mana stands to spend a lot more, as more than 10 women have come forward to accuse Trump, whose response so far has been, “All of these liars will be sued.”

Mana said he plans to “assemble a team of lawyers to subpoena his records, his documents, his real e-mails . . . He’s bad for business, he’s bad for society. He’s bad for the world in every aspect.”

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