Trump demands that Netanyahu finally destroy Iran’s nuclear program (JTF video)


Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

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  • I listened to Kahane at UCLA in 1970 on you tube. He said something interesting. When the middle class or people who have something to lose see that things are going south for them, they follow the far right. Was he predicting Trump? Id still rather have trump than Kamala but still.

    • Anyone else afraid that
      Netanyahu is going to wimp out as always

    • Trump is the better Choice has an article headlined
      “Kamala Harris ‘Nude’ Google Searches After Debate Speak Volumes About Women in Politics”
      Published Oct 08, 2020
      by Kashmira Gander

    • Fred Maroun typed online
      October 11, 2024
      “French President Emmanuel Macron doubles down on his call for an arms embargo on Israel, saying that “stopping the export of weapons” used in Gaza and Lebanon was the only way to end fighting there.
      “We all know it. It’s the unique lever that would end it,” Macron says at a summit of European and Mediterranean leaders in Cyprus.”
      – The Times of Israel

      Wow! Hard to believe I’m actually reading such garbage coming from a supposedly smart and educated man. I was happy that the extreme left didn’t win the french legislative election, but now I think it makes no difference. Macron is implementing their pro-terror policies.

      What does Macron think would happen if Israel runs out of weapons? I guess he must be in favor of what Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and their allies would do in such a scenario.

      Absolutely disgusting.”

      Never Forget how
      Al Bundy Hates the French and France, Al Bundy the legendary
      Chicago women’s
      shoe salesman from
      The American
      “Married… with Children” which ran from
      1987-1997 on Fox

      • Barry Shaw typed online today
        “More idiocy from Macron of France;

        ” The only way to stop the conflict is to stop exporting to Israel the weapons that Israel uses in Gaza and Lebanon.”

        Not eradicating barbaric indoctrinated killers that want to see an end to Israel. No. Make sure the Jews don’t have the weapons to resist or respond.

        This is the level of Western leaders’ imbecility these days.
        Western leaders who allow their countries to be overrun by people who want to turn them into their version of Gaza
        and Lebanon.

        Barry Shaw,
        The View from Israel.”

        Again can we all see why
        Al Bundy hates the French and France

    • A person typed online
      October 13, 2024
      “After Decades of Speculation, DNA Studies Verify Christopher Columbus Was a Sephardic Jew.

      Since Columbus is currently being vilified as an oppressive white colonialist by the woke folk, it is an opportune time to blame the misfortune that befell Native Americans on the Jews.”
      With a link to a
      Jerusalem Post article headlined
      “Columbus was a Sephardi Jew from Western Europe, study finds”
      By REUTERS Published: OCTOBER 13, 2024

      The person also typed
      Russia, unprovoked, brutally attacked Ukraine.

      The Kremlin’s onslaught continues till this day, but…

      I see no campus demonstrations, tent encampments, or posters calling for a cease-fire.

      There are no ‘Death to Russia’ chants.

      I hear no pleas for Ukraine’s restraint. lest harm befall the innocent.

      Ah, but when Israel retaliates against monsters who engineered the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the silent world finds its voice.

      But had Israel been vanquished beyond repair, the silence would still be heard.”

    • A person typed online about the
      2020 book
      “Israel and the Palestinians:
      The Naked Truth!”
      by Livio Rosenberg that
      “I highly recommend this book. It is excellent. My brother is reading it now and he concurs. Since he is a retired engineer and theoretical physicist he cannot be wrong!”

    • The New York Post has an article about the Non-Jewish comedian
      David Letterman headlined
      “Jihadist calls on US Muslims to cut off Letterman’s tongue”
      By Chuck Bennett
      Published Aug. 18, 2011
      The article mentions
      Rabbi Meir Kahane
      Meir Kahane had many
      Television Appearances during his
      Meir Kahane should definitely have appeared on “The
      David Letterman Show” or
      “Late Night with David Letterman”

  • Sirhan Sirhan should remain in prison.for the rest of his life and be buried in pigskin

  • This Country wiil be far more greater with Leaders like Florida Governor Desantis!! Or Ted Cruz from Texas but we gonna have to settle for Trump who will have a hard time winning. Will see in November get out and vote!!

    • Joe Gold ,
      America will be Far More Greater with Libertarian Freedom
      Authentic Libertarian Freedom
      Not the BS “freedom” in America of
      2024 where Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
      Are you aware of the Sufferings of
      Incels , the Incel
      Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide

      • Mr. Gold
        Countless Americans realize that there Needs to be a Redistribution of Sex
        That America Needs to Make
        Prostitution, Sex Work Legal for All Consenting Adults in
        All 50 States and at
        Reasonable Prices

      • Mr. Gold , Also
        About Libertarian Freedom
        Most Americans want the
        Insane Unjust Failed
        “War on Drugs” ended once and for all
        And Most people are Against
        Pro-Life BS
        And Against
        “Suicide Prevention” and Forced Living Extremism
        And Support the Growing
        Right To Die ,
        Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement ,
        They Support
        Free of Charge ,
        Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death for any and All Suffering people who Request To Die
        Mentally ill, Terminally ill,
        Homeless, Paraplegics, Quadriplegics, Incels, etc.
        They realize that the
        Growing Right To Die
        Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement Must Never Discriminate against any type of Suffering person

  • has an article headlined
    “Helene unleashes a hurricane of anti-semitism”
    By Barton Kunstler October 10, 2024 has an article headlined
    “What’s Behind Joe Biden’s Anti-Semitism?”
    Richard Lee Abrams October 10, 2024

  • A person typed online
    October 10, 2024
    “Back in the 1980’s Rabbi Meir Kahane warned us all. He begged us to expel the Arab enemy from within our borders. Israel chose to shrink its borders and give terrorist autonomy in Gaza. Foolish scared appeasing Jews caved in to international pressure.
    To understand more, read: Israel and the Palestinians: The naked truth. Available at Amazon”

  • has an article headlined
    “The connection between sexual repression and antisemitism”
    By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
    18 April 2024

  • More about the Fakestinians , the Precious
    “Palestinian people” has an article headlined
    “Palestinian-owned Oakland cafe features drink named for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar”
    By Jackie Hajdenberg
    October 11, 2024

    Very Appalling and Disturbing
    Yet Not Surprising

  • More about
    Rabbi Meir Kahane has an article headlined
    “Guide to a chosen and perplexed people”
    Tzvi Fishman
    May 18, 2021

  • Why should we take Trump seriously. He says many things just to pander. It isn’t such a simple task as it was withthe Iraq or Syrin nuclear reactor. Which is the problem because Trump is America First and against getting involved in any conflict that won’t end quickly. He will push Israel into a bad peace deal just as he will with Ukraine. And we all know it was Sharon that set the stage for Oct 7th not a leftist. A very proud individual for himself but not for his people.

    Also Trump is bad for America. His focus on Tariffs is bad for the economy. Populism has goes damage to every economy and it doesn’t matter it if from the right or left as their mindset has the same impact. Especially when they have a 2nd term.

    • Trump is still a better choice than Kamala

    • adam , what about
      Project 2025 ?
      Also it was really messed up how
      Former New York Governor
      David Paterson in
      October 2024 with his step-son Anthony Sliwa who is also the son of Curtis Sliwa were assaulted in New York City’s Upper East Side by a group of four men and one woman resulting in them suffering minor injuries. Two adults and two minors were later charged in the incident
      That was messed up

  • A person typed online today
    “TW: depictions of graphic violence and SA.

    It’s because anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

    It doesn’t matter how many Jews you can find who disagree. They’re wrong.

    There are many calls for regime change across the planet. For instance, I support regime change in Tehran.

    But name me one other United Nations member country where there is a sizable global movement calling not for regime change, but for that entire nation to no longer exist, and to be replaced by a different nation altogether.

    Name me another nation where there is a movement in the millions and millions that are not only openly calling for the destruction of that nation, but who openly state that any and all acts against its citizens – including throwing babies into ovens, women raped until their pelvises snapped, people cut in two, necrophilia, kidnapping infants, mutilation, mass murder, and more – are justified as valid acts of “resistance.” And these acts are justified not only to members of the regime, but to random infants and children and even people who are not citizens of that nation but just happening to be visiting the place.

    Name me another UN nation where being from there or having common ancestry from there entitles people to demand that you state your positions, not only on that nations’ political and military policies, but whether or not you believe that nation should be allowed to continue to even EXIST, before being welcomed into any and every conceivable social situation, including university student groups, hobbyist or enthusiast groups both in real life and on social media, political activist groups, music venues, comedy venues, restaurants, and on and on.

    The ONLY nation in the world this applies to is the ONLY one in the world that happens to have a population where the majority are Jews.

    Being against an Israeli politician or political party, an Israeli policy, or decisions made during a war, is not inherently antisemitism.

    But being against the EXISTENCE of the only Jewish majority nation in the world – not one that we are discussing if it should exist but that ALREADY exists – is antisemitism.

    And just because you can find a Jew who knows so little about the history not only of antisemitism but of the history of what has happened to anti-Zionist Jews from Soviet Russia to Nazi Germany to Iraq and Syria and across the Middle East to Jews here in the Americas that they actually think they can separate their identity as Jews from the antisemitism of calling for the destruction of the only Jewish-majority nation-state in the world? That doesn’t make your anti-Zionism any less antisemitic.

    I can find you Black Americans who have said that taxes are more of an injustice than the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Does that mean I found proof that taxation is worse than chattel slavery? No. It means that I’m a racist, and I am using a Black person who is either devilishly dishonest or epically moronic to justify my racism.

    Not supporting anything and everything done in the name of Zionism is not antisemitic, just like not being okay with anything and everything done in the name of patriotism makes one unpatriotic.

    But being against something done in the name of Zionism is not the same thing as being against not only the current government/ruling parties or Israel but the continued existence of Israel. The latter is anti-Zionism.

    And anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

    The more you know…💫 “

  • JTF should form a gang called Tren de Bensonhurst.

  • Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Spain

  • About the alleged Jewish ancestry of Christopher Columbus
    See the website scroll down to where it says
    “Crypto Columbo
    The Dangerous Myth That Jews
    Colonized America”
    And a series of False Claims and Facts about
    Christopher Columbus are Discussed
    See Also the Instagram Account
    Lani Anpo
    @lanianpo it says at the top
    Indijewnous Anti-Propagandist
    Not political. Not religious. Just Indigenous.
    MHA | Lakota | Jewish
    On this Instagram Account
    Scroll down to the post of
    October 14, 2024
    Which says at the bottom caption
    Making this post is not how I should have had to spend Indigenous Peoples Day. 😏 But here we are, addressing yet another false narrative.

    #indigenouspeoplesday #indigenous #jewish #native #israel #america #columbus #columbusday ”
    Click on the Instagram Photo
    Where it says
    “Crypto Columbo
    The Dangerous Myth That Jews
    Colonized America”
    Keep Clicking on it to see
    False Claims and Facts About the alleged Jewish ancestry of
    Christopher Columbus discussed

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “Let me say this in the clearest possible terms. If you’re concerned with Israel’s response, if you’re focused on the people of Gaza right now, you’re either ignorant or intentionally hypocritical.

    2005: Israel handed Gaza over on a silver platter. No “occupation”, no Israeli presence, nothing. 100% theirs. If they wanted anything other than dead Jews, they had the chance.

    In what world is it normal to demand a country provide water and electricity to its enemy when there is clear evidence that they are using those water pipes to create rockets that then kill Israelis?

    You’re worried about the electricity and water in Gaza? You can provide it. Don’t want to? Then keep your mouth shut.

    They have nowhere to go those poor Palestinians? Why don’t you go look at a map? They have a border with Egypt. Let them take them in if they care so much.

    Oh, Egypt doesn’t want them? Did you hear that? That was my heart breaking for them. Egypt can take them. They don’t want them? Not my problem.

    You’re worried about a disproportionate response by Israel? Kindly tell me what a proportionate response would look like.

    Because if we did what they did to us, that would require the murder, abduction, and rape of over a thousand people.

    Is that what you’re recommending Israel does? Because that’s pretty sick of you.

    And once and for all, we need to unequivocally reject the false narrative of “They’re not all Hamas supporters so Israel has no right to attack Gaza.”

    A- The Palestinian people elected Hamas. Make up your mind. If they’re a people who you believe deserve a state then it’s time you held them accountable as a people. They elected Hamas. They will pay for that tragic decision.

    B- The Palestinian people, not 100, 1,000, or 10,000 of them, give out candies when innocent Jews are murdered. Have you seen thousands of Palestinians speaking out against Hamas? I haven’t. Where are they? Their silence is all I need to know.

    C- In every war in the history of the world, innocent people die. That fact, as sad as it might be, has zero relevance to whether the war is justified or not. Need I remind you how many innocent Germans died in WWII? Israel is fighting Nazis now. Zero difference. In war, innocent people die.

    D- And finally, don’t come at me with the whole “They can’t speak out. Hamas will kill them.”

    Where have we heard that before? “I was just fulfilling orders. I had no choice.”

    Oh yes, that was what the Nazis said. It was not a legit argument then and it’s not a legit argument now.

    What Israel experienced on October 7th was the equivalent of 9/11 times 50. Israel WILL retaliate accordingly and it will not stop no matter how much you throw your double standard at us.

    We not only have every right to do whatever we can to obliterate Hamas, we have a moral obligation to do so.

    You might not know this now, but a world without Hamas is a safer world for you and your children.

    If you didn’t complain when ISIS was defeated, if you think WWII was justified in order to defeat the Nazis, then you can either stand with Israel while we cleanse the world of Hamas savages or you can go ahead and keep your mouth shut while we do the work from which you will benefit.

    If you have any integrity at all, go read the charters of Hamas and the PLO. If you’re honest, ask yourself what “From the river to the sea” means. Look at a map if you can’t figure it out. It means no Israel. Do you support that? Throwing all Israelis into the sea? Because that’s what that means.

    If you are still delusional enough to think they want a state, go Google The Partition Plan. They had one. They rejected it. Then google how many times Israel offered them a state.

    And if, after all that, you still think the Palestinian’s agenda is anything other than total genocide of the Jewish people, congratulations, you have earned the privilege of being named a flaming antisemite who supports murder and rape.

    I’m sure your mother is proud. 🤮”

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish.

  • Columbus and his crew survived their transatlantic crossing by catching gefilte fish. .

  • People worry about
    World War III , if there is sadly a
    Third World War , how will people and historians, scholars know when it’s begun ?

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