Author Archives: Shlomo

Even Germany Speaks Out Against Russia Giving Iran S-300 Anti-Missile System

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Tuesday spoke out against Russia’s decision to prepare to deliver missile systems to Iran, Reuters reported. Speaking before a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in the northern German city of Luebeck, Steinmeier said that it was “too early” to think about rewarding Iran. “We’re in the middle of a process,” he was quoted as […]

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Only 4% Got the Right Obamacare Subsidy

Tax Day is tomorrow, and if Obamacare wasn’t complicating people’s lives enough already, it’s going to make paying taxes even more of a pain for most of the people who have signed up for subsidies. According to Betsy McCaughey over at Investor’s Business Daily, if you applied for a federal Obamacare subsidy, chances are the bureaucrats got it wrong. Per […]

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Thanks To Obama And Clinton, Russia Selling Advanced Missiles To Muslim Terrorist Iran

We now see one of the first results of the disastrous deal that Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton made with Muslim terrorist Iran to legitimize their nuclear bomb-making program. On Monday, Russia announced it has lifted its self-imposed ban on shipping sophisticated S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran. A deal was signed in 2007 worth roughly $800 million […]

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Obama tries to sell his suicidal Iran deal to establishment liberal Jewish leaders and donors

The Obama administration’s effort to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the Jewish community kicked up a notch with two meetings scheduled on the same day between the president and Jewish leaders. President Barack Obama will attend two White House meetings Monday with Jewish leaders on Monday — one with organizational leaders, and a second unusual meeting with a group […]

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Islamic State hacks Australian airport website with threatening message to Israel

The website of Hobart International Airport was replaced with a pro-Islamic-State message. Islamic State hackers managed to take down a small Australian airport’s website on Sunday, replacing the site with a threatening message. According to the Australian Broadcast Corporation, on Sunday around 3:00 a.m. local time, the website of Hobart International Airport in Tasmania was hacked by a group calling […]

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Federal Judge Calls Out Justice Dept on Immigration Lies

“This Court expects all parties, including the Government of the United States, to act in a forthright manner and not hide behind deceptive representations and half-truths.” The battle between federal district court Judge Andrew Hanen and the Obama administration over the president’s executive orders on immigration ratcheted up Tuesday. Hanen issued a second order this week that charged that the […]

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Netanyahu makes statements about Iran but does absolutely nothing

Isn’t it time that Israel bombed Iran’s nuclear facilities and made sure the people of Israel are safe from a nuclear holocaust? Millions of innocent lives are at stake. Netanyahu, we don’t care what Obama thinks… and there is no such thing as a “good” or “better deal” with lunatic terrorists! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement: “In […]

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Hillary Clinton Makes Junk Science “Global Warming” Her Central Issue for 2016

It’s official. Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States. That wasn’t a surprise, but something about her campaign really stood out yesterday – and most people missed it. This tweet by John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman: As reported at ThinkProgress, Hillary’s campaign is the first major presidential campaign to make [global warming] a central issue. … We […]

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New documents show Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target conservatives goes far deeper

Judicial Watch has just released a new batch of documents forced out of the IRS that show the Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target Tea Party and other conservatives goes far deeper than realized. Included in the new batch of documents is a February 2012 email from Lois Lerner, who was then head of the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Branch, asking that […]

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Above the Law: Kerry Urges Lawmakers to Stay Out of Iran Deal That Would Give Iran Nukes

Secretary of State John Kerry says lawmakers should “hold their fire” as negotiations with Iran continue. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday urged lawmakers not to put up obstacles in the path of the talks between Iran and the West on its nuclear program, AFP reported. Kerry spoke with CBS’s “Face the Nation” as he prepares to defend […]

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Spain Muslim Terrorists Plot to Bomb Jewish Bookstore

Members of a [Muslim terrorist] cell arrested this week in Spain were trying to obtain explosives to bomb a Jewish bookshop in Barcelona, an investigating magistrate said on Friday. Other potential targets of the group included synagogues and public buildings in the Catalonia region, the magistrate said in a report after receiving information from prosecutors. The report said seven of […]

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Ted Cruz reacts to Hillary Clinton’s announcement she is running for President

Is the world safer because Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State? No. HOUSTON, Texas — Today U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement in reaction to the announcement that Hillary Clinton is running for President: “Hillary Clinton just announced what we’ve known for a long time — she’s running for president, again. But the good news is that […]

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The lies begin: Hillary Clinton claims credit for ‘tough new sanctions against Iran’

Hillary Clinton announced today that she is running for President (Hat Tip: Memeorandum), and her newly minted campaign has already started to lie. Clinton, it claims was behind ‘tough new sanctions‘ against Iran. And when President Obama asked Hillary to serve as his secretary of state, she put aside their hard-fought campaign and answered the call to public service once […]

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The leader of the Muslim world, Mufti al-Husseini, raised Muslim armies for Hitler

The leader of the Muslim world, Mufti al-Husseini, raised Muslim armies for Hitler. Stefan Petke of the Technical University of Berlin uncovered rare footage that documents the Nazi army’s Muslim units. The Nazis used them as “working soldiers” to take their weapons to and from the front lines. The Nazis apparently did not trust them with any major tasks, but […]

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The NSA Wants Tech Companies To Give It “Front Door” Access To Encrypted Data

National Security Agency officials are considering a range of options to ensure their surveillance efforts aren’t stymied by the growing use of encryption, particularly in smartphones. Key among the solutions, according to The Washington Post, might be a requirement that technology companies create a digital key that can open any locked device to obtain text messages or other content, but […]

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Nine-year-old sex slave is made pregnant by 10 Islamic State terrorists raping her

A nine-year-old girl is pregnant after suffering horrific sexual abuse at the hands of ISIS [terrorists] in northern Iraq, aid workers report. The Yazidi girl has recently been released after nearly a year as a prisoner in the Islamic State, where women and young girls from the religious minority are known to be kept as ‘sex slaves’. Earlier this week, […]

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Obama Hobnobs With Communist Dictator Castro in Panama

President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro, head of an oppressive communist regime that forbids free speech, persecutes the faithful, tortures dissidents and jails homosexuals for “re-education,” shook hands Friday evening in Panama. Obama, who in the 2008 campaign vowed to engage with America’s adversaries, seeks to restore ties between the Cold War foes. Experts excpect him to remove […]

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Iran Says US Conceded on All Its Red Lines in Nuclear Deal

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Jafari accuses US of ‘psychological warfare’ in faking nuclear fact sheet to dupe its allies. Iranian leadership continues to state clearly that the framework deal announced in Lausanne, Switzerland earlier this month constitutes a major achievement of the Islamic regime, which didn’t give up on its nuclear program at all and forced the US to fold. Iranian […]

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Boston Marathon Bombers’ Mother: The US ‘Will Pay for My Sons and the Sons of Islam’

Boston Marathon bombers Tameralan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, erupted into an angry all-caps tirade on social media after her surviving son Dzhokhar was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and the Tsarnaevs’ violent rampage across Boston as they sought to escape from police. Vocativ translated Tsarnaeva’s message, after a tip from the sister of a […]

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Obama mocks Netanyahu on Twitter

White House ‘bomb cartoon’ pokes fun at U.N. speech The White House took to Twitter to send a mocking message Israel’s way, using a graphic Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu relied on in his 2012 address to the United Nations as a springboard to defend the looming U.S.-Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu presented a diagram before the United Nations General Assembly two […]

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New York Nazi Times fears Netanyahu’s demands to save Israel from a nuclear holocaust will cost Iranian jobs

The New York [Nazi] Times editorial board warned this week that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “unworkable” demands on Iran threaten not only to scuttle a potential nuclear deal between Washington, D.C., and Tehran but may also lead to job loss in the Islamic republic. One of Netanyahu’s supposedly “unrealistic” demands regarding the pending nuclear agreement calls for Iran to […]

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Hamas: “Stabbing Israeli soldiers natural response to Israeli extremism”

[Forward: There is no such thing as a “Palestinain” people. It is a lie and a propaganda war used against Israel.] Al Qassam website – Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, hailed the stabbing of two Israeli soldiers on Wednesday morning by a Palestinian man south of Shilo settlement to the north of the West Bank. Hamas spokesman abroad Husam Badran said, […]

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Why Was Colorado Baby’s Death Not a National Story About Abortion?

Lauren Ashburn, a regular guest on MediaBuzz on the Fox News Channel, wrote an article for Mediaite on how the [leftist] media doesn’t really want to engage the country in a discussion about “gruesome abortion stories.” “Yet contrast abortion coverage with the endless hours and words devoted to batting down Indiana’s religious freedom law,” she wrote. “Conservatives got plenty of […]

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9 Important Issues That Were Conspicuously Absent from Rand Paul’s Announcement Speech

Did you notice anything missing from Sen. Rand Paul’s speech on Tuesday announcing that he’s running for president? During the speech, Paul mentioned the word “liberty” eleven times and “government” seven times. There were, however, some important issues the senator from Kentucky neglected to talk about: Israel Free Speech Religious Liberty Obamacare Second Amendment Sanctity of Life Common Core Marriage/Family Faith All […]

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US Army: ‘Iran helping Hamas, Hezbollah build fleet of suicide drones’

The report was published by the US Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Iran is building an explosive fleet of so-called “suicide kamikaze drones” while also providing know-how on assembling these new weapons to its terrorist allies Hamas and Hezbollah, according to a new report commissioned by the US Army. The report, which was cited by the […]

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IRS Agents are acting like thugs

“I did not serve three combat tours in Iraq only to come home and be extorted,” Andrew Clyde, a US Navy veteran, told an oddly united House Ways and Means subcommittee in a February hearing. Clyde is now a gun store owner near Athens, Georgia, a college town located roughly 70 miles outside of Atlanta. He told members of the […]

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Bill O’Reilly: Obama More ‘Skeptical of Christians’ Than of Muslims

President Barack Obama’s comment this week’s that some Christians are acting “less than loving” makes him appear critical of Christians, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly says. … “in the political arena, it seems like President Obama is more skeptical of Christians than he is of Muslims.” Obama also said at the National Prayer Breakfast in February that Christians should not […]

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“Jewish Communal Fund” (JCF) is helping to pay for accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing and racism”

Another self-hating, leftist, anti-Israel “charity” devoted to boycotting Israel: The Jewish Communal Fund (JCF) manages $1.3 billion in charitable assets for 3,100 funds. The organization exists to help super-rich Jews funnel money to non-profit Jewish organizations. The type of people they hold money for is evident from an endorsement on their website from the former Chairman of Citigroup, billionaire Sandy […]

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Iran: Nuke Deal Doesn’t Include Inspection Of Our Military Sites

No one saw this coming right? Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan categorically rejected as a “lie” a Guardian report alleging that Tehran has granted access to its military facilities under the recent framework agreement with the world powers.“No such agreement has been made; principally speaking, visit to military centers is among our redlines and no such visit will […]

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