Author Archives: Shlomo

HERE WE GO: Trump just said he will have a “DIFFERENT RELATIONSHIP” with Congress going forward

Trump just told the media that he’s going to have a different relationship with Congress going forward and I think we all know what that means: President Trump says he and Congress “will have a different relationship” with “a much stronger coming together” — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) September 7, 2017 “They want to see some dialogue, they want to see coming […]

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Netanyahu: Israel’s Cooperation With Nazi Muslim Terrorist Arab States “Has Never Been Greater”

Netanyahu brags that he has assured that Israel is working closely with Muslim terrorist countries that openly call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. Netanyahu said that cooperation today with countries in the Arab world is actually greater than it was when Jerusalem signed agreements with Egypt and Jordan. In practice, he said, there is cooperation in […]

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Trump now siding with liberal Democrats on raising the debt ceiling

“Trump is giving Democrats leverage over Republicans in December by siding with them.” According to new reports Trump has sided with Democrats in raising the debt ceiling for a short three month term as well as tying it to Hurricane aid, something Republicans apparently disagree with: CNN – President Donald Trump bucked his own party Wednesday and sided with Democrats to […]

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White Christians now a minority of U.S. population

Liberals don’t care about these minorities. Religious Jews and Christians are called “right-wing extremists” while Muslim terrorism is defended. Americans who identify as both white and Christian comprise less than 50 percent of the population, according to a new survey. The Public Religion Research Institute study found that just 43 percent of Americans make up that cohort, down from 81 percent as recently as […]

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Black Lives Matter issues 10 demands to hard-working honkies: “Hand over your valuables”

Pay up, whitey! The sad part? I’m sure some gullible crackers are actually putting these demands up on their refrigerator. Philadelphia Police Union Pres.: Black Lives Matter is a ‘Pack of Rabid Animals’ “These are not activists, they are racist hate groups determined to instigate violence.” LANGUAGE WARNING! Chanelle Helm of Black Lives Matter Louisiana has issued ten demands to hard-working honkies which will help […]

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Sara Netanyahu to Be Indicted for Fraud

Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports that Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit intends to indict Sara Netanyahu, wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for fraud involving goods worth NS 400,000 ($111,861). The charges stem from accusations made by the former chief caretaker of the prime minister’s residence, Meni Naftali. Naftali has been leading demonstrations in recent weeks in front of Mandelblit’s home in Petach Tiqva […]

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U.S. states vow to defend illegal immigrant program

Several U.S. states say they will file a lawsuit against Trump’s decision to end program that protects illegal immigrants from deportation. Several U.S. states announced on Tuesday they would file a lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s decision to end a program that protects people brought illegally to the United States as children from deportation, Reuters reports. Democratic state attorneys general in California, […]

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Former Muslim, anti-Female-Genital-Mutilation campaigner Shazia Hobbs suspended from Twitter

Twitter is evil. It lets stand open death threats against me. It censors content to suit Iran’s Islamic authorities. It has flagged as “hateful” tweets stating the fact that Islam is not a religion of peaceand reporting accurately about anti-Semitic statements by an imam. It has let Islamic State accounts stand while banning those of people who report terrorists. It has shadowbanned my account, preventing thousands of readers from seeing […]

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Trump puts DACA repeal on hold for 6 months giving Congress time to pass full amnesty for 800,000 illegals

Even Trump-butt-kisser Ann Coulter sees the writing on the wall. Ending the DACA amnesty for roughly 800,000 illegal immigrants has been on the wish list for immigration hawks, but Sunday’s report that President Donald Trump will do so with a six-month delay has some worried about Congress passing amnesty. Politico reported Sunday that President Donald Trump has decided to announce that he […]

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Like Iran, Muslim Egypt Finalizes Deal With Russia For First Nuclear Plant

Russian media say Egypt has finalized a deal to build a nuclear power plant with funding from Moscow after nearly two years of negotiations. The reports Monday came after Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in China, where they were attending a summit. The nuclear plant will be built in Dabaa, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) […]

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Muslim PLO law mandating death penalty for Arabs who sell land or homes to Jews must be fought

Deputy Defense MinisterRabbi Eli Ben-Dahan (Jewish Home) spoke with Arutz Sheva about a range of issues, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s intention to allow soccer matches on Saturdays, the decision to grant municipal status to the Jewish community in Hevron, and the ongoing struggle by the Jews who purchased the Machpela House in Hevron to live in their own property. Rabbi Ben-Dahan […]

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Recent Muslim Convert Attacks Jewish Man in Belgium

Islamic Supremacism continues to fuel anti-Semitic violence in Europe, America and the Middle East. And the teachings of Islam promote Islamic Supremacism. They tell Muslims that Jews are pigs and apes, that they are the killers of prophets and the primal enemies of Islam. The so-called “Israel-Arab” conflict or, even more misleadingly, the [so-called] “Israel-Palestinian” conflict, is not the cause, it’s […]

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Sacramento To Pay Gang Members $1.5 Million To Not Commit Murder

What could possibly go wrong? Sacramento is undergoing a surge in violence — it’s either gangs or roving bands of Democratic representatives, to the extent that there is a difference — and so the Sacramento City Council is employing a tried and true progressive solution: throwing taxpayer money at the problem. Following a fatal shooting last weekend in a city park, the […]

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North Korea Conducts Sixth Nuclear Test, Threatens EMP Attack on U.S.

North Korea’s news agency is claiming that the country has successfully loaded a hydrogen bomb onto an ICBM. Meanwhile, the Hermit Kingdom’s leader, Kim Jong Un, has threatened to launch a electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the United States and there are late reports of one, and possibly a second, earthquake that most likely indicates a North Korean nuclear weapons […]

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Netanyahu’s Former Chief of Staff Arrested For Fraud, Breach of Trust and Conspiracy

In the German submarine affair, Israel detains 6, including Netanyahu associate. Sharan is suspected in bribery, fraud, breach of trust and Conspiracy to commit a crime. It was reported that the Israel Police extended his arrest in five days. rime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s former chief of staff David Sharan was arrested on Sunday in what is dubbed as the “submarines […]

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David Daleiden Fined $200,000 for Releasing Undercover Video Exposing Planned Parenthood

A federal judge hit pro-life undercover investigator David Daleiden and two of his lawyers with a heavy fine this week after they released undercover footage of a National Abortion Federation conference. Townhall reports U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick, who has ties to the abortion industry, ordered Daleiden and attorneys Steve Cooley and Brentford Ferreira to pay $195,359.04 in fines on […]

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Whole Foods owner profits from sales of Antifa terrorism symbols and left-wing “murder books” on

Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? The monopolist online retailer — founded and largely owned by Jeff Bezos, the anti-American globalist who also owns the fake news Washington Post — insisted the Confederate flag was a “symbol of hate” and explained it would not be ethical to profit from […]

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Trump on Illegal Amnesty: “We love the Dreamers, we love everybody…”

Kris Kobach says Trump needs to end DACA now or face political consequences. Trump just announced that his decision on whether or not to terminate DACA will come either this afternoon or this weekend. #BreakingNews: @POTUS: #DACA decision to come sometime today or over the weekend. — FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) September 1, 2017 When asked if the Dreamers should be worried, Trump responded “We […]

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Netanyahu Legalizing Work on Shabbat

Bibi thinks he’s more important than the Torah. In 2015, the Movement for a Democratic Jewish State petitioned the High Court of Justice, on behalf of hundreds of observant Jewish soccer players, to prevent soccer matches on Shabbat because this contravenes Israel’s Hours of Work and Rest Law. Normally, an Israeli employer is not allowed by law to force employees […]

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BOMBSHELL: FBI, DHS Warned About Antifa In Early 2016; Obama Said Nothing

In a bombshell, Politico reported on Friday that the federal government has been worrying about the rise of Antifa since “early 2016,” and even labeled their activities “domestic terrorist violence” — yet the Obama administration said nothing publicly about Antifa despite ample opportunity to do so. According to Politico: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary […]

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HOW LOW CAN IT GO? Congress job approval at 8%!

A new poll by The Economist finds Trump with a 39 percent “favorable” rating, with 23 percent holding a “very favorable” view of the president, and 16 percent “somewhat favorable.” Forty-five percent say they have a “very unfavorable” view of Trump. While Democrats and some Congressional Republicans may be reassured by Trump’s relatively low numbers, leaders of both parties fair significantly worse in the […]

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Texas Liberal Activist Judge Blocks Law Banning Horrific Abortion Practice

In a horrible affront to the sanctity of life, and just common decency, a liberal Texas judge has blocked a Texas law that would ban abortion by dismemberment. Life News had the breaking news this morning: U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel blocked Texas Senate Bill 8 one day before it would have gone into effect, according to the Tribune News Service. Signed […]

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Islamic terror and nuclear Iran doing OK under Trump

A few days ago, I wrote a piece about how the Trump administration has taken a leftist approach in its dealings with Islam. I wrote about how there are those within Trump’s inner circle who have adopted Barack Obama’s policies concerning Israel and Islamic terrorism–promoting the two-state solution in favor of the [so-called] Palestinians, and refusing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” […]

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Google Issues Ultimatum Towards Over 400 Conservative Sites to Censor Content Or Lose All Ad Revenue

The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent/conservative media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when it comes to getting their content in front of readers. Google has announced they will be doubling […]

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College Professors Discover New Way To Get Offended: “Invisibility Microaggressions”

Some race-consumed college professors just discovered a new way to get offended called “invisibility microagressions” that are invisible, and “published their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education.” Unfortunately, they are more concerned with the invisible racist boogie man than education (literally). From the Daily Caller: The two professors interviewed 13 non-white [that means black] women at “predominantly white […]

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Google, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram censoring content to suit terrorist Iran’s Imams

Several social media companies in the West have been criticised for a perceived lack of transparency in alleged talks with the Iranian government on censoring content to the approval of the country’s strict religious authorities. Instagram, currently available in Iran – as well as Twitter and YouTube, which are blocked but widely visited by Iranians using proxy servers – have all been reported by local media in recent […]

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Alarming new Google tool for “hate crimes” questioned by conservatives

Widespread blacklisting of mainstream conservative sites is on the table. [Fox News] – Google is attempting to “help reporters find hate crime stories” with [artificial intelligence] machine learning – though it remains to be seen how impartial the effort is. The machine-learning tool is aimed at helping journalists utilize hate crime data in their reporting, Simon Rogers, Data Editor at […]

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LA City Council Votes to Make ‘Columbus Day’ ‘Indigenous People’s Day’

Los Angeles will no longer be celebrating Columbus Day because it supposedly celebrates genocide. Instead, the City Council voted on Wednesday to replace it with “Indigenous People’s Day.” From KTLA 5: Over the objections of Italian American civic groups, the council made the second Monday in October a day in L.A. to commemorate ‘indigenous, aboriginal and native people.’ The day will remain […]

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Real Racism: Michigan’s Population is 14% African-American, But 50% of Babies Murdered in Abortions are Black

They should just rename the organization to “Black Lives Don’t Matter” since they mass-murder their own children at record rates. Yesterday Right to Life of Michigan visited three pregnancy centers located in Detroit to award them a total of $8,970 in grants. The grants represent a step towards increasing the prolife movement’s focus on addressing the high abortion rate in […]

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Bereaved Families to UN: Stop Funding Organizations That Defend Terrorist Mass-Murderers

The families said only people who attacked Israelis received this kind of legal aid from the UN. ore than 40 bereaved families, in a letter to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday, demanded that the United Nations stop funding Israeli organizations that defend terrorists in Israel’s Supreme Court. Guterres made his first visit to Israel in his capacity as secretary-general this […]

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Pentagon: 11,000 US troops in Afghanistan, more than previously reported

Remember that Trump and Tillerson are sending our military to Afghanistan to “engage with the [so-called] moderate elements” of the Muslim terrorist Taliban after Trump promised to pull out our troops during his campaign. The Pentagon on Wednesday acknowledged that there are about 11,000 U.S. troops currently serving in Afghanistan, thousands more than what it had previously reported. Defense Department spokeswoman Dana White made clear […]

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