Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Groucho Marxist on September 25, 2007, 12:58:04 AM
I don't share Ben Chaim's views, but I respect them and thoroughly enjoy most of his vlogs. However on Jena 6, he comes off as a real misinformed amateur full of gossip. The whole controversy is a joke. NO WEAPONS WERE INVOLVED. People always complain that we're a nation of wimps, but if you punch someone in the head that's attempted murder? I grew up with teenagers fighting each other all the time, and this kid wasn't even badly hurt. If he had died that would be a different story, but he walked off and went to a party afterwards. It's kind of like reckless driving, you're not charged with murder if you didn't kill anyone, but *OH MY G-d* YOU COULD OF KILLED SOMEONE. GO TO FEDERAL PRISON AND LEARN YOUR LESSON.
Listen, life in prison is pretty harsh for a simple gang beatdown.
But, hey. The people supporting them want them FREED. Not their sentences reduced and I have to agree with Chaim that freeing them will be the turning point into turning America into another Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or "New" South Africa.
That much is clear
I don't understand how it is that violent blacks in this country are so easily forgiven. I'm not talking about the Jena 6 so much as I am about other more violent attacks.
Let's see ... there was the Central Park jogger that was raped and beaten to a pulp (and we heard then that some "kids were just 'wilding'") ... and then there was Kristopher Kime murdered via having his head stomped into the asphalt on account of saving a white girl from a mob of blacks that were murdering her (and which the national news media brilliantly kept off the national headlines, but not James Byrd!) ... and then there was the millionaire football player that cut the throats of two (white) people and went around playing golf afterwards (while a certain detective involved in the case has to travel under the cover of darkness because blacks will kill him due to comments he made for a screenplay) ... and then there's the "wichita massacre" that the national media pretends never happened (though can't get enough of blond bimbos behaving badly) ... and it just goes on and on like some bad horror movie whilst blacks and their white lib accomplices write and speak about all the "racism" that whites supposedly commit against blacks 24/7.
Amazing. Just amazing. I can't help but wonder what the reaction would be if one could go back in time and have the Union Soldiers (that gave their lives to free blacks) gather around a jumbotron TV and let them see via a 10-hour long video tape the kind of evil horse crap that we see going on around us every day with what (too many) free blacks are doing with what they (Union Soldiers) spilt their blood for.
Kicking someone in the head after he passed out and is lieng on the ground; is atemmpt to murder using boots as deadly weapon; If those six blacks who atacked this boy have trouble to comprehend this; they shoud return to Africa.
In this country it's open-season on whitey. Has been for as long as I can remember. >:(
My youth was spent defending myself from Blacks that acted like apes.5 on 1 was not uncommen to me.To hell with the Jena 6,7,8,9...Who cares!Would the aclu be there for a Jew or white?I doubt it.Enough is enough!People ,and children who act like apes should be treated as such!
Kicking someone in the head after he passed out and is lieng on the ground; is atemmpt to murder using boots as deadly weapon; If those six blacks who atacked this boy have trouble to comprehend this; they shoud return to Africa.
Only Neo-Nazi's kick people in the head with steel-toe boots. The Jena Six kid was wearing sneakers.
Self-hating racist Jews who countinuously try to coddle up to American Neo-Nazis that have trouble comprehending this should go back to Europe, and try ingratiating themselves with their European counterparts. They may very well find themselves subject to the same treatment.
Kicking someone in the head after he passed out and is lieng on the ground; is atemmpt to murder using boots as deadly weapon; If those six blacks who atacked this boy have trouble to comprehend this; they shoud return to Africa.
Only Neo-Nazi's kick people in the head with steel-toe boots. The Jena Six kid was wearing sneakers.
Self-hating racist Jews who countinuously try to coddle up to American Neo-Nazis that have trouble comprehending this should go back to Europe, and try ingratiating themselves with their European counterparts. They may very well find themselves subject to the same treatment.
I'm already live in Europe Katanga; LOL!
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
Was that confirmed by an official doctor or just some pedestrian? Where's the medical report? I'm willing to change my entire outlook if you can produce concrete evidence or else I'm going to assume it's another Internet lie.
I don't share Ben Chaim's views, but I respect them and thoroughly enjoy most of his vlogs. However on Jena 6, he comes off as a real misinformed amateur full of gossip. The whole controversy is a joke. NO WEAPONS WERE INVOLVED. People always complain that we're a nation of wimps, but if you punch someone in the head that's attempted murder? I grew up with teenagers fighting each other all the time, and this kid wasn't even badly hurt. If he had died that would be a different story, but he walked off and went to a party afterwards. It's kind of like reckless driving, you're not charged with murder if you didn't kill anyone, but *OH MY G-d* YOU COULD OF KILLED SOMEONE. GO TO FEDERAL PRISON AND LEARN YOUR LESSON.
This is my point. I'd surely change my mind if the guy hadn't pulled a Lazarus, walked out of the hospital, went home to freshen up, and proceed on to a school function that evening. What I find weird is that there were no pictures of the black boy after he was beaten by the white kids. Nevertheless, saying 'sneakers were used as a murder weapon' is ridiculous. In that case, hands and fists are murder weapons also. Its quite possible to permananently injur a person just by slapping them around with their hands. Punching someone while their on the ground is akin to kicking someone while they're on the ground...when you're overpowered and helpless it doesn't matter one bit what the person used to hurt you.
My point is that this is unfair. Giving the white kids who hung the nooses and the kids who beat the black boy 3 days out of school for fighting, but trying to convict the black kids for fighting is just unfair. I think both sides need a reality check. Perhaps someone should take them to the city morgue and have them sit there for a couple or 3 days to show them what fighting over race issues eventually gets them would help out...as well as councelling.
Because they don't want sharpton protesting in their town so they forgive them as fast as possible. Just ask Don Imus.
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
Was that confirmed by an official doctor or just some pedestrian? Where's the medical report? I'm willing to change my entire outlook if you can produce concrete evidence or else I'm going to assume it's another Internet lie.
There are only pictures, as far as I know. He had a bruise on the outside of his ear, his eye and his cheek. I'd like to see that medical report also.
Without_Logic, I want to see you get up and walk down a street in Compton or Harlem and see if you make it out in one piece.
Listen, life in prison is pretty harsh for a simple gang beatdown.
But, hey. The people supporting them want them FREED. Not their sentences reduced and I have to agree with Chaim that freeing them will be the turning point into turning America into another Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or "New" South Africa.
That much is clear
I want them freed and handled by the school system's laws, which means they'd pay for what they did, just not in jail for 22 years.
Oh please. Only "The Sun Will Set Today" would be a more predictable statement. ::)
Kicking someone in the head after he passed out and is lieng on the ground; is atemmpt to murder using boots as deadly weapon; If those six blacks who atacked this boy have trouble to comprehend this; they shoud return to Africa.
Punish the boys, yes. Send them to jail for 22 years , no. Fists are used as deadly weapons also... one could sustain internal bleeding from someone punching them in the stomach, or kicking them in the back and THAT could very well kill people too.
And about this 'returning to Africa' mess; they've never been there. How could they return?
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
What kid do you know who would return to school the same evening after being 'nearly killed'?
So, then, I assume you are happy with the way the white Jena kids who "beat" the black kid at the party (i.e. were defending themselves when he tried to crash it) were treated? :)
So, then, I assume you are happy with the way the white Jena kids who "beat" the black kid at the party (i.e. were defending themselves when he tried to crash it) were treated? :)
One kid went to a party, was that a reason to beat him up? You usually crash a party when you're with other people. He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
Was that confirmed by an official doctor or just some pedestrian? Where's the medical report? I'm willing to change my entire outlook if you can produce concrete evidence or else I'm going to assume it's another Internet lie.
Screw the medical report. Even the Bolshevik news shows are admitting that the attack was brutal. The kid's face swelled up to the size of a grapefruit!
The majority of blacks have the instinctive to murder and maim, it's a fact according to FBI crime reports. Over 70% of crime is committed by blacks.
Maybe we should go back to the times of segregation, if the blacks are so unhappy living among whites. Let them fend for themselves just like good old times.
They nearly killed that kid. There is no excuse.
What kid do you know who would return to school the same evening after being 'nearly killed'?
That's why it's called attempted murder. A person can still get hit by a car and be fine. It's the principle that counts.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
Seems like it C.F. "Not prison worthy?" Blacks have gotten off scottfree long enough.
Why do blacks run to the defense of blacks, but whites never run to the defense of their fellow whites? Instead, the whites stand up for the blacks. Further proof that this nation is becoming a liberal nation of igorance and self-hate. If the blacks are allowed to riot, whites should too!
Whites built this nation, so, we should stand up for our nation. Abraham Lincoln was nice enough to allow blacks to live free in freedom. Blacks are taking advantage of our great leader's kindness. Lincoln had his doubts that blacks would be able to live peacefully in a white nation. His doubts were spot-on. If only we had a president who shared that great man's beliefs.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
Seems like it C.F. "Not prison worthy?" Blacks have gotten off scottfree long enough.
Why do blacks run to the defense of blacks, but whites never run to the defense of their fellow whites? Instead, the whites stand up for the blacks. Further proof that this nation is becoming a liberal nation of igorance and self-hate. If the blacks are allowed to riot, whites should too!
Whites built this nation, so, we should stand up for our nation. Abraham Lincoln was nice enough to allow blacks to live free in freedom. Blacks are taking advantage of our great leader's kindness. Lincoln had his doubts that blacks would be able to live peacefully in a white nation. His doubts were spot-on. If only we had a president who shared that great man's beliefs.
Again, whose talking about getting off scott free? No one. They should be punished but shouldn't have to go to jail for 22 years. There was no riot, there was a march. This isn't an arguement of whether the Jena 6 beat the white boy up...we all know they did, but the same amount of whites beat up a black boy, got a slap on the wrist and 3 days out of school suspension..and that's okay? In this case, the justice system isn't fair. The black boys should get the same treatment that the white boys got; they all need to spend a little time together..(I'm remembering the movie, "Remember the Titans", which was about the first racially intergrated high school football team in America) That took place in the 1960's. The coach, a black coach at that, decided that to quelch the racial tention between the new teammates, he had to make them spend time together; getting to know each other better and perhaps burying their hatred for each other's race. It worked for them why can't it work for these boys...the Jena 6 and the white boys?
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
Erica -- I heard it on Adam Carrola's morning radio show a while back when that whole thing was going.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
But notice how only the blacks gave him trouble? I didn't hear a peep from the whites in the audience. If the blacks didn't enjoy the show, they should've just walked out on it. Michael Richards is a weird guy, without a doubt, but I can't blame him. Like the president understands the need for a riot, when blacks can't always get what they want, I understand Michael Richards' need to express himself.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
The white kids weren't even present when the black kids asked if it was okay to sit there...they got expressed permission from their asst. principal who said that they could sit anywhere they chose to sit because its 'your campus too". The boys sat under that tree that day, the next day there were 3 nooses tied to the limb of the tree. One of the black boys went to and was probably invited to a party where it was mostly white "ALONE" and was jumped both inside and outside of the party... one of the white kids went to his pick up to pull out a sawed off shot gun on him and the black kid wrestled the gun out of his hand... dropped it and ran away. How was that justified? It was no more justified than the 6 black kids (including the one beat up the day before) beating up one white kid for calling them names. They were ALL wrong. There were so many other ways to handle those situation.
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
The white kids weren't even present when the black kids asked if it was okay to sit there...they got expressed permission from their asst. principal who said that they could sit anywhere they chose to sit because its 'your campus too". The boys sat under that tree that day, the next day there were 3 nooses tied to the limb of the tree. One of the black boys went to and was probably invited to a party where it was mostly white "ALONE" and was jumped both inside and outside of the party... one of the white kids went to his pick up to pull out a sawed off shot gun on him and the black kid wrestled the gun out of his hand... dropped it and ran away. How was that justified? It was no more justified than the 6 black kids (including the one beat up the day before) beating up one white kid for calling them names. They were ALL wrong. There were so many other ways to handle those situation.
I don't see the big deal abou the nooses. I've seen more mean-spirited pranks.
Why did a black go to an all-white party, if he doesn't even have any white friends? He came there looking for a fight, that's why!
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
But notice how only the blacks gave him trouble? I didn't hear a peep from the whites in the audience. If the blacks didn't enjoy the show, they should've just walked out on it. Michael Richards is a weird guy, without a doubt, but I can't blame him. Like the president understands the need for a riot, when blacks can't always get what they want, I understand Michael Richards' need to express himself.
How do you know that there weren't whites saying that he sucked too? Also, if those black guys had walked out, we'd be arguing about whether or not those black people disrespected 'Kramer' by walking out on him because he was white or not. No one rioted against Michael Richards. A lot of people were calling him stupid though. Some things are better left unsaid. Those hecklers never yelled one racial obscenity to him, t hey basically told him that he sucked. Just like white people bash bad performers /comedians at night clubs.
Edited to add Michael Richards' tirade and the immature black person's words. ...
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
The white kids weren't even present when the black kids asked if it was okay to sit there...they got expressed permission from their asst. principal who said that they could sit anywhere they chose to sit because its 'your campus too". The boys sat under that tree that day, the next day there were 3 nooses tied to the limb of the tree. One of the black boys went to and was probably invited to a party where it was mostly white "ALONE" and was jumped both inside and outside of the party... one of the white kids went to his pick up to pull out a sawed off shot gun on him and the black kid wrestled the gun out of his hand... dropped it and ran away. How was that justified? It was no more justified than the 6 black kids (including the one beat up the day before) beating up one white kid for calling them names. They were ALL wrong. There were so many other ways to handle those situation.
I don't see the big deal abou the nooses. I've seen more mean-spirited pranks.
Why did a black go to an all-white party, if he doesn't even have any white friends? He came there looking for a fight, that's why!
How do you know he didn't have any white friends? What if he was invited but got there and some people who HATE black people decided to beat him up? If he'd gone there to cause problems, he would have gone with other people to 'back him up' he went alone.
Lets just say (about the nooses) that its the equivelent of a black person pulling a gun out on you walking down the street. The nooses were a warning that if the black boys sat under that tree again that they'd be hanged. THAT'S the big deal. You've never had that cloud over your head so its understandable how you can't relate to what it feels like being a black person and seeing nooses hanging from a tree you were sitting under. Its racial.
If the sorry, filthy news media has only allowed agenda-driven blacks and no color libs to give their views but not the Caucasians experiencing what's actually going on down there, then how can anyone (in here) speak authoritatively about Jena 6 (save for commenting on the media libs biasses)?
If the sorry, filthy news media has only allowed agenda-driven blacks and no color libs to give their views but not the Caucasians experiencing what's actually going on down there, then how can anyone (in here) speak authoritatively about Jena 6 (save for commenting on the media libs bias)?
I think that Sharpton should have been left out of this mess. It was a racial matter from the start but adding Sharpton to this just made it media fodder.
Where was Sharpton and Jackson and Koppel following the murder of Kristopher Kime by a mob of Blacks at a Seattle Mardi Gras a few years ago?
The hero Kime came upon a situation in which dozens of hate-filled blacks were in the process of killing a Caucasian girl because they didn't like her skin color, and so he went in and saved her by pulling her out, and they turned on him and stomped his head into the asphalt for doing that!!
At the funeral a few days later the attending sang, "We Shall Overcome"!!!
But, again, why didn't Koppel and other libs running the far-reaching TV medium make a big issue about it so everyone in America would know what had happened?! (They sure didn't hold anything back in covering the tragic death of James Byrd!)
Doublestandards galore! >:(
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
But notice how only the blacks gave him trouble? I didn't hear a peep from the whites in the audience. If the blacks didn't enjoy the show, they should've just walked out on it. Michael Richards is a weird guy, without a doubt, but I can't blame him. Like the president understands the need for a riot, when blacks can't always get what they want, I understand Michael Richards' need to express himself.
How do you know that there weren't whites saying that he sucked too? Also, if those black guys had walked out, we'd be arguing about whether or not those black people disrespected 'Kramer' by walking out on him because he was white or not. No one rioted against Michael Richards. A lot of people were calling him stupid though. Some things are better left unsaid. Those hecklers never yelled one racial obscenity to him, t hey basically told him that he sucked. Just like white people bash bad performers /comedians at night clubs.
Edited to add Michael Richards' tirade and the immature black person's words. ...
If they didn't say anything to him, Richards wouldn't of said anything. The heckling was coming from one group, all within it were black. If they just walked out instead of restorting to immature insults this whole situation would've never happened. Why go see a Michael Richards show, if you're not a fan of his comedy? They were troublemakers looking for a good time, and they thought they could get away with heckling Richards, but they were wrong.
I'm sure that there are whites who do the same. This is due to the accursed "urban culture" that blacks have infected this country with. It causes whites to act like blacks, because self-hating whites consider blacks to be "cool", and feel if they don't act like them they will be considered lame. "Urban culture" is a disease that takes goodhearted people and turns them into savages.
Before the '90's, before all this "ubran culture" really took over, most whites used to be civilized. Now, a good chunk have been infected by this epidemic.
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
But notice how only the blacks gave him trouble? I didn't hear a peep from the whites in the audience. If the blacks didn't enjoy the show, they should've just walked out on it. Michael Richards is a weird guy, without a doubt, but I can't blame him. Like the president understands the need for a riot, when blacks can't always get what they want, I understand Michael Richards' need to express himself.
How do you know that there weren't whites saying that he sucked too? Also, if those black guys had walked out, we'd be arguing about whether or not those black people disrespected 'Kramer' by walking out on him because he was white or not. No one rioted against Michael Richards. A lot of people were calling him stupid though. Some things are better left unsaid. Those hecklers never yelled one racial obscenity to him, t hey basically told him that he sucked. Just like white people bash bad performers /comedians at night clubs.
Edited to add Michael Richards' tirade and the immature black person's words. ...
If they didn't say anything to him, Richards wouldn't of said anything. The heckling was coming from one group, all within it were black. If they just walked out instead of restorting to immature insults this whole situation would've never happened. Why go see a Michael Richards show, if you're not a fan of his comedy? They were troublemakers looking for a good time, and they thought they could get away with heckling Richards, but they were wrong.
I'm sure that there are whites who do the same. This is due to the accursed "urban culture" that blacks have infected this country with. It causes whites to act like blacks, because self-hating whites consider blacks to be "cool", and feel if they don't act like them they will be considered lame. "Urban culture" is a disease that takes goodhearted people and turns them into savages.
Before the '90's, before all this "ubran culture" really took over, most whites used to be civilized. Now, a good chunk have been infected by this epidemic.
I heard blacks and whites...but mostly blacks booing Richards. Heckling isn't due to urban culture. Heckling was a popular thing when William Shakesphere was putting on plays...I'm sure he got some hecklers (and none of them, I guarantee, were black).
Our American culture is so malformed that it's regarded as being no big deal for blacks to carry on a campaign of hate against people of no color.
Look at how when Mike Tyson 14 or so months ago stood in front of a news conference and leveled a tirade of hate-filled, highly-racist profanity against all the Caucasians there (even though they were just standing there being respectful). And yet, a day or so later, he was allowed to climb into a ring and collect $30-million (even though he chickened out and "took a fall" when the white guy was on the verge of knocking him out)!!
Now stand what he did against what Michael Richards did more recently. Richards' outbust at the comedy club was tame by comparison!! But unlike Tyson, Richards was chased and beaten up a week or so later by some people of color and, too, the outcry from the media and general public against his racist remarks was a million times worse than what Tyson got!
And if that's not enough, a lot of people were asking if he should be allowed to continue to work as a comic. But those same people had nothing to say about Tyson collecting his big, easy money!
Double standards galore. >:(
Tyson is a big bully. he beats on his women, he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off in a fit of rage, and not to mention the fact that he's out of control. He should be berated for being racist with his remarks. Michael RIchards is a bad comic, he got angry at some hecklers for calling his comedy boring and he goes on a racist tyrade. The whole thing was messy. I don't recall hearing that Michael Richards was beat up by blacks though. That's new and stupid.
But why did those animals attend a Michael Richards' show? If you're going to attend a show act like a human-being, not like an animal. Those hecklers got what they had coming to them. Michael Richards is trying to make an honest killing, and these creatures want to give him a hard time, because they can't control themselves. They didn't find the show funny, so Richards gave them something to laugh about.
They, just like the rest of the audience, thought they were going to see "Kramer" in all his glory. When Kramer's representative (Michael Richards) got up on stage and bombed, that's when they started to heckle him. They gave him a hard time (LIKE THEY GIVE EVERY "BAD" comic a hard time) because his comedy wasn't funny at all. I'm all for him and anyone else making an honest living at stand-up comedy ( I LOVE Jerry Sienfeld, btw) but he wasn't funny at ALL.
And what Michael Richards did wasn't funny, it was pitiful. He wasn't trying to be funny, he was trying to be hurtful.
But notice how only the blacks gave him trouble? I didn't hear a peep from the whites in the audience. If the blacks didn't enjoy the show, they should've just walked out on it. Michael Richards is a weird guy, without a doubt, but I can't blame him. Like the president understands the need for a riot, when blacks can't always get what they want, I understand Michael Richards' need to express himself.
How do you know that there weren't whites saying that he sucked too? Also, if those black guys had walked out, we'd be arguing about whether or not those black people disrespected 'Kramer' by walking out on him because he was white or not. No one rioted against Michael Richards. A lot of people were calling him stupid though. Some things are better left unsaid. Those hecklers never yelled one racial obscenity to him, t hey basically told him that he sucked. Just like white people bash bad performers /comedians at night clubs.
Edited to add Michael Richards' tirade and the immature black person's words. ...
If they didn't say anything to him, Richards wouldn't of said anything. The heckling was coming from one group, all within it were black. If they just walked out instead of restorting to immature insults this whole situation would've never happened. Why go see a Michael Richards show, if you're not a fan of his comedy? They were troublemakers looking for a good time, and they thought they could get away with heckling Richards, but they were wrong.
I'm sure that there are whites who do the same. This is due to the accursed "urban culture" that blacks have infected this country with. It causes whites to act like blacks, because self-hating whites consider blacks to be "cool", and feel if they don't act like them they will be considered lame. "Urban culture" is a disease that takes goodhearted people and turns them into savages.
Before the '90's, before all this "ubran culture" really took over, most whites used to be civilized. Now, a good chunk have been infected by this epidemic.
I heard blacks and whites...but mostly blacks booing Richards. Heckling isn't due to urban culture. Heckling was a popular thing when William Shakesphere was putting on plays...I'm sure he got some hecklers (and none of them, I guarantee, were black).
Those voices did not sound like they belong to white men. Yes, jerks will be jerks, and there are hecklers at a lot of events like these, but this went beyond heckling, this was basically a conservation, not just a few random comments.
You guys are so caught up in this agenda to teach negroes a lesson, you jump on the most insignificant case of racism. A playground tussle! That's all it was, and these fightings happen everyday across the nation. We just suspend those students or kick them out of school, not charge them with attempted murder. Of course you point to other scenarios where blacks are unruly because you really have no evidence against the Jena 6...The victim is probably home playing the new Halo.
You guys are so caught up in this agenda to teach negroes a lesson, you jump on the most insignificant case of racism. A playground tussle! That's all it was, and these fightings happen everyday across the nation. We just suspend those students or kick them out of school, not charge them with attempted murder. Of course you point to other scenarios where blacks are unruly because you really have no evidence against the Jena 6...The victim is probably home playing the new Halo.
There's an angry mob that has taken over the town, because of this! This whole thing is about giving a black the right to beat a white to a bloody pulp, because the black feels he has that right. An angry mob is one way of getting what you want. Blacks just take and take, while whites just give and give without appreciation or successful results from the blacks. JTF needs to become a mass movement, because they are the only ones speaking up against this outrage.
Watch the new video from Chaim and David, and you'll have a new perspective on this whole situation.
You guys are so caught up in this agenda to teach negroes a lesson, you jump on the most insignificant case of racism. A playground tussle! That's all it was, and these fightings happen everyday across the nation. We just suspend those students or kick them out of school, not charge them with attempted murder. Of course you point to other scenarios where blacks are unruly because you really have no evidence against the Jena 6...The victim is probably home playing the new Halo.
Great post, WF! I'm still amazed that after this 'murder attempt' that the victim left the hospital and went to a school function later that evening. Suspend the Jena 6 don't jail them for 22 years for a school yard fight.
I think that all of the teens could benefit from learning an important lesson; tolerance could be one thing. They're still young and moldable... whereas adults who are racist are pigheaded and not likely to change their minds about being evil towards a race/ or other races.
You guys are so caught up in this agenda to teach negroes a lesson, you jump on the most insignificant case of racism. A playground tussle! That's all it was, and these fightings happen everyday across the nation. We just suspend those students or kick them out of school, not charge them with attempted murder. Of course you point to other scenarios where blacks are unruly because you really have no evidence against the Jena 6...The victim is probably home playing the new Halo.
There's an angry mob that has taken over the town, because of this! This whole thing is about giving a black the right to beat a white to a bloody pulp, because the black feels he has that right. An angry mob is one way of getting what you want. Blacks just take and take, while whites just give and give without appreciation or successful results from the blacks. JTF needs to become a mass movement, because they are the only ones speaking up against this outrage.
Watch the new video from Chaim and David, and you'll have a new perspective on this whole situation.
There was no mob.... it was a march. There was no violence, there were no arrests, there were just people yelling in the streets. A riot is akin to that Rodney King crap, back in 1991 (if I recall correctly). Lootings, shootings, beating up white people because they're white. That Jena 6 march was relatively peaceful.
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
There was no mob.... it was a march. ...............That Jena 6 march was relatively peaceful.
And the Crown Heights pogrom and the Watts riots were just 'rainbow rebellions', too!
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
There was no mob.... it was a march. ...............That Jena 6 march was relatively peaceful.
And the Crown Heights pogrom and the Watts riots were just 'rainbow rebellions', too!
Wasn't there a murder committed there? The Jewish store owner died at the hands of evil blacks, right? NOTHING like that happened during the Jena 6 march, newman. You weren't even watching television! Hell YOU DON'T EVEN LIVE IN THE STATES! HOW do YOU know what went on with the march?
Jena 6 ?
What's that ?
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
What difference does him not being mortally wounded make - would charges being brought only be legitimate if he were dead?
What if it was a white mob who beat a black to within an inch of death?
Would that then be a hate crime?
You are acting like Fat Al the hypocrite?
I don't care if you don't like him - you sound just like him.
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
What difference does him not being mortally wounded make - would charges being brought only be legitimate if he were dead?
What if it was a white mob who beat a black to within an inch of death?
Would that then be a hate crime?
You are acting like Fat Al the hypocrite?
I don't care if you don't like him - you sound just like him.
This is absolutely true. The fact that someone is viciously attacked but survives is not a valid reason for the attacker(s) to not be charged with attempted murder. If I shoot you with six bullets but happen to miss four times and only inflict superficial injuries with the other two, does this mean I shouldn't be charged with attempted murder?
This actually happend to me as a high school student.5 on 1 .It was no play ground tussle.Many other times things like this happened to me.Sorry Erica, but if this happened to you you might feel differently. :(
These arent 5 yr old children who do not know right from wrong and can be sent to sit in the corner. They broke the LAW, assault is ILLEGAL, and now they will have to pay whatever consequence is handed down. Simply suspending them from school is not suitable, this was LAW not school policy that was broken, they must pay within the justice system for what they did, if they are slapped on the hand and let go quite the opposite of learning a lesson will happen, it will embolden them and the next time whatever they do will be much worse.
What shocked me about my experience was these assaults were treated like a school small incident.It hardend me to a very bad and violent point.Violence begot violence.
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
You can say you hate those Nazis all you want, but your words embody theirs. If you're suggesting that members judge you based on the color of your skin, that is not the case. Maybe others do, but I really don't care what color a person is. What counts is the content of their character, like another Nazi once said.
What we have on our hands is a riot, not a march. "March" is a fine euphemism for riot, but we all know the word "march" is far too peaceful for what is happening in that town. When Al Sharpton gets involved nothing is a march. Sharpton has already given peaces condemning the entire white race, since he's been down there, and the white-hating blacks are fully behind him.
If these blacks are such good-natured people, why not stand up to Sharpton and tell him he's wrong?
But forget about all that. All this comes down to is an attempt to make black on white violence OK. The blacks said they attacked the white student, because he hurled a racial hurl. Big deal. Is that worth beating a kid senseless? And by the way, they really did beat him senseless. A concussion basically makes one senseless, until that person is healed.
These kids should be thrown in jail for the rest of their lives for attempted murder. End of story.
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
What difference does him not being mortally wounded make - would charges being brought only be legitimate if he were dead?
What if it was a white mob who beat a black to within an inch of death?
Would that then be a hate crime?
You are acting like Fat Al the hypocrite?
I don't care if you don't like him - you sound just like him.
This is absolutely true. The fact that someone is viciously attacked but survives is not a valid reason for the attacker(s) to not be charged with attempted murder. If I shoot you with six bullets but happen to miss four times and only inflict superficial injuries with the other two, does this mean I shouldn't be charged with attempted murder?
Well said. Attempted murder should be equivalent to actual murder. Why should it be based on if the killer or would-be killer is successful or not? These blacks did want to kill the white kid, because the outnumbered him and beat him so badly he suffered a concussion.
Sounds like a hate crime, if such a thing were real.
I've asked this a lot, but will ask it again ... Why is it that with regard to this Jena situation we're ONLY hearing from agenda-driven blacks and no color libs about the details of what supposedly took place down there?
Has the liberal media moved so far into their abuse of power that we are expected to accept this kind of unfair treatment from now on whenever there are racial flare ups? (It doesn't work for me to see only black millionaires and their no color lib accomplices saying on TV things like, "The white boy only got a couple of bruises ... " or "... those black boys are really nice people ... just going to school and looking forward to college." Their words mean nothing to me!)
I want ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX NEWS, etc., to give air-time to those non-blacks in Jena as well as the kid that was beaten up! AND BY ALL MEANS KEEP THOSE SORRY WHITE LIBS OUT OF THE PICTURE!, we don't need those sneaky freaks chiming in with their spin when/if we finally do get some "fair and balanced" reporting!!!!
In this country it's open-season on whitey. Has been for as long as I can remember. >:(
This FORMER self-hating Liberal Jew discovered that. Hopefilly more like me will wake up and see what dangerous and treacherous apes schvartzas are...
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
"Dat tree..it sho be Whitey's tree...therefo I be wantin it an' if Whitey don't be givin' it to me, I be cryin' RACISM!"
He came alone, they beat him up...not prison worthy. The same instance with the black boys beating up one white boy. Not prison worthy.
Give me a break. You would like to see those white kids who defended themselves hanged.
You can't tell me what I'd LIKE to see. You make no sense. I don't want to see either hanged, they need help..
"Help?" Six blacks attacked one white. I don't see the logic in how the outnumbered white kid needs help. These vicious animals deserve to be caged. They'll meet most of their kind in prison. A black to prison is like a moth to a flame, you know they're going to it, sooner of later.
And you're totally excusing the white kids for jumping the black kid. This is where the double standard lies. I think some of you LOVE the fact that some white kids beat up a black boy for any reason and it justifies your hatred for the black boy. There are two victims here...the white boy, and the black boy.
The whites kids beat the black kids up in defense! This black animal wanted to deprive these white kids of their right to sit under a tree. The white kids should be allowed to not want to sit with a black kid! Why doesn't this black kid stay with his own group of friends? Why did they NEED to sit under THAT tree. There are plenty of trees for everyone. The white kids were there first. Who is this animal to kick them out of their spot?
"Dat tree..it sho be Whitey's tree...therefo I be wantin it an' if Whitey don't be givin' it to me, I be cryin' RACISM!"
;) Exactly!!!
You are evil....If I attempt to rape you but there are no bruises is that not attempted rape.You are black?Then you even more an ass.And deserve to have such happen to you ape.Why not leave us alone.Jews defended you and yours during the death of America called the civil rights movement.No you hate your friends,go away!
You are evil....If I attempt to rape you but there are no bruises is that not attempted rape.You are black?Then you even more an donkey.And deserve to have such happen to you ape.Why not leave us alone.Jews defended you and yours during the death of America called the civil rights movement.No you hate your friends,go away!
I have been known for some tough posts when it comes to black issues but this post is even a little to rough for me. I don't think Erica is evil she sees things from a black persons prospective. The example you give above is a bit crass. While Erica's view point is different then many of the people here on the forum she still deserves the same respect everyone else gets. This post is just to personal for my tastes. While its great to disagree on issues lets not resort to this sort of post.
Erica you are truley a racist.It happend to me..Sorry the dumb apes were to weak to hurt me ,to your standerds!Why are you here?
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
What difference does him not being mortally wounded make - would charges being brought only be legitimate if he were dead?
What if it was a white mob who beat a black to within an inch of death?
Would that then be a hate crime?
You are acting like Fat Al the hypocrite?
I don't care if you don't like him - you sound just like him.
THis is about equal justice, bullcat. THe white kids that beat up that ONE black kid at a party didn't serve any jail time at all. Instead they were charged with "Simple Battery" and let go..free as birds. No one is saying that the Jena 6 shouldn't be repremanded . We're saying that they don't deserve to serve 22 years in prison for a school yard fight.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
You're starting to sound like Fat Albert Sharpton - Erica.
Do I hear Jesse in the background?
Sarah was right, nothing I say here really matters. I could say that Sharpton is a fat pig and you'd still scream that I'm supporting or speaking like him. I'm not defending anything else I say. You're either going to take me at my word, or you're going to paste a label on me. Do what you want. I'll just ignore it from now on. I know where I stand.
My sig line means nothing to you, but everything to me.
What difference does him not being mortally wounded make - would charges being brought only be legitimate if he were dead?
What if it was a white mob who beat a black to within an inch of death?
Would that then be a hate crime?
You are acting like Fat Al the hypocrite?
I don't care if you don't like him - you sound just like him.
THis is about equal justice, bullcat. THe white kids that beat up that ONE black kid at a party didn't serve any jail time at all. Instead they were charged with "Simple Battery" and let go..free as birds. No one is saying that the Jena 6 shouldn't be repremanded . We're saying that they don't deserve to serve 22 years in prison for a school yard fight.
Schoolyard fight? The DA has reported that the white kid was blindsided with a bottle, knocked unconscious and kicked mercilessly in the head. This only stopped until a student caught sight of what was happening and chased the gang off. Schoolyard fight? This was wasn't even a fight. The kid had no ability to fight back, because he had a big hunk of glass smashed over his head. This was an act of gang-like violence. Gangs murder. This was attempted murder. You cannot sell this to anybody as a simple schoolyard tussle. Defending these animalistic subhuman morons is useless, and this goes to show just how stupid the Louisiana blacks are.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
Any normal JTF members wonder why Erica doesn't think the black attackers should go to jail? I know why.... she's black.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
None of that shotgun business has been proven. It's surely a tall tale from pro-black Jena just to sweeten the pot for the black animals, who are trying to make their case look credible. No self-respecting white or black should fall for this. Well, of course ALL the blacks will fall for it, but at least JTF members are intelligent enough to not.
Any normal JTF members wonder why Erica doesn't think the black attackers should go to jail? I know why.... she's black.
Well, even the whites in Louisiana are falling for the black lies. That shotgun story is pure baloney. Where did this story all of a sudden come from?
All that aside, six black animals nearly killed a white student, who would've died at the hands of his attackers, if it wasn't for a fellow white student chasing off the attacking apes.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
All true. Blacks are liars, animals, killers and rapists. That's why they make such great Muslims.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
None of that shotgun business has been proven. It's surely a tall tale from pro-black Jena just to sweeten the pot for the black animals, who are trying to make their case look credible. No self-respecting white or black should fall for this. Well, of course ALL the blacks will fall for it, but at least JTF members are intelligent enough to not.
By striking the shot gun incident which happened before the Jena 6 beat up the white boy, from the record, you're proving that YOU are racist. I see ALL sides of the situations... ALL of the boys were guilty of beating each other up...the thing is that justice wasn't served because the boys who threatened the black boy with a shot gun wasn't sent to jail for premeditated attempted murder, nor the whites who beat up the black boy at a party. The jena 6 are guilty of fighting a white kid...so should the white kids who beat the black kids . Neither deserves 22 years for a school yard fight.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
None of that shotgun business has been proven. It's surely a tall tale from pro-black Jena just to sweeten the pot for the black animals, who are trying to make their case look credible. No self-respecting white or black should fall for this. Well, of course ALL the blacks will fall for it, but at least JTF members are intelligent enough to not.
By striking the shot gun incident which happened before the Jena 6 beat up the white boy, from the record, you're proving that YOU are racist. I see ALL sides of the situations... ALL of the boys were guilty of beating each other up...the thing is that justice wasn't served because the boys who threatened the black boy with a shot gun wasn't sent to jail for premeditated attempted murder, nor the whites who beat up the black boy at a party. The jena 6 are guilty of fighting a white kid...so should the white kids who beat the black kids . Neither deserves 22 years for a school yard fight.
Again, you've used the term "schoolyard fight". The white kid was hit over the head with a glass bottle! He was unconscious! He was being beaten while he was incapacitated! How is that a "fight"? You would be great doing speeches alongside Al Sharpton, because your concept of equality is a little more than abscure.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
None of that shotgun business has been proven. It's surely a tall tale from pro-black Jena just to sweeten the pot for the black animals, who are trying to make their case look credible. No self-respecting white or black should fall for this. Well, of course ALL the blacks will fall for it, but at least JTF members are intelligent enough to not.
By striking the shot gun incident which happened before the Jena 6 beat up the white boy, from the record, you're proving that YOU are racist. I see ALL sides of the situations... ALL of the boys were guilty of beating each other up...the thing is that justice wasn't served because the boys who threatened the black boy with a shot gun wasn't sent to jail for premeditated attempted murder, nor the whites who beat up the black boy at a party. The jena 6 are guilty of fighting a white kid...so should the white kids who beat the black kids . Neither deserves 22 years for a school yard fight.
Again, you've used the term "schoolyard fight". The white kid was hit over the head with a glass bottle! He was unconscious! He was being beaten while he was incapacitated! How is that a "fight"? You would be great doing speeches alongside Al Sharpton, because your concept of equality is a little more than abscure.
He wasn't hit over the head with a glass bottle, he was punched and kicked in the head...just like the white kids punched a kicked a black boy ALL OVER his body. They weren't sentenced to jail time...why?
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
Erica, you don't want the the attackers to go to jail because they're black and you're black. It's so obvious.
For your information, you don't know anything about me, Shadow. Nothing. I just told you that the boys were wrong for what they did but they didn't attempt to murder anyone. THey beat up a white boy. He stayed in the hospital for 2 hours, went home, changed over, and attended a school function THAT evening.
What do you say about the white kids who beat that black boy up? Should they be charged for attempted murder also? And what about the white boy who ran to his pick up truck to get a sawed off shotgun to shoot the boy? Also, what about the white robbers who went in to rob a store in Jena? They went in with a gun, some black kids were in the store while it was happening. One of the black boys wrestled the gun out of the white assailant's hands , through the gun down and ran. Later the black boys were found and charged with theft of a firearm and the white assailants weren't charged, taken to jailed or anything for what they did.
None of that shotgun business has been proven. It's surely a tall tale from pro-black Jena just to sweeten the pot for the black animals, who are trying to make their case look credible. No self-respecting white or black should fall for this. Well, of course ALL the blacks will fall for it, but at least JTF members are intelligent enough to not.
By striking the shot gun incident which happened before the Jena 6 beat up the white boy, from the record, you're proving that YOU are racist. I see ALL sides of the situations... ALL of the boys were guilty of beating each other up...the thing is that justice wasn't served because the boys who threatened the black boy with a shot gun wasn't sent to jail for premeditated attempted murder, nor the whites who beat up the black boy at a party. The jena 6 are guilty of fighting a white kid...so should the white kids who beat the black kids . Neither deserves 22 years for a school yard fight.
Again, you've used the term "schoolyard fight". The white kid was hit over the head with a glass bottle! He was unconscious! He was being beaten while he was incapacitated! How is that a "fight"? You would be great doing speeches alongside Al Sharpton, because your concept of equality is a little more than abscure.
He wasn't hit over the head with a glass bottle, he was punched and kicked in the head...just like the white kids punched a kicked a black boy ALL OVER his body. They weren't sentenced to jail time...why?
Read the DA's column in the New York Times. It's available on FoxNews.com.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Like I said, read the DA's report. That is the most accurate telling of the story you will get.
Erica is not evil and definetly not ape; let's leave such contempt to plantion owning dems; The problem with Erika is that she feels to be proud Afrikan-Amerikan; and Afrikan will be always first to her; so discusing black on white crime with Erika willl be like discusing the Balestinian Terror with A-rab-Israeli. Always pointless. ::)
Erica is not evil and definetly not ape; let's leave such contempt to plantion owning dems; The problem with Erika is that she feels to be proud Afrikan-Amerikan; and Afrikan will be always first to her; so discusing black on white crime with Erika willl be like discusing the Balestinian Terror with A-rab-Israeli. Always pointless. ::)
Defending such things is evil. If you defend evil, you are evil. You are what you support.
Erica is not evil and definetly not ape; let's leave such contempt to plantion owning dems; The problem with Erika is that she feels to be proud Afrikan-Amerikan; and Afrikan will be always first to her; so discusing black on white crime with Erika willl be like discusing the Balestinian Terror with A-rab-Israeli. Always pointless. ::)
Defending such things is evil. If you defend evil, you are evil. You are what you support.
Rabbi Meir Kachne was always saying that A-rabs are not evil becouse they want have their 23rd state in Israel; but that they're evil couse they support evil tactics like terrorism agianst Jews; want them all dead and Israel wiped out; so what you sayed is true. Erica being not self hating not make her evil she repeatidly said that she not support AA; but my point point was that All blacks an/or Arabs or anybody else who're not and won't be loyal to their host countries first and only shoud be tranffered out; their personal morality is meaningless. Americans shoud live in America; Jews in Israel, A-rabs in KSA and Blacks in Africa mothership; If she says she's Afrikan-American...
Erica is not evil and definetly not ape; let's leave such contempt to plantion owning dems; The problem with Erika is that she feels to be proud Afrikan-Amerikan; and Afrikan will be always first to her; so discusing black on white crime with Erika willl be like discusing the Balestinian Terror with A-rab-Israeli. Always pointless. ::)
First of all, I can't help what I look like. I definately don't look like any of you here, the only people I can compare myself to racially are Africans who were brought to America as slaves. THAT's why I say I'm African (Black) American.
I'm wasting my time here. I've said again and again that I dont' think the JEna 6 were right for jumping the white boy and you don't read it. I said it was wrong and you don't care. Thanks for saying that I'm not evil but I can't seem to win here.
What I was saying is that the Jena 6 should have been given a reprimand by the school just like the white kids who hung nooses to scare blacks into thinking they'll kill them if they sat at A TREE that belongs to EVERYONE! No one is saying that the Jena 6 are heroes...but I DO consider that the heroes are a couple of blacks who stopped a white person from robbing a store at gun point heroes. The boys wrestled the gun from the robber, threw it down , and ran away from the incident so t hat no one would get hurt. The white person who attempted to rob the store didn't go to jail but the boys who stopped them from robbing the store were processed and charged with theft of a firearm. How in the world does that make sense to you?
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Like I said, read the DA's report. That is the most accurate telling of the story you will get.
I didn't see the DA's report. Are there any key words I need to type in in order to pull up the article?
Erica is not evil and definetly not ape; let's leave such contempt to plantion owning dems; The problem with Erika is that she feels to be proud Afrikan-Amerikan; and Afrikan will be always first to her; so discusing black on white crime with Erika willl be like discusing the Balestinian Terror with A-rab-Israeli. Always pointless. ::)
First of all, I can't help what I look like. I definately don't look like any of you here, the only people I can compare myself to racially are Africans who were brought to America as slaves. THAT's why I say I'm African (Black) American.
I'm wasting my time here. I've said again and again that I dont' think the JEna 6 were right for jumping the white boy and you don't read it. I said it was wrong and you don't care. Thanks for saying that I'm not evil but I can't seem to win here.
What I was saying is that the Jena 6 should have been given a reprimand by the school just like the white kids who hung nooses to scare blacks into thinking they'll kill them if they sat at A TREE that belongs to EVERYONE! No one is saying that the Jena 6 are heroes...but I DO consider that the heroes are a couple of blacks who stopped a white person from robbing a store at gun point heroes. The boys wrestled the gun from the robber, threw it down , and ran away from the incident so t hat no one would get hurt. The white person who attempted to rob the store didn't go to jail but the boys who stopped them from robbing the store were processed and charged with theft of a firearm. How in the world does that make sense to you?
And the fact that you believe the tall tale about the shotgun incident is sad.
It was either a planned incident or a totally made up story to make blacks look good in the wake of this near-murder.
If you want to break the mold of blacks, try not believing everything that comes out of the mouths of the majority of blacks, especially the ones in Jena. No black in Jena has any credibility. They're all white-hating animals.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Like I said, read the DA's report. That is the most accurate telling of the story you will get.
I didn't see the DA's report. Are there any key words I need to type in in order to pull up the article?
Go to Foxnews.com and click on "opinion", and you'll see the article.
I wonder why all those marchers protesting in Jena didn't also go to Durham, N.C. to protest over the fact that the stripper that ruined the lives of those white boys doesn't have to be put on trial for what she did? I heard that she's getting off scott-free because, "she's a trouble young woman and it would only cause her more distress"!!
Double standards for blacks.
I tell you right now, we're headed down the road to a great race war in this country. This nonsense will have a flashpoint, it's just a matter of time.
I wonder why all those marchers protesting in Jena didn't also go to Durham, N.C. to protest over the fact that the stripper that ruined the lives of those white boys doesn't have to be put on trial for what she did? I heard that she's getting off scott-free because, "she's a trouble young woman and it would only cause her more distress"!!
Double standards for blacks.
I tell you right now, we're headed down the road to a great race war in this country. This nonsense will have a flashpoint, it's just a matter of time.
They be a downtrodden people you know ;) They can help themselves besides its jury nullification or some other stupidity. Blacks themselves should put a crimp in this sort of thing because you are quite right the resentment level is rising every day. The laws should apply to the crime and should never take into account past histories or race. The only special situation should be if the person is mentally ill.
What shocked me about my experience was these assaults were treated like a school small incident.It hardend me to a very bad and violent point.Violence begot violence.
LOL, so when you saw 8 Mile did you cry when Eminem was beat up? Was it like nostalgia for you?
But on a serious note, sending teenagers to federal prison is not a thought-out solution. It's not smart or creative. Prisons do not rehabilitate people EVEN if you go there right after high school. You want revenge for what was done to you and that's understandable, but get over yourself. You're not the only one. I used to live near a small Texas town, I've known Mexicans and oriental Asians who were ganged up by truck-driving rednecks. No one expects those people to serve hard time. And is this correct, you did not provoke the guys who attacked you? They were not attacking you because you had beaten up one of their friends? (Because the victim was not some random pedestrian like you are making yourself out to be.)
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Like I said, read the DA's report. That is the most accurate telling of the story you will get.
I didn't see the DA's report. Are there any key words I need to type in in order to pull up the article?
Go to Foxnews.com and click on "opinion", and you'll see the article.
I read the article and there was no mention of a bottle being used...only kicking and punching...the same abuse used to beat up a black boy in Jena before the incident. No one got arrested for that at all. How do you explain that?
Bird without feathers. I dont know what you are referring too. A race that does not impress me and musically culturally illiterate white wannabees is something I would have not watched. Nor, do I defile my body with the filth of lower races. And yes there are lower races, it is a fact. No, I had no flashbacks, b/c I didn't watch it. However, with my enjoyable years with revenge I did have a flashback during the scene with the curb stomping and in the market. Thanks for also enjoying a laugh at my misery. I can say I thank those in the past who did what they did for they built me into what I happen to be. Does the ACLU have a forum on their website? I think that would be more suitable for you and your alter ego Erika. Have a nice night, and don't let the bed bugs bite.
[Referring to American history X]
Bird without feathers. I dont know what you are referring too. A race that does not impress me and musically culturally illiterate white wannabees is something I would have not watched. Nor, do I defile my body with the filth of lower races. And yes there are lower races, it is a fact. No, I had no flashbacks, b/c I didn't watch it. However, with my enjoyable years with revenge I did have a flashback during the scene with the curb stomping and in the market. Thanks for also enjoying a laugh at my misery. I can say I thank those in the past who did what they did for they built me into what I happen to be. Does the ACLU have a forum on their website? I think that would be more suitable for you and your alter ego Erika. Have a nice night, and don't let the bed bugs bite.
The ACLU isn't what I'm into, but thanks for thinking of me. ::)
One more point I have to make.Your my space has no whites on it,yet knowing the military ,we normally have friends of all races.What is your agenda here?Why do you care so much as to spend your free time with the ilk like us?Is your husband deployed?Are you just lonely or board?You do sound nice but in a way you are callused toward our peoples plight.I hope your husband is safe wherever he is and the best to you and yours.
wayne jude
Bird without feathers. I dont know what you are referring too. A race that does not impress me and musically culturally illiterate white wannabees is something I would have not watched. Nor, do I defile my body with the filth of lower races. And yes there are lower races, it is a fact. No, I had no flashbacks, b/c I didn't watch it. However, with my enjoyable years with revenge I did have a flashback during the scene with the curb stomping and in the market. Thanks for also enjoying a laugh at my misery. I can say I thank those in the past who did what they did for they built me into what I happen to be. Does the ACLU have a forum on their website? I think that would be more suitable for you and your alter ego Erika. Have a nice night, and don't let the bed bugs bite.
Someone call the WAH-bulance...No, dude if you can't take a joke that's not my problem, but getting back to subject...you compared the Jena 6 to people who have ganged up on you in the past, and I assume those people attacked you without knowing who you are. That would make it a completely different scenario. If most of us had a friend hurt, we'd get back at the people who hurt our friend.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
If the shoe was on the other foot( and it was) , and the black boys got away scott free without jail time, and the white students were arrested for 'attempted murder' and served 8 to 10 months in jail for beating up a black boy, what would you think? Don't make me answer the question for you.
When you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, you surely want to kill them. And the shot with the bottle wasn't it, they added a severe beating to their murder-intended assault.
No self-respecting JTF member is going to fall for black lies.
Those little baboons are animals, who deserve to be put to death.
The Louisiana black mob is actually referring to the black animals as "heroes". Blacks will be blacks, and blacks are murdering pigs.
No one said the Jena 6 were heroes. Find a quote where that was actually said. I dare you. What people are saying is that there are no equal rights for everyone in Jena, Louisiana (and I see its true here also). Whites have t heir rights and blacks have none.
They don't deserve to be put to death. They deserve to be treated just as the white teens who beat up a black teen was treated. They didn't serve ANY time for beating up that black boy. NONE.
Like I said, read the DA's report. That is the most accurate telling of the story you will get.
I didn't see the DA's report. Are there any key words I need to type in in order to pull up the article?
Go to Foxnews.com and click on "opinion", and you'll see the article.
I read the article and there was no mention of a bottle being used...only kicking and punching...the same abuse used to beat up a black boy in Jena before the incident. No one got arrested for that at all. How do you explain that?
The New York Times article? It makes specific mention of a bottle.
I was white it was the blacks area of school.So sorry
I was white it was the blacks area of school.So sorry
Well, if you want to ignore the post and make this about you, I don't see why not. It's just that I thought we were talking about the Jena 6, and we had gotten off-topic.
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
When black people speak in EBONICS...you say they can't help it - you say it is because of who they are being raised by...you say it's a form of slave speak...sounds like excuses to me.
Its related friend.Semper fi
erika duh cat got yalls tung?
Blacks are professional excuse artists. Erica is a pro at it. Once again, she's black, the attackers are black, thus she says they shouldn't go to jail. A typical black response. And you know what, if the black attackers get a black jury, or a jury full of Erica's, the black attackers will get away with it. Case in point: OJ Simpson- black criminal, black jury, end result........ criminal goes free.
When did I make an excuse for anyone that didn't deserve one? I brought up this question a long time ago (on this very subject) so I hope that someone will be man enough to answer it.
When black people speak in EBONICS...you say they can't help it - you say it is because of who they are being raised by...you say it's a form of slave speak...sounds like excuses to me.
I told you where it came from bullcat I never said that it was an excuse. People ASKED where it came from and I told them. I ALSO said that speaking in ebonics is an ignorant way to get your point across when you want someone to understand you. Stop saying that I'm excusing ebonics..I'm saying that it makes no sense for anyone to use it here, especially in my presence because I'm black and people assume that that's the language I use here.
Its related friend.Semper fi
What are you talkig about? Related? What is?
Making up a rationale why any human(term used loosely) would speak in Ebonics - is trying to excuse bad behavior.
You always say you disapprove of evil black behavior. I don't think you would defend it if you really did.
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
One more point I have to make.Your my space has no whites on it,yet knowing the military ,we normally have friends of all races.What is your agenda here?Why do you care so much as to spend your free time with the ilk like us?Is your husband deployed?Are you just lonely or board?You do sound nice but in a way you are callused toward our peoples plight.I hope your husband is safe wherever he is and the best to you and yours.
wayne jude
I have LOTS of whites on my page who are my friends. What in the world are you talking about? I have no agenda here, I came here because I love the freedom of speech and I participate in discussions based on race. No my husband isn't deployed yet...NO I'm not "BORED". I'm not callused by anyone...but I am tired of dealing with people who are negative.
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
Do you need brutal weapons to kill someone?
I say 6 on 1 is pretty brutal.
Making up a rationale why any human(term used loosely) would speak in Ebonics - is trying to excuse bad behavior.
You always say you disapprove of evil black behavior. I don't think you would defend it if you really did.
What you want me to say is that ebonics came from evil people, when in fact it came from IGNORANT people. I'm not excusing it at all..just giving the history of it isn't supporting the use of the language. I'm not defending ebonics at all. As you can see, it actually offends me when the likes of YOU and your cohorts use it as a way to make fun of blacks. Its bad enough blacks use it. What I'm saying is that its stupid to use the language because you think I'm going to speak that way.
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
Do you need brutal weapons to kill someone?
I say 6 on 1 is pretty brutal.
....So is 4 on 1...Remember the party where the black boy was beat up?
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
Do you need brutal weapons to kill someone?
I say 6 on 1 is pretty brutal.
....So is 4 on 1...Remember the party where the black boy was beat up?
No...refresh my memory ::)
History of Ebonics... ;D.
It is based on stupidity - not ignorance.
Ignorance would just be giving them another excuse.
I could see a group of black slaves claiming ignorance from lack of a proper education...but I don't think even they spoke Ebonics.
Black kids in my very integrated highschool didn't speak Ebonics - for the most part.
Don't you feel that blacks took a big step backward? You just go on making excuses and blacks will go on feeling discriminated against. Is it any wonder?
What is the likes of me?
I consider my self just like you. I'm a married woman, working at a very hard but rewarding job and I'm raising a child. I have friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and religions.
I think people are trying to make a point when they use Ebonics with you. I have only done that once that I can think of. If you can't take the point or the heat then get out of the kitchen.
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
Do you need brutal weapons to kill someone?
I say 6 on 1 is pretty brutal.
I think the actual fight was more like this: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/34111/High_school_fight_crazy.html
Petty, small. Dudes just standing around.
Rather than: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/84857/Nazi_Brutality_on_Immigrants.html
Relentless, everyone not standing around. That last victim from the Nazi video PROBABLY took the rest of the day off and didn't go to a school function hours later.
I don't know how you can sustain serious injuries and then go out. I mean, you'd think if the kid wanted Jena 6 to burn, he'd at least stay in and fake being sick.
Well there will be other cases like this to discuss in the future. :(
Its related friend.Semper fi
How so? If I hurt one of your friends you would come after me. If I was just minding my business and you came after me and slapped me around without ever knowing me then I say we've got a more heinous crime on our hands. I am under the assumption that these blacks were retaliating for their friend who was attacked earlier. Seems like a natural response to me. Race did not even seem to be a real issue until they were tried as adults.
I'm still going with NO BRUTAL WEAPONS, NO ATTEMPTED MURDER and that seems to be conceding enough as it is. Perhaps they get to the bottom of this case and find out a glass bottle was officially involved AND THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY PROVE IT. In that case absolutely talk about jail time, weapons are especially vicious.
Do you need brutal weapons to kill someone?
I say 6 on 1 is pretty brutal.
I think the actual fight was more like this: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/34111/High_school_fight_crazy.html
Petty, small. Dudes just standing around.
Rather than: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/84857/Nazi_Brutality_on_Immigrants.html
Relentless, everyone not standing around. That last victim from the Nazi video PROBABLY took the rest of the day off and didn't go to a school function hours later.
I don't know how you can sustain serious injuries and then go out. I mean, you'd think if the kid wanted Jena 6 to burn, he'd at least stay in and fake being sick.
You're a sick-minded self-hating white. Get your information straight before you enter a debate. "Small"? This was a brutal near-murder!
This incident is in no way comparable to the instigated party fight, which is exactly what one can classify as small. That black troublemaker came to the party to get revenge for the nooses incident, so, looking for a fight, the whites gave him him one. But it was not brutal my any means, that was, indeed, a schoolyard tussle, because the black instigator was still conscious and managed to walk away.
If you think both incidents are on the same level then maybe you should join the Louisiana mob.
Our new friend doesn't sound like a self hating white type.I doubt he or she is white or even real.But why I got so angry is It happened to me .Assault is assault.I'd say fair is 5 to 10 years in prison. ;)
Those blacks went after any white face they could find. I don't get it. The boy that the blacks almost killed didn't even do anything to them.
Our new friend doesn't sound like a self hating white type.I doubt he or she is white or even real.But why I got so angry is It happened to me .Assault is assault.I'd say fair is 5 to 10 years in prison. ;)
Don't let the self-hating whites sway you on this case. The six black apes are the real criminals. 5 to 10 years is way too short for an assault that if not stopped would've ended in murder. Life in prison or the death penalty sounds adequate.
im kool with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks
You know the balcks are lying, because why would any white guy by himself start up with 6 black guys, it just doesn't make sense
Yup! I know ,been there done that but im willing to bet they were never beaten by cops hosed or served as slaves!Time to balance the scales again!This time better be the last.
The blacks just went after the first white guy they could find. I'll bet you the blacks get a little slap on the wrist, just to show something was done. And you know that's whats gonna happen
So if by some miracle these criminals DO go to prison, it will be "free TV and Nike" day in Jena...somehow I think that any protest will be accompanied by plenty of free electronics and shoes ;)
"I am uspest by this here ruling...but this 52" plasma will make it all better"
One smiled as if he were a hero.Enough.I have raised my kids to know their enemies.God Jesus willing this will end!
wayne jude
I agree - I raise my child to know her enemies too.
We must because no one else will tell them the truth.I love all kids but, us Christians and Jews teach our kids to love...Mooslums and others teach there kids to hate us.
If you want to see some REAL horror then YouTube "black on white crime."
You won't believe your eyes!!
And remember, all the savagery shown on YT is only a tiny fraction of the violence and hate that so many blacks are delivering on a daily bases!
P.S. It can't be said enough ... all this racism and violence blacks level against others will only keep growing as long as the libs running the media are allowed to keep the status quo, i.e., deny this stuff is going on while endlessly pandering to spoiled, racist blacks!
You know the balcks are lying, because why would any white guy by himself start up with 6 black guys, it just doesn't make sense
Why would ONE black guy go and start something with a house full of white people (the party), if that's the case? FYI, The white boy yelled racial slurs at the black boys THAT's why they jumped him. Its not a GOOD reason to jump anyone but that's the reason they did it. Surely, if those black boys were looking for trouble they would have fought more than just Justin that day, for he isn't the only white boy at the school.
History of Ebonics... ;D.
It is based on stupidity - not ignorance.
Ignorance would just be giving them another excuse.
I could see a group of black slaves claiming ignorance from lack of a proper education...but I don't think even they spoke Ebonics.
Black kids in my very integrated highschool didn't speak Ebonics - for the most part.
Don't you feel that blacks took a big step backward? You just go on making excuses and blacks will go on feeling discriminated against. Is it any wonder?
What is the likes of me?
I consider my self just like you. I'm a married woman, working at a very hard but rewarding job and I'm raising a child. I have friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and religions.
I think people are trying to make a point when they use Ebonics with you. I have only done that once that I can think of. If you can't take the point or the heat then get out of the kitchen.
Do you even know what ignorance is? It means lack of knowledge or education. If all a child is being taught at home is ebonics, that means that they're ignorant because of their lack of Proper english speaking skills. HOWEVER, the vehicles are there for them to learn to speak proper English. This is no excuse for them to remain ignorant. And what point, pray-tell, are people trying to make by speaking Ebonics to me? You seem to think I'm excusing ebonics because I explained where it came from but totally ignored me when I said that they need to learn how to speak in order to get along in the real world.
Dont you have a bed time Erico?Isnt there some sick cause you need to feel worthy to uplift and you must get sleep for.Mabey,some one will kill a child and you can say it was Black rage!Or mabey you should be working a job and keeping busy like most of us!Or are you just messin wit the Jew man?
Dont you have a bed time Erico?Isnt there some sick cause you need to feel worthy to uplift and you must get sleep for.Mabey,some one will kill a child and you can say it was Black rage!Or mabey you should be working a job and keeping busy like most of us!Or are you just messin wit the Jew man?
Obviously you're new here so I won't disrespect you the way you've disrespected me since your grand wizard...um..I mean grand entrance onto this site.
I'm a SAHM and its 6:23 pm here. Maybe YOU are the one that should be asleep. Perhaps if YOU got a job and found something to do with YOUR time, you wouldn't have to sit at your computer wondering what I'm about and questioning my and my husband's allegiance to our country.
I won't disrespect a marine but you I doubt.
I won't disrespect a marine but you I doubt.
Get a clue. You come in here baring the username Christian and speak with the tongue of the devil. What a hyporcrite.
And FYI, from your last post, I was 6 years old in 1980 when you started serving in the Corps. Congrats on your 27 years in. However, don't misunderstand how I feel for my country. I may not like Bush very much, nor why we're in this war but I LOVE my country and my troops. I feel the same way about you. So Thanks for what you have contributed by being a member of our military.
You are welcome sorry about the dates.
You are welcome sorry about the dates.
Don't worry about it. Its not like you knew that I'll soon be 34.
Wow thats so cool .Why are you here?Just a positive question.Oh and happy birthday!
Erica - Do we not have access to the public education system in this country? There are public libraries. It is a sin for anyone to speak Ebonics in this day and age. Anyone young or old.
You continue to make these lame excuses for stupid people. For the most part they are not ignorant of what is the correct way to speak - they are just stupid and lazy.
Wow thats so cool .Why are you here?Just a positive question.Oh and happy birthday!
My birthday isn't until Feb. 1. I explained why I'm here in the other thread. I like coming here engaging in discussions about race and anything else that interests me. Is there a problem with that?
What's the obsession with this topic?
What is ericas obsession with our faith and the whiter races?DO you like my company?I know what you are!
Erica is here representing all black people. ;)
Erica - Do we not have access to the public education system in this country? There are public libraries. It is a sin for anyone to speak Ebonics in this day and age. Anyone young or old.
You continue to make these lame excuses for stupid people. For the most part they are not ignorant of what is the correct way to speak - they are just stupid and lazy.
Isn't that what I just said? I said that its out there for them to learn and its a shame that they don't take part in it. I also said that speaking in Ebonics isn't helping the black community move forward at all. I've said that on many occasions. Many children ARE ignorant because their parents only know THAT way to talk. They have the ability to learn NOT to be ignorant but there are parents who look down on 'speaking white'. Its a stupid tradition, if you ask me. I never made any excuses by saying "OH, they can't help it, there is nothing there for them!" I've always maintained that teaching blacks how to speak Proper English can help the community.
Why do you enjoy being here.Are you trying to teach us something?
True - you do say that. Sometimes ;)
What is white speak? Speaking english?
True - you do say that. Sometimes ;)
What is white speak? Speaking english?
Yes, in the black community that's what it is. I just think of it as proper English.
Bull cat she has an non jewish non white agenda.She knows it and I have food to prepare for tomorrow.Ill stay as long as I can....
Bull cat she has an non jewish non white agenda.She knows it and I have food to prepare for tomorrow.Ill stay as long as I can....
Man, go and take your medication.
Bull cat she has an non jewish non white agenda.She knows it and I have food to prepare for tomorrow.Ill stay as long as I can....
The food takes precedence... ;)
Erica will be here... and we will continue to disagree...with some degree of civility.
Bull cat she has an non jewish non white agenda.She knows it and I have food to prepare for tomorrow.Ill stay as long as I can....
Man, go and take your medication.
That's not nice Erica. What happened to a life of goodness and light?
Bull cat she has an non jewish non white agenda.She knows it and I have food to prepare for tomorrow.Ill stay as long as I can....
Man, go and take your medication.
That's not nice Erica. What happened to a life of goodness and light?
I never said I was perfect, bullcat. But you did see him insult me, right? That wasn't nice either. I never came in here with a non-jewish, non- white agenda.
Still here despite affirmative action and every thing else.Its just the chickens had to be turned. sorry yall
I'm don't think it was an insult.
I think he is just stating what he believes to be true.
When you first came on did you have an agenda?
I believe you are here now - a participating member of the forum - because you enjoy the debate.
I can live with that,I just don't believe it bull cat
This is pointless. Erica is going to try and twist the story to her liking, just like so many liberals do in this day and age. It's what the Lousiana mob is doing right now.
We all know the kid was attacked had nothing who had nothing to do with the party fight or noose incident. This was a completely innocent white student who was whacked over the head with a glass bottle unexpectedly and nearly beaten to death. That's from the DA.
These six apes are natural-born killers, who deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yes my point indeed.I did nothing to provoke my beating by 5 plus Africken Amerikans, and Erika assumed I deserved it .When black little kids 16 ton 18 years old marched through the halls and all white s except me stepped aside ,They were just showing us love ,right?I never back down since then and IM always faithful to the cause.
Yes my point indeed.I did nothing to provoke my beating by 5 plus Africken Amerikans, and Erika assumed I deserved it .When black little kids 16 ton 18 years old marched through the halls and all white s except me stepped aside ,They were just showing us love ,right?I never back down since then and IM always faithful to the cause.
That is quite an enormous chip you have on your shoulder (me echoing NewYorker). I'm not the people who were mean to you when you were growing up. The past should be your enemy...look towards the future.
LOVE you sooo much but those were your people,.LOL
I find this argument to be really pointless. There's no question that a good, righteous person can clearly see that the six apes are evil blacks that should be locked up for their entire lives or put to death.
Clearly, Erica is not going to move an inch from her stance. That's Erica's choice. She has a twisted and evil point of view, but let her keep it. Let her revel in it. Ignorance is bliss to many, and that's the case here.
Erica's point of view shouldn't come as a surprise. Look at the blacks in Lousiana who have created a mob in the name of making the six apes into heroes and making the whites look like evil people. She's just following what hundreds of others are doing; twisting the truth to make her race look superior and demean whites.
We all know that the majority of blacks are murders and rapists by their nature alone. We all know that the US prisons are filled with mostly blacks.
Erica isn't fooling any self-respecting white or any other self-respecting member.
Her views are pro-black and against what JTF stands for. So, I'm quite confused as to why she's a member.
Yes my point indeed.I did nothing to provoke my beating by 5 plus Africken Amerikans, and Erika assumed I deserved it .When black little kids 16 ton 18 years old marched through the halls and all white s except me stepped aside ,They were just showing us love ,right?I never back down since then and IM always faithful to the cause.
That is quite an enormous chip you have on your shoulder (me echoing NewYorker). I'm not the people who were mean to you when you were growing up. The past should be your enemy...look towards the future.
Funny you should say that...don't you think ,using that argument, that blacks should get over Slavery? We didn't have anything to do with it. ;)
LOVE you sooo much but those were your people,.LOL
My people are my family. The evil people who attacked you, Marine, belonged to no one but themselves.
Yes my point indeed.I did nothing to provoke my beating by 5 plus Africken Amerikans, and Erika assumed I deserved it .When black little kids 16 ton 18 years old marched through the halls and all white s except me stepped aside ,They were just showing us love ,right?I never back down since then and IM always faithful to the cause.
That is quite an enormous chip you have on your shoulder (me echoing NewYorker). I'm not the people who were mean to you when you were growing up. The past should be your enemy...look towards the future.
Funny you should say that...don't you think ,using that argument, that blacks should get over Slalvery? We didn't have anything to do with it. ;)
Did I come here blaming you for slavery? I don't think so. I blamed the evil whites of yesteryear. I blame evil blacks for the way things stand fnow. Whenever I talk about slavery here, I am answering someone's crazy response that blacks should be grateful for whites (at all) enslaving them. Now that's a curious thing... while I never blamed anyone here for slavery, I see that a lot of people here are willing to take responsibility for the absurd notion that blacks should kiss their feet for enslaving blacks; at the same time, blacks aren't allowed to blame those same whites for enslaving their ancestors. How do you explain that?
Soldier.DId you get my personall message?
I find this argument to be really pointless. There's no question that a good, righteous person can clearly see that the six apes are evil blacks that should be locked up for their entire lives or put to death.
Clearly, Erica is not going to move an inch from her stance. That's Erica's choice. She has a twisted and evil point of view, but let her keep it. Let her revel in it. Ignorance is bliss to many, and that's the case here.
Erica's point of view shouldn't come as a surprise. Look at the blacks in Lousiana who have created a mob in the name of making the six apes into heroes and making the whites look like evil people. She's just following what hundreds of others are doing; twisting the truth to make her race look superior and demean whites.
We all know that the majority of blacks are murders and rapists by their nature alone. We all know that the US prisons are filled with mostly blacks.
Erica isn't fooling any self-respecting white or any other self-respecting member.
Her views are pro-black and against what JTF stands for. So, I'm quite confused as to why she's a member.
Yeah, my views are pro-black...whatever ::) I never came here saying that I or my race was better than yours. I came here highlighting the good in black culture. I don't hold a claim on the evil black culture because I don't participate in it. I live my own life and I teach my daughters about the benefits of living a good life and getting a great education.
Just because I don't think the Jena 6 should spend 22 years in prison for a school yard fight (after all, the kids who beat the black boy didn't spend ANY time in jail, not even after someone pulled a shot gun on him..) dosen't mean I don't think they should have paid for what they did in another way. Mychal Bell was released after being locked up for 10 months. I think that's enough. The only problem I have with what's going on in Jena, Lousiana is that justice is uneven there. WHite kids beat up a black boy, no time served... black kids beat up a white kid, 22 year sentence. Something is wrong. That's not to say that the black boys weren't racist against Justin Baker or vice versa...they should be made to meet each other and speak on their difference. The boys definately owe Justin an apology. However I think they spent enough time in jail for what happened last year.
Did you get my private message?
Yes my point indeed.I did nothing to provoke my beating by 5 plus Africken Amerikans, and Erika assumed I deserved it .When black little kids 16 ton 18 years old marched through the halls and all white s except me stepped aside ,They were just showing us love ,right?I never back down since then and IM always faithful to the cause.
When did I say you deserved to be beaten by black kids? You may want to quote me on that. I TOLD you that those boys were evil and that I wasn't them. Are you okay?
Soldier.DId you get my personall message?
I got it...thank you. I accept your apology.
I meant it!
wayne jude and sorry I was wrong to say bad things
I find this argument to be really pointless. There's no question that a good, righteous person can clearly see that the six apes are evil blacks that should be locked up for their entire lives or put to death.
Clearly, Erica is not going to move an inch from her stance. That's Erica's choice. She has a twisted and evil point of view, but let her keep it. Let her revel in it. Ignorance is bliss to many, and that's the case here.
Erica's point of view shouldn't come as a surprise. Look at the blacks in Louisiana who have created a mob in the name of making the six apes into heroes and making the whites look like evil people. She's just following what hundreds of others are doing; twisting the truth to make her race look superior and demean whites.
We all know that the majority of blacks are murders and rapists by their nature alone. We all know that the US prisons are filled with mostly blacks.
Erica isn't fooling any self-respecting white or any other self-respecting member.
Her views are pro-black and against what JTF stands for. So, I'm quite confused as to why she's a member.
Yeah, my views are pro-black...whatever ::) I never came here saying that I or my race was better than yours. I came here highlighting the good in black culture. I don't hold a claim on the evil black culture because I don't participate in it. I live my own life and I teach my daughters about the benefits of living a good life and getting a great education.
Just because I don't think the Jena 6 should spend 22 years in prison for a school yard fight (after all, the kids who beat the black boy didn't spend ANY time in jail, not even after someone pulled a shot gun on him..) dosen't mean I don't think they should have paid for what they did in another way. Mychal Bell was released after being locked up for 10 months. I think that's enough. The only problem I have with what's going on in Jena, Louisiana is that justice is uneven there. WHite kids beat up a black boy, no time served... black kids beat up a white kid, 22 year sentence. Something is wrong. That's not to say that the black boys weren't racist against Justin Baker or vice versa...they should be made to meet each other and speak on their difference. The boys definately owe Justin an apology. However I think they spent enough time in jail for what happened last year.
I'm not going to debate this issue with you any more. What's the point? You share the same mindset as the lunatic Louisiana mob. You constantly state you want equal justice, even though the noose incident and the party fight are in no way equal to the brutal six on one attack. So, forgive me if I say you're "pro-black".
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
Nothing you said was insulting, it's true. Erica is insulting the intelligence of righteous whites when she tries to twist the six on one near-murder to look like a schoolyard fight.
I agree ,its just I was wrong to go the route I went.She chooses to spend time with us to mabey change our views .Not gonna happen ,I just think it should be done through love not hate.Get me Brother?
wayne jude
I agree ,its just I was wrong to go the route I went.She chooses to spend time with us to mabey change our views .Not gonna happen ,I just think it should be done through love not hate.Get me Brother?
wayne jude
Well, according to President Bush, it's quite understandable for blacks to nearly committ murder in the name of anger. So, whites should be allowed to be a little angry about this.
Oh Im anry.But we are better than the enemies of our causes.We should do it as Gentalmen
,which I didn't.She understands my views but as my women would say we should be held to a higher standard.
Oh Im anry.But we are better than the enemies of our causes.We should do it as Gentalmen
,which I didn't.She understands my views but as my women would say we should be held to a higher standard.
Forget about a "higher standard", we're not even considered equal to blacks. Whites have become the oppressed!
Yes I cannot lie ,you are right!My blue eyed son does not have the rights as my Bi racial daughter or my white daughters.I really do feel you pain.And yes you are right!
wayne jude
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
Nothing you said was insulting, it's true. Erica is insulting the intelligence of righteous whites when she tries to twist the six on one near-murder to look like a schoolyard fight.
It was a schoolyard fight. We're talking about equal justice. White kids jump a black kid, no jail time. Black kids jump a white kid and get 22 years?
I will respect you from here on but an attack is an attack!Erika, i would defend your girls if they were attacked because of their race .But would you do the same,Id like to thinks so!
wayne jude
I will respect you from here on but an attack is an attack!Erika, i would defend your girls if they were attacked because of their race .But would you do the same,Id like to thinks so!
wayne jude
No one is saying that the six black boys weren't guilty of attacking Justin Baker.... In fact, Mychal Bell speant 10 months in an adult institution for what he did...I think that's enough. 22 Years is too much though. Especially considering the fact that the white kids only got a slap on the wrist and was sent home the same day. This isn't about "OH, the Jena 6 were NOT guilty of the crime!" because they were guilty. Its the way the situation was handled. In cases concerning white people and crime in that town, none of the whites served time. In cases concerning blacks in that town, the harshest sentences were passed down to them. I'll find articles.
I will respect you from here on but an attack is an attack!Erika, i would defend your girls if they were attacked because of their race .But would you do the same,Id like to thinks so!
wayne jude
And another thing, YES, if I saw that a white person was being attacked by blacks for no apparent reason, I'd call the police to break it up.
Good than we aren't that different!
wayne jude
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
Nothing you said was insulting, it's true. Erica is insulting the intelligence of righteous whites when she tries to twist the six on one near-murder to look like a schoolyard fight.
It was a schoolyard fight. We're talking about equal justice. White kids jump a black kid, no jail time. Black kids jump a white kid and get 22 years?
They derseve a lot more than that. They nearly killed him. The black student was the instigator in that party situation, and barely got hurt. There is no comparison! This is just going back and forth without any real progress in the debate. I'm done.
Yes for now this should end.Agreeing to disagree.Although I believe we are right.LOL
Oh Im anry.But we are better than the enemies of our causes.We should do it as Gentalmen
,which I didn't.She understands my views but as my women would say we should be held to a higher standard.
Forget about a "higher standard", we're not even considered equal to blacks. Whites have become the oppressed!
What? From what I've been reading here, blacks are inferior and whites are better and more perfect than blacks.
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
Nothing you said was insulting, it's true. Erica is insulting the intelligence of righteous whites when she tries to twist the six on one near-murder to look like a schoolyard fight.
It was a schoolyard fight. We're talking about equal justice. White kids jump a black kid, no jail time. Black kids jump a white kid and get 22 years?
They derseve a lot more than that. They nearly killed him. The black student was the instigator in that party situation, and barely got hurt. There is no comparison! This is just going back and forth without any real progress in the debate. I'm done.
He barely got hurt because he came to a party? A simple, please leave would have sufficed... instead he got jumped. And again, on the 'barely got hurt' part, Justin Barker 'barely got hurt' because he left the hospital, went home, cleaned up and attended a function at school 2 hours later! Someone who is critically injured dosen't just GET up and go to school less than 3 hours after being nearly murdered.
I believe Erica is pro black but I was wrong to insult instead of debate.Im better than those who beat me,and that happened alot.Not just once .It was because I was white .No doubt!If Erica wishes to confront us because of our beliefs thats fine.I have not changed ,I just am sorry I lost my temper,that makes us different than the others.
wayne jude
Nothing you said was insulting, it's true. Erica is insulting the intelligence of righteous whites when she tries to twist the six on one near-murder to look like a schoolyard fight.
It was a schoolyard fight. We're talking about equal justice. White kids jump a black kid, no jail time. Black kids jump a white kid and get 22 years?
They derseve a lot more than that. They nearly killed him. The black student was the instigator in that party situation, and barely got hurt. There is no comparison! This is just going back and forth without any real progress in the debate. I'm done.
He barely got hurt because he came to a party? A simple, please leave would have sufficed... instead he got jumped. And again, on the 'barely got hurt' part, Justin Barker 'barely got hurt' because he left the hospital, went home, cleaned up and attended a function at school 2 hours later! Someone who is critically injured dosen't just GET up and go to school less than 3 hours after being nearly murdered.
The black student at the party wanted a fight, he got one. Sometimes words simply don't work. Every one knows this.
Well, the white student was able to function, because a fellow student came to his rescue. If it wasn't for that noble student, the white student would not be living today.
I'm repeating myself. I must've written the same thing at least five times. This is getting pointless.
Let's just say you have your own way of thinking and I have mine. Let's end it at that.
The difference is that the mob of blacks were looking for any white person to viscously attack, and lied when they said the one boy started up with their group of 6 black boys. If they get a black jury, they will get off, just like OJ Simpson did. Why should the blacks be allowed to viscously attack the first white face they see, because a black friend of theirs was beaten up a party. So, therfore any time something happens to one of their black friends they now have the right to viscuously attack any white face they see on the street. This is a dangerous precedent being set. We will be encouraging more attacks on white people if the black mob gets away with this. I guarantee it.
The difference is that the mob of blacks were looking for any white person to viscously attack, and lied when they said the one boy started up with their group of 6 black boys. If they get a black jury, they will get off, just like OJ Simpson did. Why should the blacks be allowed to viscously attack the first white face they see, because a black friend of theirs was beaten up a party. So, therfore any time something happens to one of their black friends they now have the right to viscuously attack any white face they see on the street. This is a dangerous precedent being set. We will be encouraging more attacks on white people if the black mob gets away with this. I guarantee it.
I would really like to see the official report on that fact just to get at bottom of this (that our white person was a bystander with no previous relationship with Jena 6).
Erica, your entire involvement here is a joke. Nobody takes you seriously.
You are out to demonstrate that you support all black people in all cases, no matter what they are accused of or what the evidence is, but yet expect us to believe that you're just for "justice" or "equality" or whatever. Gimme a damn break. I was not born yesterday. Go back to praying to your statues of the Jena Six.
Chain Fan: I don't think Erica is going to change anyon'es thought process, when the fact of the matter is that the black mob viscously attacked the first white face they saw as revenge for a black friend getting beaten up at a party. I juat wonder if the black mob will get away with it. If thery get a black jury, I'm betting they will. What do you think?
Erica, your entire involvement here is a joke. Nobody takes you seriously.
You are out to demonstrate that you support all black people in all cases, no matter what they are accused of or what the evidence is, but yet expect us to believe that you're just for "justice" or "equality" or whatever. Gimme a damn break. I was not born yesterday. Go back to praying to your statues of the Jena Six.
Look you hateful "person", nothing I say here is going to make you believe anything I say. I could say I hate Sharpton, you and your cohorts will translate that into "I LOVE SHARPTON!"... I say the Jena 6 are guilty, you translate that into meaning "THE JENA 6 ARE INNOCENT!!!". Why don't you give yourself a break? ::)
Chain Fan: I don't think Erica is going to change anyon'es thought process, when the fact of the matter is that the black mob viscously attacked the first white face they saw as revenge for a black friend getting beaten up at a party. I juat wonder if the black mob will get away with it. If thery get a black jury, I'm betting they will. What do you think?
Why don't you all tell me what I'm saying... When I say that they're guilty, what exactly are YOU reading?
See how blacks like Erica get, when we disagree with them, we're hateful. Sure Erica, you can hate me for not letting you convince me that it's quite alright for a white boy to be viscously attacked for no good reason, other than him being white.
Well, I'm not kissing black ass, by selling out the white kid, even if you hate me for it.
See how blacks like Erica get, when we disagree with them, we're hateful. Sure Erica, you can hate me for not letting you convince me that it's quite alright for a white boy to be viscously attacked for no good reason, other than him being white.
Well, I'm not kissing black donkey, by selling out the white kid, even if you hate me for it.
Just because I'm black you dont' have to go on the defensive. I agree that the Jena 6 are guilty for what they did to Justin Barker. That was never a doubt in my mind...I just don't think that it was worth them spending 10 months in jail, let alone 22 1/2 years. MY POINT IS that the laws are different for both races. Whites get off easy after doing crime there, blacks get the harshest punishments for lesser crimes. I don't hate anyone...well I do hate some people but for personal reasons...but certainly not you.
Disagree with me all you want but I'm generally on your side when I say that these teens were wrong for what they did. Justin Barker called them out of their names and they jumped him... that is no excuse to fight...it would have been easier for them to leave him alone and speak under their breath or go about doing what they were doing before he headed in their direction. They didn't choose to be smart about it.
There are many cases in that part of Lousiana where whites were favored over blacks when sentencing time came. A white kid, after the black boy came to a house party full of whites and was beat up, ran to his truck to get a sawed off shot gun to shoot the black boy with. The boy wrestled the gun out of his hand and ran away with it. The kids were charged with probation but the black boy was charged with theft of a firearm. WHat? He was protecting himself by taking the gun from the idiot holding it. I'm going to find more articles.
Erica, you just said I was hateful. But thats ok. Stop trying to cloud the issue by bringing up past injustices done to blacks, its not gonna work with me and many other JTF members. We're not dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!! The black mob nearly killed an innocent white boy.
Erica, you just said I was hateful. But thats ok. Stop trying to cloud the issue by bringing up past injustices done to blacks, its not gonna work with me and many other JTF members. We're not dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!! The black mob nearly killed an innocent white boy.
I said CF was hateful. And those past injustices were within weeks of the Jena 6 incident. I'm not bringing up OLD news, this stuff has happened since the nooses were hung on the tree. Why dont' you do some homework and check that out. Lets not forget that a white mob almost killed a black boy, and a white boy WITH the mob nearly SHOT the black boy to death. If it wasn't for the black boy wrestling the gun out of the white boy's hands, he'd have been shot dead, but there would be no news report about it. In Jena, he'd be just one more dead 'n-word'.
Look Erica, blacks commit so many violent crimes, that this is just one more thing added to this list. You would never see six Jewish kids beating up one white kid for no reason, it just doesn't happen. And God only knows, some whites need their butts kicked from Jewish kids. But only the ones that deserve it, not an innocent white kid.
Look Erica, blacks commit so many violent crimes, that this is just one more thing added to this list. You would never see six Jewish kids beating up one white kid for no reason, it just doesn't happen. And G-d only knows, some whites need their butts kicked from Jewish kids. But only the ones that deserve it, not an innocent white kid.
End of story. Blacks are natural-born killers. This is just more blood on black hands. This should come as no surprise to any one.
Look Erica, blacks commit so many violent crimes, that this is just one more thing added to this list. You would never see six Jewish kids beating up one white kid for no reason, it just doesn't happen. And G-d only knows, some whites need their butts kicked from Jewish kids. But only the ones that deserve it, not an innocent white kid.
So you're not going to even glance at the other situations where the whites in that town got off easy after committing their crimes, huh? Figures. The Jena 6 didn't get off easy, Some of them served 8 months in jail for their participation in the beatdown, and Mychal Bell served 10 months for his and they're STILL awaiting trial for a schoolyard fight. Punishment should have been given to the boys who beat Justin up, but they don't need to serve 22 years for a school yard fight. The white kids who beat up that one black boy for coming to an all white party didn't even serve time in jail. Some of you are just biased because of the statistics of blacks and crime and because you HATE black people. By being one-sided you're proving that the judicial system sucks especially when its racially biased.
Look Erica, blacks commit so many violent crimes, that this is just one more thing added to this list. You would never see six Jewish kids beating up one white kid for no reason, it just doesn't happen. And G-d only knows, some whites need their butts kicked from Jewish kids. But only the ones that deserve it, not an innocent white kid.
End of story. Blacks are natural-born killers. This is just more blood on black hands. This should come as no surprise to any one.
If that were the case, surely I'd want to kill you right? WRONG! I can't believe the hate I see here. Its like no one sees that the justice system is cockeyed in Louisiana. Street fight where many white kids beat up a black kid and THEN pull a shot gun on him...no punishment... A schoolyard fight where many black kids beat up a white kid, 22 years? Are you saying that the white kids are right for jumping on and pulling a gun on a black kid for coming to an all white party is justifiable and they shouldn't be charged?
Erica not all blacks are evil but the vast majority are loathing of anyone is better off than them..
For the most part that is the black population's mentality...
Obviously you Erica dont fit into that category but 69% of crimes are committed by blacks who make up only 14% of America's population
Furthermore you are not going to convince people otherwise when there is so much statistics and evidence pointed towards the blacks of America...
The proportion of Blacks on white crime versus Whites on black crime is so significant that it isn't even worth bringing up...
Erica: Blacks are 250 times more likely to commit a violent crime than a white is. That's a statistical fact. That's not a good thing.
And then people say:
"Oh but it is because most blacks arnt as well off as Whites"
therefore there should be no blacks committing crimes if your going to start with that mentality
I just think this violent aggressive behavior is something in their blood, from the jungles, that goes back hundreds of thousands of years. In order to survive in the jungle blacks had to be hostile, and aggressive. And it's still in their genes to this day. I know some whites that are hot blooded and Jews who are total lunatics too. But a lot more blacks have this wild trait.
Like in Chaim's video this week
Whites have done nothing to blacks...
"no justice no peace, no justice no peace, i want justice mhmmm" said by a 800 pound black woman
Thats typical.. a million man march because blacks are the REAL victims... even if they are the agressors..
If you give evil people Civil rights your gonna lose yours...
You cant make a civil right out of a moral wrong..
Erica not all blacks are evil but the vast majority are loathing of anyone is better off than them..
For the most part that is the black population's mentality...
Obviously you Erica dont fit into that category but 69% of crimes are committed by blacks who make up only 14% of America's population
Furthermore you are not going to convince people otherwise when there is so much statistics and evidence pointed towards the blacks of America...
The proportion of Blacks on white crime versus Whites on black crime is so significant that it isn't even worth bringing up...
Lets PLEASE get off of what we already know. WE KNOW that blacks are responsible for 69% of the crimes in America... I'm talking about isolated incidents in one state, not statistics. We're talking about the same crimes with a different punishment hand-out because one antagonist is white and one is black. Uneven justice is what we're talking about. Some of you here are very clear that you think white is right and black is wrong (because of the stats.) The white kids I mentioned a dozen times, who beat the black boy for coming to an all white party didn't serve 10 months in jail. They served no time in jail. They got away with it, scott free. The white kids who hung the nooses (which would incite violence against blacks and in my opinion is the same as a Neo Nazi painting a Swastika on a Jewish person's door) got 3 days in school suspension. Hanging nooses is a hate crime. THEN the Jena 6 beat Justin Barker up because he said racial slurs to them and they were ALL to be charged as adults, when they should have gone through the juvenile detention center...or perhaps bootcamp. There is something wrong with that. Why didn't the white teens PAY for what THEY did?
Blacks cant' sit under a tree because whites sit under the tree? Is that fair?
I don't believe he said racial slurs to 6 black guys, I just don't. He was all by himself. It doesn't jive
I don't believe he said racial slurs to 6 black guys, I just don't. He was all by himself. It doesn't jive
ANd I don't believe that ONE black guy went to a house full of KKK members (in my opinion because of the amount of people who jumped HIM) to start trouble. I think he was probably invited and then beat down by kids who dont' like black people. Who knows for sure?
Erica, come on. You know he didn't say anthing. The blacks went after the first white face they could find. Thats how a lot of blacks are.
Erica, come on. You know he didn't say anthing. The blacks went after the first white face they could find. Thats how a lot of blacks are.
If that's the case, this is a school that are full of white kids...in fact, whites outnumber blacks at that school. If the case was that they jumped Justin because he was the first white person face they saw, what about the other white boys they passed in the hallways in the highschool on that same day? Why didn't they jump someone white before Justin?
I'm sure they picked him because he was alone, and no one was around to help him, right away. You know that blacks attack like wolves, when the prey is alone. Especially white prey.
I'm sure they picked him because he was alone, and no one was around to help him, right away. You know that blacks attack like wolves, when the prey is alone. Especially white prey.
I already told you where I stand. I think that they were wrong to jump him whether he said something to him or not. But I'm in awe that none of you, besides 'without_feathers' are questioning why the white kids before the Jena 6 case was brought up weren't as harshly punished for a fight, and pulling a gun on a black teen. Do you understand that that's just as wrong as what the Jena 6 did? Or are you reveling in the fact that the black teens 'got what they deserved' because they're part of a worthless race?
Erica, you asked me why they picked him. I told three reasons they picked him: 1) he was white 2) he was alone
and 3) blacks are wolves
Erica, you asked me why they picked him. I told three reasons they picked him: 1) he was white 2) he was alone
and 3) blacks are wolves
Generalizations kill, man. EVIL people are wolves. By the way, I asked why the white teens who committed the same crime but with the addition of a shotgun threat weren't sentenced...
Look, you seem like a decent person, I just don't think you care about the white student.
Look, you seem like a decent person, I just don't think you care about the white student.
What gave you that idea?
I care very much about everyone involved. Like I've said over and over again on this subject, the Jena 6 were wrong for what they did to the boy because they could have just as easily walked away or ignored him if he was saying racial slurs toward them. I'd take the high road over the road to violence any day. What I also care about is equality of punishment for similar crimes. If 6 white kids jumped an otherwise unsuspecting black kid for staring in their direction how would you feel? Would you automatically say "Well that's one n' down, many more to go' or would you see it as an unfair fight?
Because if it was your son who was attacked, you wouldnt be bringing up reasons the attackers did it.
Because if it was your son who was attacked, you wouldnt be bringing up reasons the attackers did it.
How do you know what I'd do or not do? I was bringing up the reasons the 6 said they attacked him, I don't agree with it at all. ANd another thing, if my daughters (because I have no sons) got into a fight with someone, I'd ask what happened, why they jumped them, and what was the outcome. I'd also ask who the girls are so that I can set up a meeting with their parents so that we can work together to make sure our daughters either got along or never spoke to each other again. I would also want to know if my daughters started the fight so that I can take care of them and their anger issues at home.
Like in Chaim's video this week
Whites have done nothing to blacks...
"no justice no peace, no justice no peace, i want justice mhmmm" said by a 800 pound black woman
Thats typical.. a million man march because blacks are the REAL victims... even if they are the agressors..
If you give evil people Civil rights your gonna lose yours...
You cant make a civil right out of a moral wrong..
Saying that NO whites did anything to blacks(edit), ever (in history) is like those Nazi idiots denying that the holocaust ever happened. There is indeed racism still in the world, representative on both sides. There are blacks who hate whites and whites who hate blacks.
Like in Chaim's video this week
Whites have done nothing to blacks...
"no justice no peace, no justice no peace, i want justice mhmmm" said by a 800 pound black woman
Thats typical.. a million man march because blacks are the REAL victims... even if they are the agressors..
If you give evil people Civil rights your gonna lose yours...
You cant make a civil right out of a moral wrong..
Saying that NO whites did anything to whites, ever (in history) is like those Nazi idiots denying that the holocaust ever happened. There is indeed racism still in the world, representative on both sides. There are blacks who hate whites and whites who hate blacks.
Yes, but it's not my imagination that most of the murders are committed by blacks. It's not a fable that most of the prisons are full of blacks. Most white women are rapped by blacks. Most white men are killed by blacks. Most black men committ robberies.
The majority of blacks are criminals. You can't dispute that point.
Like in Chaim's video this week
Whites have done nothing to blacks...
"no justice no peace, no justice no peace, i want justice mhmmm" said by a 800 pound black woman
Thats typical.. a million man march because blacks are the REAL victims... even if they are the agressors..
If you give evil people Civil rights your gonna lose yours...
You cant make a civil right out of a moral wrong..
Saying that NO whites did anything to whites, ever (in history) is like those Nazi idiots denying that the holocaust ever happened. There is indeed racism still in the world, representative on both sides. There are blacks who hate whites and whites who hate blacks.
Yes, but it's not my imagination that most of the murders are committed by blacks. It's not a fable that most of the prisons are full of blacks. Most white women are rapped by blacks. Most white men are killed by blacks. Most black men committ robberies.
The majority of blacks are criminals. You can't dispute that point.
Let me let you in on something. I KNOW THAT ALREADY...What I'm saying is that you and people like you need to stop minimizing the fact that there are white people committing crimes all over the place..from disgruntled office shootouts, to child molestation and rape; from spousal abuse and murder to bank robberies. I'm not saying that the stats are wrong about 69% of blacks in America being responsible for crimes in America...I'm saying that not bashing evil whites for what they do makes your argument seem as if you're for the evil whites.
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
Like in Chaim's video this week
Whites have done nothing to blacks...
"no justice no peace, no justice no peace, i want justice mhmmm" said by a 800 pound black woman
Thats typical.. a million man march because blacks are the REAL victims... even if they are the agressors..
If you give evil people Civil rights your gonna lose yours...
You cant make a civil right out of a moral wrong..
Saying that NO whites did anything to whites, ever (in history) is like those Nazi idiots denying that the holocaust ever happened. There is indeed racism still in the world, representative on both sides. There are blacks who hate whites and whites who hate blacks.
Yes, but it's not my imagination that most of the murders are committed by blacks. It's not a fable that most of the prisons are full of blacks. Most white women are rapped by blacks. Most white men are killed by blacks. Most black men committ robberies.
The majority of blacks are criminals. You can't dispute that point.
Let me let you in on something. I KNOW THAT ALREADY...What I'm saying is that you and people like you need to stop minimizing the fact that there are white people committing crimes all over the place..from disgruntled office shootouts, to child molestation and rape; from spousal abuse and murder to bank robberies. I'm not saying that the stats are wrong about 69% of blacks in America being responsible for crimes in America...I'm saying that not bashing evil whites for what they do makes your argument seem as if you're for the evil whites.
I'm not. Evil whites deserve just as much punishment from the law and G-d as evil blacks. But blacks committ way more crime than whites to the point where one can't even compare it.
69% is not even the real percentage. The FBI likes to play down the statistics. It's really more like 79% or higher.
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
Look how the blacks acted during Hurricane Katrina.
The Jews had it a hundred times worse during The Holocaust, and did we kill and rape each other? No. We help together as a people, knowing we would get through it, because we are a great, strong people with strong morals.
Look how much has been done to the Jews, yet, we never fall as a people. Never once have we lowered ourselves to rape and kill each other.
Blacks were raping and killing each other long before they were enslaved. Their unity and credibility as a people fell long ago.
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
When did I express violence to you? After all you DID say "YOU BLACKS are violent". If you call me the N word, you'll just see me walking away from you and your ignorance. I've been called a n' here in this site before and I didn't threaten to beat anyone to death over it. I didn't like it but I had to understand that if someone is stupid enough to call me a 'n' then they're the ones with the control issue, not me.
You would beat up another human being (black) for looking at you. You have that mentality. I know we're not the only people whose forefathers/mothers were slaves. There were plenty from different cultures/races and creeds. However slavery went on for 400+ and JUST 40 years ago, blacks won the right to vote and go to any school they wanted to attend. That's not a lot of progress, but its something to build on. I feel sorry for those blacks who dont' take advantage of the great things our country has to offer (no welfare /bank robbery jokes, please. This is the one (of many) times you get to see me agreeing with any of you. Ignorance is unnecessary especially with all of the knowledge available to us. On the other side, racism is just uncalled for. I think that those who constantly talk about how much they hate blacks' noses, color, eyes, big lips, hips and behinds secretly wish they were black. And I think that those blacks who talk about the physical features of caucasions, including the way they talk, wish they were white. Racism in any form by ANYONE is stupid. Simple and plain!
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
Look how the blacks acted during Hurricane Katrina.
The Jews had it a hundred times worse during The Holocaust, and did we kill and rape each other? No. We help together as a people, knowing we would get through it, because we are a great, strong people with strong morals.
Look how much has been done to the Jews, yet, we never fall as a people. Never once have we lowered ourselves to rape and kill each other.
Blacks were raping and killing each other long before they were enslaved. Their unity and credibility as a people fell long ago.
First of all, stop being general because not every black person was involved in that stupidity with raping people during hurricane katrina. The EVIL blacks did that. And its amazing, you're quick to bring up how some blacks rape and kill each other but never have any sympathy for those blacks who suffered at their hands. You think THEY'RE evil too, don't you?
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
When did I express violence to you? After all you DID say "YOU BLACKS are violent". If you call me the N word, you'll just see me walking away from you and your ignorance. I've been called a n' here in this site before and I didn't threaten to beat anyone to death over it. I didn't like it but I had to understand that if someone is stupid enough to call me a 'n' then they're the ones with the control issue, not me.
You would beat up another human being (black) for looking at you. You have that mentality. I know we're not the only people whose forefathers/mothers were slaves. There were plenty from different cultures/races and creeds. However slavery went on for 400+ and JUST 40 years ago, blacks won the right to vote and go to any school they wanted to attend. That's not a lot of progress, but its something to build on. I feel sorry for those blacks who dont' take advantage of the great things our country has to offer (no welfare /bank robbery jokes, please. This is the one (of many) times you get to see me agreeing with any of you. Ignorance is unnecessary especially with all of the knowledge available to us. On the other side, racism is just uncalled for. I think that those who constantly talk about how much they hate blacks' noses, color, eyes, big lips, hips and behinds secretly wish they were black. And I think that those blacks who talk about the physical features of caucasions, including the way they talk, wish they were white. Racism in any form by ANYONE is stupid. Simple and plain!
Blacks will demand more and more, even though whites have given them everything they could possibly want. Tons of welfare, more welfare for each illegitimate child they have, all the employment advantages and handouts galore. They get free money for doing absolutely nothing!
Harvard and Yale now have remedial courses, because they accept black retards who can't even read and write! They shouldn't even be allowed in these schools or any other school for that matter!
They'll even get government grants and scholarships for Harvard and Yale just for being black!
Blacks have no reason to complain, protest or sneeze at. They are set for life. All they need to do is stop being lazy and relying on their fat welfare checks each month.
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
Look how the blacks acted during Hurricane Katrina.
The Jews had it a hundred times worse during The Holocaust, and did we kill and rape each other? No. We help together as a people, knowing we would get through it, because we are a great, strong people with strong morals.
Look how much has been done to the Jews, yet, we never fall as a people. Never once have we lowered ourselves to rape and kill each other.
Blacks were raping and killing each other long before they were enslaved. Their unity and credibility as a people fell long ago.
First of all, stop being general because not every black person was involved in that stupidity with raping people during hurricane katrina. The EVIL blacks did that. And its amazing, you're quick to bring up how some blacks rape and kill each other but never have any sympathy for those blacks who suffered at their hands. You think THEY'RE evil too, don't you?
They mostly raped and killed white people.
You'll defend any black crime no matter how severe, won't you?
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
You blacks are violent.If I say ,Oh no,the N word you all go thru the roof and want to kill!Grow up ,weak ones .There is no word I would beat a human up for!What is your excuse.Are you the only race to know slavery?NO
sincerely wayne jude
Look how the blacks acted during Hurricane Katrina.
The Jews had it a hundred times worse during The Holocaust, and did we kill and rape each other? No. We help together as a people, knowing we would get through it, because we are a great, strong people with strong morals.
Look how much has been done to the Jews, yet, we never fall as a people. Never once have we lowered ourselves to rape and kill each other.
Blacks were raping and killing each other long before they were enslaved. Their unity and credibility as a people fell long ago.
First of all, stop being general because not every black person was involved in that stupidity with raping people during hurricane katrina. The EVIL blacks did that. And its amazing, you're quick to bring up how some blacks rape and kill each other but never have any sympathy for those blacks who suffered at their hands. You think THEY'RE evil too, don't you?
They mostly raped and killed white people.
You'll defend any black crime no matter how severe, won't you?
When did I defend any crime? Please point that out! Oh, and rape, murder and other crimes aren't a BLACK thing, its an irresponsible, lazy way to handle life and treat people. You need to stop assuming I'm saying one thing when you KNOW I'm not for any of the bad things we are talking about.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Can you blame FEMA for not coming until three days after the hurricane? They feared for their lives, thinking their choppers would be shot at, just like those of the New Orleans emergency rescue team!
Look her up she is not innocent,She is here to divide.....LOOK her up!you will see she is a black nazi!trying to use us against each other
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
LOOk her up!
And you will see who she is!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
Look her up on zaba and you tube and you will seee!
LOOk her up!
And you will see who she is!
She's an evil black criminal defender. She's convinced herself that white devils have had a hand in all the misfortunes of blacks. Look how she outright defends black criminals!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
Look her up on zaba and you tube and you will seee!
What the hell is Zaba? And its nothing new , you finding me on YOutube...I'm the same there as I am here! That's how I became a member of this site, you idiot.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
You must keep up the negativity, right? What about the black babies, little kids and teenagers, mothers, grandmothers aunts and uncles..that adds up to TWO innocent blacks to you?
Look her up on zaba and you tube and you will seee!
What the hell is Zaba? And its nothing new , you finding me on YOutube...I'm the same there as I am here! That's how I became a member of this site, you idiot.
Why are you here? You don't even support any of JTF's principles!
LOOk her up!
And you will see who she is!
She's an evil black criminal defender. She's convinced herself that white devils have had a hand in all the misfortunes of blacks. Look how she outright defends black criminals!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
You must keep up the negativity, right? What about the black babies, little kids and teenagers, mothers, grandmothers aunts and uncles..that adds up to TWO innocent blacks to you?
Alright you want realism? There were surely a good amount of innocent blacks, but the majority raped, looted and probably killed.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
While the city was flooded there were still more GOOD blacks trying to stay alive than there were evil blacks raping and terrorizing people. The evil blacks were outnumbered by a good many GOOD blacks in Lousiana. I hope they're dead now.
LOOk her up!
And you will see who she is!
She's an evil black criminal defender. She's convinced herself that white devils have had a hand in all the misfortunes of blacks. Look how she outright defends black criminals!
This whole discussion has been based on your defense of black criminals from the Jena Six incident to Hurricane Katrina. You want innocent whites to be prosecuted at the same level as blacks who attempted to murder a person! You say that only a few blacks committed crimes after Hurricane Katrina! You are the liar!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
You must keep up the negativity, right? What about the black babies, little kids and teenagers, mothers, grandmothers aunts and uncles..that adds up to TWO innocent blacks to you?
Alright you want realism? There were surely a good amount of innocent blacks, but the majority raped, looted and probably killed.
You are so wrong. If MOST of the blacks did that crap, then no one would have survived the flood at all. Your information is lacking in something very important..>FACTS! Do you have proof that almost ALL of the blacks in Lousiana during Katrina raped people...post it. And why would you say "I'm sure there were two innocent blacks" if you mean "there were surely a good amount of innocent blacks"? Say what you mean, mean what you say.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
While the city was flooded there were still more GOOD blacks trying to stay alive than there were evil blacks raping and terrorizing people. The evil blacks were outnumbered by a good many GOOD blacks in Lousiana. I hope they're dead now.
You have that backwards. The evil blacks GREATLY outnumbered the good ones.
LOOk her up!
And you will see who she is!
She's an evil black criminal defender. She's convinced herself that white devils have had a hand in all the misfortunes of blacks. Look how she outright defends black criminals!
This whole discussion has been based on your defense of black criminals from the Jena Six incident to Hurricane Katrina. You want innocent whites to be prosecuted at the same level as blacks who attempted to murder a person! You say that only a few blacks committed crimes after Hurricane Katrina! You are the liar!
So by me calling the blacks EVIL when they raped people...and saying that the Jena 6 were guilty of what they did is defending them? You may want to revisit elementary school.... reading comprehension dosen't seem to be one of your strong points. When did you read a response from me that said "blacks who rape are good, the Jena 6 are innocent!" POST IT!
NOpe Erika I was there with 250 rounds with permission to kill those who threatend us.Were you there?
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
While the city was flooded there were still more GOOD blacks trying to stay alive than there were evil blacks raping and terrorizing people. The evil blacks were outnumbered by a good many GOOD blacks in Lousiana. I hope they're dead now.
You have that backwards. The evil blacks GREATLY outnumbered the good ones.
Because you were there, right? lol This is how you know it right? Why don't you google the information okay? Give me some facts to back up your 'opinion'.
NOpe Erika I was there with 250 rounds with permission to kill those who threatend us.Were you there?
No, I would have shot them too, though. And you should have been there with the rounds to make sure they didn't threaten you or other people in the area. No one would have put you in that situation just to protect yourself. They put you there to protect the citizens of Lousiana. How selfish of you to think otherwise.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
You must keep up the negativity, right? What about the black babies, little kids and teenagers, mothers, grandmothers aunts and uncles..that adds up to TWO innocent blacks to you?
Alright you want realism? There were surely a good amount of innocent blacks, but the majority raped, looted and probably killed.
You are so wrong. If MOST of the blacks did that crap, then no one would have survived the flood at all. Your information is lacking in something very important..>FACTS! Do you have proof that almost ALL of the blacks in Lousiana during Katrina raped people...post it. And why would you say "I'm sure there were two innocent blacks" if you mean "there were surely a good amount of innocent blacks"? Say what you mean, mean what you say.
So I'm guessing the fact that every store in New Orleans was looted, a large mount of white and black women were raped and most rescue choppers were shot at was only a figment of my imagination? Where are your facts?
And if they decided to not murder, rape and loot, they were too busy urinating and defecating in the stadium where they were evacuated to!
Why don't you go and make a pro-black documentary with Spike Lee and save your pro-black rhetoric for someone who's willing to listen, like the Louisiana mob?
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
While the city was flooded there were still more GOOD blacks trying to stay alive than there were evil blacks raping and terrorizing people. The evil blacks were outnumbered by a good many GOOD blacks in Lousiana. I hope they're dead now.
You have that backwards. The evil blacks GREATLY outnumbered the good ones.
Because you were there, right? lol This is how you know it right? Why don't you google the information okay? Give me some facts to back up your 'opinion'.
These are the facts! Why else do you think it took FEMA three days to show up?
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You probably believe everything the Bolshevik media says, because what you are saying was preached on MSNBC day and night.
You're obviously a liberal-minded black, who would love to see whitey wiped off the face of the Earth.
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
Please post the link, so, everybody can see who she truly is!
I Will!
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
Blacks even thrawted their own rescuers' attempts to save their lives! Then, they had the nerve to complain that nothing was done to help them!
SOME blacks thwarted the rescuers attempts to save them NOT ALL ...apparently thousands of blacks were saved from the flood. YOu need to stop generalizing. When you word your response that way, you make it seem as though ALL of the blacks decided against getting help! Those who didn't get the help are evil and crazy... I don't put that on the blacks who were grateful for the help.
It was the majority. I'm sure there were two innocent blacks.
You must keep up the negativity, right? What about the black babies, little kids and teenagers, mothers, grandmothers aunts and uncles..that adds up to TWO innocent blacks to you?
Alright you want realism? There were surely a good amount of innocent blacks, but the majority raped, looted and probably killed.
You are so wrong. If MOST of the blacks did that crap, then no one would have survived the flood at all. Your information is lacking in something very important..>FACTS! Do you have proof that almost ALL of the blacks in Lousiana during Katrina raped people...post it. And why would you say "I'm sure there were two innocent blacks" if you mean "there were surely a good amount of innocent blacks"? Say what you mean, mean what you say.
So I'm guessing the fact that every store in New Orleans was looted, a large mount of white and black women were raped and most rescue choppers were shot at was only a figment of my imagination? Where are your facts?
And if they decided to not murder, rape and loot, they were too busy urinating and defecating in the stadium where they were evacuated to!
Why don't you go and make a pro-black documentary with Spike Lee and save your pro-black rhetoric for someone who's willing to listen, like the Louisiana mob?
You are plain evil. THe stores (where food was) were broken into so that people could feed their families or live a little longer... the stores (where electrical equipment was) were broken into because evil blacks decided to do so without any common sense! That was indeed the dumbest thing I'd seen. But I don't fault the blacks who broke into stores for water and food. You do what you have to do to survive (in situations like Katrina). With that said NO ONE can survive watching a television that dosen't work because it drowned in the flood. lol That's just a dumb thing to rip off.
And about the urinating and defecating in the stadium..there weren't ample restrooms for the people to use..and there were THOUSANDS of people and kids there. They were left there like animals to fend for themselves. Katrina wasn't their fault and the state the stadium was in wasn't their fault either. You have to consider what the people had gone through. They lost their homes, their lives, and now they have to share 6 restrooms with 20,000 people? Give me a break.
I was there in Katrina.WE were there to stop the Black heathen while whites had to wait!40,000 of us in new orleans while whites drowned .I saw it with my own eyes!
What in the world has that got to do with those who didn't participate in the actions that evil blacks did? YES EVIL BLACKS RAPED PEOPLE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL FOR IT (as a survivor of sexual abuse myself) But you shouldn't pin the crimes of THOSE animals on the part of the black community who didn't do any of that mess.
Almost every black who was victimized by the hurricane turned to crime, while the whites feared for their lives!
You are such a liar. That's not true at all. A lot of the blacks who were victimized by the hurricane moved away from Louisiana. There were just a small number (still too many in my opinion) who raped women. Everyone else either moved away or stayed to rebuild their homes.
I'm talking about the crimes they committed while the city was flooded! Stop trying to twist my words!
While the city was flooded there were still more GOOD blacks trying to stay alive than there were evil blacks raping and terrorizing people. The evil blacks were outnumbered by a good many GOOD blacks in Lousiana. I hope they're dead now.
You have that backwards. The evil blacks GREATLY outnumbered the good ones.
Because you were there, right? lol This is how you know it right? Why don't you google the information okay? Give me some facts to back up your 'opinion'.
These are the facts! Why else do you think it took FEMA three days to show up?
Have you forgotten about repeat sex offenders? If one man can (and shouldn't) rape 12 women over a 24 hour period in NY, what makes you think that 12 men couldn't do more damage than that to women and children over 3 days? I'm not excusing this at all..(because I'm a sexual abuse survivor) I'm saying that you pegged mostly ALL of the black men out to be rapists when you have no idea what you're talking about. That's not even the case. And it took FEMA three days to show up because they're triffeling, stupid, Johnny-Come-Latelys. They suck.
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You're paranoid. You're worried about a black woman with an opinon seeking out "righteous people to destroy you?" I'm too busy trying to protect my daughters from the likes of you to think about stalking and ruining your plan for world domination. Get a clue.
You probably believe everything the Bolshevik media says, because what you are saying was preached on MSNBC day and night.
You're obviously a liberal-minded black, who would love to see whitey wiped off the face of the Earth.
When did I say that? And don't run away from the question. You have to tell me when I said I wish to wipe 'whitey" off the face of the earth. You're just saying that 'mess' because I'm black and that's the way you think ALL blacks think. I don't want you dead. I don't want ANY white person dead, but I 'll tell you one thing, its really a dangerous thing to put words into someone elses' mouth when you have never heard them say such a vile thing. (Or in this case, "have never seen a response that said such a thing.")
I Will!
Yes, PLEASE do.
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You're paranoid. You're worried about a black woman with an opinon seeking out "righteous people to destroy you?" I'm too busy trying to protect my daughters from the likes of you to think about stalking and ruining your plan for world domination. Get a clue.
And I bet you preach your pro-black rhetoric to them, too. No wonder so many blacks turn out the way they do, because they are brought up to be evil. Erica, you can call me evil, but that's like Hilter calling the Jews evil. Your point of view is twisted. JTF has no room for your pro-black hate. You are not going to sway anybody!
Those blacks urinated and defecated in that stadium because they're animals, and being descendents of African tribes who do the same, it's no surprise to me.
Murder, rape and animalistic behavior is in this people's blood. That's why they make such great Muslims!
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You're paranoid. You're worried about a black woman with an opinon seeking out "righteous people to destroy you?" I'm too busy trying to protect my daughters from the likes of you to think about stalking and ruining your plan for world domination. Get a clue.
And I bet you preach your pro-black rhetoric to them, too. No wonder so many blacks turn out the way they do, because they are brought up to be evil. Erica, you can call me evil, but that's like Hilter calling the Jews evil. Your point of view is twisted. JTF has no room for your pro-black hate. You are not going to sway anybody!
Those blacks urinated and defecated in that stadium because they're animals, and being descendents of African tribes who do the same, it's no surprise to me.
Murder, rape and animalistic behavior is in this people's blood. That's why they make such great Muslims!
If you DID bet me, you'd lose because I don't teach my daughters the way YOU THINK I do. I teach them to respect everyone of any color. We've been stationed in many places and have met many people and my daughters have made many friends of every race practically. I teach them to respect those who respect them. If they came upon you and you insulted them, I'd tell them to walk away from you because people like you aren't worth their time. They are taught to respect themselves also. I'm not preaching a "PRO BLACK" agenda to my girls. They know who they are and where their lineage comes from but they have common sense and are able to make friends or date whomever they want.
When did I say, I hate white people? Never.You're just saying that because you think that's what I'd say as a black person. You're wrong and you know it. It comforts you to think that I'm against you because you're naturally against me even if I agree with you.
And the last part of your post was unintelligible because you are using a stereotype to describe a natural action. I don't want to get into talking about going to the potty but for you to say that blacks did this in the stadium because they are of African Descent is stupid. Before they did that, they had their own homes with restrooms in them and DIDN'T defacate in ominous places. You are priceless.
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You're paranoid. You're worried about a black woman with an opinon seeking out "righteous people to destroy you?" I'm too busy trying to protect my daughters from the likes of you to think about stalking and ruining your plan for world domination. Get a clue.
And I bet you preach your pro-black rhetoric to them, too. No wonder so many blacks turn out the way they do, because they are brought up to be evil. Erica, you can call me evil, but that's like Hilter calling the Jews evil. Your point of view is twisted. JTF has no room for your pro-black hate. You are not going to sway anybody!
Those blacks urinated and defecated in that stadium because they're animals, and being descendents of African tribes who do the same, it's no surprise to me.
Murder, rape and animalistic behavior is in this people's blood. That's why they make such great Muslims!
If you DID bet me, you'd lose because I don't teach my daughters the way YOU THINK I do. I teach them to respect everyone of any color. We've been stationed in many places and have met many people and my daughters have made many friends of every race practically. I teach them to respect those who respect them. If they came upon you and you insulted them, I'd tell them to walk away from you because people like you aren't worth their time. They are taught to respect themselves also. I'm not preaching a "PRO BLACK" agenda to my girls. They know who they are and where their lineage comes from but they have common sense and are able to make friends or date whomever they want.
When did I say, I hate white people? Never.You're just saying that because you think that's what I'd say as a black person. You're wrong and you know it. It comforts you to think that I'm against you because you're naturally against me even if I agree with you.
You're not saying those things exactly, but we know where you stand. You may as well be saying those things. You're like Martin Luther King. Your words seem to mean well, but underneath the exterior, you'll notice they have hate in them.
This whole discussion has saw you defending black criminals, and wanting innocent whites to be looked at in the same light as blacks who attempted to murder someone!
Erica, you're not fooling any one!
Sure erika!
Sure erika!
Post the link. It's important that people see who she really is!
Check her out Im not a mean person but you will see she seeks us righteous people to destroy us!
Wayne jude
You're paranoid. You're worried about a black woman with an opinon seeking out "righteous people to destroy you?" I'm too busy trying to protect my daughters from the likes of you to think about stalking and ruining your plan for world domination. Get a clue.
And I bet you preach your pro-black rhetoric to them, too. No wonder so many blacks turn out the way they do, because they are brought up to be evil. Erica, you can call me evil, but that's like Hilter calling the Jews evil. Your point of view is twisted. JTF has no room for your pro-black hate. You are not going to sway anybody!
Those blacks urinated and defecated in that stadium because they're animals, and being descendents of African tribes who do the same, it's no surprise to me.
Murder, rape and animalistic behavior is in this people's blood. That's why they make such great Muslims!
If you DID bet me, you'd lose because I don't teach my daughters the way YOU THINK I do. I teach them to respect everyone of any color. We've been stationed in many places and have met many people and my daughters have made many friends of every race practically. I teach them to respect those who respect them. If they came upon you and you insulted them, I'd tell them to walk away from you because people like you aren't worth their time. They are taught to respect themselves also. I'm not preaching a "PRO BLACK" agenda to my girls. They know who they are and where their lineage comes from but they have common sense and are able to make friends or date whomever they want.
When did I say, I hate white people? Never.You're just saying that because you think that's what I'd say as a black person. You're wrong and you know it. It comforts you to think that I'm against you because you're naturally against me even if I agree with you.
You're not saying those things exactly, but we know where you stand. You may as well be saying those things. You're like Martin Luther King. Your words seem to mean well, but underneath the exterior, you'll notice they have hate in them.
This whole discussion has saw you defending black criminals, and wanting innocent whites to be looked at in the same light as blacks who attempted to murder someone!
Erica, you're not fooling any one!
How in the world could you know where I stand when you're not reading a word I'm typing? That's rich ::) Don't assume that i'm saying something I never said. It makes you look crazy.
FIRST OF ALL on the Jena 6 situation. I REPETEDLY SAID THE BOYS WERE GUILTY OF DOING WHAT THEY DID, but I offered other cases where white teens beat up a black boy and they were NEVER SENTENCED TO DO ANY TIME IN JAIL! THAT'S UNFAIR TO ME. IT makes me thing that the reason those boys went to jail was because they were black. PUNISH THEM, PLEASE but don't sentence them to 22 years for the same thing over 6 white kids did to ONE black boy; and the white boys didn't get any kind of time in jail! That's what I'm saying. The boys with the nooses were suspended then the superintendent of their school overturned the suspension and deemed the noose hanging as a 'joke'...but tell me, if someone painted a swastika on the front door of your home, what punishment do you think THEY should get? A black boy was possibly invited to a party at a community center, he was met at the door by people who hate blacks and they started to beat him and stomp him in the street...someone even hit him in the head with a bottle but they weren't charged or sent to jail... a white man saw the boy who was beaten up before hand, went to his pick up and got his shot gun and pointed it at the black boy. The black boy wrestled the gun out of his hand so that h e wouldn't shoot him and ran away with it... the white man wasn't sentenced to any time in jail but the boy was charged with theft of a firearm and battery. WHAT?
The Jena 6 should have taken the high road and left Justin Barker alone! PERIOD DOT..and if you didn't read this that's your problem...i'm not saying it again, I've already said it too much. But they didn't leave him alone. He said racial slurs to them and they jumped him. They got sentenced to 22 years in prison (at that time) for attempted murder but 2 hours after Justin got to the hospital, he left, went home, changed and attended a school function.
Racism sucks big time. It sucks as equally when blacks hate whites as when whites hate blacks. Its counter productive. It solves none of the problems we have in our country. NONE.
Sure erika!
You're an idiot. At least I have facts to back me up..you can't even post all of the 'sites' you say I'm on. You're derranged.
Unfortuntley I deleted her Sh--t today .But She goes by IMmerika on you tube .Check that out!Her fruits are bad!She hates us all ...Check her out and you will see what I mean!
Wayne Jude Abraham
Unfortuntley I deleted her Sh--t today .But She goes by IMmerika on you tube .Check that out!Her fruits are bad!She hates us all ...Check her out and you will see what I mean!
Wayne Jude Abraham
They know me from Youtube idiot boy. And I didn't delete anything because I didn't belong to any other site than what I posted. You are stupid. I asked you right after you said that I was on other sites to post them and you didn't because you didn't have anything. You are a sorry excuse for a man, especially when you usher lies in your posts.
And I go by IMERICA youtube...just so that you have it right! You're a donkey.
Unfortuntley I deleted her Sh--t today .But She goes by IMmerika on you tube .Check that out!Her fruits are bad!She hates us all ...Check her out and you will see what I mean!
Wayne Jude Abraham
And another thing, I never say I hate white people on any of my videos.. you are just assuming that because I'm black and you hate me..so obviously I must hate you too, right. YOu need some serious help.
Newman is right. Talking to Erica is like banging your head against the wall.
Newman is right. Talking to Erica is like banging your head against the wall.
What in the hell do you all want from me? I'm pretty much agreeing with what you say but because I think the white kids got away with murder in the incidents against blacks, I'm not worth talking to? You are ...I cant' even come up with an appropriate enough word to describe you and your nerve. I'm against evil blacks but I'm also against evil whites. I AGREE that 69%-79% of blacks commit crimes in America.... I AGREE that evil hip hop is bad but that's not enough for you!
Its ok Erika we all believe you!
Wayne Jude Abraham
We all know that Erica goes by Imerica on YouTube. She went by Imerica for a long time on JTF.
I don't always see eye to eye with Erica on things - but I also don't believe she hates us all.
It is important for the discussion of ideas and opinions that we all don't agree or have the same beliefs.
Newman is right. Talking to Erica is like banging your head against the wall.
What in the hell do you all want from me? I'm pretty much agreeing with what you say but because I think the white kids got away with murder in the incidents against blacks, I'm not worth talking to? You are ...I cant' even come up with an appropriate enough word to describe you and your nerve. I'm against evil blacks but I'm also against evil whites. I AGREE that 69%-79% of blacks commit crimes in America.... I AGREE that evil hip hop is bad but that's not enough for you!
What? Now you're agreeing with us? You were just totally against us a minute ago!
We all know that Erica goes by Imerica on YouTube. She went by Imerica for a long time on JTF.
I don't always see eye to eye with Erica on things - but I also don't believe she hates us all.
It is important for the discussion of ideas and opinions that we all don't agree or have the same beliefs.
Except her beliefs go totally against what JTF is all about! Why is she here if she's so opposed to the JTF point of view and mission?
Read her my space and check out her you tube.She s not that innocent.Just playing us!
Wayne Jude Abraham
Read her my space and check out her you tube.She s not that innocent.Just playing us!
Wayne Jude Abraham
It doesn't really matter, because smart JTF members will not buy into her pro-black rhetoric.
We all know that Erica goes by Imerica on YouTube. She went by Imerica for a long time on JTF.
I don't always see eye to eye with Erica on things - but I also don't believe she hates us all.
It is important for the discussion of ideas and opinions that we all don't agree or have the same beliefs.
Except her beliefs go totally against what JTF is all about! Why is she here if she's so opposed to the JTF point of view and mission?
What is the difference? You get to stand for the JTF point of view and mission - in discussion with her. ::)
We all know that Erica goes by Imerica on YouTube. She went by Imerica for a long time on JTF.
I don't always see eye to eye with Erica on things - but I also don't believe she hates us all.
It is important for the discussion of ideas and opinions that we all don't agree or have the same beliefs.
Except her beliefs go totally against what JTF is all about! Why is she here if she's so opposed to the JTF point of view and mission?
What I'm against is the negativity and racist comments I see. Not the mission.
Read her my space and check out her you tube.She s not that innocent.Just playing us!
Wayne Jude Abraham
What did you read on my myspace? Nothing that has anything to do with hating white people, I assure you.
All whites hurt by blacks should say Im so sorry for hurting your fists and feet by waiting for you to attack me!Please for give us and your ancestors for making your great grandpa pa parents slaves .Beat me please beat me!It s not a crime I Deserve it!
All whites hurt by blacks should say Im so sorry for hurting your fists and feet by waiting for you to attack me!Please for give us and your ancestors for making your great grandpa pa parents slaves .Beat me please beat me!It s not a crime I Deserve it!
No one is asking for that kind of treatment. Don't speak that way. I'm not angry with any white person now for slavery. That wouldn't make any sense.
Sure your very reasonable ....Don't hurt us wer'e just weak Jews and whites.Oh have mercy upon us we wer'e weak former masseres who was rong.Erika I was a bad slave owner please forgive me.,
Sure your very reasonable ....Don't hurt us wer'e just weak Jews and whites.Oh have mercy upon us we wer'e weak former masseres who was rong.Erika I was a bad slave owner please forgive me.,
Why are you acting retarded? I don't blame white people of today for slavery, like I said before, it wouldn't make sense. Jews aren't weak, good WHITE people aren't weak either. You need to stop being self-defeatist.
yea your with us totally
!Good nite saborotuer!
yea your with us totally
!Good nite saborotuer!
You are now permanently on ignore, dufus..but before I let you go, understand something. People who lie never prosper. You have proven that you can't back up anything you've said about me. There are no other websites, there is nothing on my myspace page that points to racism. You are an idiot, and until you do right by those who have never done anything to you, namely me, you'll always be an idiot.
Sure ,We are not a dumb people .They will check you out girly .NIce try!
And they will see!
Sure ,We are not a dumb people .They will check you out girly .NIce try!
And they will see!
Oh, yeah...they will see how crazy you are. You can't even post another website you've "seen " me on. lol That makes you look like a complete and total lunatic. Why don't you prove me wrong and post those websites?
Erika if your so innocent why are you so worried.I m probebly just lying to make you look bad.But for non morons Check her oout!
Erika if your so innocent why are you so worried.I m probebly just lying to make you look bad.But for non morons Check her oout!
you ARE lying..there is no doubt about that. If I say NOTHING everyone will assume that you're telling the truth. Since you think you are, why dont' you humor me and post those websites. If you're too much of a sissy to do so, it explains a lot.
This is a worthless arugment. We're not even discussing black violence any more, now it's come down to petty insults.
This is a worthless arugment. We're not even discussing black violence any more, now it's come down to petty insults.
Petty insults. This 'guy' is accusing me of having other websites where I supposedly say "I hate white people" and you think my insults are petty? Talk to 'nation' about that. He's being petty and a liar.
I just hope our justice system is color blind.Its up to them now and I will accept that out come.Personally Im done with this thread.
Peace to all including Erika.
wayne jude
I just hope our justice system is color blind.Its up to them now and I will accept that out come.Personally Im done with this thread.
Peace to all including Erika.
wayne jude
A fine choice.