Monthly Archives: August 2017

Ivanka Trump celebrates ‘Gay Pride’ month on Twitter

First daughter Ivanka Trump celebrated gay “pride” month with two tweets yesterday, one which mentioned her Jewish faith and one that offered support to “my LGBTQ friends and…LGBTQ Americans.” Logging back on after Shavuot, wishing everyone a joyful #Pride2017. This month we celebrate and honor the #LGBTQ community. — Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) June 2, 2017 I am proud to support my LGBTQ friends and […]

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Secretary of State Tillerson praises North Korea for “restraint,” hopes for “pathway” to dialogue

Just weeks after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is offering praise for Kim Jong-un for holding his fire since then, noting that it could be the “beginning” of a pathway to peace talks. The overture to the outlaw regime came on the same day that the U.S. slapped Chinese and Russian individuals and companies with third-party sanctions […]

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North Korea Announces New Warheads, Solid Fuel Rocket Engines

North Korea has announced the development of new missile technologies that include new solid-fuel rocket engines and different warheads. Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) said Wednesday that Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un visited the Chemical Material Institute of the Academy of Defense Science to inspect its latest accomplishments. “He instructed the Institute to produce more solid-fuel rocket engines and rocket […]

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Trump and Tillerson want to engage with so-called “moderate elements” of the terrorist Taliban

There are no “moderates” in the Muslim Taliban that had Osama bin Laden as one of it’s leaders! Are they going to claim there are “moderates” in al-Qaida and Islamic State too? In his defense of President Trump’s strategy to once again bolster U.S. involvement in Afghanistan, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has explained that the Trump administration may seek […]

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Defense Secretary James Mattis on Afghanistan Troop Deployment: “There Is a Number That I’m Authorized To Go Up To”

What ever happened to Trump’s campaign promise to pull out our troops from Afghanistan? Now he’s sending more which even Obama refused to do. Defense Secretary James Mattis indicated Tuesday that President Trump has authorized a ceiling for the anticipated increase in the number of troops deployed in Afghanistan, but he said he would await a plan from the chairman […]

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Berkeley College Republicans Slapped With $15,000 Fine To Host Ben Shapiro

Now you are not only silenced for being a conservative, you are also fined. The so-called “tolerant” liberals don’t believe in real diversity or freedom of speech. Conservative organization Young America’s Foundation (YAF) announced Tuesday that it will cover a $15,000 security fee that UC Berkeley levied on its College Republican group to host political commentator Ben Shapiro on Sept. […]

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Bannon wanted to move the Israel embassy to Jerusalem; Kushner blocked it

A new article published in Vanity Fair in the wake of Steve Bannon’s departure from the White House cites “Bannon’s allies” as saying that Bannon had “lobbied Trump aggressively to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but was blocked by [Jared] Kushner.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a […]

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Trump Administration Slams Israel For Not Allowing Women of the Wall “Mixed-Gender Reform Prayer At Western Wall”

Now the Trump administration wants to dictate how Judaism is practiced in Israel. From the Times of Israel: The report stated that Israel “continued to permit non-Jews, including Muslims and Christians, to pray at the Western Wall, but continued to enforce a prohibition on non-Orthodox (including mixed gender) Jewish prayer services.” One plus — interfaith religious freedom — and one […]

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Arabs broke our locks and declared “This is ours”

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu’s wife speaks about Arab encroachment of their Jewish Quarter apartment, explains why it is state’s oversight. Rebbetzin Tova Eliyahu, wife of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the rabbi of the city of Safed, told Arutz Sheva about the Arab intrusion of the family’s home in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, which was undergoing renovations. “I received a phone call in the morning that […]

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Antifa Leader: “Violence Against Right Wingers Is Not a Crime”

One of the many things the Democrat establishment and the Republican establishment agree on is that Antifa goons are the “good guys”, [simply] because they oppose [Nazis and the KKK (which we also oppose and so what?)]. That puts a “white hat” on Yvette Felarca: Felarca, the Berkeley area school teacher and militant left-wing protester responsible for organizing the riot at the University of […]

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Black Lives Matter Activist Unveils List of Demands to White People: “Give Up the Home You Own”

And here’s our list to BLM: “Stop being black supremacist Jew and white hating racists.” Helm, the so-called “cofounder and core organizer of Black Lives Matter Louisville,” explained in an article published at the things she says need to “change.” “White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives […]

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Leftist Atheists Call Bible “Hate-Filled Book”; Claim G-d Worse Than “White Supremacist Thugs”

Probably because it reminds them that they are responsible for their actions, and liberals hate that more than anything else. An national atheist organization wrote that the Christian Bible “encourages violence and racism” in an Monday letter intended to bully Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin. “It should be no surprise that this hate-filled book has spawned hateful ideologies and groups to […]

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Liberty University graduates unhappy with Jerry Falwell Jr’s defense for Trump on Nazis, KKK; RETURN DIPLOMAS!

Liberty University graduates are returning their diplomas in an effort to protest their former president’s support for Trump. DC EXAMINER – A growing number of Liberty University graduates are calling on fellow alumni to return their diplomas to the evangelical Christian university in protest of Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s support for President Trump and his defense of the president’s […]

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Israeli Border Police Eliminate Arab Muslim Terrorist Stabber; Officer Lightly Wounded

Border Police officers shot and killed [an Arab Muslim terrorist in Israel] as he tried to stab one of them at a flashpoint West Bank junction on Saturday, police and medics said. One officer was lightly wounded in the incident. The [so-called] “Palestinian” approached the officers standing at the Tapuah Junction in the northern West Bank. When they called on […]

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Judge orders IRS to reveal who took part in Tea Party targeting

As if the federal government will ever really do anything about the IRS targeting conservatives. We’ll believe it when we see it. A federal judge has ordered the Internal Revenue Service to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the […]

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Obama’s far-left policies live on under Trump

Even to the casual observer, Donald Trump’s young presidency has been less than stellar, a fact reflected by recent polls showing his record-breaking low approval and high disapproval by voters of his job performance. Obviously, one of the reasons the New York liberal is doing so poorly is his failure to deliver on his major campaign promises. More troubling, however, is when […]

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Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson pushes affirmative action after Charlottesville

The State Department will pursue a policy of affirmative action for ambassadorships, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced Friday. Speaking at a press conference, Tillerson declared that the State Department would take active steps to “increase diversity at the highest ranks”. Among other policy changes, Tillerson said that the State Department would now employ a quota system when drawing up […]

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What Free Speech? Police Block, Detain Anti-Netanyahu Protest Leaders

This week would have been the 39th Saturday night protest near Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit’s home. The police set up roadblocks in Petah Tikva on Saturday night, attempting to stop the weekly demonstration there calling on the attorney-general to charge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with corruption, and detaining two of its leaders. The police revoked the permit for the demonstration, but […]

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Anti-Semite H.R. McMaster Endorsed Book That Advocates Quran-Kissing Apology Ceremonies

A book on terrorism endorsed and touted by H.R. McMaster, the embattled White House National Security Adviser [who was defended by Donald Trump for his anti-Semitism], calls on the U.S. military to respond to any “desecrations” of the Quran by service members with an apology ceremony, and advocates kissing a new copy of the Quran before presenting the Islamic text […]

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Barcelona Chief Rabbi Urges Congregation to Flee to Israel Before It’s Too Late

In an echo some likely thought never to hear again, words spoken by rabbinic sages generations before in Eastern Europe were reiterated by Barcelona Chief Rabbi Meir Bar-Hen in a blunt warning to his Jewish congregants to flee Europe for Israel. The rabbi shared his remarks with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) in an interview this past weekend, saying he told his […]

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Anti-Israel Academics Launch Campus Antifa Group for Faculty

Prominent anti-Israel academics launched a Jew-hating campus antifa group earlier this month for faculty across the United States. Purdue University’s Bill Mullen and Stanford University’s David Palumbo-Liu created the Campus Antifascist Network (CAN) to combat “fascists” who use “‘free speech’ as a façade for attacking faculty who have stood in solidarity with [targeted] students,” as Palumbo-Liu described it on his blog. There […]

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White House Petition Seeks to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization

While we despise Trump and his anti-Israel policies, the violent leftist Antifa (a play on the anti-Semitic Muslim terrorist word “antifada”) are just as disgusting as the KKK and Nazis. A White House petition started this week seeks to name Antifa as a terrorist organization.  Antifa regularly attack supporters of President Trump, although they much prefer victims who are women […]

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Anti-Semitic signs hung on Oregon overpasses

Signs accusing Jews of controlling human race and finances hung on highways frequented by tourists looking to see solar eclipse. Signs with anti-Semitic messages were hung on highway overpasses in Oregon. The banners were hung on two northbound highways, which were heavily travelled by California tourists heading to the state to get a better view of Monday’s expected solar eclipse, […]

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Steve Bannon out of White House, Submitted Resignation August 7

WE TOLD YOU SO! Breitbart that helped get Trump elected now responds to Bannon dismissal at White House in one ominous word: “#WAR” Here’s a list of everyone in Trump’s own administration that he has fired so far: Firings/Resignations under DT: Yates Flynn Walsh Bharara Comey Dubke Shaub Corralo Spicer Short Priebus Mooch Bannon — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) August 18, 2017 […]

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Leftists Coming After Columbus Statues, Boat Replicas

They gotta go, too. Unhinged leftists keep checking things off their immense wish list of unacceptable items that need to be eradicated from history. More and more Confederate monuments are coming down and with that success, they’re already demanding the removal of monuments dedicated to our slave-owning Founding Fathers. And now, Christopher Columbus is next on the chopping block. According […]

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The leftist ACLU claims that gun owners are “worse than Nazis”

How about the leftist Hollywood elites’ body guards that carry guns? Are they Nazis too? The ACLU has announced that it will not support the rights of groups that want to enjoy both the First and Second Amendments. ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero told the Wall Street Journal that the “civil liberties group” will not represent hate groups who want to bear firearms while they […]

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Finland: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” go on stabbing spree; woman and baby among victims

Yet another battle in the war that only one side admits is being waged. “Finland incident: Police shoot man ‘who stabbed several people’ in city of Turku,” by Stephen Jones, Mirror, August 18, 2017: Finland ‘terror attack’: Several people injured after ‘knifeman screaming Allahu Akbar’ goes on rampage in city Armed police have opened fire on a knife-wielding attacker ‘screaming Allahu […]

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California: Up to a year in jail for refusing a transgender’s preferred pronoun

A new bill being considered by the California State Senate would punish people who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” in a public health, retirement or housing institution. The bill, SB 219, was proposed by State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). It includes several other provisions that require a health facility, for example, to honor the gender […]

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University of Washington researcher dismisses science “conducted primarily by white men”

A physics researcher at the University of Washington says the controversial Google memo is just the latest example of “shoddy science” that is “conducted primarily by white men.” A physics researcher at the University of Washington says the controversial Google memo is just the latest example of “shoddy science” that is “conducted primarily by white men.” “It’s 2017, and to […]

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Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon: “Military Not an Option Against North Korea”

President Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon says there’s no military solution to the threat posed by North Korea and its nuclear ambitions, despite the president’s recent pledge to answer further aggression with “fire and fury.” In an interview with The American Prospect posted online Wednesday, Bannon tells the liberal publication that the U.S. is losing the economic race against China. He […]

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Charlottesville Police Refused to Protect Synagogue From Nazis

The Jewish community was forced to hire armed security for first time. The Jewish community in Charlottesville hired armed security to protect its synagogue for the first time after local police declined to provide a guard for the site despite hundreds of white supremacists congregating on the town over the weekend for a rally that resulted in the murder of counter-protester Heather Heyer. Alan Zimmerman, […]

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Michael Reagan: My Dad Would Have Condemned White Nationalists

President Ronald Reagan would have had a dramatically different response to the horrific violence by white supremacists in Charlottesville than President Donald Trump did, his son Michael Reagan told Newsmax TVon Wednesday. “Absolutely it would’ve differed from President Trump’s response,” Reagan, a veteran political commentator, told host Miranda Khan on “America Talks Live.” “. . . My father would be appalled by […]

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Swiss lawmaker slams Israel for “tolerating religious Jews” who “prevent peace”

Amid criticism of hotel signs telling Jews to shower, Geneva lawmaker accuses Israel of excessive tolerance of haredim who “prevent peace.” Commenting on a public outcry over signs that urged Jews at a Swiss hotel to shower, a state lawmaker from Geneva said “Israel should apologize for its excessive tolerance of ultra-Orthodox Jews who prevent peace in Palestine.” Roger Deneys, a Socialist […]

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Poll: 61% of Trump supporters say there is literally nothing he could do to stop them from supporting him

A just-released Monmouth poll provides confirmation with this data point: 61 percent of those approving of Trump’s performance say there is literally nothing he could do that would cause them not to support him, while 57 percent say there is nothing Trump could do to earn their support except resign the presidency. Plain and simple, that is a cult. Not a political party. Not a […]

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Trump defends KKK and Nazi demonstrators: “You also had people that were very fine people on both sides”

Can “very fine people” march with neo-Nazis? Three days gone, and Trump has not even reached out to Charlottesville victim’s family. US President Donald Trump has failed miserably. By doubling down and creating equivalence between the white supremacist neo-Nazi marchers and the counter demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump is revealing one of two possibilities: he is either afraid to offend his political base by condemning […]

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Trump getting a lot of criticism and pushback from Republicans over Charlottesville

Even former Presidents George Bush, Jr., and George Bush, Sr. condemn the Nazis and the KK in a rebuke of Donald Trump. Ted Cruz also unequivocally denounced white supremacy and anti-Semitism. Trump isn’t just in the crosshairs of the media. Many Republicans have also come out after yesterday’s press conference against Trump’s comments: WASHINGTON EXAMINER – President Trump on Tuesday reignited the controversy […]

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President Trump Gave Nazis and the KKK an Unequivocal Boost

Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists praise Trump’s “fair” condemnation of so-called “both sides” in Charlottesville. Ex-KKK leader David Duke cheers president’s ‘courage’ President Donald Trump’s infrastructure presser quickly descended into a heated exchange with the news media, which are still unsatisfied with his remarks about the horrific violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. The New York Times reported that […]

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Anyone Surprised? PLO Leader Abbas Sends Greeting to North Korea Dictator

Abbas has wished North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “health and happiness” at a time of rising nuclear tensions with the U.S. President Mahmoud Abbas sent the greeting on Tuesday in honor of “Liberation Day,” when both North and South Korea celebrate their liberation from Japanese colonial rule. Abbas praised the “historic friendship” with North Korea and wished the country’s […]

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