Monthly Archives: July 2017

DISGUSTING: Media Draws Equivalence Between Family Of Jews Slaughtered By Arab Terrorist And Violent Arab Killed in Rioting

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. After three Israeli Jews were slaughtered in their home by a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist as they sat down for their Sabbath meal, celebrating the birth of a new child, the […]

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Trump’s State Department Blames Israel For Arab Muslim Terrorists’ Mass-Murder of Jews

“Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, the perception that the Israeli government was changing the status quo on the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount, and IDF tactics that the Palestinians considered overly aggressive,” are to blame for Palestinian terrorism, according to the State Department’s annual report on terrorism trends. There is no such thing […]

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Rocket fired from Gaza on Saturday night by Arab Muslim terrorists

Terrorists on Saturday night fired a rocket towards Israel from Gaza. The rocket exploded in the air, causing no physical injuries or damages. Due to the fact that the rocket exploded in the air, the “Red Alert” rocket siren was not activated. Last month, terrorists from Gaza fired a rocket towards the Sha’ar Hanegev region of southern Israel. In that attack as […]

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Report: Insufficient security in Samaria Jewish towns

Samaria Regional Council reveals government has failed to provide adequate funding to maintain security arrangements in Samaria. An internal document from the Samaria Regional Council’s security division revealed the existence of serious security failures in many Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. The document presents a series of significant gaps in the security plans of dozens of communities totaling tens […]

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Trump’s longtime personal lawyer resigns from top post over Russia investigations

President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, will no longer lead the legal team responding to the ongoing Russian investigations and has taken a reduced role, according to reports. Ty Cobb will now take the lead in managing the team’s response to the ongoing federal probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. […]

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Profs Try To Hide Phony Global Warming Research From Public Scrutiny

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) doesn’t want its unpublished climate change research seen by the public. The association is trying to block requests from a conservative think tank that wants to see what kind of research is being withheld from publication. The College Fix reports that the AAUP has filed a brief with the Arizona Court of Appeals to […]

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Arab MK Threatens Third Intifada Has Already Begun “Because of Metal Detectors”

It’s just unbelievable that the Israeli government puts Arabs connected to terrorism and mass-murdering terror groups into the government. In an article by the Jerusalem Post, MK Ahmad Tibi claims that a few metal detectors on the Temple Mount after a terror attack that killed two police officers is the “real” reason for Arab Muslim terror. Yeah, right. “The government’s […]

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Now Sean Hannity Endorses Ted Cruz

After attacking Cruz and helping Trump become president, now Hannity proclaims “if we don’t have people like you [Ted Cruz] in the Senate, we’re dead.” During an interview on his popular radio program on Wednesday, Sean Hannity endorsed Senator Ted Cruz in his 2018 bid to be re-elected on the same day that the Texas senator and former presidential candidate will […]

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White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Quits Trump Administration

Trump can’t stop attacking his own administration. Yet another person hired by Trump himself quits or is removed from office by Trump. Is Jeff Sessions next? White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned on Friday after President Donald Trump hired financier Anthony Scaramucci as his communications director, a White House official said. The White House communications staff were meeting in […]

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Government porking out with your money and it’s not kosher

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to eliminate governmental waste and fraud, just released its “2017 Congressional Pig Book,” an annual publication highlighting wasteful government spending that should embarrass each and every member of Congress. While it is true that most government spending is for “entitlements” and other fixed costs, the “Pig Book” properly ridicules politicians […]

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After Muslim cop kills unarmed woman who called 911, Minneapolis mayor reassures Muslims and warns against “Islamophobia”

The media doesn’t want you to know he’s a Muslim. Killer Cop Mohamed Noor was Hired for “diversity”. What would happen if this was a white cop and a black victim? It is increasingly clear, as we learn about Mohamed Noor’s nervousness and jumpiness and lack of respect for women, and from his own account of events that he relayed to friends (that he […]

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Conservative Leaders Demand Traitorous RINO Republicans Keep Their Promise to Repeal Obamacare

During a conference call on Wednesday, conservative leaders from the Club for Growth, Family Research Council, Tea Party Patriots, ForAmerica, FreedomWorks, and Senate Conservatives fund demanded that the “traitorous” Republican senators who refused to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) keep their promise to the American people. “Traitorous senators…they need to repeal Obamacare,” said Tea Party Patriots Co-founder […]

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Major recipients of U.S. foreign and military aid are Pakistan and Lebanon among other Islamic terrorist countries

We are talking about giving American tax dollars to the same terrorist Pakistan that protected Bin Laden. Countries identified as “terrorist safe havens” in the annual State Department terrorism report released Wednesday include major recipients of U.S. foreign assistance, including military aid. Pakistan and Lebanon stand out, since in both cases the report indicates that their governments’ approaches towards terrorism […]

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Feds Issued $171 Million in Improper Payments to People With More Than One Social Security Number

“In many cases, the payments were issued to SSNs held by deceased individuals.” The Social Security Administration issued nearly $200 million in improper payments by paying people twice for their benefits. The inspector general for the agency found that individuals with more than one Social Security Number received $171 million, according to a new audit. In many cases, the payments were […]

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Syrian Muslim Immigrant Hairdresser Slits Female Employer’s Throat After Media Hailed Him as “Example of Successful Integration”

She wanted him to assimilate. She gave him a good job. She trusted him and offered the chance to prove he was willing to be a good employee. He slit her throat. There was nothing special or unique about Mohammad Hussain Rashwani, he was just another Muslim immigrant looking for a better life who had no interest in assimilating. Slitting his employer’s throat […]

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Muslim female genital mutilation case spreads to LA, Chicago and New York

The grand jury investigation into female genital mutilation has spread to at least three more states as federal agents have identified new targets in the case, according to federal court records. The targets live in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, according to federal court records and interviews with people close to an investigation that, until now, was focused on […]

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Trump’s Presidency Fuels Conservatism’s Decline

The GOP’s embarrassing defeat on health care underscores that liberalism is still winning even with unified Republican control of government. epublicans may hold the presidency, healthy majorities in Congress, and a deferential Supreme Court. But as the GOP’s embarrassing health care defeat shows, conservatism is in retreat—and no amount of postgame recriminations will change the fact that many Senate Republicans […]

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8th Person In Trump Tower Meeting Has Been Identified: Russian Who Laundered $1.4 Billion

Ike Kaveladze, who works for the oligarch who arranged the June 2016 in Trump Tower, he was found by the feds using shell companies to move money in the the ‘90s for Russians. An accused Russian money launderer representing a Kremlin-friendly oligarch has been reportedly identified as the eighth person at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. last June. Irakly Kaveladze was a guest […]

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Trump to nominate RINO Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia

President Trump plans to nominate former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman as U.S. ambassador to Russia, the White House announced Tuesday. The nomination of Huntsman had been long expected. He previously served as U.S. ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011 under former President Barack Obama. Huntsman has served in the administrations of five U.S. presidents and was a candidate for […]

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Obama Named As Accessory to Murder, before the International Criminal Court

Obama was named as an accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood’s murder, rape, and torture of Egyptian citizens according to a criminal complaint filed by Egyptian attorneys and lawmakers before the International Criminal Court. Obama was also found to be secretly funneling millions of dollars to Muslim Brotherhood members. The bribes, recorded in a document seized by the Egyptian military, amounted to almost a million dollars paid […]

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PLO leader threatens Israel with Muslim violence over metal detectors on Temple Mount

[PLO] leader Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday … said that Israel, as the “occupying power”, is responsible for the current escalation in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to comments carried by the Wafa news agency. Hamdallah warned of the “grave consequences” of Israel’s recent measures at Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting with its closure following last week’s terrorist attack, banning the call for prayer from its mosques, […]

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Trump, Putin Had Second, Previously Undisclosed Meeting at G-20 Summit

Why all the secrecy and deception? U.S. & Russia offer completely different accounts of Trump-Putin meeting. President Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin a second time during the G-20 summit earlier this month, a White House official confirmed to NBC News Tuesday. Trump spoke to Putin at the end of a couples-only social dinner at the summit in Hamburg, […]

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Award-Winning Reporter Who Exposed Anti-Semitism at LGBT Event Loses Her Job at Liberal Publication

We see, time and time again, that the “tolerant” left is filled with anti-Semitism and support for the enemies of the Jewish people. About three weeks ago, I tweeted about a disturbing story out of Chicago, where organizers of an LGBT pride event barred Jewish Stars of David, going so far as asking violators of this appalling policy to leave. […]

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Trump administration recertifies insane Iran nuclear deal made by Obama administration

Why are we still giving terrorist Iran nuclear technology when they promise to destroy America and Israel? The Trump administration once again recertified the Iran nuclear deal, and pledged to “strengthen its enforcement”. The decision to recertify the deal Monday came after delays caused by President Donald Trump, who said during campaigning for the presidency that the deal, reached in […]

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Iran Jails Another US Citizen; Accuses Trump of “Violating Nuclear Deal”

On the eve of the deadline for President Trump to grade Iranian compliance with the nuclear deal, Iran’s foreign minister accused him of violating the accord, while the administration called on the regime to release U.S. citizens held on “fabricated” security charges. The raised rhetoric comes three months into an administration review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear […]

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Israel Says It Will Expand Space for Non-Orthodox Prayer at Kotel Despite Freezing Agreement

From the Jerusalem Post: Israel’s government told the nation’s Supreme Court that it plans to expand and upgrade a space for non-Orthodox prayer at the southern section of the Western Wall near Robinson’s Arch. The government made the declaration in documents submitted to the court in response to a petition filed by the non-Orthodox [Reform and Conservative] movements and the […]

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The hypocrisy of denouncing metal detectors at the Temple Mount

The Waqf officials are hypocrites, liars and rabble-rousers. Their purpose is to create bloodshed and cause conflict and murder. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan should be pressured to remove these psychopaths… Otherwise, the responsibility for the actions of these lunatics, and the lunatics who follow them, rests with the Hashemite Kingdom. If Jordan is going to sponsor the Waqf, then […]

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Senators Lee and Moran pull support killing current version of Obamacare 2.0 bill

A Monday evening meeting between President Trump and six GOP senators won’t have the effect intended, as Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Sen. Jerry Moran issued a joint statement indicating that neither would vote to move the current version of the Republican health care bill forward. My colleague @SenMikeLee and I will not support the MTP to this version of BCRA. #HealthcareBill — […]

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24 “Republicans” Who Shamefully Voted to Force Taxpayers to Fund MILITARY Sex Change Operations

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives shamefully voted to force taxpayers to fund sex change operations for members of the military, a continuation of an Obama-era policy that has outraged conservatives and other who believe that the policy weakens our military. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) had issued an amendment to the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would deny taxpayer funds […]

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Jordanian parliament praises Temple Mount terror attack: “Our martyrs are watering the holy land” with their blood

Jordanian lawmakers voiced support for the three murderers, praising them as “martyrs”, Yediot Ahronot reported. On Saturday, Abdullah spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu following the attack, and issued a condemnation of the murders. Less than a day later, however, the Jordanian parliament expressed support for the terrorists, praising them as “martyrs”. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Jordanian […]

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Fatah calls for violence and ‘rage’ following terror attack

Fatah rebroadcasts video in which Abbas calls for violence to prevent Jews from ascending Temple Mount following deadly terror attack. The ruling Fatah party of PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas rebroadcast Abbas’ call for violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosue in 2014 in response to the closure of the Temple Mount following the terrorist attack in which two police officers were murdered Friday […]

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House Panel Passes Bill to Stop Illegal IRS Seizures

The House Ways and Means Committee has passed a bill that limits when the IRS can take action on taxpayer assets. From The Hill: The bill concerns cases where taxpayers are suspected of “structuring” transactions under $10,000 to avoid bank-reporting requirements. Under the legislation, the IRS would only be able to seize funds in suspected structuring cases when the funds came […]

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Police officer disciplined for refusing to call a ‘transgender’ man a woman

Transgender insanity is now leading to persecution of law enforcement officers. Fort Lauderdale cop James Brinton is being disciplined and the entire city police force is being made to undergo transgender sensitivity “training” because …  Brinton actually listed a man as “male.” The man in question, 48-year-old real estate agent Shelby Kendall, is indeed male, but in 2014 he filed […]

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Fashion Companies Trying to Convince American Youth to Wear “Cool” Hijabs

One of the United States most popular fashion stores, American Eagle Outfitters, has now begun selling a “denim hijab,” in order to capitalize on the “popularity” of Islam in America. This decision is outraging many customers and is a blatant display of cultural appropriation for financial gain. When American Eagle Outfitters announced its new denim hijab, many on Twitter were […]

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The Shocking Way Planned Parenthood Gets Women to “Consent” to Selling Their Aborted Babies

It’s not enough for them to murder millions of babies, they have to sell the baby parts too. Yesterday, and in a post written earlier today, we discussed at some length a shocking hidden-camera video in which two undercover investigators are shown discussing with a high ranking PPFA official how these supposed “procurers” of fetal tissue could work with Planned Parenthood affiliates […]

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LGBT propaganda war advances to the classroom

Over the past several months, the Province of Ontario, Canada, has fully allied itself with pro-LGBT forces in the culture war against the nuclear family. And as has become their standard modus operandi, this alliance is now targeting our children. In December of 2016, the Ontario legislature passed a law (Bill 28) eliminating the words “mother” and “father” from the books, replacing […]

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Hamas and Islamic Jihad praise Jerusalem jihad terror attack that murdered 2 police officers

We have been warning that the Temple Mount is a front for Islamic terrorism. Instead of doing something about it, Netanyahu just makes it illegal for Jews to pray there. The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups on Friday welcomed the attack on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in which two Israeli police officers were murdered. The attack was carried out by […]

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Israel rejects Jordan demand to immediately reopen Temple Mount to Muslims after jihadist terror attack

Israel rejected on Friday evening a demand from [Jew-hating Muslim] Jordan to immediately reopen the Temple Mount after it was shut for security reasons in the wake of a deadly shooting attack at the holy site [the Holiest site in Judaism]. Following the morning attack in which three Israeli-Arabs killed two Israeli Druze police officers near Lions Gate outside the […]

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