Category Archives: Articles

Missouri Lt. Gov Kinder Blames Left, Calls Missouri Events ‘Appalling’

Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder says we’re seeing the “fruits of decades of Leftist control” play out at the University of Missouri this week. Kinder joined Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 (6AM to 9AM ET) Thursday morning to discuss recent events at Mizzou with host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. Saying many Conservatives have […]

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Man Who Ran Over Cop in Sanctuary City Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien

An illegal alien who attempted to kill a Dallas police officer by twice running him over with a car has been deported three times in the past decade, yet still managed to return to the U.S. each time. Eduardo Gonzalez-Rios is now being held in custody on three counts of aggravated assault on a public servant. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have […]

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What Is ‘White Privilege’?

And how is saying all whites have special privileges not racist? And how is affirmative action, scholarships for being black, tax breaks, and black colleges not a special privilege? The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He had to go because he benefited from “white privilege.” That, at least, was the victorious argument of the […]

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Obama approves of EU labeling of Jewish products

Obama administration says labeling ‘not a boycott,’ because ‘settlements aren’t part of Israel,’ and adds: ‘we label too.’ US President Barack Obama’s administration on Thursday voiced its approval of the discriminatory EU decision the day before to label Jewish goods from Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. The administration said the move is only a “technical guideline,” and is not […]

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Terrorist Group Leader Appointed to School Board

CAIR’s she-wolf, Ghazala Salam, is guarding the school house. Ghazala Salam is a local leader in the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). She also helps run annual events for Islamic Relief. Both CAIR and Islamic Relief have serious ties to global terrorist organizations. The two have been named terrorist groups themselves. Knowing this, it is inconceivable that Salam has been […]

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University of Minnesota Rejects 9/11 Remembrance Because “It Might Incite Racism”

Here’s another instance of political correctness on a college campus going a smidge too far, courtesy of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities: A proposed resolution to recognize the 9/11 terrorist attacks on campus each year was rejected by the Minnesota Student Association as it may potentially violate a “safe space” on campus. From Campus Reform: “This resolution was non-controversial and […]

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University of Missouri Blacks Segregate White Allies to Form ‘Black Only Healing Space’

Could you imagine the backlash if whites had asked all blacks to leave? These “white allies” are complete morons. Student protesters at the University of Missouri asked white supporters to leave Wednesday night in order to create a “black only healing space.” Steve Schmidt, an activist who was at the protest, tweeted that Concerned Student 1950 group were “asking white […]

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Ted Cruz was the real winner in the GOP debate

Ted Cruz delivering remarks that made the dials on a Fox News focus group soar. Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz struck gold with his comments on immigration at Tuesday night’s debate, delivering remarks that resonated well with a Fox News focus group composed of New Hampshire primary voters. “The Democrats are laughing, because if Republicans join Democrats as the party […]

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European Union to force Jews in Israel to label settlement products

The EU moves to boycott Israel. Israel condemned as discriminatory a European Union decision to publish guidelines to allow for consumer labels on imports produced over the Green Line, to signify that they were not made in Israel. It warned that the move could harm Israeli European relations. “We regret that the EU took this politically motivated and unusual and […]

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Netanyahu: Israel could make more ‘unilateral’ withdrawals – apologizes for saying “huge numbers of Arabs” came to vote

Netanyahu is talking about giving up part of Israel to the terrorists and admitting to giving them billions of shekels. This is a victory for terrorism. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday once again apologized for remarks he made on election day with regards to Israeli Arabs and which had angered the Obama administration. Netanyahu had warned on election day […]

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Sick and Evil: Self hating Jews to launch ad campaign in Arabic – “Don’t stab us, we don’t go to the Temple Mount” like those other Jews

Judenrat cowards who are saying “don’t stab me… I’m not like those other Jews! Stab them instead!” Do they really think Arabs won’t stab them? They, obviously, do not understand Islam. What do you think King David would do to these traitors? There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war […]

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California campus stabber was carrying Islamic State flag and manifesto

The California college student who stabbed four people last week was carrying an image of the black flag of ISIS according to a report Tuesday, as well as a handwritten manifesto with instructions to behead a student and multiple reminders to pray to Allah, yet authorities continued to insist Faisal Mohammad’s motives had nothing to do with radical Islam. The […]

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Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West

As Europe confronts the social and financial realities of its largesse in opening its doors to millions of Muslim immigrants, it is time the tale of two countries is told. The tale is an important one as the two countries involved have taken completely different approaches to Muslim immigration and the preservation of their own culture. As such, both provide […]

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Obama Vows To Take Executive Amnesty Fight To Supreme Court

The “Justice” Department plans to take President Obama’s executive amnesty fight to the Supreme Court, after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of an injunction blocking implementation of the legislation until the courts can rule on its legality. “The Department disagrees with the Fifth Circuit’s adverse ruling and intends to seek further review from the Supreme Court […]

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Alternate Universe: Jews Not Invited to Swedish Holocaust Commemoration

Because anti-Semites show up instead. Imagine the public outrage that would ensue if members of the black community were not invited to an event commemorating victims of slavery in America. Now imagine if the “reason” given by event organizers for said exclusion is because members of the KKK will be attending the occasion instead. The following incident is worse. Organizers of an event in Sweden […]

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When Students Cheer Jihad

Tracking the pro-terror campaign on American campuses. Calling things by their right names is a prerequisite for seeing them as they really are. Last spring I spoke at more than half a dozen universities, including Ohio State and Stony Brook, where I was confronted by mobs of students cheering Hamas, a terrorist organization whose declared goal is the extermination of […]

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Obama Unleashes His Pro-Criminal Agenda

The president is freeing prisoners prematurely by the thousands — and giving them special privileges. President Obama is attempting to fundamentally redefine and mainstream criminal behavior by fast-tracking criminals’ federal employment applications, weakening criminal law penalties, and trafficking in get-out-of-jail-free cards for tens of thousands of imprisoned federal drug offenders. Releasing prisoners because it’s not fair to keep them locked […]

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UNC Professor Crushes “Political Correctness” Wave Sweeping America

In a time where college students are offended by pretty much everything, The Federalist Papers reports that one professor at UNC-Wilmington decided to cut through the rhetoric and let his students know that they aren’t the special snowflakes liberals and their parents would have them believe. His epic class introduction has gone viral, and for good reason: this is the […]

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Wake Up World: Video Shows Arab Muslim Woman Stabbing Israeli Guard

One of the most tiresome arguments made by anti-Israel critics is how, supposedly, the “vast majority” of [so-called] “Palestinians” are peaceful. Moral relativists make it seem as though a miniscule number of bearded men strapped with C4 or brandishing knives are the only ones carrying out terrorist attacks, which are of course just a response to Israeli “occupation.” Apologists refuse to acknowledge that, sadly, [Arab Muslim] women […]

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Obama: We can’t create a “Palestine” state, it’s hopeless; Bibi: we are still determined to create a “Palestine” state!

Last week, even the Muslim anti-Semite Barack Hussein Obama said that a “Palestine” state cannot be created during his Presidency. Obama said that the situation was hopeless. Meanwhile Obama administration officials told the American news media that the “two state solution is dead”. This could have been good news for Israel because creating a “Palestine” state would be national suicide […]

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Iran: ‘Death to America’ Is Still Our Slogan

The Islamic Republic declares it will never abandon its core mission while Obama gives them nukes. If you are an Iranian politician, you are living in a golden time: the economic sanctions are getting lifted against the Islamic Republic due to the nuclear deal and, thanks to the Obama administration, Tehran is getting a free pass on military interventions in the region. Apparently, Iranian […]

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Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer

The dirty deals that put illegal arms shipments into the hands of Libyan jihadists – while trying to remove American’s rights to own guns. In a scathing column Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano makes the convincing case that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to Libya in a direction violation of the U.N. arms embargo, and then lied about it under oath during her testimony before […]

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Al Qaeda Terror Boss Discovered On Migrant Boat, Authorities ‘Tried To Hide News’

A convicted terrorist has been caught trying to smuggle himself into Europe by posing as an asylum seeker, in a stark event proving correct those who warned of terrorists taking advantage of the European Union’s lax border controls. Ben Nasr Mehdi, a Tunisian who was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror […]

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DHS agency spent more than a billion dollars of taxpayer money to digitize — one document

A Department of Homeland Security agency spent more than $1 billion in taxpayer money to digitize immigration paperwork — and after a decade of work, only has managed to put one document online. The Washington Post reported Monday that officials at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services still are only able to offer a single form — out of nearly […]

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America’s 20 ‘Worst’ Small Cities Have One Curious Thing in Common

The 20 “worst” cities in terms of quality of life, affordability, economic health and education all share one thing in common — they are all in ultra-liberal California. Wallet Hub, a website designed to help individuals and small businesses make informed financial decisions, released its annual listing of the year’s “Best and Worst Small Cities in America.” The company’s analysts looked […]

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Third terrorist attack in six hours: Stabbing in Samaria, one injured

48 year-old man wounded moderately in stabbing near Alfei Menashe. Terrorist still at large. A 48 year-old Emmanuel resident is suffering from moderate to severe wounds in a stabbing attack near the Samaria community of Alfei Menashe on Sunday. The man was stabbed in his car, according to initial reports, as he was driving past the Eliyahu interchange, along Route 55. The interchange is […]

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Four Israeli Jews wounded in yet another vehicular terrorist attack by Arabs in West Bank

Two of the pedestrians were seriously wounded; The terrorist was reportedly killed. Four Israelis were wounded Sunday in a terror attack at Tapuah Junction in the West Bank after a vehicle tried to run over a group of [innocent Jewish] pedestrians, Magen David Adom reported. Two of the pedestrians, men in their 20s, were seriously wounded. A woman in her […]

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PLO slams presidential hopeful Ted Cruz for calling it terrorist group

Cruz: Not surprising PLO is upset by the truth. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The Palestine Liberation Organization on Thursday criticized Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz over a Senate hearing he oversaw on Palestinian and […]

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Now We Have Russians Programming for the Pentagon. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The success of candidates with no political experience in the Republican presidential campaign baffles the political establishment. Most of America is not even surprised. The reason people look to a total outsider for president can best be understood by looking at the recent disclosure by the Pentagon that the private company contracted to provide software for sensitive military communication systems […]

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$22,000 Funneled Through Ohio to Support Islamic Terrorism

In support of a senior-level al-Qaeda operative. Four Muslim men have been indicted for funneling money through Ohio to support Islamic terrorism. Yahya Farooq Mohammed, Asif Salim, Sultane Salim, and Ibrahim Mohammad are the alleged terrorist supporters according to a 72-page indictment showing their ties to Ohio and the $22,000 they raised to support al-Qaeda’s now deceased senior recruiter Anwar Al-Awlaki, killed […]

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Two Israeli Jews wounded, one seriously, by Arab Muslim shooting at Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron

One of the victims, 16, was seriously wounded after being shot in the upper body area. Two Israeli [Jews] have been shot and injured in [an Arab Muslim] shooting attack at the Cave of the Patriarchs site in Hebron on Friday evening. Both civilians were evacuated by paramedics to hospital. Magen David Adom paramedics said they evacuated one seriously injured […]

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Tourists HACKED WITH KNIVES in gory attack at popular holiday destination in Muslim Morocco

European tourists have been horrifically attacked in broad daylight on a holiday in Morocco by men wielding knives when a sight-seeing tour turned to terror. The unsuspecting tourists were attacked on the street in the city of Fez – a popular destination for British holidaymakers and often referred to as the country’s cultural capital. Graphic footage of the unprovoked attack’s […]

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Leftist Media Bias: NBC Raises Cash for Hillary Clinton

A week after Ted Cruz slammed the network for bias at the RNC. A week after Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus announced that NBC would no longer serve as a venue for future GOP debates, one network executive is raising cash for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The Republicans ditched NBC as a broadcast partner citing biased and slanted questions posed to candidates during the […]

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94,513,000 Americans Not in the Labor Force; Participation Rate Again Matches 38 Year Low

The number of Americans not participating in the work force exceeded 94 million for the third time in a row last month, according to new government data released Friday. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 94,513,000 people (ages 16 and over) were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks during the […]

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Obama Releases 6,000 Drug Convicts, But Jails Man For Catching Too Many Fish

Because that makes a lot of sense. Judicial Watch added a new entry to its Corruption Chronicles this week as thousands of drug convicts [some with illegal weapons] have been poured back into American streets in the name of President Obama’s grand vision of criminal justice reform. It’s an attempt to reduce sentencing for non-violent drug offenders and ensure that […]

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