Monthly Archives: November 2016

Trump Chose To Use Chinese Steel Over American Giving China Millions Of Dollars

How often do we hear Trump talk about how China is killing us? Well, as it turns out, Trump isn’t helping the situation. In fact, as reported by Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald, during the last couple of construction projects, Trump chose to use foreign Chinese steel over American made steel to save money. A Newsweek investigation has found that in at least two of […]

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Melania Trump broke immigration law and lied about it

The Associated Press is reporting that they have evidence Melania Trump broke immigration laws even though she has denied it over and over: Melania Trump, the wife of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and an immigrant from Slovenia, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in 1996 before she received legal authorization to work in the United States, the Associated Press reported Friday […]

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New IDF Instructional Video: “Don’t Shoot Female Terrorists”

More suicidal policies from the government in Israel that kills innocent Jews. An official IDF instructional video directs soldiers to avoid as much as possible shooting at female terrorists, introducing a list of exceptions and actions that must be considered before opening fire on an armed, murderous lady. The video was produced by the Samaria Brigade and distributed over the […]

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Former CIA and NSA Director: Trump is Putin’s ‘Useful Fool’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is essentially a “useful fool” for the Kremlin, echoing its words and expressing admiration for President Vladimir Putin, former CIA and NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden wrote in a Washington Post op-ed. Citing what he called a simpatico relationship between Trump and Putin, each of whom have expressed admiration for the other’s strong leadership qualities, […]

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370 Prominent Economists Warn Voting for Trump Is ‘Dangerous, Destructive’

Donald Trump would be a “dangerous, destructive choice for the country,” a group of 370 prominent economists wrote in an open letter in The Wall Street Journal. The signatories, which include eight Nobel laureates in economics, warned against electing the Republican nominee, saying “he misinforms the electorate, degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories and promotes willful delusion over […]

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New Audio of Trump Praising Hillary Clinton and Some of the Worst Politicians on the Left

CNN found some audio of “conservative Republican” Donald Trump heaping praise on Hillary Clinton and other Democrats in 2007. Speaking to talk radio host Don Imus, Trump spoke lovingly of some of the worst politicians on the left. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and even tax cheat Charlie Rangel were all really great and terrific people in Trump’s book. The context […]

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Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada

The failure this week of Trump Toronto showcased a familiar scenario: big promises, glitzy image, a Russian-born financier, aggrieved smaller investors – but few losses for the mogul himself. The 65-story Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto has all the glitz and ambition of the luxury-brand businessman with his name in giant letters near its spire. It’s the tallest residential […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorists Arrested in Firebomb Attack That Burned Jewish Toddler and Family Near Beit El

Three PLO Arab terrorists who firebombed an Israeli car last year near Beit El, seriously wounding a toddler, have been captured. The IDF cleared for release that security forces arrested three terrorists who attacked a vehicle near the Jewish community of Beit El on October 24, 2015. The three attackers are accused of hurling two firebombs (Molotov cocktails) at the […]

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Trump is collaborating with Wikileaks

Earlier in the race the Hillary campaign began accusing Trump of collaborating with Wikileaks, which is suspected of being a thinly-veiled Russian espionage operation. At the time the accusation was denied by Trump surrogates and other allies. And today it looks like Trump threw them all under the bus and confirmed what they were denying: Trump says Wikileaks will be […]

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Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke: I’ll Be Trump’s ‘Most Loyal Advocate’

Right after the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan expresses support for Donald Trump, the former Grand Wizard David Duke says he will be Trump’s “most loyal advocate.” David Duke says he will be Donald Trump’s “most loyal advocate” if the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard is elected to the Senate and the GOP nominee wins the White House. Duke, […]

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Trump Supporters to CNN: Sexual Assault Victims Need to ‘Grow a Set,’ ‘Get Over It’

It’s hypocrisy that they don’t feel the same exact way for Donald Trump’s sexual victims than Bill Clinton’s sexual victims. CNN spoke to supporters of Donald Trump at an Eau Claire, Wisconsin rally Tuesday, and found that they are not bothered at all by accusations that he may have sexually assaulted and harassed up to a dozen women. “Donald Trump really […]

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Donald Trump Waves the Gay Flag

On October 30, at a rally in Colorado, Donald Trump proudly held up a rainbow-colored, gay flag on which was written “LGBT’s for Trump.” As [religious] conservatives, what are we to make of this? Is it yet another proof that we must compromise our morals to vote for him? And will he betray us once elected? Interestingly, major gay websites like […]

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Video Shows Donald Trump With Mob Figure He Denied Knowing

Newly unearthed video seemingly contradicts Donald Trump’s claim that he has never known a gambler with alleged ties to organized crime, according to a new report. The footage shows Trump standing beside Robert LiButti, a man with purported links to mafia boss John Gotti, Yahoo News reported Wednesday. Yahoo said the pair’s appearance together occurred on March 27, 1988, during the […]

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History Of Everyone Donald Trump Has Threatened To Sue During His Presidential Campaign (So Far)

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump glided down an escalator at Trump Tower in New York City — with stout waves and an exuberant thumbs-up — to announce his intention to run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Since then, he has vanquished a slew of opposing GOP candidates, spent $3.2 million on baseball hats and threatened some 20 lawsuits […]

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Official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan expresses support for Donald Trump

One week before the election, the Trump campaign finally denounces KKK and neo-nazi support after refusing to denounce them in the past. The official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan expressed its support for Republican nominee Donald Trump on the front page of its current issue, a move the Trump campaign quickly denounced. The front page of “The Crusader” had a banner […]

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Judge Orders RNC to Detail Voter Fraud Pacts With Trump Campaign

A federal judge is ordering the Republican National Committee to detail any agreements it has with Donald Trump’s campaign to engage in “ballot security” efforts in connection with next week’s election — something the national GOP has been banned from doing for decades without court approval. The order also instructs the RNC to explain by 5 p.m. Tuesday what Trump […]

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Report Connects Trump Organization Server to Russian Bank

A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” has discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to “Alfa Bank.” According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack […]

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FBI Confirms Investigation Into Former Trump Campaign Manager Over Ties to Russia

Hillary is probably breathing a sign of relief right now as the FBI confirms that they are indeed investigating Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort’s connections to Russia. Watch below: WATCH: FBI prelim. inquiry into former Trump campaign manager’s foreign business ties. @CynthiaMcFadden reports. — NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) October 31, 2016 NEW – @FoxNews confirms FBI making inquiry […]

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US intercepts multiple shipments of Iranian weapons going to Muslim Yemen

American warships have intercepted five shipments of weaponry to the Houthis in Yemen from Iran in the past year and a half, according to US Vice Admiral Kevin Donegan, who is in charge of American naval operations in the Middle East. The first intercepted shipment was in April 2015 and since then, American ships have intercepted an additional four shipments, […]

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