Monthly Archives: January 2017

U.S. Intercepted Messages of Russian Leaders Congratulating Themselves for Trump Victory

U.S. officials say messages from Russian leaders intercepted by our intelligence agencies show them congratulating each other for Trump’s electoral victory. From the Washington Post: Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton as a geopolitical win for Moscow, according to U.S. officials who said that American intelligence agencies intercepted communications in the aftermath of the […]

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“If Chicago Beating Had Been Done to an African-American By Four Whites, Every Liberal Would Be Outraged”

And it wasn’t just a beating. It was kidnapping and torture of a mentally disabled boy for nearly 24 hours and streamed live on Facebook yelling “f*** whites”. Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said if a Facebook live video showing assailants beating a victim had been done by four whites to an African-American […]

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Islamic terrorist cells shift from Mideast to U.S.-Mexican border

A new report by a government watchdog agency says jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities. Judicial Watch cites confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources for the disturbing report, which builds on earlier JW reports shining light on the jihadists’ exploitation of the porous border policies […]

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Planned Parenthood: If you want to be happy, murder your own baby

After sending out a fundraising email expressing that 2017’s new Congress was going to be “the most dangerous moment” in their organization’s history, Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards tweeted out some New Year’s resolution advice to her 96,000 followers. Richards faced criticism for her casual advertisement of the abortion clinic, with many Twitter users calling her out for her callous statement. Many […]

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70% Favor Pardon for Soldier Elor Azariya for Killing Jihad Terrorist Caught in the Act of Stabbing Jews

How was this man convicted of manslaughter? He shouldn’t be thrown in prison for killing a terrorist in the act of stabbing, he should be given a medal of honor. Less than 24-hours after Sgt. Elor Azariya was convicted of manslaughter in the death of an Arab terrorist killed following a stabbing attack in Hevron in March of last year, several polls […]

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Rex Tillerson Leaving Exxon With $180 Million Retirement Package to Be Trump’s Secretary of State

Rex Tillerson will get a $180 million retirement package from Exxon Mobil Corp. if he is confirmed as President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state. Tillerson will give up more than 2 million Exxon shares he would have received over the next 10 years. In exchange, the company will make a cash payment equal to the value of those shares to […]

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Not a Hate Crime? Blacks Tie Up, Stream Torture of Handicapped White Boy on Facebook, Yell “F*** White People, F*** Trump”

Chicago Police do not believe the kidnapping and live streamed torture of a white mentally disabled man was hate crime or politically motivated and labeled it as “just stupidity.” Four black Chicago teenagers are being questioned by police after live streaming the kidnap, binding, and torture of a young mentally disabled white man while yelling “f*** white people” and “f*** Trump.” According […]

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House investigative panel releases report calling for defunding of Planned Parenthood

A House investigative panel led by the GOP has released a 400-page report which calls for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. The report ends with a series of recommendations including a section titled “Recommendations for Stewardship of Taxpayer Funds.” The report reads in part: Planned Parenthood affiliates and clinics have repeatedly neglected their fiduciary duty requiring good stewardship of federal taxpayer dollars through the […]

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Obama’s Sore Losers: California Hires Racist Eric Holder To “Battle Trump”

Obama’s Eric Holder is a racist who claimed “whites can’t be victims of racial injustice because they haven’t suffered enough.” Coming from #NeverTrump, the left is filled with the most repulsive and many times violent “special snowflakes” and sore losers on a level we’ve never seen before. The left has forgotten all about their Obama era mantra that “elections matter” […]

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Muslim migrants planned sex assaults to show “you can’t defend your women”

Germany has brought this on themselves by mass-importing violent Muslims into their country. This was a clear declaration of supremacism. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and […]

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Obama ignores Trump, will continue to empty Gitmo

The Obama administration flatly rejected a warning from President-elect Trump to stop transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay, telling reporters on Tuesday that more inmates will be moved from the military prison before the current president leaves office. White House press secretary Josh Earnest told members of the press corps to “expect … additional transfers” before the end of President Obama‘s […]

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Ted Cruz introduces term limits amendment for members of Congress

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis introduced a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that would impose term limits on members of Congress, following through on their December announcement about the proposal. “D.C. is broken,” Cruz said in a statement Tuesday evening. “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government […]

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Pediatrician Group Calls Out National Geographic as Promoting “Institutionalized Child Abuse” with Cover of 9-Year-Old Tranny

I’m glad to see professionals calling out this horrific child abuse. You cannot tell me that any 9 year old understands anything about sex or who they are. The American College of Pediatricians is speaking out against National Geographic’s decision to put a 9-year-old on their January cover who identifies as a transgender. The magazine, which has been in publication for 128 years, […]

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Uproar Over Sex Change Book for Young Children Being Rolled Out in UK Schools

The left is obsessed with being perverts, or what they term LGBTQQIP2SAA, and are targeting your children. A controversial new book on gender is set to be introduced as a resource in some British primary schools later this month, and it’s already causing an uproar. It’s called “Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity?” Written by CJ Atkinson, a self-described “trans advocate,” […]

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In Religious Freedom Victory Federal Court Blocks Obama Abortion, Transgender Regulations

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Judge Reed O’Connor issued a preliminary injunction Saturday, blocking the federal government from enforcing an Obama administration regulation which“forbids discriminating on the basis of ‘gender identity’ and ‘termination of pregnancy’” under Obamacare. The regulation would have taken effect on January 1. The lawsuit was brought by Texas and other states, and […]

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John Kerry’s Daughter Married Iranian National; Best Man Was Son Of Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs

If he weren’t a corrupt bureaucrat, John Kerry would have recused himself from all negotiations with Iran and for that matter, Israel. Instead, his leadership has proven an epic disaster of foreign policy for the United States, especially in the Middle East. But why? Family and personal wealth before country. That mantra has served Sec. of State John Kerry well […]

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Arab Terrorists Escalate Attacks on Israeli Drivers After UN Resolution 2334

Numerous stoning attacks targeted Israeli Jewish civilians and bus drivers in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem. In the wake of UN Security Council resolution 2334(2016), Arab terrorists are becoming even bolder, with stoning attacks against Israeli drivers escalating Monday even further. Below is a list of some of the attacks that took place on Monday: Arab terrorists smashed the […]

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Police question Netanyahu for more than 3 hours over receiving illegal “gifts”

The head of the Lahav 433 anti-corruption unit, Dep.- Ch. Koresh Barnur, arrived at the Prime Minister’s Residence early Sunday evening. Police were with the prime minister for a little over three hours, before leaving his residence around 11 p.m., after the first of what is expected to be several interrogation sessions. Police would not provide any further details. Netanyahu […]

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Newt Gingrich is mad he didn’t “score” a top position with Trump – Now says he worries Trump will “give in” to left

Trump ally Newt Gingrich says his big worry about President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration is that they’ll “lose their nerve” – and faced with flak from the left, “give in.” In an interview with ABC News’ “This Week,” the former Speaker of the House said the new Trump administration will have to take positions the “left will hate.” “Look, they’re […]

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Trump’s own top advisor now saying Russians involved in cyber-hacking

Trump’s own advisor Woolsey now says Russians are involved in the cyber-hacking that Trump keeps denying. More from CNN: A top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump said Monday he thinks the Russians were involved in election-related hacking of the US — a very different view than that held by the incoming administration. Former CIA director James Woolsey, an adviser to […]

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Archbishop who smuggled arms for Arab Muslim terrorists in Israel dies in the Vatican

This Arab Nazi beast smuggled weapons to mass-murdering terrorists so they could kill innocent Jews – and the Vatican protected him. Archbishop Hilarion Capucci earned everlasting infamy for running guns to the [Arab Muslim Terrorists in Israel] who would have oppressed and subjugated his own people if they had had half a chance, and the Vatican in turn earned even […]

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Kim Says North Korea Close to Testing Nuclear Missile That Can Reach the United States

Kim Jong Un said North Korea is in the “last stage” of preparations to test-fire an inter-continental ballistic missile, refusing to slow his nuclear arms development as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office in Washington. Kim made his remarks in a New Year televised address as he outlined his country’s military achievements for the past year, North Korea’s official Korean Central […]

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CNN’s Beinart Calls It “Racist” to Warn Jews Would Be Killed in PLO Arab State

Seems like the blood of innocent Jews is cheap, and the truth is somehow “racist”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. On Thursday’s New Day on CNN, pro-Palestinian CNN political commentator and The Atlantic contributor Peter […]

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Istanbul nightclub terrorist screamed “Allahu akbar” during jihad massacre

The universal hallmark of jihad terror attacks. “Istanbul nightclub terror attacker ‘screamed Allahu Akbar’ during massacre that left 39 dead and 69 injured,” by Alex Wellman and Steve Robson, Mirror, January 1, 2017: The ‘Santa gunman’ who gunned down 39 people and injured 69 with a machine gun in an Istanbul nightclub ‘screamed Allahu Akbar’ during massacre – an eye-witness […]

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Democratic Congressman Lacy Clay Hangs “Black Lives Matter” Painting Depicting Cops as Pigs in U.S. Capitol

This is beyond offensive. Democratic Missouri Congressman Lacy Clay chose the painting below as part of the United States Congressional Art Competition. The so-called artist is David Pulphus and it is meant to depict the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, where a police office shot Michael Brown. That officer wound up moving and ending his career over this even though he […]

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Van Jones says Democratic party should keep ignoring “white vote”, be even more left-wing

Former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones said that the elitism of the “Clinton days” has passed for the Democratic Party, but instead of pursuing the white voters that Trump won in the rust belt, they should become even MORE far left! Here’s where he says that the election was a referendum on elitism, but the Democrats shouldn’t reach out […]

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The “biggest sin on the planet”? Jews building houses on their own land

Listen to John Kerry’s speech on the comatose Middle East “peace process,” or follow the serial condemnations against Israel at the United Nations, including the latest Security Council resolution 2334, and you’d think that the biggest sin in the world is that Jews build too much. They build too many houses, too many schools, too many synagogues, too many hospitals, […]

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Judea and Samaria Are Israel

The indisputable facts of the so-called “disputed territories.” Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) belong to Israel.  These areas are Jewish areas of the State of Israel. Period. While John Kerry and others pressure Israel to return these so-called disputed territories, the reality is that the conflict in the Middle East is about the fact that the Arabs cannot accept a […]

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Texas Judge blocks Obama’s new requirement forcing transgender care

A Texas judge has temporarily blocked the Obama administration’s new requirements for transgender care, granting a preliminary injunction Saturday to several states and religious health organizations suing over the rules. The rule, which was slated to go into effect Jan. 1, says that doctors can’t refuse to provide medically necessary health services within their scope of practice because of a […]

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Obama: I won’t leave on Jan 20

President Obama used his final weekly address in 2016 to make it plainer than ever that he won’t retire quietly once Donald Trump is sworn in as president. Couching his address to the nation as assurance that he will remain committed to defending the “progress” achieved by his administration, the president made it crystal clear that he intends to be […]

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Mexican man who raped a 13 year old girl had 19 deportations, removals

A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show. Three U.S. Republican senators — including Kansas’ Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts — demanded this month that the Department of […]

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